7 Oct 2015

Mingei - Kite with Chinese faces Tojindako

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

toojindako, toojin tako 唐人凧 kite with Chinese face

toojin 唐人 Karabito, was used for Chinese and Korean people during the Edo period.

. wadako 和凧 Japanese Kites .
- Introduction -

This kite has a peculiar shape comparing with other kites which were born in Fukushima prefecture, Northern part of Honshu island. It is believed that the origin of this kite comes from Goto, Iki, Nagasaki located in southern part of Japan. After painting, the sail paper is painted with tan for strengthening its sail. This method is very peculiar in Japan.
The design of this kite means "Judge of Hell," the Devil in the heaven.

Tojindako as souvenir of sorts . . .


- ABC - List of Tojindako Kites from the Prefectures

. . . . . . . . . . Chiba 千葉県

Futtsu town 富津市 Futsu

Kazusa Toojin tako 上総唐人凧 kite with Chinese face
karabito-dako "Korean person Kite", Kazusa karabitodako

This kite has the form of the hairstyle of Koreans 高麗人の弁髪に形どった.
The image is painted in black only, and has a family crest at its top. Therefore they are also called 定紋凧.
At the long narrow part is a calligraphy with auspicious words 寿 or 滝龍 or 竹龍.
Small ones are only about 1 meter long. Longer ones with the size of a human being have a special device to make a terrible sound when climbing in the sky.

. . . . . . . . . . Fukuoka 福岡県

. doojintako 道人凧 kites with Chinese motives .
The name is the local dialect for toojin tako 唐人凧(とうじんたこ).

. . . . . . . . . . Fukushima 福島県

Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松

Aizu toojin tako - Aizu Tojin Dako 会津唐人凧 Aizu Tojin - Chinese face kites

- quote -
The kite (tako in Japanese) is so popular in Japan that there are festivals and popular celebrations related to kite flying and even kite museums. Painted in bright colors, usually with the well-known ukiyo-e style, the Japanese kites are featuring famous warriors, kabuki actors, mythological characters, tortoises, cranes, carps, insects, birds and geometric forms.

CLICK for more photos !

Some provinces have developed their own unique kite designs, like the ones from this photo, specific to Aizu. These kites, called Tojin, are featuring a scary face, with a large tongue sticking out … to scare away bad spirits …
- source : muza-chan.net/japan -

- quote -
This べろくん出し "Berokun dashi" means "sticking out the tongue" in Aizu.
It is said that during the Boshin War and the siege of Tsuruga Castle, kites were used as a way to encourage and lift the morale of the people holding the castle.
- source : welcome-fukushima.com -

- quote -
Aizu Chinese and Korean people kite
There is not yet established theory why Chinese and Korean people kite which is frequent in Kyushu came to the Aizu district.
Aizu Tsuruga-jo Castle was surrounded by the Imperial army, and, at the time of Boshin War, feudal lord flies Chinese and Korean people kite taking kara berokundashi nickname in castle when war situation became disadvantageous, and it is said that it raised the determination of the armed forces of friends. Strange look that glares, and produced tongue is great. Figures of ogre who original, is described in bright full color under in direct hit and the crown of a helmet of armor more are not seen in other kites. The powerful look is valued high as talisman against evil and is popular as interior. "Aizu Chinese and Korean people kite kiteflying meet" is held every year recently in autumn.
- source : pref.fukushima.lg.jp -

- quote -
- - 唐人凧の由来
- - 鶴ヶ城にあがった唐人凧 Tojindako from castle Tsurugajo

Fighting at Aizu Tsurugajo Castle

そんなある日、鶴ヶ城の本丸から、するすると凧があがりました。 凧は砲煙(ほうえん)をかいくぐって大空高く舞い上がり西軍を唖然(あぜん)とさせるとともに、城内の将兵の士気を高めるために籠城中の少年があげたのです。その時の凧が会津唐人凧で、あげた少年は、藩校(はんこう)日新館(にっしんかん)生徒の池上四郎(いけがみしろう、後の大阪市長)であったと伝えられています。
- - 唐人凧の作り方
- source : aizukanko.com/kk-


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference 唐人凧 .

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - #tojindako #toojintako #kitechineseface - - -

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 9/28/2015 09:42:00 a.m.

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