Family Crest 家紋 kamon
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kani botan, kani-botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony
A crest where the blossoms and leaves of a peony are formed in a way to represent a crab.
It was often used for cloths and carpets.
. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" Temple .
Ochiai, Gifu
Sendai Botan 蟹牡丹(仙台牡丹)- Date clan
鍋島緞通 carpet from Nabeshima
Carpet with kani botan pattern.
- source : -
source :
色絵牡丹文変形皿 kanibotan pattern - Nabeshima
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
kamon 家紋 family crest
If people fought about the parents of a child, in former times, they used to wash the 胞衣placenta in water and when it floated up, the proper Kamon would show.
愛知県 Aichi 岩倉町 Iwakura
daija 大蛇 big serpent
じいさんが神社の裏を通りかかったとき、大蛇が這っていくのにでくわした。鳥肌が立って、3年間はこのことを口外しないので行ってくれと言うと、大蛇は 去った。その大蛇は尾が切れていて、先のところに丸に太いと書いた文字がついていた。その字は神明様の御神紋だったので、大蛇は神明様のお使いと分かっ た。
青森県 Aomori 大間町 Oma
hotoke no zaisho ホトケの罪障 Buddhist attonement for sins
Once a man about 38 years of age came to the temple asking what to do. He felt very weak and could not go to work any more. After some explanation this became clear:
In former times at this fisherman's home a dead body got caught in the net. The family had taken care of it in a funeral, but since the family crest was different, the man's sould could not go to the Buddhist paradise. So they performed a special ritual and he was healed.
愛媛県 Ehime 成妙村 Narutaemura
shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
岐阜県 Gifu 池田町 Ikeda
yamanba 山姥 old woman in a mountain
神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原市 Odawara
hato 鳩 dove
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
Garappa, the Kappa ガラッパ / 河童
If people wear a robe with a family crest, put up a candle and look through the long sleeve of the kimono, they could see a Garappa.
Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.
祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest
. Kappa Legends from Kyushu 河童伝説 - 九州 .
宮城県 Miyagi 東松島市 Higashi Matsushima
kitsune 狐 the fox
Once upon a time
at a place called Ipponsugi 一本杉 (one cedar tree) a fox used to come out clad as a human in a 紋付羽織 haori coat with a family crest.
島根県 Shimane 鹿島町 Kashima
ryuuja 竜蛇 dragon-serpent and shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest
佐太神社の西北にある恵曇(えとも)湾のイザナギ浜で竜蛇が上がった。板橋という社人が竜蛇上げを職掌としていた。今は恵曇や島根半島の漁師が9月末から 11月にかけて沖合であげることが多い。竜蛇はサンダワラに神馬藻を敷いた上に乗せ、床の間に飾り、祝いをしたあと、佐太神社に奉納する。大きさは1尺2 寸前後、背が黒く、原は黄色を帯びている。尾部に扇模様の神紋が見えると言われている。大漁、商売繁盛、火難・水難除けの守護神と信じられている。
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- #tomoe #familycrest #kanibotan -
Family Crest 家紋 kamon
CLICK for more photos !
kani botan, kani-botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony
A crest where the blossoms and leaves of a peony are formed in a way to represent a crab.
It was often used for cloths and carpets.
. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" Temple .
Ochiai, Gifu
Sendai Botan 蟹牡丹(仙台牡丹)- Date clan
鍋島緞通 carpet from Nabeshima
Carpet with kani botan pattern.
- source : -
source :
色絵牡丹文変形皿 kanibotan pattern - Nabeshima
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
kamon 家紋 family crest
If people fought about the parents of a child, in former times, they used to wash the 胞衣placenta in water and when it floated up, the proper Kamon would show.
愛知県 Aichi 岩倉町 Iwakura
daija 大蛇 big serpent
じいさんが神社の裏を通りかかったとき、大蛇が這っていくのにでくわした。鳥肌が立って、3年間はこのことを口外しないので行ってくれと言うと、大蛇は 去った。その大蛇は尾が切れていて、先のところに丸に太いと書いた文字がついていた。その字は神明様の御神紋だったので、大蛇は神明様のお使いと分かっ た。
青森県 Aomori 大間町 Oma
hotoke no zaisho ホトケの罪障 Buddhist attonement for sins
Once a man about 38 years of age came to the temple asking what to do. He felt very weak and could not go to work any more. After some explanation this became clear:
In former times at this fisherman's home a dead body got caught in the net. The family had taken care of it in a funeral, but since the family crest was different, the man's sould could not go to the Buddhist paradise. So they performed a special ritual and he was healed.
愛媛県 Ehime 成妙村 Narutaemura
shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
岐阜県 Gifu 池田町 Ikeda
yamanba 山姥 old woman in a mountain
神奈川県 Kanagawa 小田原市 Odawara
hato 鳩 dove
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 伊佐郡 Isa district
Garappa, the Kappa ガラッパ / 河童
If people wear a robe with a family crest, put up a candle and look through the long sleeve of the kimono, they could see a Garappa.
Gataro ガタロ Kappa
If people went swimming in the river during the 祇園さん(天王さん Gion Festival, the Gataro would pull them in the water, so swimming was not allowed during that time.
The Shrine crest of the Gion shrine was a cucumber cut in slices, a favorite food of the Kappa. So during that festival people were not allowed to eat cucumbers.
祇園さんの神紋 Gion Shrine Crest
. Kappa Legends from Kyushu 河童伝説 - 九州 .
宮城県 Miyagi 東松島市 Higashi Matsushima
kitsune 狐 the fox
Once upon a time
at a place called Ipponsugi 一本杉 (one cedar tree) a fox used to come out clad as a human in a 紋付羽織 haori coat with a family crest.
島根県 Shimane 鹿島町 Kashima
ryuuja 竜蛇 dragon-serpent and shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest
佐太神社の西北にある恵曇(えとも)湾のイザナギ浜で竜蛇が上がった。板橋という社人が竜蛇上げを職掌としていた。今は恵曇や島根半島の漁師が9月末から 11月にかけて沖合であげることが多い。竜蛇はサンダワラに神馬藻を敷いた上に乗せ、床の間に飾り、祝いをしたあと、佐太神社に奉納する。大きさは1尺2 寸前後、背が黒く、原は黄色を帯びている。尾部に扇模様の神紋が見えると言われている。大漁、商売繁盛、火難・水難除けの守護神と信じられている。
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- #tomoe #familycrest #kanibotan -
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