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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 愛知県 Legends about Tengu in Aichi
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

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Folk Legends of Japan - By Richard M. Dorson
- source : books.google.co.jp/books... -
1 The Stone of the Tengu's Heel
Near the top of Mt. Shira at Inaba, Asahi-mura, Higashi Kasugai-gun, three is an old stone about three feet in diameter. It is called "Tengu no Kakato Iwa", the Stone of the Tengu's Heel.
On the surface of the stone there is a hollow in the shape of a heel of a big foot facing east. It is said that the Tengu who lived in this mountain in ancient days, intending to go one night to Mount Sarunage on an errand, stepped on this stone and jumped a big jump eastward, leaving his footprint on the stone. People say there is a Tengu still living on Mount Shira and that the Tengu's Fire is sometimes seen on dark, rainy nights.
2 The Tengu's Fire
There is a big pine tree at the Kita Kakai in Yamatomura, Nakajima-gun. It is said that Yamato Tekeru no Mikoto once put his sedge hat on this tree. The villagers often see a strange fire moving between this tree and the old cedar tree at Kumano Shrine in Kita Takai. This is said to be caused by the Tengu who has his residence on the tops of these two trees and comes and goes between them.
3 The Tengu's Pine
There was a big pine tree in the precincts of Shinmei Shrine at Kanesato, Tomita-mura. A Tengu lived there since ancient times. When he was in good humor, his laughter was heard throughout the village and the village was left in peace. But when he was offended, he did violence and frightened the villagers.
This tree fell down in a severe storm in 1921.
Tengu no Kakato Iwa 天狗のかかと岩

本地ヶ原の「今と昔」 Honjigahara
- reference source : honji.jp/history/history -
sugi 杉 cedar tree
On the mountain pass there is a huge 杉 cedar tree. From its prances once dangled the cut-off arm of a human.
Two travelers passing by saw this and run away in great fear.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.
dani ダニ tick
If the Tengu takes a pee on old 草履 Zori straw sandals, ticks will come out of it.
Once a mountain forest worker sat down on a pair of old straw sandals. All of a sudden he fell asleep. When he woke up, his body was covered with ticks.
. waraji - zoori 草鞋- 履 と伝説 Legends about straw sandals .
- - iso tengu, isotengu 磯天狗 Isotengu, Iso-Tengu, "Seashore Tengu", a Sea Yokai monster - -
Known in Aichi, 佐久島Sakushima, Wakayama 和歌山県須賀利 and Mie 三重県北牟婁郡.

source : wikiwiki.jp/heian...
It carries the name of TENGU, but is not a Tengu, rather a kind of 河童 Kappa.
It likes to make fire and if it finds a living creature, it burns it down. It does not like creatures living in water, since it can not set fire on them. Still it lights a fire at the seashore (iso) to try at least.
In the town of 半田市 Handa in former times fishermen saw a strange 白煙 white smoke whirling up on the sea and becoming bigger and bigger. It looked like a tornado and came with strong wind gusts. People who saw it called it the deed of Iso-Tengu.
Once a courages wild man ventured out to get rid of this Iso-Tengu. He climbed up to a mountain where the was Iso-Tengu residing and indeed, saw a white smoke like a tornado fly around. In no time the man was wrapped up in the smoke and drawn far out on the sea.
知多郡 Chita district
知多郡 - 美浜町Mihama
tengu sama no isami 天狗様のいさみ
On a quiet night without wind Tengu no Isami can be heard.
It comes from the topo of the Pine of 氏神の松 Ujigami no matsu and 山の神の松 Yamanokami no matsu and sounds like the nice melody of a flute.
It has been heard by a lot of people, but they all have run back to there home very fast.
and related
龍宮様の太鼓 The Drum from the Dragon Palace
Sometimes on a summer day, the sound of a drum is heard at the beach, like coming from the bottom of the sea and moving from North to South.
This is the "Drum from the Dragon Palace".
知多郡 - 南知多町 Minami-Chita
If fishermen leave some fish below a tree on the seashore, 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu comes to burn them.
Once a fishermen went fishing at 鳶ヶ崎 Tobigasaki on a night when it looked like rain would come soon. He caught amazingly many fish and the boat became quite heavy. Suddenly all became quite light and he looked up at the sky in amazement. From the sea there came some hi no tama 火の玉 white balls of fire flying toward him.
This must be 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu, he thought, put his straw sandals on his head and began to recite the Amida prayer. The balls of fire flew away the South. But all the fish had disappeared from the boat.
幡豆郡 Hazu district 一色町 Isshiki
iso tengu 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu
If the fishermen find their catch gone, they say it was the bad deed of Iso-Tengu.
Once a person was abducted by a Tengu and taken to 金毘羅様 Mount Kompirasan in Shikoku and even to 江戸 Edo in no time.
宝飯郡 Hoi district 音羽町 Otowa
hana tengu 鼻天狗 "Nose-Tengu"
Once Hana-Tengu played with the children and changed his size as they asked him to do.
First he became the size of 子供 a child, then of ねずみ a mouse, than of とり a bird, then of 米粒 a rice corn, then of けし粒 a poppy seed . . .
and you guess, finally the children stepped on the seed and crushed it.
東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山町 Shimoyama
The local Tengu likes to make merry. Sometimes he sits on the high 松の木 pine tree and plays the drum.
Once a lumberjack was walking in the mountains and stopped by a Tengu.
He was asked to put his Zori straw sandals on his head and then someone peed on the sandals.
Kitashitara 北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district
This is a district full of Tengu legends. Even plants are influenced by him.

