28 Apr 2017

EDO - Gofunai temples 56 and 57

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 56 - Yorakuji 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji

- 宝珠山 / 寶珠山 Hojuzan 地蔵院 Jizo-In 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji
北区田端1-25-1 / 1 Chome-25-1 Tabata, Kita ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in the Muromachi period by 秀栄 / 秀榮 Suei.
The main statue is 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu, carved by Kobo Daishi. The statue is not shown.
It is also called
zokuyoke Jizo 賊除地蔵 "Jizo preventing theft".
Once thieves wanted to take the statue away at night, but out of nowhere some monks appeared and could prevent it. When the priest looked at the Jizo statue next morning, its feet were covered in mud from last night's pursuit of the thief.

The temple was first established by Kobo Daishi in Kyoto, but in 1648 it was moved to Edo as the main temple of Ninna-Ji in the Kanto region.

The belief in 女人成仏の本尊 Amida Nyorai as a saviour of women was strong, so the temple became one of the Six Amida Temples in Edo.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 泰山寺 Taisan-Ji in Shikoku :
Mina hito no mairite yagate Taisanji raise no indoo tanomi okitsutsu

. Nr. 56 - 金輪山 Kinrinzan 勅王院 Chokuo-In  泰山寺 Taisan-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
. 江戸六阿弥陀 Six Amida Nyorai Temples . - Nr. 04
豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 Toshima Henro - Nr. 56
上野王子駒込辺三十三ヶ所 Ueno 33 temples ^ Nr. 21

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/kita

. Introduction of Jizo Bosatsu .



Nr. 57 - Myoo-0o-In 明王院 Myoo-In

- 天瑞山 Tenzuizan 明王院 Myoo-In 歓福寺 Kanpuku-Ji
台東区谷中五丁目4-2 / 5 Chome-4-2 Yanaka, Taitō ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1611 by 弁円上人 Saint Benen (Ben'en) on request of 後水尾天皇 Gomizunoo Tenno (1596 - 1680) .
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The temple was a sub-temple of 本所弥勒寺 Honjo Miroku-Ji.
It was first located in Kanda Kitateramachi and moved to a location in Yanaka in 1648, and finally to its present location in Yanaka in 1660.

The Daishido Hall for Kobo Daishi has been rebuilt in 1995.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji in Shikoku :
この世には弓矢を守る八幡なり来世は人を救う弥陀仏   Japanese
Kono yo ni wa yumiya o mamoru yahata nari raise wa hito o sukuu Mida butsu

. Nr. 57 - 府頭山 Futoizan 無量寿院 Muryoju-In  栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/taito

. Introduction of Amida Nyorai .

hookyoointoo 宝篋印塔 Hokyointo stone pagoda
- see below -



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

- quote -
A hōkyōintō (宝篋印塔) is a Japanese pagoda, so called because it originally contained the Hōkyōin (宝篋印) dharani (陀羅尼) sūtra.
A Chinese variant of the Indian stūpa, it was originally conceived as a cenotaph of the King of Wuyue - Qian Liu.

----- Structure and function
Usually made in stone and occasionally metal or wood, hōkyōintō started to be made in their present form during the Kamakura period. Like a gorintō, they are divided in five main sections called (from the bottom up) kaeribanaza (反花座), or "inverted flower seat", kiso (基礎), or base, tōshin (塔身), or body, kasa (笠), or umbrella, and sōrin (相輪), or pagoda finial.
he tōshin is the most important part of the hōkyōintō and is carved with a Sanskrit letter.The 'sōrin has the same shape as the tip of a five-storied pagoda. The kasa can also be called yane (屋根), or roof. It's decorated with four characteristic wings called mimikazari (耳飾) or sumikazari (隅飾).
Different structures exist, and the hōkyōintō property of the Yatsushiro Municipal Museum in Kyushu for example is divided in just four parts, with no kaeribanaza.
The sūtra
contain all the pious deeds of a Tathagata Buddha, and the faithful believe that praying in front of a hōkyōintō their sins will be canceled, during their lives they will be protected from disasters and after death they will go to heaven.
The hōkyōintō tradition in Japan
is old and is believed to have begun during the Asuka period (550–710 CE). They used to be made of wood and started to be made in stone only during the Kamakura period. It is also during this period that they started to be used also as tombstones and cenotaphs.
- source : wikipedia -

. gorintoo, gorintō 五輪塔 Gorinto stone markers .


CLICK for more samples of this stone monument.

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

愛知県 Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama

kyuusekisan 旧跡さん
The founder of 河和城 Kowa castle, 戸田憲光 Toda Norimitsu has his grave at 全忠寺 the temple Zenchu-Ji, where a 宝篋印塔 Hokyointo is situated.
If people behave improperly near this grave, they will be punished and soon become ill.

Zenchu-Ji --- Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Mihama-chō, Kōwa

山形県 Yamagata 鶴岡市 Tsuruoka

tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell
In the beginning of the Meiji period they wanted to build a school. To pay for it the hanging bell and the Hokyointo of the temple were sold.
Now if there is a strong wind the school building is swaying. Once during a celebration at the school the wind blew off the roof . . .
The elders of the town only laugh at this . . . after all, the hanging temple bell had been sold . . .

. tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


- reference : 御府内八十八 与楽寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 明王院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #yorakuji #myooin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 3/12/2017 02:47:00 pm

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