11 May 2016

Haiku and goshiki five colors


source : iyokannet.jp/front/gourmet
goshiki soomen 五色そうめん Somen noodles

. WASHOKU - Goshiki dishes of Japan  
goshiki dorayaki 五色どらやき Dorayaki
goshiki namagashi 五色生菓子 sweets
goshiki toogarashi 五色唐辛子 red pepper
goshiki soomen 五色そうめん Somen noodles
goshiki sushi 五色寿司 Sushi
goshiki mochi 五色餅 Mochi rice cakes

. goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors .
goshikifu, goshiki fu 色麩色 Fu gluten in five colors
goshiki no hana musubi 五色の花むすび rice balls in five "blossom" colors
goshiki senso 五色鮮蔬 fresh vegetables in five colors
goshiki soomen 五色そうめん Somen noodles in five colors


goshiki no ito 五色の糸(ごしきのいと)string of five colors
negai no ito 願の糸 (ねがいのいと) "string for wishes"
..... ganshi 願糸(がんし )
for the Tanabata Star Festival
observance kigo for early autumn

. Tanabata Star Festival 七夕 .

. Gankake 願掛け to make a wish .


Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America
Go-Shiki / 5 color Gem Mamori Bracelet
Ame-no-Koyane-no-Mikoto and Futo-Dama-no-Mikoto brought the 500 branch true sakaki trees as offering, hanging the divine e jewels in the upper branches, the divine mirror in the mid branches and cloth offerings on the lower branches. Ame-no-Hazuchi-wo-O-Kami wove cloth of many colours, these pacificatory offerings are the origin of the Masakaki.....as for the colours, the 5 colors represent the 4 directions + center:

Mitsudomoe (symbol of Shrine Shinto) can also be called "Mikubitama" and consists of:

Black (purple) means North (Ara Mitama)
Blue (green) means East (Kushi Mitama)
Red means South (Sachi Mitama)
White means West (Nigi Mitama)
Yellow means the sacred Center (Nao-Hi =sun rays)

As Sarutahiko Okami is Kunitsu Kami Oyagami/ ancestor Kami of all Earthly Kami as well Dousoujin/Michibikikami/ Kami of the way, guidance and opening the path when we stand firmly centered on the Earth receiving sacred sunshine we can make correct progress on our individual life paths. Go-shiki-mamori bracelets mean to stand in the current moment in the divine center and receive power from Earth and Heaven. These mamori bracelets are made of very high quality hand carved gemstones. The semi precious gems are of "AA+ " grade. The power gems used are:

Black/purple = murasaki suisyo/amethyst. Highest colour vibration/ healing stone....Amethyst means both love and also stimulates the intellectual side of your life while calming your nervous system. Amethyst meaning is also reveal hidden charm and abilities.. Increases activity of right-side brain - purifies blood - reinforces immune function - increases psychic skills and intuition - peaceful mind.

Blue/ Green = Hisui/jade Calming, dispel misfortune, bravery in face of adversity, increased patience, protection of love and friendship. Jade was prized more highly than gold. green jade is the most highly sought after and its color comes from chromium.... green Jade enhances healing of both the emotional and physical. It is linked to the heart and is said to enhance prosperity and abundance and especially longevity

Red = Carnelian is to energize the blood. Excellent for both being in the moment and motivation to make correct choices, decisions and movement. Known as the most powerful ACTION gem---self-actualization--stimulating analytical capabilities, precision and motivation.

White = clear suisyo/crystal is for harmony and protection Clear Quartz has very strong powers of protection as it can absorb negative energies and harmonize KI of the wearer and enhance power. It has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify, focus, and direct the energy. In receiving, it can store energy for later use, transform it into any usable condition, screen out unwanted vibrations and purify, calm and balance/centre one's own Ki

Yellow = Ki iro hisui/ yellow jade jade used for millennia as the ultimate symbol of calm, serene joy. Connected to spirituality, longevity, positive fortune and prosperity -- yellow jade means joy, confidence and self assurance.
source : www.tsubakishrine.org


Goshiki Fudo / Fudo eyes in five colors in Edo

. Goshiki jika 五色鹿 deer in five colors .
Kasuga shrine, Nara

. Goshiki suzu 五色鈴 five-colored clay bells .

..... Colors in Haiku Traditional Japanese Colors

. goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five colors .


. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

goshiki ga hama

goshiki no hana

goshiki kasumi

goshiki kasumi

source : isonokami.jp/blog

kumo no i no goshiki ni hikaru harubi kana

this spring day
sparkles in five colors
in the spider web

fumizuki no mono yo goshiki no ito soomen

so good in the
seventh month - Somen noodles
in five colors


- more combination of GOSHIKI and haiku -

花見団子五色の白きより食ぶる 猿橋統流子 goshiki dango

雛の膳京の五色麩色どりに 岩田つねゑ goshiku fu

浜大根網も五色の御座の磯 鈴木公二 goshiki goza

夕栄の五色が浜をかすみけり 正岡子規 goshiki hama

山寺や五色にあまる花見堂 蓼太 goshiki hanamidoo

雲丹の針五色に動く汐干かな 栗原ゆうゆう goshiki hari

五色旗は垂りても五色秋晴るゝ 久米正雄 goshiki hata

花の雲鳩は五色に舞ひあそぶ 茅舎 goshiki hato

はひまわる五色の火蛾や楽譜書く 池内友次郎 goshiki higa

goshiki ishi 五色石 pebbles
拾ふ石五色揃ひぬ磯遊 井上杉香
掌に揃ふ石の五色や磯遊び 加倉井秋を
絵の島や石も五色の花盛 花盛 正岡子規
角巻や浜に拾ひし五色石 石田野武男
五色石渚に拾ふ近松忌 石田野武男

五色針糸の尾長う縫ひ初め goshiki ito
冬茜五色の糸にみちびかれ 川崎展宏
薬玉や五色の糸の香に匂ふ 嘯山

夏の川カヌーの五色揃ひけり 大谷ひろし goshiki kanuu

風車まはり消えたる五色かな 鈴木花蓑 goshiki kazaguruma

宮城や五色にそろふ初霞 正岡子規 goshiki kasumi
星消えてあとは五色の初霞 正岡子規

梶の葉を懸けて五色の絹帷 桂樟蹊子 goshiki katabira

五色湖は女波ばかりや鳥曇 角川源義 goshiki ko - lake

手折りもす五色の香の今日の菊 石口光子 goshiki koo - incense

幕間や五色の独楽を買初に 千手和子 goshiki koma

スケーター五色の蜘蛛の散るごとし 石塚友二 goshiki kumo
蜘の囲の五色に光る春日かな 正岡子規

五色幕はりめぐらしてお取越 枌さつき goshiki maku

goshiki mame 五色豆 beans
五色豆のざらつく甘さ春の雪 鍵和田[ゆう]子
花疲れ膝にこぼせる五色豆 斎藤朗笛
春燈下紙にいただく五色豆 清崎敏郎
松過ぎの肉桂のにほふ五色豆 高澤良一
買初めの色のほのほの五色豆 高澤良一

五色饅頭青は色濃き春の風 久米正雄 goshiki manju

霊峰の風を五色に秋立てり 吉原文音 goshiki mine - peak

麦わらを口に妖婦や五色水 松瀬青々 goshiki mizu

五色に塗る餅柔かしお命講 長谷川かな女 花寂び goshiki mochi

蔵王紅葉五色の山気流れ出づ 渡辺恭子 goshiki mojimi

五色沼鴨来て色を深めけり 鈴木漱玉 goshiki numa
五色沼その瑠璃沼の明け易き 山口青邨
五色沼つなぐ小径の落し文 秋本文茶
五色沼鴨来て色を深めけり 鈴木漱玉
花薄色それぞれの五色沼 目代智子
鳥わたる豆粒ほどの五色沼 杉良介

起し絵の山紫水明五色摺り 伊藤瓔子 goshiki okoshi-e

五色縷の垂れも垂れたり肘枕 飯田蛇笏 goshiki ru (line of spittle)

切山椒五色置かれしめでたさよ 河野多希女 goshiki sansho

文月のものよ五色の絲素麺 文月 正岡子規 goshiki soomen

五色椿満開色の定まらず 塩川雄三 goshiki tsubaki
柵内に五色椿を散らしめし ふけとしこ

goshiki uchiwa 五色団扇 handfan
五色団扇の一本を手にしつつまし 梅林句屑
夜まどゐや五色団扇の我は青 皆吉爽雨
いつしかに五色団扇も青ひとつ 福田蓼汀

羊羹の三色五色秋しぐれ 久保田万太郎 goshiki yookan

うぐいすの肺ひと呼吸に五色なす 橋本夢道 uguisu no mune

- reference : haikureikudb database -

goshiki no sen 五色の賤(ごしきのせん)outcasts


- reference : goshiki at amazon com

授業で使える「五色百人一首 goshiki hyakunin isshu
五色あられ goshiki arare - food
五色の舟 goshiki no fune
五色の花たば goshiki no hanataba
怪談五色 goshiki kaidan
五色蟹 goshiki kani
五色なげコマ goshiki koma toys
五色の虹 goshiki no niji
五色温泉 goshiki onsen
五色黄土石けん goshiki sekken
五色詠-Immortal Lovers
. . . and more at amazon com


- #goshiki #fivecolors -

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