24 Jun 2017

EDO TEMPLE - Gofunai temples 86 and 87

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 86 - Joozenin 常泉院 Jozen-In

- 金剛山 Kongosan  常泉院 Jozen-In 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji
文京区春日1-9-3 / Bunkyo ward, Kasuga 1-9-3
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1627 by 卓意 priest Takui.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

It was close to the estate of the 水戸藩 Mito Domain in Edo and under their protection.
In the Meiji period, 赤煉瓦の塀 a wall of red brick was constructed around the compound.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 志度寺 Shiodera in Shikoku :
いざさらば今宵はここに志度の寺 祈りの声を耳に触れつつ
Iza saraba koyoi wa koko ni shido no tera inori no koe o mimi ni furetsutsu

. Shidodera 志度寺 Shido-Dera / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/bunkyo

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .


Shootendoo 聖天堂 Shoten-Do Hall

. Shooten 聖天 Shoten, Ganesh, Vinaayaka, Nandikeshvara.
Kankiten (Kangiten 歓喜天)



Nr. 87 - Gokokuji 護国寺 Gokoku-Ji
音羽護国寺 Otowa Gokoku-Ji

- 神齢山 Shinreizan 悉地院 Shitchi-In 護国寺 Gokoku-Ji
文京区大塚5-40-1 / Bunkyo ward, Otsuka 5-40-1
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1681 by 亮賢僧正 high priest Ryoken (1611 - 1687)
on behalf of Shogun Tsunayoshi for his mother, 桂昌院 Lady Keisho-In (徳川綱吉 生母).
The main statue is 如意輪観世音菩薩 Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu.

The many temple buildings survived the earthquakes and fires of war and are now important national cultural property.

- quote -
The temple had a variety of attractions to offer. It conducted periodic public displays (kaicho) of memorabilia associated with Keisho-In, attracting large numbers of visitors.
Gokokuji held fifteen such displays over the course of the Edo period and also hosted twenty-five displays of treasures from famous temples outside Edo.
- - - - - Read more about this important temple:
- Layered Landscapes: Early Modern Religious Space Across Faiths and Cultures
edited by Eric Nelson, Jonathan Wright - MORE :
- source : books.google.co.jp -

江戸名所図会 護国寺

護国寺惣門 / 総門 main gate . . . CLICK here for Photos !
護国寺桂昌殿 Keisho-Hall
護国寺多宝塔 Tahoto tower
護国寺鐘楼 Bell tower
護国寺圓成庵 / 円成庵 Enjo-An Tea house


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji in Shikoku :
あしびきの山鳥の尾の長尾寺 秋の夜すがら み名を唱えよ
Ashibiki no yamadori no o no Nagaodera aki no yosugara mina o tonaete

. Nr. 87 Nagaoji 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
江戸三十三箇所観音霊場 - 33 Kannon Temples of Edo - Nr. 13
東京三十三観音霊場 - 33 Kannon Temples of Tokyo - Nr. 24
Gokoku-Ji was on the Edo-version of the Saikoku Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples, founded in 1771. Gokoku-Ji was linked to 清水寺 Kiyomizudera in Kyoto.
In the compound were many cherry trees to enjoy the blossoms in spring.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : yuwakai.org/dokokai3 ... gokokuji.html

- 5-40-1 Ōtsuka, Bunkyō-ku, Tokyo
Like many Buddhist temples in Japan, Gokoku-ji has a cemetery on its premises. Among those interred are the remains of the following people:
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Introduction of Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 (1646 - 1709) .
inu kuboo, Inu-Kubō 犬公方 Inu Kubo, the Dog Shogun
and his mother 桂昌院 Keisho-In.


- reference : 御府内八十八 常泉院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 護国寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #jozenin #gokokuji - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/14/2017 09:54:00 am

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