Tengu nasu eggplants 天狗茄子
Sometimes people are assaulted by a Tengu. They are then usually told to put their Zori sandals on their head.
- quote -
Kosaku and the Tengu
In Aichi Prefecture there lived a man in the Kitashitara district called Kousaku. Kousaku loved dancing and in particular the festival of Hana-matsuri. This festival is held at the end of December and the beginning of January each year. People preyed for good crops in the coming year and spent the nights dancing round bonfires.
On day, after the festival was over,
Kousaku was cutting grass on a hillside when he heard the sound of wooden flutes. He realized that these must be the instruments of the mountain Tengu. He tried his best not to dance, fearfull of becoming enchanted. But finally the music took hold of him and he began to dance.
He didn't know how long he had danced for when a Tengu appeared behind him.
"Come dance with us"
said the birdman and flun what looked like a rope up the mountainside. A passageway appeared in the mountain and the Tengu led Kousaku through it. Inside the hill were many more Tengu and Kousaku danced with them to the sound of their flutes. The Tengu were delighted with his performance and rewarded him with rice cakes and tobacco.
One tengu tested Kousaku's bravery by taking him to a cliff and threatening to throw him down. When Kousaku showed no fear the birdman was impressed.
On their way back to the village,
at a place called Imadate Kousaku found a tall cedar tree and cut its branch. He handed over it talking, " Please give this branch to your Greatest Tengu in the Mt. Akiba".
The tengu replied that he was a good man and they wished to repay him by giving him some form of great power. Kousaku requested to have great strength. The Tengu cast their spells and then Kousaku was empowered with a giant's strength. He uprooted the tree and carried it back to the village.
- source : myths.e2bn.org/
Another version of this legend
A Story of Being Deceived by Tengu
- source : ohta-jpn.co.jp -
hana takaki otoko 鼻高き男 man with a long nose
A very strong man named 又平 Matahei once passed below the 天狗松 Tengu Matsu pine tree. A man with a long nose suddenly appeared and asked him to compare their strength.
Matahei climbed on the tree and grappled with the man, but was thrown down and died soon after.
. Tengu no matsu 天狗の松, Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松 .
- - - - -
Once a man rested on the mountain when a large man suddenly appeared before him. The man asked him all kinds of personal questions and he could not help but answer. This made him realize his own personal situation very clearly.
At the end the large Tengu-Man gave him 黄金の玉 a golden ball and promised he would not tell anybody else about his secrets. Then the Tengu disappeared just as fast as he had come.
北設楽郡 - 本郷町 Hongo
kamikakushi 神かくし mysterious disappearance
Once a young naive boy of about 15 or 16 years did not come home at night.
When the parents asked him the next morning when he came back, he sadt he had been in the mountain, led by a Tengu and played with 薬師 Yakushi Nyorai.
北設楽郡 - 御殿村 Midono
A father went to get some medicine for his daughter after giving birth.
At the pass he met some men with red faces and long noses. They led him back home and taught him how to make the medicine. He saw them off, making a deep bow at the door, but the rest of the family could see nobody.
北設楽郡 - 名倉村 Nagura
Once a man on his way home from cutting weeds in the mountain forest, but the rope of the luggage on the horseback kept unravelling. So it took him a long time to get home.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.
北設楽郡 - 設楽町 Shitara city
Some forest workers were were trying to pull a large tree. Suddenly they saw a Tengu moving the heavy tree trunk easily and without any problem down the slope.
They got quite afraid and left the forest.
The blood of a bird shot down by an arrow kept flowing out of the wound. The hunters felt scared and uneasy and left the spot. But after a while they went back and found neither the bird nor any blood.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.
北設楽郡 - 東栄町 Toei
One evening a man took a rest at the pass. A man with a long nose, white hair and beard and 羽の団扇 a feather fan came closer and closer. He thought that must be a Tengu and was struck with fear. But he did not show his emotions and the man gave him a fish with no eyes.
The local Tengu like 神楽 Kagura music. During the 花祭り Hanamatsuri Festival they show up at 高嶺 Takane and are welcomed with lanterns.
. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 and a miracle medicine .
北設楽郡 - 豊根村 Toyone
toori tengu 通り天狗 a Tengu passing
Once a man had to walk over the mountain pass, when he saw some pitch-black men standing hi his way with a strange something. He could not even move any more. Eventually he turned back and went home. The forest workers said it was probably a Tengu passing, and the man died shortly after.
- - - - - and one legend about a Tengu passing
from 和歌山県 Wakayama, 有田郡 Arida district 清水村 Shimizu
A man stayed over night at the Shrine 日光神社 Nikko Jinja, when he heard the sound of someone cutting wood and then of a tree falling down.
Later he learned that this was a place where the Tengu are passing.
北設楽郡 - 作手村 Tsukute
In the next room there was a strange loud noise, ガラガラ garagara.
Next morning taking a look, nothing had changed.
People say a Tengu had been here over night.
北設楽郡 - 津具 Tsugu
This district is known as Home of the Tengu Legends, Tsugu village 天狗伝説の郷 津具
Gobanishiyama 碁盤石山 A Mountain with a Tengu Legend
Mt. Goban-ishiyama. The mountain is 1189 m high.

