13 Sept 2015

TEMPLE - Hokedake, Hokkedake Yakushi Temple


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Hokedake-Ji, Hokkedakeji 法華嶽寺 Hokedake Yakushi-Ji

宮崎県東諸県郡国富町大字深年4050 / Fukadoshi, Kunitomi, Higashimorokata District

The temple is also famous for its Japanese park 日本庭園.

法華嶽薬師寺1300年の歴史 - 1300 years of History
On the 8th day of the 8th lunar month in 718, Saint Gyoki came to the peak of "Mount Buddha" 釈迦岳 Shakaoka and placed a stone statue of Shaka Nyorai there. This is the beginning of the temple 金峯山・長喜院.
In the Heian period, priest Saicho after visiting China came here and carved the statue of Yakushi Nyorai. At this time the name was changed to 真金山・法華嶽寺 Hokedake-Ji.

The statue is of the three official important Yakushi temples (皇国 kookoku), the other two are
越後の米山薬師 - - Echigo
三河の宝来寺薬師 - - Mikawa

It is famous since olden times as the 日向の法華嶽薬師 Hokedake Yakushi from Hyuga who heals all people 病気平癒.
- source : hokedakeyakushizi

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki, Gyōgi

. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 .


The Connection with Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部の由来?

Once upon a time

Shikibu on her deathbed


Arazaramu Kono yo no hoka no Omoide ni
Ima hito tabi no Au koto mo gana.

My life is drawing to a close,
I cannot longer stay,
A pleasant memory of thee
I fain would take away;
So visit me, I pray.

Shikibu was the daughter of Masamine Ōye, and the wife of Michisada Tachibana, Governor of the Province of Izumi, hence her name; and also was the mother of the author of verse No. 60. She lived about the latter end of the tenth century, and was one of the lady poets who gave distinction to that period. The verse was addressed to her husband or lover just before her death, and in the illustration we see her on her deathbed, with two servants in the foreground.
- source : sacred-texts.com -


When 和泉式部 Izumi Shikibu was ill with leprosy (癩病 raibyoo) she visited all the three famous Yakushi temples to seek healing. She prayed for many days here but did not get better and finally decided to go back to Kyoto. At the river 愛染川 she saw an old lady trying in vain to cross the river, asking her to put her piggyback and carry her over.
Shikibu replied that she had no intention to carry a dirty old woman and did not help her. Then she crossed the river herself. Now she realized that her own body was ill and impure after all. Turning back, she did not see the old woman any more and she realized it was an incarnation of Yakushi Nyorai.
So she went back to the temple and on her way, at the Hill to Throw herself into the river 身投げ丘 she decided to kill herself by jumping off the cliff. There in the last minute Yakushi stopped her.
"Your illness is of the mind, not the body.
If you find your gentle mind back, you will certainly be healed!"

So she prayed at the temple with more sincerity, got healed and eventually went back to Kyoto.

The lute which she held very dear is now part of the temple treasures.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : hokedakeyakushizi

Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部, b. 976) was a mid Heian period Japanese poet.
see wikipedia


- Yearly Festivals -

The red Autumn colors are especially famous.


- Further Information -

. Quail on wheels amulet うずら車 - 鶉車 uzuraguruma .
a well-loved amulet from this temple.


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 9/12/2015 01:29:00 p.m.

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