. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Chiba and its Tengu legends 千葉県と天狗伝説

Chiba no kotengu 千葉の小天狗 The Small Tengu from Chiba
Chiba Eijiroo 千葉 栄次郎 Chiba Eijiro (1833 - 1862)
A Samurai of the Bakumatsu period. Master of the 北辰一刀流 Hokushin Ittoryu School of Swordsmanship.
He studied with his father, 千葉周作 Chiba Shusaku, and became so proficient, he was called "Small Tengu" at age 19.

千葉栄次郎 - 隊士図鑑
嶺岡浅間の天狗面 Mineoka Asama Tengu Masks
The Mineoka Mountain District ( 嶺岡山地 Mineoka sanchi).
Mount Mineoka Asama is 336 m high. On its North-Eastern side is a temple housing 白滝不動 Shirataki Fudo and the stone Tengu masks are close to it.

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten.. gate 507...
The stone Tengu on the way have some strange forms, with a protruding mouth and a nose like a dumpling.
The locals call them 石尊山 Sekison San - Venerable Stone Deities .
The belief in Sekison San is known in the Tanzawa mountains, Oyama and at 富士山新五合目小御岳石尊 the 5th station of Mount Fujisan,

There are three sanctuaries for the stone Tengu on the way up to Mount Mineoka Asama.

高宕山 Takagoyama - 315 m high
From its peak there is a great view over the Kujukutani mountains, Tokyo Bay and all the way to Mount Fujisan.
Now the center of 県立高宕山自然公園, Takagoyama Prefectural Natural Park in South-central Chiba.

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Kujukutani 千葉 九十九谷
Kujukutani is the landscape of the row of mountains seen from the Kujukutani Park down from Shiratori Shrine at the southeastern end of Mt. Kano in Kimitsu City, Chiba Pref. The mountains including Mt. Takago are part of Boso Kyuryo (hills).
This picturesque landscape is composed of deep valleys and overlapping mountain ridgelines, which is selected as one of 500 Charming Spots in Boso. Purple mists at dawn or the after grow of a sunset creates a magnificent scene like an ink painting. Especially beautiful is the sea of clouds trailing along the ridgelines and fading out into the air, which can be seen from the late fall to winter.
A poet, Keigetsu Omachi, described it as "the most wonderful sight in the world." It is said that an artist painter, Kaii Higashiyama, was inspired with this landscape and painted one of his masterpieces, "Afterglow."
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -
高宕山源頼朝と天狗面 Takagoyama and the Tengu Mask of Minamoto to Yoritomo
飯縄寺 Iizunadera Temple (Iinawadera)
千葉県いすみ市岬町和泉2935-1 / Chiba, Isumi, Misakichoizumi, 2935-1

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten/851-900..
Mount Takagoyama is 雨乞いの山 a mountain for rain rituals. At 清滝神社 Kiyotaki Jinja a small shrine the Waterfall Deity is venerated as 高オカミ神 the Mountain Deity. (The old Kanji for this spelling is rain 雨 on top and below it three open mouths 口. Below it the Kanji for a dragon 龍 - a very complicated Kanji indeed, 高おかみ神.)
Below this shrine is the Kannon hall in a cave, protecting the Tengu masks.
Once upon a long time, Minamoto no Yoritomo had to flee from 小田原の石橋山 the lost battle in Odawara and took refuge here. Yoritomo stayed in the Kannon cave (高宕観音 Takago Kannon) and prayed for the return of his good luck and victory. On the pillars of this cave-hall hang the Tengu masks.
高宕山 The Kanji in the middle, 宕, refers to the cave, and this reminded people of the famous 愛宕山 Atagoyama in Kyoto.
Maybe the Tengu from Atagoyama even came here to visit ? ??
. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals - Introduction .

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten/000-050..

観音堂の天狗面 The Tengu Masks of the Kannon-Hall
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牛若丸と大天狗 Ushiwakamaru and the Dai-Tengu

Iizuna temple is known as the 天狗の寺"Tengu Temple".
People come here to pray fpr fire prevention, safety on the sea, prosperous business and health.
The temple treasure is a wood carving of about 4 m length and 1 m hight by the famous carver 波の伊八 Nami no Ihachi.
It shows 牛若丸と天狗 Ushiwakamaru and the Tengu.
At the 仁王門 Nio-Mon entrance gate is a carving of a Tengu riding the waves.
- - - - - and an amulet to go with it

- reference source : isumi-kankou.com/isumi-kanko..
. Minamoto no Yoritomo 源 頼朝 . - (1147 – 1199)
founder of the Kamakura Shogunate
. Iizuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現 Izuna Daigongen .
. 飯綱三郎天狗 Izuna Saburo Tengu .
He lives on Mount Iizunayama 飯砂山 / 飯綱山 in Nagano.
. Nami no Ihachi 波の伊八 "Ihachi the carver of waves" .
Dragon and waves 竜と波 at temple 飯縄寺 Izunadera.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
長生郡 Chosei district 長柄町 Nagara town
Someone cut the weeds below the 天狗の腰かけ松 Pine of the Tengu. The Tengu got angry, abducted him and when the man came back, he had a bad injury.
. Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松 / Tengu no matsu 天狗の松 .
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Aoso sama 青麻様 "Green Hemp Deity"
The protecting deity of the 鹿間家 Shikama family is Aoso Sama, said to be a Tengu. He protects from 中風 palsy. Its annual rituals are on the first of April and September.
The offering is red rice and never pumpkin or leek, since he does not like these vegetables.
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A child once saw a Tengu on the bridge of 東茂原 Higashi Mobara. Soon after the child got ill and died.
A Tengu once shape-shifted and worked at a temple in I市原 chihara town. When the priest asked him to get some Tofu he flew all the way to Kyoto to buy it.
Many Tengu sometimes came to the 権現森 Gongenmori Park and made music with flutes and drums.
(Gongen Mori is a hill in Chiba and is nearby are Nagarayama and Rokujizō. 権現森自然公園.)
館山市 Tateyama city
At 滝田 Takita there is 天狗の通り道 a Tengu road, where they pass with the most strange sounds when flying past. It is a rather deep forest and sometimes the forest workers, who stay over night in a small hut, can feel it moving and shaking.
. madoo 魔道 - まどう Mado, road where monsters pass .
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At the village 平群村 Hegurimura near 岩井 Iwai there lived a Tengu. The warden of the small shrine could tell his temper: On good days the water bucked was filled by the Tengu, on bad days it was empty.
A villager from 八束村 Yatsukamura village has seen a Tengu in the mountain forest, reading a book.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 千葉 天狗 伝説-
. Tengu no men 天狗の面 / 天狗面 mask of a Tengu - Introduction .
. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #tenguchiba #chibatengu #bosohantotengu -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 7/18/2017 09:55:00 am
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