Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県
kidachi 木太刀 large wooden sword
at Noma Daiboo 野間大坊 Temple of the Shingon sect
In memory of Yoshitomo.

It is said that Minamoto no Yoshitomo was killed unarmed while taking a bath at a hot spring. His grave in Aichi Prefecture is surrounded on all sides by wooden swords (bokuto), as by legend his last words were "If only I had even a bokuto (bokutō 木刀) ...".
源義朝の最期 : 「我れに木太刀の一本なりともあれば」
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Noma Daibo (Omido temple)
Noma Daibo, or formally named Omidoji Temple, is a temple belonging to the Shingon sect of Buddhism. Its history dates back to the era ruled by Emperor Tenmu in the middle of the 7th century.
Noma Daibo
is famous as the place where Minamoto no Yoshitomo, the father of Yoritomo and Yoshitsune, was killed unarmed when he was taking a bath. In 1159, Yoshitomo was defeated by the Taira clan in the Heiji Rebellion and escaped from Kyoto, heading for the east via Mino province and Chita Peninsula. In the village of Noma, Yoshitomo stayed at the residence of Osada Tadamune, Yoshitomo's retainer Kamata Masakiyo's father-in-law, who betrayed Yoshitomo for the reward from the Taira clan and killed him in the bathroom.
In the precinct
is Yoshitomo's grave, which is surrounded by wooden swaords, as it is said that Yoshitomo's last words were "If only I had a wooden sword, I wouldn't have been killed."
It is also believed that one who dedicates a wooden sword here will have his prayer answered.
The Blood Pond,
where the betrayers washed Yoshitomo's head, and the ruins of the bathroom also remain in the precinct.
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. Kira no aka uma 吉良の赤馬 red horse from Kira .
Nishio 西尾
and the story of Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介 and the 47 Ronin (Chushingura)
kidachi 木太刀 large wooden sword
at Noma Daiboo 野間大坊 Temple of the Shingon sect
In memory of Yoshitomo.

It is said that Minamoto no Yoshitomo was killed unarmed while taking a bath at a hot spring. His grave in Aichi Prefecture is surrounded on all sides by wooden swords (bokuto), as by legend his last words were "If only I had even a bokuto (bokutō 木刀) ...".
源義朝の最期 : 「我れに木太刀の一本なりともあれば」
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Noma Daibo (Omido temple)
Noma Daibo, or formally named Omidoji Temple, is a temple belonging to the Shingon sect of Buddhism. Its history dates back to the era ruled by Emperor Tenmu in the middle of the 7th century.
Noma Daibo
is famous as the place where Minamoto no Yoshitomo, the father of Yoritomo and Yoshitsune, was killed unarmed when he was taking a bath. In 1159, Yoshitomo was defeated by the Taira clan in the Heiji Rebellion and escaped from Kyoto, heading for the east via Mino province and Chita Peninsula. In the village of Noma, Yoshitomo stayed at the residence of Osada Tadamune, Yoshitomo's retainer Kamata Masakiyo's father-in-law, who betrayed Yoshitomo for the reward from the Taira clan and killed him in the bathroom.
In the precinct
is Yoshitomo's grave, which is surrounded by wooden swaords, as it is said that Yoshitomo's last words were "If only I had a wooden sword, I wouldn't have been killed."
It is also believed that one who dedicates a wooden sword here will have his prayer answered.
The Blood Pond,
where the betrayers washed Yoshitomo's head, and the ruins of the bathroom also remain in the precinct.
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. Kira no aka uma 吉良の赤馬 red horse from Kira .
Nishio 西尾
and the story of Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介 and the 47 Ronin (Chushingura)
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