. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
oni ni naru 鬼になる to become a demon
When someone dies with a grudge or unfinished business in this world, he might become an Oni and carry on . . .
Some souls become yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghosts.
In other social circumstances, it becomes necessary to turn into an Oni (devil's advocate) right away . . .
Not all Oni are bad, destructive, eating humans or causing much harm and trouble.
Some are quite nice, kind, helpful and benevolent.
. Benevolent and helpful Oni Demons 優しい鬼 yasashii oni .
. matagi 又鬼 / マタギ bear hunters .
- - - mata oni ni naru 又鬼 "I have to become a demon again"

He who eats human meat will become an Oni ? ???

鬼になる器なれない器 ― 企業で勝ち上がる・独立するための34章
To be able to become an Oni or not - 34 chapters to survive in business and become independent
里中李生 Satonaka Risho
- - - - - Contents
第1部 勝ち上がりたいなら、鬼になれ
第2部 女人に対し鬼になれるか
第3部 快楽を極める鬼になれ
第4部 あなたが鬼才を発揮するために
第5部 己れの道は鬼に通ず
第6部 信念なくして鬼才にあらず
第7部 鬼の道は独立にあり
- kisai 鬼才 genius, "demon genius"

source : 16.tok2.com/home/ichinose... 一ノ瀬芳翠
. demon genius painter 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai .
. kijin 鬼人 / onibito オニビト "human demon" .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Many humans turned Oni have a red face and some have an iron ring on the head.
Anyway, they all have fearful features.
二本松市 Nihonmatsu
. 安達が原の鬼女 Adachigahara Woman Demon, 鬼婆 Onibaba .
haunting the area of 黒塚 Kurozuka
郡上郡 Kujo district
When the owner of a cat dies, the cat may become an Oni. But if the Buddhist priest performs special rites with his rosary and ritual fan, the cat will come back to itself.
If people hit a tea bowl, the gaki 餓鬼 hungry demons will come together. And maybe this person will become an Oni himself.
. Hashihime, Hashi Hime 橋姫 / はし姫 "Princess of the Bridge" .
soogenbi 宗源火 Sogenbi / ubagabi 姥ケ火 / 姥ヶ火
A 幽霊 ghost does not necessarily appear in the shape of a human being. Some become a bird, rat, insect or other animal,
and some become an Oni.
In the district of 京都西院 Saiin this is called Sogenbi fire or Ubagabi fire.
It is a kind of Onibi 鬼火 Demon Fire.

The ubagabi (姥ヶ火or 姥火,lit. "old woman's fire")
is an atmospheric ghost light told about in legends in the Kawachi Province (now Osaka Prefecture) and Tamba Province (now northern Kyoto Prefecture). They are mentioned in old litreature, such as the Tenpō period book the Shokoku Rijin Dan (諸国里人談) and Ihara Saikaku's collection of miscellaneous tales the Saikaku Shokoku Banashi (西鶴諸国ばなし) as well as Edo period kaidan books such as the Kokon Hyaku Monogatari Hyōban (古今百物語評判'), the Kawachi Kagami Meishōki (河内鑑名所記), and Toiryama Sekien's collection of yōkai depictions, the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō, among other mentions.
- According to the Shokoku Rijin Dan, on a rainy night, in Hiraoka, Kawachi (now Higashiōsaka, Osaka Prefecture), it would appear as a ball of fire with a length of one shaku (about 30 centimeters). It's said that in the past, an old woman stole oil from the Hiraoka Shrine and became a mysterious fire from a resulting curse.

Sōgenbi (叢原火 or 宗源火, lit. "religion source fire")
It was an onibi in Kyoto in Sekien Toriyama's Gazu Hyakki Yagyō. It was stated to be a monk who once stole from the Jizōdō in Mibu-dera who received Buddhist punishment and became an onibi, and the anguishing face of the priest would float inside the fire. The name also appeared in the "Shinotogibōko," a collection of ghost stories from the Edo period.
- MORE in the wikipedia -
. onibi 鬼火 - Will-o'-the-wisp - kitsunebi 狐火 "fox fire" .
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 阿智村 Achi
Is someone walks between the pine branches of a New Year decoration of 門松 Kadomatsu, he will turn into an Oni.
. Ipponashi, the horse of Yoshitsune 一本足は義経の馬 .
- - - - - 猪笹王 (イノザサオウ) King Inozasa-O became an Oni
Inozasa was a huge wild boar living at 伯母峰峠 Obamine Toge pass in Nara. One day it was shot by the hunter
射場兵庫 Iba Hyogo. Tte Wild boar's 亡霊 ghost soul went to Kishu (Wakayama), to 湯の峰の温泉 the hot spring Yunomine and shape-shifted into a wandering Samurai, to heal his wounds. When the owner of the lodging peeked into the room at night, he saw a huge wild boar spread all over the floor. Later the ghost soul became 一本足の鬼 an Ippondatara Oni with one leg. It went back to Obamine and begun to feed on travelers.
Saint Tansei 丹誠上人 could finally appease the soul. But every year on the 20th day of the 12th lunar month,
the day when all appeased Oni become free for one day, it could come back to this world.
This day is called
. hate no hatsuka 果ての二十日 the final day 20 of the year .
source : tyz-yokai.blog.jp/archives....
猪笹王[いのささおう] Inosasa-O
- another version of this legend:
source : vill.kamikitayama.nara.jp/
. Ippondatara いっぽんだたら in Totsukawa village, Nara .
十日町市 Tokamachi town 松代町 Matsushiromachi
Seijuuroo セイジュウロウ Seijuro
In the hamlet of 池尻集落 Ikejiri lived a man called Seijuro. One evening he heared a voice at the door calling "Hello, Good evening!" and when he opened, he was kidnapped by 魔物 an ogre.
One year later he came back, but by then he had become an Oni.
新見市 Niimi
. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .
- legend from the hamlet下熊谷 Shimokumatani in Niimi.
. Hyooze no Matsuwaka 兵生の松若と伝説 Matsuwaka from Hyoze .
Hyoze is a small hamlet in Wakayama, bordering to Nara, in the 果無山脈 Hatenashi mountain range and
near 安堵山 Mount Andosan.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- reference - 鬼になる -
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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #onininaru -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 8/12/2017 09:39:00 am
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