20 Oct 2015

EDO MINGEI - tansu chest of drawers

. Artisans and craftsmen in Edo 江戸の職人 .

tansu 箪笥 / 簞笥 -- たんす chest of drawers, Kommode
Tansu Storage Chest, cabinet

Tansu: Traditional Japanese Cabinetry
Ty Heineken, Kiyoko Heineken - 2004
- to read online : books.google.co.jp -

The Japanese and English wikipedia features most of the items of this book.
- quote -
Tansu is the traditional mobile storage cabinetry indigenous to Japan. Tansu was first recorded in the Genroku era of the Edo Period (1688–1704). The two characters, TAN and SU, appear to have initially represented objects with separate functions: the storage of food and the carrying of firewood. Since the radical for bamboo appears in each of these characters, it may be conjectured that wood was not as yet used.

During the time period in which tansu gradually became a feature of Japanese culture and daily life, 1657–1923, both hard and softwoods were used by Tansuya (tansu craftsmen), often in practical combination for a single chest.
Woods commonly used in tansu included Keyaki (elm), Kuri (chestnut), Ezo matsu (pine), Sugi (cedar), Kiri (paulownia) and Hinoki (cypress).

Many collectors focus on finding genuine antique Tansu. There are few workshops producing Tansu in imitation of the classic antiques due to the high cost of materials and the very low prices of secondhand Tansu. Larger chests are sometimes reduced in size, particularly Futon chests, Step chests and other chests with deep drawers . Some reproduction Tansu have been reproduced in Korea using Keyaki veneer.

Thanks to the wikipedia - I will just add a list of special terms
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


CLICK for more photos !

だるま箪笥 /ダルマ戸棚 Daruma Tansu


- - - - - Types of tansu (...dansu in word combinations)
Choba-dansu, choo dansu 帳簞笥 for merchants registry
Ishoo-dansu 衣装簞笥 for Japanese robes
Karakuri-dansu からくり簞笥, karakuri Tansu, difficult to open, with a trick lock
Kusuri-dansu 薬簞笥 - 百味簞笥 apothecary chest, medicine chest
Katana-dansu 刀簞笥 for storing sword blades
Kaidan-dansu 階段箪笥 Kaidan tansu, step chest
Konrei-dansu 婚礼簞笥 wedding chest
Kuruma-dansu 車簞笥 chest with wheels
Nagamochi Kuruma-dansu - coffers on wheels
Ryobiraki Kasane-dansu - chest on chest tansu
Seiri-dansu 整理簞笥 to organize robes

- - - - - Meiji Period - Regional Diversification
Hikone Mizuya-dansu - Kitchen cabinet
Kuruma Choba-dansu
Kyoto Isho-dansu
Sado Shima-dansu 佐渡島 Tansu from Sado Island
Sakai Choba-dansu
Sendai Isho-dansu
Yonezawa Isho-dansu

Funa-dansu, Funadansu ship's chests
- - - Cho-bako- accounting and writing related materials
Dezura hikidashi
Kendon-buta 倹飩蓋 drop-fit door
- - - Hangai
- - - Kakesuzuri

- - - - - Types of hardware kanagu
Bo : Vertical locking bar
Choban : Hinge
Hikite : Drawer pull
Omotejo : A single-action lock
Urajo : A double-action lock
Zagane / Toshi-zagane


- quote -
Karakuri tansu (Karakuri Chest)
is a traditional Japanese craft which has been rediscovered in modern times. The chest of drawers (tansu in Japanese) might look like ordinary Japanese furniture. However, you will be astonished to see what it can do. Put something inside the drawer. Once you close the drawer, the item will disappear as if by magic. It has a trick drawer that turns 180 degrees around, too! The purpose of both tricks is security, to keep valuables safe. Nevertheless, you still feel the touch of Japanese beauty.

It took enormous amounts of time and effort to develop and manufacture these chests. Teruaki Nakashima, the inventor of karakuri tansu, liked playing with machines and thinking up new mechanical devices even as a child. It is said that he was influenced by Hisashige Tanaka, the founder of the Tanaka factory which later became Toshiba Corporation. Nakashima began studying karakuri and drawing his own sketches. By devoting his profound knowledge to karakuri, he invented many new tricks.
Karakuri tansu resulted from the fusion of Nakashima's profound knowledge of karakuri, the magnificent furniture production legacy of Fukuoka Prefecture, and the funa-dansu - a chest for keeping valuables on board ship, which was a crystallization of Edo-Period knowledge and craft.

