28 Jan 2016

SHRINE - Sarutahiko

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Sarutahiko densetsu 猿田彦伝説 Sarutahiko Legends
Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko
Sarutahiko no Kami 猿田毘古神

Sarutahiko サルタヒコ is the ancestor of the Tengu.

He is considered the ancestor of the Ujitoko clan in Ise, and the central object of worship at the Sarutahiko Shrine located in Ise.

. 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko - Introduction .


. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Wayside Gods .

Chimatagami 岐神, the Gods of the Crossroads, is said to represent the legendary gods of Old Japan, especially
Sarutahiko no Mikoto 猿田彦神 and his fair maiden,
Ame no Uzume no Mikoto 天鈿女 / 天宇受売命 Amenouzume. Amanouzume .
(Ame-no-Uzume 天鈿女命 / アメノウズメ)

. Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto 天宇受売命, 天鈿女命 .
and O-Tafuku, Okame, O-Kame, Okamesan おかめ【お亀/阿亀】


. Shōmen Kongō 青面金剛 Shomen Kongo .
and the Koshin Cult
. Kōshin shinkō 庚申信仰 .
Yamazaki Ansai,
drawing on the association of shin with the monkey (saru), advocated a Shintoistic kōshin cult, in which the primary object of worship was Sarutahiko. Within the Shugendō tradition as well, a unique form of the kōshin cult was propagated, so that there were three varieties of the faith: Buddhist, Shintō, and Shugendō.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Aomori 青森県

At many entrances to villages with three roads crossing and cemeteries there are stone memorials of Koshin and
猿田彦命青面金剛 Sarutahiko Shomen Kongo
to protect the village from evil influence.

. Prayer groups for 庚申講 Koshin in Aomori .

Fukui 福井県 福井市 Fukui town

shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask
During winter time, a Shishigashira is offered to the Sarutahiko shrine.
At the 今市 Imaichi district of Fukui town, once upon a time, chilren had been picking up dried wood and whilst playing around put the lion head mask on and danced around. But then one could not get his head out any more. The head priest came to help and perform ritals, but it did not have any effect. So they called a 仏師 Buddhist Master Carver, who cut it off with his 鑿 chisel. But the child developed a high fever and died soon afterwards.

. Shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask .

- quote -
猿田彦神社の春祭り Spring Festival at Sarutahiko Shrine
- source : -
福井県福井市冬野町29-2 - Sarutahiko Jinja 猿田彦神社

Mie 三重県 二見町 Futami

Amenouzume no Mikoto 天宇受売命
The deities in residence at 興玉神社 Okitama Jinja are Sarutahiko and Amenouzume no Mikoto.
Sarutahiko once caught the aura of tenson koorin (tenson kōrin 天孫降臨 tenson orin, descent of Ninigi to Ashihara no Nakatsukuni), so he went up to heaven to meet Ninigi half-way. At that time Tenson (Ninigi) introduced him to Amenouzume. At that point Sarutahiko became a Tengu and Amenouzume became O-Kame.
To pray to these two deities at the shrine will bring good fortune and a long family line.

Shrine Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - Enshrined kami:
Sarutahiko no okami, Uganomitama no okami (Ama no iwato), and Watatsumi no okami (in the Ryugusha).
The main deity enshrined here is Sarutahiko no okami, who guided Ninigi no mikoto in his descent from heaven to Mount Takachiho in Kyushu. Sarutahiko no okami is thought by many scholars to be originally a local kami of the region around Ise.
The most important physical feature of the shrine is located a short distance offshore. The meoto iwa 夫婦岩 ("husband and wife rocks," or "wedded rocks") are two famous large rocks, said to be husband and wife. The larger (male) o-iwa rock is about 30 feet tall by 131 feet around, while the smaller (female) me-iwa rock is about 13 feet tall by 30 feet around. The distance between the rocks is also about 30 feet at the base, which is traversed by thick straw ropes (shimenawa) hung around the peaks of both rocks.
- snip -
The kami Sarutahiko is considered by some scholars to come from the toyoko no kuni or the ne no kuni, both believed to be lands across or under the sea, and the okimitama is said to be the place he first alighted. Sarutahiko is also thought by some to be a solar deity. Okitama was thought to be the gate to the palace of the sea god and a kind of yorishiro, or place for the sun kami to enter the world. Scholars have speculated that the original location of Ise Jingu was near the beach and that Okitama served as a yorishiro for Amaterasu's descent, when the first saigu (shrine princess) Yamatohime no mikoto came looking for a place to enshrine the sacred mirror. It is recorded that she found the land here so beautiful that she had to "look back twice" (futami ura).
- source : shintoshrinesofjapanblogguide.blogspot -


hamaguri no futami ni wakare yuku aki zo

FUTAMI interpreted as a place name in Ise, 伊勢の二見.
. Matsuo Basho and Futami .

