. Food vendors in Edo .
Edo no takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo
Bambussprossen. Bambussprössling

. take no ko, takenoko 筍 bamboo shoots .
笋(たけのこ), takanna たかんな, たかうな、たけのこ、 竹の子
hachiku no ko 淡竹の子(はちくのこ)bamboo sprouts
madake no ko 苦竹の子(まだけのこ)- 真竹
moosoochiku no ko 孟宗竹の子(もうそうちくのこ)
. takenoko meshi 筍飯(たけのこめし) rice with bamboo sprouts .
..... nokomeshi のこめし, tako una たこうな, takanna たかんな
takenoko gohan sold in Meguro 目黒
The Edoites liked "first things", hatsumono 初物, and one of them were the first bamboo shoots of the season.
haru no takenoko 春の筍 - bamboo shoots in spring
..... haru take no ko 春筍 / ..... shunjun 春筍
There were even some kind of hot houses around Edo where vegetables could be grown earlier than the normal season outside and sold at a good price.
takenoko isha 筍医者 a kind of yabuisha 藪医者 quack doctor
or even worse than a yabu-isha.
. isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctors in Edo .
Sugita Genpaku 杉田玄白 (1733―1817) was called takenoko isha.
. take no ko shinji 筍神事 bamboo shoots ritual .
at Shrine Asusuki Jinja 阿須々伎神社
myooga matsuri 茗荷祭 Japanese ginger festival in February
雪中筍掘り Digging for bamboo shoots in the snow
a sobachoko そば猪口 pot for dipping soba buckwheat noodles

source : 越前屋平太
netsuke with bamboo shoot and snail 筍根付

CLICK for more photos !
tea cup with bamboo design
名乾山写 飴釉七夕文茶碗作 者寺尾陶象

source : www.gmo-toku.jp
たけのこまつり Takenoko Bamboo shoots festival
in Uchikawa 内川, Ishikawa prefecture

A samurai from the Kaga han domaine called 岡本右太夫 Okamoto Migidayu (? - 1817) had first eaten bamboo shoot dishes in Edo and liked it very much. When he came back to Kanazawa he brought some bamboo plants of mosochiku 孟宗竹 with him. He re-planted them many times to find a type that suited the soil of Kanazawa and now they are a speciality of our town, Uchikawa.
別所町在住の向田吉右衛門がこの地に栽培した . . .
- source : uchikawa-k1.bz-office.net -

. 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai .
竹林での筍(たけのこ)掘り digging for bamboo shoots in a bamboo grove
歌川豊国 Utagawa Toyokuni
- - - - - Edo specialities with bamboo shoots

junkan, shunkan 筍羹 / 笋羹 / 筍干 boiled bamboo shoots and
assorted simmered dishes, including vegetables rolled in a sheet of deep-fried tofu.
A favorite since the Muromachi period.
In Kagoshima bamboo shoots are boiled with salted meat of pigs (or wild boars) and other vegetables.
junkan / shunkan was first introduced as par of the
. fucha ryori 普茶料理 Chinese-style Buddhist vegetarian cuisine .
takenokawa makisushi 竹の皮巻すし Sushi rolled in bamboo leaves
- - - - - take no kawa 竹の皮 dried bamboo leaves were often used as wrappers.
takenoko aemono 竹の子 和え物 bamboo shoots with special dressing
takenoko dengaku 竹の子田楽 Dengaku with bamboo shoots
takenoko meshi 筍めし bamboo shoots boiled with rice
takenoko nikomi tamago 笋煎入卵 bamboo shoots boiled with eggs
takenoko sashimi 竹の子刺身 Sashimi with bamboo
takenoko shirumono 竹の子汁物 bamboo shoots in soup
takenoko sushi 筍すし Sushi made with bamboo pieces
- - - - - made from hachiku 淡竹 Hachiku bamboo.
takenoko teriyaki 照焼き broiled after being soaked in sweetened soy sauce
. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .
Bamboo is not mentioned among them.
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
takenoko no chiyo mo pokkiri ore ni keri
the thousand year
bamboo shoot...
snap! broken
Kobayashi Issa
Robin D. Gill points out that pokkiri in the Edo era connoted "the sound made when a hard thing breaks." Shinji Ogawa explains:
"If there were no people, the bamboo shoot would grow to adulthood and enjoy the thousand years of its life. But someone has snapped the bamboo shoot for dinner."
Tr. David Lanoue
. WKD : take no ko, takenoko <> bamboo shoots 筍 .
- - kigo for summer - -

by Ueda Mucho 上田無腸 (1734 - 1809)
無腸上田秋成 Mucho Ueda Akinari、筍圖併俳句讃 -
- source : oukodou/gallery -
. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 (1734 - 1809) .
He is famous for his eerie ghost stories and strange fiction in Japan.

- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Vegetables of Edo .
. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .
. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/24/2015 10:05:00 a.m.
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