Nakashima created the karakuri tansu based on an adaptation of the funa-tansu. Needless to say, it wasn't easy, because most of the precise and delicate operation had to be done by hand.

Security Chest!
Now we can experience traditional craftsmanship just as it used to be, with karakuri tansu. It uses a classic technique of timbering, tsutsumi-ari (a sturdy method that joins the side board of drawers to the front) and a stunning processing method (repeating polish, coating and drying) which takes advantage of the beautiful wooden texture. As for the exterior, it has metal fittings with exquisite decorations which contribute to a strong structure, and the smooth and elegant texture of zelkova trees can be seen on the surface. The interior uses paulownia wood, an excellent choice. Finally, it includes a high security system and playful touches, making it ideal for practical use. Since the chest is all handmade, it takes two months to complete construction.

A great fusion of culture, knowledge, and traditional techniques occurred to bring us the karakuri tansu we have today. Their tasteful style and elegance captivates people all over the world. From all over Asia to Germany, the Netherlands and Russia, karakuri tansu are highly regarded for security, and appreciated for their beauty. - source : karakuriya.com/english -


kaidan-dansu 階段箪笥 Kaidan tansu, step chest, step cabinet
staircase chest
hakokaidan 箱階段 "staircase made of boxes" / 階段タンス

They were practical in town houses as a staircase to the upper rooms, with the function to store things in the "step boxes". Since they are usually propped up against a wall, there a no double-sided Kaidan-dansu.
- reference -


Traditional Japanese Chests: A Definitive Guide
by Kazuko Koizumi and Gavin Frew


tansuya 箪笥屋 Tansu maker in Edo
sashimonoshi, sashimono shi 指物師

"Sashimono" is a term derived from the traditional practice of using a woodwork ruler (or a "monosashi" in Japanese) to carefully measure timber materials in order to create box-shaped items of furniture, such being equipped with precise-fitting lids and drawers.

. Edo Sashimono 江戸指物 Wood Joinery Furniture - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

In the early Edo period Tansu were also called
kosodebitsu 小袖櫃 (hitsu 櫃 is a wooden container)
or spelled with the Chinese characters for zushi 厨子. (Now the term zushi is used for Buddhist tabernacles.)
The early Tansu had only hikidashi 引き出し drawers and no hikido 引き戸 sliding doors.
Many townspeople in Edo did not have enough robes to fill a Tansu, just a few to wrap in a Furoshiki or a koori 行李 small woven luggage box.

The Tansu from Edo were quite simple and had to be cheap. They often burned in the many fires and had to be replaced often. Many Tansu were made of the light kiri 桐 paulownia wood.

To make a Tansu there was the craftsan for the wood work, but also one to make the metal fittings and another one to make the special nails to hold it all together.

kajiya 鍛冶屋 blacksmith
kugi kajiya 釘鍛冶屋 special blacksmith for nails

- - - - - In Edo, the Kajiya lived in
Kajichoo, Kajimachi 千代田区 鍛冶町 in Chiyoda
- - - - and in
Kajiyachoo, Kajiyamachi 神田 鍛冶町 in Kanda

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo .

. kajiya 鍛冶屋 blacksmith in all seasons .
takadono tatara 高殿鑪


- ABC - List of Tansu from the Prefectures

. . . . . . . . . . Iwate

Iwayadoo tansu 岩谷堂箪笥 Tansu from Iwayado

- quote -
he history of the famous IWAYADO furniture dates back to the age of the Fujiwara family, a family which had signified the cultural and political character of Japanese heritage in the 1100's. One of the rulers among the Fujiwara family, Kiyohira, encouraged his people to develop the industry of handicrafts. The main products at that time were trunks (Nagamochi, in Japanese), not quite the same as today's drawers or chests.