Niigata 新潟県, Sado, 相川町 Aikawa

Happyaku Bikuni 八百比丘尼 / ハッピャクビクニ nun for 800 years
A poor grandfather's home had become the seasonal quarters of the 庚申講 Koshin Prayer Group and all members came to his house.
When they peeked into the kitchen, they saw a young girl cutting the fish. Only grandmother had eaten the fish, and she was a "young nun for 800 years".
Grandfather was in fact Sarutahiko - they say.

. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼(やおびくに)nun for 800 years .

At 南魚沼郡 Minami Uonuma people make sure to offer fish for the Sarutahiko festival.

Niigata 能生町 Noo town

Tenguyama 天狗山 Mount Tenguyama
At the shrine at the top Sarutahiko is worshipped, at the shrine at the bottom of the mountain the deity 此花咲爺姫 / コノハナノサクヤビメ Konohana Sakuyabime is worshipped.
She is seen as a deity to get pregnant and provide easy childbirth. When women from 藤崎 Tozaki village come here to pray, they will give birth to a boy.

. Konohanasakuyahime / Konoha Sakuyabime 咲耶姫 .

Shizuoka 静岡県

Konjinsama 金神様 Konjin sama

. Konjin, Konjin Sama  金神, 金神様 deity of metal .

Tochigi 栃木県 足利市 Ashikaga

Kannon 観音

Tokushima 徳島県 三好市 Miyoshi

yama no kami 山の神

Tokyo 東京都

Toogesama トウゲサマ

Tottori 島根県 知夫村 Chibu


Yamanashi 山梨県 千代田村 Chiyoda

Tengu 天狗
Once a roof is finished thatching, Tengu is invited and worshipped. He is seen as a deity of water and should help to protect the home from fires.
The roof makers 屋根屋 have since olden times prayed to Sarutahiko as the deity of their profession.


- source : nichibun yokai database -
15 to explore (10)


Sarutahiko Jinja 猿田彦神社 Sarutahiko Shrines

There are various shrines with this name in Japan.

- reference - 猿田彦神社 -


- quote -
Monkey Year 2016 (Sarutahiko Jinja)
The small shrine of Sarutahiko Jinja is not very well known and its set in the north-west in an unprepossessing part of Kyoto, sadly surrounded by some of the city's uglier urban conglomeration. Nonetheless it possesses one of the most striking features in this year of the monkey, namely a statue of a white monkey carved in 1989 from a branch of the shrine's sacred tree (shinboku).

. . . . . The shrine's ema shows the three wise monkeys - – speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil.
- source : greenshinto.com -

. Saru 申 / 猿 monkey talismans .


Ise Sarutahiko Jinja 伊勢猿田彦神社
Sarutahiko Ōkami is seen as a symbol of Misogi, strength and guidance, which is why he is the patron of martial arts such as aikido. He enshrined at Tsubaki Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture, first among the 2000 shrines of Sarutahiko Ōkami, Sarutahiko Jinja in Ise, Mie and Ōasahiko Shrine in Tokushima Prefecture.
Sarume no Kimi (猿女の君) clan

2-1-10 Ujiurata, Ise, Mie Prefecture 516-0026
- source : sarutahiko shrine ise -


猿田彦珈琲 Sarutahiko Coffee


- Reference : 猿田彦 / サルタヒコ
- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .

- #sarutahiko -

- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

karesugi no ue ni shibaraku Sarutahiko

for a short time
above the withered cedar tree

Tr. Gabi Greve

Hirai Shoobin 平井照敏 Hirai Shobin (1931- 2003)










Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 1/18/2016 09:46:00 am

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