kirara suzu きらら鈴 Kirara bells
Nishio 西尾 (Mikawa)

made by 松田さん Matsuda san and others.
. Mikawa ningyoo三河人形 dolls from Mikawa
clay and papermachee
In the mountains of Mikawa a lot of unmo (kirara) 雲母 mica was found since the times of Kira Kozukenosuke and earlier.
Yatsuomoteyama 八ツ面山 was especially famous for it, and mica from this mountain was even delivered to the Imperial Court in Kyoto.
But during the work in the mountains there were also many human deaths by accidents, and thus it was stopped eventually.
To appease the souls of the dead workers, 加藤熊蔵 Kato Kumazo was the first to make this shimmering kirara bells. They were hung on the trees of the path where the funeral procession was walking.

tenteko suzu てんてこ鈴 Tenteko clay bell (in form of a male symbol)
for the Tenteko festival てんてこ祭り.
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An annual Tenteko festival held on January 3rd to pray for an abundant crop yield. The festival is said to have started in the Heian Period. Yaku-otoko (men of an unlucky age) wear a red costume and hang a daikon radish from their waist as a symbol of masculinity. They then march through the town and shaking their hips, accompanied by the sound of drums.
Nishio Gion Festival
Mikawa Isshiki Lantern Festival
Isshiki Festival Museum
Toba Fire Festival
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tenteko sasa てんてこ笹 Tenteko bamboo grass

In 魚島村 Uoshima village the テンテコ踊り Tenteko dance is held at O-Bon, the Ancestor festival. People take home on branch of the bamboo grass and hang it at the entrance of their home to ward off evil in the coming year. Nexty year they float this tenteko sasa branch in the sea and get a new one.
Mikawa no gingitsune 三河の銀狐 the silver fox from Mikawa

Its arms are quite thin and easy to break off, so they are difficult to fire.
They show a mother and fox baby and are often a present for a pregnant woman.
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kirara suzu きらら鈴 Kirara bells
Nishio 西尾 (Mikawa)

made by 松田さん Matsuda san and others.
. Mikawa ningyoo三河人形 dolls from Mikawa
clay and papermachee
In the mountains of Mikawa a lot of unmo (kirara) 雲母 mica was found since the times of Kira Kozukenosuke and earlier.
Yatsuomoteyama 八ツ面山 was especially famous for it, and mica from this mountain was even delivered to the Imperial Court in Kyoto.
But during the work in the mountains there were also many human deaths by accidents, and thus it was stopped eventually.
To appease the souls of the dead workers, 加藤熊蔵 Kato Kumazo was the first to make this shimmering kirara bells. They were hung on the trees of the path where the funeral procession was walking.

tenteko suzu てんてこ鈴 Tenteko clay bell (in form of a male symbol)
for the Tenteko festival てんてこ祭り.
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An annual Tenteko festival held on January 3rd to pray for an abundant crop yield. The festival is said to have started in the Heian Period. Yaku-otoko (men of an unlucky age) wear a red costume and hang a daikon radish from their waist as a symbol of masculinity. They then march through the town and shaking their hips, accompanied by the sound of drums.
Nishio Gion Festival
Mikawa Isshiki Lantern Festival
Isshiki Festival Museum
Toba Fire Festival
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tenteko sasa てんてこ笹 Tenteko bamboo grass

In 魚島村 Uoshima village the テンテコ踊り Tenteko dance is held at O-Bon, the Ancestor festival. People take home on branch of the bamboo grass and hang it at the entrance of their home to ward off evil in the coming year. Nexty year they float this tenteko sasa branch in the sea and get a new one.
Mikawa no gingitsune 三河の銀狐 the silver fox from Mikawa
Its arms are quite thin and easy to break off, so they are difficult to fire.
They show a mother and fox baby and are often a present for a pregnant woman.
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