In the feudal age in Japan, Lord Muramasa Iwaki, the ruler of the Iwayado area decided to inspire the manufacturing industry for the advancing economic structure which had previously been dependend on rice-centered agriculture. He ordered a member of his staff, Mozaemon Mishina, to create a new style of drawers with casters and fine furnishing with lacquer painting and metal ornaments in the 1780's. Two craftsmen, Kihei and Daikichi mastered iron work in order to realize this goal. The most valuable contribution to the development of Iwayado furniture was the creation of elaborately engraved metal fittings by Tokubei in the 1820's. As these arts and skills became a good tradition among the craftsmen, Iwayado furniture production became more widespread.

Read the details of the homepage:
- source : iwayado-tansu.jp -


. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi

Sendai tansu 仙台箪笥 Tansu from Sendai

- quote -
Sendai tansu chests were devised for samurai about 400 years ago. They are made of firm zelkova wood with ornamental iron metals and finished with kijiro-nuri, a lacquer coating to enhance the grains of the wood.
- source : sentabi.jp/en -


. . . . . . . . . . Yamagata

Sakata funa-dansu, Sakata fune tansu 坂田船箪笥 / 舟箪笥 ship chest from Sakata

They are made of keyaki 欅 zelkova wood outside and kiri paolownia inside.
The doors are of the kendon type 倹飩蓋 (drop-fit door). The lock plates are made of iron.


Shoonaidansu, Shōnai tansu 庄内箪笥 chest from Shonai
The black laquer Tansu 黒漆 from the Shonai region are most famous.
Shonai kasane kiritansu
- (photo see below).

Mostly made from sugi 杉 cedar wood outside and kiri paulownia inside.
The metal parts are made from copper or iron.

Handles made in the warabite 蕨手 (warabi-te) style, named after the mountain fern warabi.


Yamagata sashimono 山形指物 cabinetry form Yamagata city

Modern chest of drawers from Yamagata


Yonezawa tansu 米沢箪笥 chest of drawers from Yonezawa

Yonezawa Isho-dansu
Tucked remotely into the snowy mountains of the Tohoku region, the castle town of Yonezawa developed a chest on chest style for clothing storage strongly influenced by the refined lacquer finishing techniques of the Mikune area of the Japan Sea coast.
The distinctive five petal cherry blossom with an arabesque of ivy engraved lock plate motif and the placement of the kobirakido (hinged door compartment) in the top chest rather than the lower, help to distinguish Yonezawa provenance.
- (wikipedia) -


Japanese Cabinetry: The Art & Craft of Tansu
David Jackson

. Reference .

- - - #tansu #chestofdrawers - - - - -

- - - - - Haiku and Senryu 俳句 川柳 - - - - -

chadansu 茶箪笥 chest for tea ceremony utensils

啓蟄の茶箪笥の戸の半開き 佐々木六戈 百韻反故
茶箪笥へ射す日が折れて春立ちぬ 菖蒲あや
茶箪笥や椿の枝の活けてある 長谷川櫂 Hasegawa Kai
蓮見茶屋箪笥の鐶に手紙さし 星野立子 Hoshino Tatsuko


funadansu 船箪笥 / 舟箪笥 ship's chest

あいの風酒田旧家に船箪笥 詫摩まつ子
お年玉船箪笥より取りいだす 林佑子
亀巣忌や潮錆び古ぶ船箪笥 神尾うしほ
春愁や船霊抜けし船箪笥 磯貝碧蹄館
貝寄風や祖父の匂ひの船箪笥 脇本千鶴子

しぐれ来て鉄の匂ひの舟箪笥 脇本千鶴子
水夫町や晩菊と照る舟箪笥 野沢節子
炉ふさぎの商家に残る舟箪笥 新家ひで子
繭玉の影ゆらゆらと舟箪笥 加藤三七子


furudansu 古箪笥 "old chest"

元日や啓吉も世に古箪笥 芥川龍之介
残暑めく夜の古箪笥きしみ入り 横光利一
青北風に据ゑてくらしの古箪笥 稲垣きくの


hinadansu 雛箪笥 chest to store the Hina dolls

二棹はほしき雛の箪笥かな 後藤比奈夫
小箪笥に雛ぽちとある叔母訪ヘり 久米正雄
裏店(うらだな)や箪笥の上の雛まつり 高井几菫
豆雛が箪笥の上に忘られて 臼田亞浪
雛壇の箪笥を開けて衣装なし 南上加代子
雛箪笥あくやふくらみでる縮緬 澁谷道

