. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrim .
rokubu Jizoo 六部地蔵 Rokubu Jizo Bosatsu
. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrim .
- Introduction -
sixty-six part circuit pilgrimage
六部(ろくぶ) Rokubu pilgrimage, Rokubu pilgrim / / 六十六部衆
Pilgrim traveling with 66 volumes of the Lotus Sutra
Rokujurokubu Hijiri - kaikoku hijiri 廻国聖 - itinerant Rokubu Pilgrim
六十六部行者 rokujuurokubu gyooja / 六部行者 / rokubu gyoja
六十六部廻国巡礼 rokujurokubu kaikoku junrei
A pilgrim copies the 法華経 Hokekyo Lotus Sutra 66 times and brings a copy each to 66 temples
in 66カ国 66 different domains of Japan.

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
氷上郡 Hikami district
saru 猿 monkey
The daughter of the village elder was choosen as the annual human sacrifice for the hihi 狒々 monster baboon, but a Rokubu saved her.
When he continued his travels, the Rokubu fell to the ground due to the poison of the Baboon. He was in turn saved by an old grandfather and grandmother, who told him to take shelter near the Jizo Bosatsu.
When the son of these elders came home, he killed his parents and said it was the Rokubu who had killed them.
Now the daughter who the Rokubu had saved in the first place realized whan has happened and and saved the Rokubu from the punishment of beheading.
Thus is the circle of events.
. hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster Legends .
Just when a Rokubu pilgrim walked over the pass, the woman of the lodging gave birth to a baby. The husband, who had been away to get help, was surprized to find nobody at home when he came back, neither mother nor the baby.
To pray for their peace in the other world, he built a stone statue of Jizo Bosatsu. When the statue by accident rolled down the hill and into the swamp, he had a dream that night and Jizo told him where his wife and the baby were.
曽於郡 Soo district
Rokubu Jizo no bachi 六部地蔵のバチ divine punishment
Once an old villager became very ill, but the cause was not known. When he asked a shaman he told him:
"Bring an offering of salt and clear water to the Rokubu Jizo every day!"
He did so for four, five days and - oh wonder - the man was healed.
People thought since the man had lost his wife in a traffic accident and collected a lot of insurance money to gamble around, this has been his divine punishment.
Rokubu no junrei no tatari 六部の巡礼のたたり curse of the Rokubu pilgrim
The 渡辺初男家 Watanabe family has a Jizo dating back to around 1855.
They got it to appease a Rokubu pilgrim who had cursed the family.
上天草市松島町阿村 Kami-Asakusa, Matsuchima, Amura
This Jizo helps taking away warts and is also called
ibotori Jizoo イボとり地蔵 Jizo taking away warts
People use the water offerings to spread them over their skin for healing.
If they get healed, they bring some Tofu as an offering.
reference source : jalan.net/kankou/spt...
. ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts .
加茂市 Kamo
Once upon a time
a Rokubu pilgrim came along and collected a few thousand stones, taking three, four years. Then he made a statue of Jizo Bosatsu of about 4 meters high, and used the small stones to make made a lot of small Jizo statues and left the village. Since the village children came to play with them, eventually the villagers built a lattice fence around it.
Once on a winter day, looking closely, the Jizo was not there any more, and the footsteps of a small child were all over the place. Following the footsteps, they found the Jizo near a clear spring. The villagers were overjoyed with the new water source and called the spring
Jizo Kiyomizu 地蔵清水.
In his honor they built the temple 谷泉寺 Kokusen-Ji near the spring.
新潟県加茂市下土倉778 / 778 Shimotsuchikura, Kamo-shi
中津川村 Nakatsugawa village
Once a Rokubu Pilgrim stayed over night. Since he carried some money, the villagers killed him with a hemp cord.
Before he died the pilgrim said "I will extinguish this family and turn it into Roku Jizo."
The family flourished for a short while but then the line was extinguished.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrim .
- Introduction - Rokubu Pilgrims -
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .
- - #rokujuroku #rokubujizo #jizorokubu -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/05/2017 11:06:00 am
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