23 Nov 2015

MINGEI - yuzen kimono



. Ishikawa Folk Art - 石川県 .

CLICK for more photos !

Kaga yuuzen 加賀友禅 Yuzen from the Kaga region

- quote -
Yuzen refers to a traditional technique of dyeing silk fabrics for kimonos or products made with the technique. KyotoYuzen and Kaga Yuzen are famous. Miyazaki Yuzensai established the fundamental technique of yuzen at the beginning of the 18th century.

Kaga Yuzen is characterized by designs of realistic natural beauties in five vivid tones called "Kaga gosai" (literary means Kaga five colors), and it frequently uses gradation dyeing called "bokashi." A roll of yuzen is completed through complicated processes, such as pattern transfer, paste coating, coloring, steaming, and rinsing. Kaga Yuzen with splendid, fine, beautiful patterns is known as a luxury brand.

There are stores where you can see the work process of Kaga Yusen, experience dyeing, or try on a kimono, in the city.
Nagamachi Yuzenkan (Yuzen Silk Center)
- source : kanazawa-tourism.com/eng -


yuuzen chiyogami 友禅千代紙  Color Pattern Paper

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Nopperaboo ノッペラボウ Nopperabo yokai monster
On a very rainy night in Osaka, a young woman of 17 or 18 years stood there, clad in a beautiful Yuzen kimono, covering her face with the long sleeve and crying.
Someone walked up to her side, pulled her sleeve and asked "What's the matter? Why are you crying?" Then he realized it was Nopperabo. The monster grew up in no time and seemed to become an electricity pole.

. nopperaboo のっぺらぼう Nopperabo .


In 松山 Matsuyama, Ehime lived a badger called おみつ狸 O-Mitsu Tanuki.
Well, once upon a time the entrance to the road toward Mitsu (Mitsu Kaido 三津街道) was called 三津口 Mitsuguchi. There was a guard station at the entrance.
On a rainy night 佐兵衛 Grandfather Sahei was on duty when he saw a beautiful young women. She stood in the rain without an umbrella and the long sleeve of her Yuzen kimono looked almost like a tail of an animal.
Yes, Sahei had seen a badger all right. He caught her, put a rope around her and tried to smoke her out.
Now he saw it was the Tanuki O-Mitsu trying to lure some fish.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


External LINKs

Japan's dyeing techniques

Dyeing by Paula Burch

Japanese Kimono Design Techniques



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