. hina matsuri 雛祭り Hina doll festival .
March 3 (the double three date)


ishoodansu, ishô-dansu  衣装簞笥 chest for Japanese robes

入れかへて箪笥ゆるやか夏衣 小原寿女
去年今年箪笥にあまる形見の衣 詫摩まつ子
涅槃衣も衣箪笥や虫払 喜谷六花
秋蛍母の箪笥よりわが産衣 奥磯照子


obidansu, obi tansu 帯箪笥 chest for Obi belts

帯箪笥はみ出て長き春の帯 長谷川かな女


katanadansu 刀箪笥 -- 刀簞笥 chest for sword blades

刀箪笥掛物箪笥五月闇 中戸川朝人

. katana 日本刀 the Japanese Sword .


kiridansu, kiri tansu 桐箪笥 chest from paulownia wood
They were especially light and watertight in the rainy season.
This one has many low chests for ladie's kimonos. They are part of a woman's dowry and are passed on in the family.
The town of Kamo in Niigata is a famous center for kiri tansu.

usumono ya tomo ni furubishi kiritansu

my thin robes -
the paulownia chest is getting old
with them

Mori Takeko 森たけ子

. usumono 羅 うすもの thin robes for summer .


heso no o wa haha no tansu ni kiri no hana

my umbilical cord
in the chest of my mother -
paulownia blossoms

Sakamoto Kyoko 坂本杏子

. kotobukibako へその緒寿箱 box for the umbilical cord .


桐箪笥奥にひらけし芒原 坂本宮尾
桐箪笥野晒しのごと家にあり 宇田蓋男

うすらひや桐の匂はぬ桐箪笥 神尾久美子
余花の雨琴糸収む桐箪笥 内山美智子
母の背の若く涼しき桐箪笥 猪俣千代子
玉虫もたたうも古りぬ桐箪笥 小林宏
青鬼灯母の詰まりし桐箪笥 清水山菜子

. kiri 桐 paolownia .
kigo for various seasons


kurodansu, kuro tansu 黒箪笥 black chest

母ならむ鶴引く頃の黒箪笥 栗林千津
雨はげし花冷えはげし黒箪笥 柴田白葉女

The black laquer Tansu from the Shōnai 庄内 Shonai region of Yamagata are most famous.
庄内箪笥 黒漆, see above.


wadansu 和箪笥 "Japanese chest of drawers"

和箪笥に傷を見つけし風邪寝かな 木村光代
和箪笥の何段目かな癌細胞 土田武人
和箪笥の軽き軋みや更衣 横田澄江


yakudansu, kusuridansu 薬箪笥 chest for Chinese medicine

古民家の薬箪笥や小鳥来る 渡辺光江
梅雨晴間薬草箪笥に残りし香 濱田未過去
百千鳥薬種箪笥に岩絵具 甲士三郎
薬箪笥の薬匂へり小六月 松本 旭
黐の花に薬箪笥をならべけり 長谷川かな女

. Kanpoyaku 漢方薬 Chinese Medicine .


久保田万太郎 Kubota Mantaro


しまい込む箪笥預金や梅の日々 高澤良一
竜淵に潜む箪笥のナフタリン 高澤良一

箪笥からはみだす姉のはらわたも春 西川徹郎
箪笥から汽罐車一語発したり 大沢輝一
箪笥のなか掻き回したる冬支度 油井和子
箪笥より樟の木つ端や夏期賞与 鈴木恵美子「
箪笥憂し服に外套にわが歴史 林翔 和紙
箪笥運び入れたるあとの冬木立 友岡子郷

ぼろ市の路をせばめし箪笥かな 植木美枝子
一つある箪笥の齢庵の秋 島村元句集
三十年の箪笥軋める冬銀河 鍵和田[ゆう]子
梯子箪笥きしませ上る雲の峰 鍵和田[ゆう]子
下駄買うて箪笥の上や年の暮 荷風
久々に母の箪笥に虹が立ち 渡辺誠一郎
冷まじや箪笥に納む明治の緋 相澤いさを
千鳥鳴くやかほどの華奢も箪笥鍵 久米正雄
在りし日の箪笥の闇も享けしかな 河原珠美
子へ贈る本が箪笥に聖夜待つ 大島民郎
巴里の香水箪笥に仕舞ふ薄暑かな 及川貞
底深き箪笥覗かる蟷螂に 石川文子
懸想文箪笥にしまひ置くことに 福井圭児
把手大き祖母の箪笥や午祭 古賀まり子
新涼の母の箪笥に男帯 大木あまり 火球

