29 Sept 2015

MINGEI - horse gangu



Aizu kiri koma, kirikoma 会津桐駒 / 桐馬 horse from paulownia wood

source : 花楽堂

Amulet for the "Year of the Horse". Made from scraps of paulownia wood, then laquered and painted. Each one is hand-made.

会津桐の粉蒔絵人形 桐駒さくら

Items made from paulownia wood are quite common in Aizu.


kiri koma, kirikoma 桐駒 / 桐馬 horses from paulownia wood

桐駒 from 岩手県 Iwate prefecture.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !



. . . . . Ibaraki

Mayumi koma 真弓駒, Mayumi uma 真弓馬 horse amulet from Mayumi
Hitachi Ota, 那珂郡 Naka district, Mayumi village, shrine Mayumi Jinja 真弓神社
This shrine belonged to
Muramatsuyama village, temple Kokuuzoo Doo 村松山虚空藏堂 Kokuzo-Do, founded by Kobo Daishi.

It has been made as an offering to the shrine from the wood of old cedar trees in the mountain forest around Mayumi village.
The wooden horse plates are colored in black, red and yellow and stand on a special tray.
The village was also famous for its horses. From a life horse to a wooden horse statue to ema votive tablets, this horse is honored at the shrine.


. makomo uma まこも馬 wild rice straw horse


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