11 May 2015

MINGEI - Kumamoto



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Higo temari 肥後てまり 
Temari is a traditional Japanese thread ball that was used as a toy ball for children. While playing with the ball, children used to sing a temari song. The most loved of these temari songs was "Antagata dokosa" which came from Higo Temari, traditionally from Kumamoto Prefecture.

Higo Temari, whose beauty is characterized by bright colors and biometric patterns, was first made by the court ladies working in their clan's palace in Edo, Tokyo, as a pastime. This skill was eventually passed down to their local regions.

Higo Temari, which was traditionally made by local women in Higo region, began disappearing as rubber balls took over the market in the middle of Meiji period. In 1968, Higo Temari Club was founded and began formally preserving the temari making method.
The core of a temari ball is formed with dried sponge cucumber which was cut at an angle. Thin yarn is wrapped over the core, and then thread is randomly wrapped around the outside of the ball which produces a cushioned surface and helps create a perfect spherical shape.
French Embroidery threads are applied to decorate the surface which creates superb color schemes and a rich variety in designs.
The Higo Temari song mentions a place called "senba", which is on the bank of Tsuboi River that was once abundant with small shrimps. Mt. Senba nearby was once inhabited by raccoon dogs and the surrounding area was said to be a dense grove and bamboo thicket.

14-11-201 Minamisendanbata Town, Kumamoto,
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -

煮てさ 焼いてさ 

Where are you from?
From Higo
Where in Higo?
From Kumamoto
Where in Kumamoto?
From Senba
In the mountains of Senba
There is a raccoon
It was shot with a gun by a hunter
Who cooked it
Then roasted it
And ate it,
With leaves from a tree
He covered it.

source : www.mamalisa.com

. temari 手まり、手毬 thread ball .


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