. Spinning tops 独楽 koma - Introduction .
donkorogoma どんころ独楽 Donkoro spinning top for gambling

This one is from Togatta Onsen hot spring in Miyagi.
- reference : -
It has the images of symbols of good luck to make a bet on.
1 一富士 Fuji、2 ニ鷹 Hawk、3 三なすび/茄子 eggplant、
4 四だるま Daruma san 5 五虚無僧 Komuso monk、6 六西行 poet Saigyo.
Gamblers bet on one side to come up as top and if it does, they get their money back about fivefold or sixfold.
The first three : Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
. hatsu-yume 初夢 first dream - Introduction .
For the first dream of the New Year, usually remembered on January 2,
it is considered to be particularly good luck to dream of Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant.
This belief has been in place since the early Edo period but there are various theories regarding the origins as to why this particular combination was considered to be auspicious.
The secont three : Daruma, Komuso and Saigyo
Daruma san だるま さん is a common symbol of good luck
and the main subject of this Darumapedia.
He is maybe the best-known
akamono 赤物 "red thing" to ward off evil influence.

. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk - Introduction .

Komuso is used to travelling and does not get sea-sick on a boat. He is thus helping travellers.
His is also one of the
Red Things to avoid bad luck 赤物 . akamono ningyo 赤物人形 dolls
- reference : -
. Saigyoo 西行 the poet Saigyo .
(1118 - 1190)

source :
赤もの 見立て西行童子
Saigyo as a child is one of the Akamono amulet dolls from Fushimi, Kyoto 伏見人形
There is also a spell that prevents being pricked by the needle when sowing robes, which has to be mubmled three times :
The combination of the three, Daruma, Komuso and Saigyo
どんころ独楽 Donkoro from Miyagi

The bet is placed on the figure on this paper. The bookie (doomoto 胴元 domoto) turns the spinning top and the winning person gets 5 times of what he betted. The money from people who did not win goes to the bookie. The one who got the money in one game becomes the Domoto bookie of the next round.
The rules are easy and it can be played while having a drink at the local bar at the Hot Spring.
There are two theories about the origin of this Donkoro:
The first dates it back to the Heike no ochuudo 平家 の落人 the defeated soldiers of the Heike. Living in hiding they did not put up decorations for the New Year, but played Donkoro instead as a means to pass over the long night into the New Year.
The second tells about 木地屋 kijiya, a maker and dealer of wooden toys, who moved in from 山中 Nakayama.
He used to play it on the stump of trees he had cut down.
Whatever the reason, it has become a beloved item for tourists at this Togatta Hot Spring.
- reference : -
majinai ningyoo まじない人形 spell or charm dolls from Kyoto
Very small dolls from Kiyomizu 清水の豆人形.
It is a set of 12 small figures, each with its own spell or charm to protect against a curse. The Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 are the center of it.

- - - - - From right to left:
「達磨 Daruma」「黒猫 Black Cat」「寿老神 Jurojin」「西行 Saigyo」「鍾馗 Shoki」「虚無僧 Komuso」「布袋 Hotei」「蛙 Frog」「招き猫 Manekineko Cat」「傘狸 Tanuki with umbrella」「お多福 O-Tafuku」「ドクロ Skull」
- reference : -
"3茄子"その続きは. . . ? What comes after Nr. 3, the Eggplant?

- reference : -
- ABC - List of gambling tops from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi

A toy for Japanese Roulett 和製ルーレット. / bakuchi asobi 博打遊び
The figures are painted on Washi:
Fuji, Hawk, Eggplant, Saigyo, Komuso, Daruma

Kobayashi san 小林 still collects these simple toys to our day.
Look at more photos from his collection :
- reference : kobayashitategu-
. . . . . . . . . . Tottori
daikichigoma daikichi no koma 大吉ごま spinning top for divination
and gambling

Made from paulownia wood 桐, in a shape with eight sides. A stick of bamboo to bring it in motion. The sides are referring to the eight possibilities of the game:
daikichi 大吉 great luck / hankichi 半吉 half luck
yasumi やすみ take a pause / gomushin ご無心 /akabe あかべ /あかんべい
ichimai 一枚 / nimai 二枚 / sanmai 三枚
When the spinning top comes to a halt the side showing up is the answer to a wish or question or the winning bet of gambling.
Tops with eight sides of this kind are rather rare in Japan.

