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kokeshi and Yakushi こけしと薬師如来
. Kokeshi こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden dolls .
- Introduction -
Yakushi Kokeshi Doo 薬師こけし堂 Yakushi Kokeshi-Do
Tsuchiyu onsen hot spring in Fukushima
Yakushi as the Buddha of Medicine has a long relationship with hot springs.
In Tohoku he is 薬師瑠璃子如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai and also related to the making of kokeshi wooden dolls.
The beginning dates back to the son of Emperor Montoku (827 - 858),
called 惟喬親王 Koretaka Shinno (844 - 897).

The first Yakushi Hall had been built in 湯元下ノ町, but was swept away in 1913 during a flooding. The statue of Yakushi Nyorai had survived at the temple 興徳寺 Kotoku-Ji.
Later in 1974 the Yakushi Kokeshi Do hall was constructed.
Every year on the 8th day of April
there is the main festival of this Kokeshi Hall, where water from the Hot Spring is offered.
Every year on the third Sunday in April
there is a special memorial service for kokeshi dolls こけし供養祭 (kokeshi kuyo) and also for used writing brushes 筆供養.

- source : kitemite.me/tsuchiyu
kokeshi kuyoo こけし供養 memorial service for used kokeshi
Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Matsuri 土湯こけし祭り
This is a service for old dolls, including kokeshi, to say "Thank you for your long service!"

First the Kokeshi are consecrated in front of the temple hall.
They are burned in a huge fire while the priest chants sutras.

- source : and more photos 福島県福島市 土湯温泉
. . . CLICK here for Photos for Kokeshi Kuyo !
- quote -
Bustle of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
Kokeshi-Do Shrine
Kokeshi-Do Shrine is further up the stone steps from Taishi-Do Shrine. Tsuchiyu is one of three major production sites of Kokeshi-Dolls in Japan. This shrine is dedicated to Koretaka Shinno who is said to be the father of woodcraft, Yakushi Nyorai, a Buddhist deity who is able to cure all illnesses, and Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Dolls.
Taishi-Do Shrine
Taishi-Do Shrine, which is dedicated to Prince Shotoku, stands on a hill looking down the tourist section of Tsuchiyu-Onsen. Follow the gentle sloping stone steps and feel your spirit soothed in a unique Japanese environment with venerable buildings, moss-covered stone pavements, and stone lanterns surrounded by trees.
Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
In the age of Bunka-Bunsei in Edo era, Tsuchiyu was known as a place for Haikai (amusing and playful Japanese poems) and produced many haiku poets. The group of haiku poets was called "Tsuchiyu-ren" and they composed many poems.
"Eight Views of Hot Spring" is a collection of poems composed by "Hatomaro", a member of the "Tsuchiyu-ren" group. Visit and enjoy the unchanged beauty of Tsuchiyu-Onsen that has appeared in the "Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring" poems.
- source : www.tcy.jp/english

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. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/04/2015 01:00:00 pm
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