春の灯や一つ上向く箪笥鐶 風生
春ソウル箪笥の中のテレビジヨン 夏石番矢
春暁をさめて箪笥のもとにかな 太田鴻村
春立つやぶらり牛込箪笥町 赤瀬川昌彦
春蘭は箪笥を閉めるやうにあり 中井洋子
桜貝箪笥の隅に眠りをり 船津つねを
猪鍋や箪笥の上に物を積み 山西雅子
獅子座流星箪笥にたまる宇宙塵 安西篤

玉蟲や妹が箪笥の二重 村上鬼城
玉虫や妹が箪笥の二重 村上鬼城
玉虫や野良着ばかりの我が箪笥 塩見蛙子
白足袋を箪笥が銜へゐる寒さ 鈴木鷹夫
盆過の箪笥の影に坐りけり 永島靖子

簟歩けば箪笥ことことと 千原 叡子
経箪笥きざはしびらきお風入 大橋敦子
緋縮緬噛み出す箪笥とはの秋 三橋敏雄
縄を綯ふ箪笥ま黒き奥座敷 佐川広治
臍の緒を箪笥に守り曼珠沙華 佐々木六戈
色鳥やひとつ箪笥に妻のもの 石田勝彦
花冷や瞽女の箪笥のしるし紐 西本一都
花冷や箪笥の底の男帯 鈴木真砂女
蓬莱や京に古りける菓子箪笥 多賀子
蚊を焼くや箪笥の上の寝ぬ人形 月舟俳句集
蠅とんでくるや箪笥の角よけて 京極杞陽
被爆箪笥買ひ替へよとや亀の鳴く 朝倉和江

車箪笥や人はうごいて飛騨を去る 津沢マサ子
近江へは花見箪笥を背負ひゆかな 藤田あけ烏
野の家の箪笥見えてる稲の秋 臼田亜浪 旅人
銃箪笥てふ古きもの狩の宿 依田秋葭
鍵穴が箪笥に三つ春の蝉 寺井谷子
雪女来る頃ぎしと鳴る箪笥 有馬朗人
風鈴に尾をつけ箪笥に風入るる 菖蒲あや
餅筵箪笥の裾につかえけり 吉屋信子
麦秋や箪笥に眠る日章旗 片岡啓子
ネクタイ吊るタンスの中も秋の空気 高橋信之
- source : HAIKUreikuDB -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

福島県 Fukushima

Amanojaku アマノジャク


Iwate 大東村 Daito

kitsune 狐 the Fox

Iwate 三陸町 Sanriku


Kagawa 詫間町 Takuma

tennin nyoobo 天人女房 Heavenly wife

Kagoshima 名瀬市 Naze

kenmon ケンモン

Miyagi 仙台市 Sendai

The curse of a dead man

Nagano 松川町 Matsukawa

kuda クダ the monster Kuda

Niigata 亀田町 Kameda

ten 貂 marten, Marder, Zobel

Niigata 松代町 Matsushiro

inosuke イノスケ Inosuke

Oita 大分県

inugami 犬神

Okinawa 竹富町 Taketomi

All kinds of animals and 転生 tensei


Osaka 大阪府 Osaka

nekobake 猫化け


kori 狐狸 fox and tanuki

Shizuoka 下田市 Shimoda

kudagitsune クダ狐 / 管狐 "Pipe-Fox" helper
This Pipe Fox takes the riches out of other homes Tansu and brings it to his Master's home.
He jumps like a small cat out of money boxes and rice boxes.

mochi 餅 cursed rice cakes

Tokyo 台東区 Taito ward

O-Kame no men 面,おかめ mask of Okame

Wakayama 田辺市 Tanabe

shirohebi 白蛇 the white serpent


- source : nichibun yokai database -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 10/19/2015 09:39:00 a.m.

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