source :
The Donkoro top on the left has the images of symbols of good luck to make a bet, see above.
. Tottori Folk Art .
- quote -
is a four-sided spinning top, played with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The dreidel is a Jewish variant on the teetotum, a gambling toy found in many European cultures.
... The dreidel developed from an Irish or English top introduced into Germany in late Roman Empire times and known as a teetotum, inscribed with letters denoting the Latin words for "nothing," "half," "everything" and "put in." In German this came to be called a trendel, with German letters for the same concepts. Adapted to the Hebrew alphabet when Jews adopted the game, these letters were replaced by shin (=shtel arayn (put in); nun (= nit (not, i.e., nothing); gimel, representing gants (whole/everything); and he (=halb (half)). The letters served as a means to recalling the rules of the game.
A teetotum (or T-totum, tee-totum)
is a form of gambling spinning top that is known across Europe from Roman times. It has a polygonal body - originally four-sided - marked with letters or numbers, which indicate the result of each spin. The name originates from Latin Totum meaning 'all' which was marked by a T on one of the four sides and indicated that the winning player could take all the played tokens.

A six-sided Chinese teetotum
... In its earliest form the body was square (in some cases via a stick through a regular six-sided die), marked on the four sides by the letters A (Lat. aufer, take) indicating that the player takes one from the pool, D (Lat. depone, put down) when a fine has to be paid, N (Lat. nihil, nothing), and T (Lat. totum, all), when the whole pool is to be taken.
- source : wikipedia -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - #donkorogomagambling #bakuchi #tobaku #ategoma - - - - -

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. bakuchi 博打, tobaku 賭博 gambling - Introduction .
. Bakuchi Daruma 博打 Gambling Dice Holder .
. Spinning tops 独楽 koma - Introduction .
. ategoma 当て独楽(コマ koma)top to divine something .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
donkorogoma gambling
. Spinning tops 独楽 koma - Introduction .
donkorogoma どんころ独楽 Donkoro spinning top for gambling

This one is from Togatta Onsen hot spring in Miyagi.
- reference : -
It has the images of symbols of good luck to make a bet on.
1 一富士 Fuji、2 ニ鷹 Hawk、3 三なすび/茄子 eggplant、
4 四だるま Daruma san 5 五虚無僧 Komuso monk、6 六西行 poet Saigyo.
Gamblers bet on one side to come up as top and if it does, they get their money back about fivefold or sixfold.
The first three : Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
. hatsu-yume 初夢 first dream - Introduction .
For the first dream of the New Year, usually remembered on January 2,
it is considered to be particularly good luck to dream of Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant.
This belief has been in place since the early Edo period but there are various theories regarding the origins as to why this particular combination was considered to be auspicious.
The secont three : Daruma, Komuso and Saigyo
Daruma san だるま さん is a common symbol of good luck
and the main subject of this Darumapedia.
He is maybe the best-known
akamono 赤物 "red thing" to ward off evil influence.

. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk - Introduction .

Komuso is used to travelling and does not get sea-sick on a boat. He is thus helping travellers.
His is also one of the
Red Things to avoid bad luck 赤物 . akamono ningyo 赤物人形 dolls
- reference : -
. Saigyoo 西行 the poet Saigyo .
(1118 - 1190)

source :
赤もの 見立て西行童子
Saigyo as a child is one of the Akamono amulet dolls from Fushimi, Kyoto 伏見人形
There is also a spell that prevents being pricked by the needle when sowing robes, which has to be mubmled three times :
The combination of the three, Daruma, Komuso and Saigyo
どんころ独楽 Donkoro from Miyagi