Once upon a time
There lived a Tengu on this mountain who liked to play a game of 囲碁 Igo.
Once he had a match with a man known for his skill at the game, who lived in a village at the foot of the mountain. They played for seven days and seven nights, but in the end the Tengu lost. In his anger the Tengu took the last stone and threw it upside down. There it turned to a stone, to be seen to our day.
A similar legend of a Tengu playing Igo is told in Saitama 埼玉県.
. igo 囲碁 the game of Go .
岡崎市 Okazaki city
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If people happen to see a "Tengu fire", they throw their geta 下駄 wooden sandals or zoori 草履 straw sandals to make it go away.
奥三河 Okumikawa
- quote -
There was a man named Taichi TENGU. This man, some day, went to the mountain. The surroundings became darker and darker, and then a Tengu appeared and said, "I take you as a disciple, so come with me." Even though the man said, "No," he was taken away forcibly, and the Tengu said, "Fly." "I will die if I fly. I can‟t stand it," he said, and the Tengu said, "That‟s impossible. Since I am a Tengu, you can fly, too, so fly." Then, the Tengu showed him fly before him. "Fly, fly," being pushed at the back, the man flied and could fly. Then, with the Tengu, the man was being trained on how to fly that way and this way, he did not go home for a while.
Then, some time,
everyone went to the mountain, and the man was standing blue. "Where did you go?" "I, taken by the Tengu, was being trained everywhere. I can fly that way, fly this way, I can fly over anything." After hearing that, everyone said "That‟s ridiculous. Show us how you fly." He couldn't fly but was able to do something an ordinary person cannot do.
- source : ohta-jpn.co.jp -
豊橋市 Toyohashi City
. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festival .
The climax of the festival is part entitled "The Teasing of the 'Aka-Oni' Red Ogre and 'Tengu' Goblin",
in which a long-nosed Tengu drives away a raging red Aka-Oni ...

豊川市 Toyokawa 小坂井町 Kozakai
. Shooki 鍾馗 Shoki, The Demon Queller .
. Shrine Utari Jinja 莵足神社 .
豊川市小坂井町字宮脇2番地の1 / Miyawaki-2-1 Kozakaicho, Toyokawa, Aichi

During the main festival of this shrine, masks of Shoki, Tengu, Uzume and others are sold.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
- and Tengu legends from Aichi
Tengudana 天狗棚 Mount Tengudana - 1,240 m
Near Toyota City and Shitara city

The mountain has a legend that the long-nosed goblin (Tengu) lives there.
There is also a restaurant called Restaurant Tengudana,
Takazasa, Tsugu-mura, Kitashitara Gun, Aichi, Kitashitara Gun , Aichi
Chausuyama highlands
is located on the border between Aichi Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture.

Tengu-dana shelf seen from the Mennoki Pass located on the south of Chausu.
You would see the nose of Tengu stick out of the right side slope.
You can watch Mt. Fuji from Tengu-dana shelf in a good weather condition.
- source : mohsho.image.coocan.jp/
Tengu, Yamanonakadachichō, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken 愛知県豊田市山ノ中立町天狗
A place name found googeling.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 10/16/2017 09:53:00 am
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