29 Aug 2015

LEGENDS - shiro castle legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

Shiro - Japanese Castle Legends お城と伝説 

Many castles come with a legend at their beginning.
They are fortresses constructed primarily of wood and stone.

Fukuyama Castle

. The Japanese Castle (shiro, -jō 城) .
- Introduction -

- under construction -

The basic information about every castle is now in the wikipedia.

Japanese castles (城 shiro)
- source : wikipedia -


.................................................................. old castle 古城 ............................

07 to explore

.................................................................. castle ruins 城跡 ............................

23 to explore

.................................................................. castle where xxx resided 居城 ............................

05 to explore

tenshukaku 天守閣 main castle tower
06 to explore

- - - - - ABC List of castle names :

.................................................................. Edo Castle 江戸城 ............................

 Edo Castle 江戸城 Das Schloss von Edo

.................................................................. Hikaku no shiro 飛鶴の城 ............................
Miyagi 志田郡 Shida district

Castle of the flying crane
The hill where the castle is located is called 館山 Tateyama. It had been built by a Lord named 渋谷 Shibuya. Then came 伊達正宗 Date Masamune and raided the castle, with nothing to remain. On the night when the castle fell in the hands of Masamune, there was the sound of many birds wings heared before the castle vanished.
This all happened because someone had betrayed the castle owner. It had been built on a hill in the form of a crane 鶴. So Masamune's soldiers changed the form of the hill and the castle was lost.

The castle of Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松城is called
鶴ヶ城 Tsurugajo, Tsuruga Castle, Castle of the Crane.
The castle looks like an elegantly flying crane.

.................................................................. Himeji Castle 姫路城 ............................

source : himejijo-jpn.info
Shrine for Osakabe no Kami

A female deity called Osakabe no kami おさかべの神 is venerated in the top of the tenshukaku 天守閣 main castle tower.

Other sources quote Osakabe no Miko as a Yokai 妖怪 monster.
長壁姫、小刑部姫、刑部姫、小坂部姫 Osakabe hime, Osakabe-hime - Princess Osakabe
She comes out once a year and tells the fortune of the Castle owner.
The castle was built on a mountain called 姫山 Himeyama where the deity Osakabe 刑部(おさかべ)大神
刑部明神 Osakabe Myojin was venerated.
This deity and its shrine were re-located at the time Toyotomi Hideyoshi had the castle built anew.

- source : wikipedia -

.................................................................. Kumamoto Castle 熊本城 ............................

The soul of its founder, Kato Kiyomasa, is still alive in the castle. He protects the outer corridor from enemies, who try to enter the castle.

. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 (1562 - 1611) .

juukurei, juu kure i 銃くれ井 "well to give back the gun"

Once an armed soldier placed his gun at the side of the well and left. While he was gone, an officer came and took the gun away. Since his gun was lost, he jumped into the well to commit suicide. From that day on, when it rained, there was a voice heared from the depth of the well, calling "Give me back my gun!". 「銃を返してくれ」

source : evening-eye.net

.................................................................. Maizuru no shiro 舞鶴の城 ............................
Fukuoka - 三池町 Miikemachi

Castle of the dancing crane
During the time of rivalry between the warlords 群雄割拠 this castle had a special power.
When looking down from the castle the formation and numbers of the enemy could be clearly seen. When the enemy approached, it looked rather low but when the enemy retreated it retained its former hight. When the enemy had reached the sixth juncture uphill to the castle, the castle began to look higher and higher and they could not advance.
But then the enemy built a well on the spot that was about the backbone of the crane and so the castle lost its magical power.

.................................................................. Matsumoto Castle 松本城 ............................

The Jōkyō Uprising of local farmers. Jookyoo soodoo 貞享騒動 1686
When Tada Kasuke and his followers (gimin 義民) were executed they cursed the castle. Due to their deep grudge, the castle began to slant to one side.

Tada Kasuke (多田加助)
(? - January 1,1687, or in the third year of the Jōkyō era)

was a Japanese farmer who led a failed appeal for lowered taxes in Azumidaira,
..... He was caught and executed along with twenty-seven farmers without trial. The rebellion has been called the Jōkyō Uprising, Jokyo Sodo, or the Kasuke Uprising 加助騒動.
- Read the details here:
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kappa 河童

Below the tower keep of Matsumoto castle there was a famous cherry tree called 八幡太郎駒繋ぎ桜, Hachimantaro koma tsunagi, where "Hachiman Taro bound his horse", - its stump is still there and now a new tree is blossoming.

This is one of the many trees related to Kappa legends and festivals about koma tsunagi no ki 駒繋ぎの木 "a tree to bind the horse".

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Kappa Legends - Introduction .

. Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro 源八幡太郎義家 . (1039 - 1106)

.................................................................. Matsuyama Castle 松山城 ............................

8 to expore

.................................................................. Nagoya Castle 名古屋城 ............................

Ise no Shiro 伊勢の四郎
Once Ise no Shiro 伊勢の四郎 captured some robbers in a deep mountain forest, but he saved the daughter of one in exchange for a pair of golden shachihoko 鯱.

They are still to be seen on the roof of Nagoya castle.
They were crafted not only to show off the power of Tokugawa Ieyasu, but also took a role of war funds in an emergency.
... However in 1726, 1827, and 1846, when the domain of Owari experiencing financial difficulties, the Owari government removed the shachihoko scales and recasted them.
In addition, the government covered the shachihokos with wire netting
in order to protect them from big water birds named 'kou' in Japanese (these wire nets made for a funny story later).
A legend said that the 'kou' brings a dead twig aflame. The 'kou' once made a nest and put the fin to good use.

- More photos and stories :
- source : kikuko-nagoya.com -

kabashira 蚊柱 pillar of swarming mosquitos

Once at the moat near 名古屋城南門 the South Gate of the castle there was a pillar almost like smoke, of an amazing hight and length. It was made of millions of mosquitos.
People later learned that the lord of the castle had died that night.

Kiyomasa no makuraishi (chinseki) 清正の枕石 pillow stone of Kato Kiyomasa

At the South-Western end of 篠島 Shinojima in Aichi there is a huge rock formation that would make many "pillow stones" for a castle wall. 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa, who was a famous castle builder, wanted to move them to Nagoya and had many workers undertake the job. But it was just not possible to move the rock and Kiyomasa had to give up and leave them behind.

- Ise island, Shinojima -

Although Shinojima is a small island, it has a history rich with stories.
- source : green shinto -

.................................................................. Osaka Castle 大阪城 ............................

19 to explore

.................................................................. Sendai Castle 仙台城 ............................

. Saint Mongaku 文覚上人 and the 太郎坊 Taro-Bo / 次郎坊 Jiro-Bo cedar trees .

kame no miya 甕の宮 / 御瓶明神


Oogizaka 扇坂 Ogisaka slope

. 足長小僧 Ashinaga Kozo- Yokai .

roosugi 姥杉 the old cedar tree


sara yashiki 皿屋敷


yamaga myoojin 山家明神 -


.................................................................. Yamashiro 山城 "Mountain Castle ............................

84 to explore


looking up
at the castle tower -
I am the ANT

. Gabi Greve at Fukuyama Castle .


日本伝説拾遺会 - 日本の伝説17 名城物語

- Reference in English -

yokai database 妖怪データベース - 800 (002)
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #castlelegends #castle #japanesecastles -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 8/28/2015 09:58:00 a.m.

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