7 May 2015

SHRINE - Daiitoku Jinja Akita

. Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社 .

大威徳神社 Daiitoku Jinja 大威徳山神社 Daiitokusan Jinja
Akita 秋田県 Kakunodate 仙北市 角館町

This shrine is located on the mountain range Daiitokusan 大威徳山 between 白岩村 Shiraiwamura and Kakunodate. The highest mountain is about 178 m.
The shrine dates back to the Muromachi period.
The main statue is 大威徳夜叉明王 Daiitoku Yasha Myo-O. Before the Meiji period, there was no strict distinction between shrines and temples.

Once upon a time
there were a lot of salmon in the river 玉川 Tamagawa and many fisherman tried their luck on a riverbank just below the shrine, dedicated to the 大威徳明王に Daiitoku Myo-O Deity. Almost every day there was a young monk of high stature in red robes, coming to observe the fishermen. He never accepted any fish offerings and just smiled. They begun to make fun of him, and then one day they bound a flask of sake and some fish on his back with a rope of acebia vine and sent him off home.
From that day on, the salmon did not come up to this river any more.
The child in red robes was an incarnation of the deity Daiitoku Myo-O.
- - - - - Another version of this legend knows this:
The fishermen wanted to grill some salmon for their lunch and went around to gather some branches for a fire. At that moment the young monk in red robes took away their sake flast and salmon, bound it on his back with acebia vine and run away.

People come to this shrine when they have a stomach ace and pray for healing. They are then not allowed to eat salmon and acebia vine.

- source and photos : www.kensoudan.com/

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


There are two statues in the gate, like in the Nio-Mon.
阿形 - 吽形 - 阿魂 吽魂

source : /froggain.at.webry.info

One carries an ax, the other a short sword.


. Daiitoku Myo-O 大威徳明王 Wisdom King of Great Awe .
(Skt. Yamantaka)

. akebi あけび【通草/木通】acebia, akebia. .
Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Decne


- Reference : 大威徳神社 秋田県

. Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社 .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #shrinesdaiitoku #daiitoku -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 5/05/2015 03:34:00 p.m.

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