The bet is placed on the figure on this paper. The bookie (doomoto 胴元 domoto) turns the spinning top and the winning person gets 5 times of what he betted. The money from people who did not win goes to the bookie. The one who got the money in one game becomes the Domoto bookie of the next round.
The rules are easy and it can be played while having a drink at the local bar at the Hot Spring.
There are two theories about the origin of this Donkoro:
The first dates it back to the Heike no ochuudo 平家 の落人 the defeated soldiers of the Heike. Living in hiding they did not put up decorations for the New Year, but played Donkoro instead as a means to pass over the long night into the New Year.
The second tells about 木地屋 kijiya, a maker and dealer of wooden toys, who moved in from 山中 Nakayama.
He used to play it on the stump of trees he had cut down.
Whatever the reason, it has become a beloved item for tourists at this Togatta Hot Spring.
- reference : -
majinai ningyoo まじない人形 spell or charm dolls from Kyoto
Very small dolls from Kiyomizu 清水の豆人形.
It is a set of 12 small figures, each with its own spell or charm to protect against a curse. The Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 are the center of it.

- - - - - From right to left:
「達磨 Daruma」「黒猫 Black Cat」「寿老神 Jurojin」「西行 Saigyo」「鍾馗 Shoki」「虚無僧 Komuso」「布袋 Hotei」「蛙 Frog」「招き猫 Manekineko Cat」「傘狸 Tanuki with umbrella」「お多福 O-Tafuku」「ドクロ Skull」
- reference : -
"3茄子"その続きは. . . ? What comes after Nr. 3, the Eggplant?
- reference : -
- ABC - List of gambling tops from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi

A toy for Japanese Roulett 和製ルーレット. / bakuchi asobi 博打遊び
The figures are painted on Washi:
Fuji, Hawk, Eggplant, Saigyo, Komuso, Daruma

Kobayashi san 小林 still collects these simple toys to our day.
Look at more photos from his collection :
- reference : kobayashitategu-
. . . . . . . . . . Tottori
daikichigoma daikichi no koma 大吉ごま spinning top for divination
and gambling

Made from paulownia wood 桐, in a shape with eight sides. A stick of bamboo to bring it in motion. The sides are referring to the eight possibilities of the game:
daikichi 大吉 great luck / hankichi 半吉 half luck
yasumi やすみ take a pause / gomushin ご無心 /akabe あかべ /あかんべい
ichimai 一枚 / nimai 二枚 / sanmai 三枚
When the spinning top comes to a halt the side showing up is the answer to a wish or question or the winning bet of gambling.
Tops with eight sides of this kind are rather rare in Japan.

source :
The Donkoro top on the left has the images of symbols of good luck to make a bet, see above.
. Tottori Folk Art .
- quote -
is a four-sided spinning top, played with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. The dreidel is a Jewish variant on the teetotum, a gambling toy found in many European cultures.
... The dreidel developed from an Irish or English top introduced into Germany in late Roman Empire times and known as a teetotum, inscribed with letters denoting the Latin words for "nothing," "half," "everything" and "put in." In German this came to be called a trendel, with German letters for the same concepts. Adapted to the Hebrew alphabet when Jews adopted the game, these letters were replaced by shin (=shtel arayn (put in); nun (= nit (not, i.e., nothing); gimel, representing gants (whole/everything); and he (=halb (half)). The letters served as a means to recalling the rules of the game.
A teetotum (or T-totum, tee-totum)
is a form of gambling spinning top that is known across Europe from Roman times. It has a polygonal body - originally four-sided - marked with letters or numbers, which indicate the result of each spin. The name originates from Latin Totum meaning 'all' which was marked by a T on one of the four sides and indicated that the winning player could take all the played tokens.
A six-sided Chinese teetotum
... In its earliest form the body was square (in some cases via a stick through a regular six-sided die), marked on the four sides by the letters A (Lat. aufer, take) indicating that the player takes one from the pool, D (Lat. depone, put down) when a fine has to be paid, N (Lat. nihil, nothing), and T (Lat. totum, all), when the whole pool is to be taken.
- source : wikipedia -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference .
. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - #donkorogomagambling #bakuchi #tobaku #ategoma - - - - -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. bakuchi 博打, tobaku 賭博 gambling - Introduction .
. Bakuchi Daruma 博打 Gambling Dice Holder .
. Spinning tops 独楽 koma - Introduction .
. ategoma 当て独楽(コマ koma)top to divine something .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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