. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
kamuro 禿 / 禿童(かむろ) child attendant of a courtesan
. Oiran 花魁 courtesans and Yoshiwara .
- Introduction -
The young girls had a special hairstyle:

source : wikipedia
- - not to mix with another meaning of the Chinese character - -
hage 禿げ bald
- quote -
Kamuro were the small girls who attended the great courtesans of the Yoshiwara. Brought into service at the age of five to nine, they paraded in their "older sister" courtesan's retinue when she appeared in public, ran errands for her, and attended her when she met with clients. The streets of the Yoshiwara were lively with brightly dressed little girls going to and fro, carrying orders to merchants, calling on vendors, delivering gifts, trading jokes with the locals, buying snacks for their older sisters to eat hurriedly between clients. They were participants in the life of the Yoshiwara just as much as their older sisters, laughing at samurai visitors' boorish manners and composing haiku about life in the Yoshiwara.
..... Kamuro as Status Symbols

..... Kamuros' Names
Kamuros' names were simple, in contrast with the courtesans' often flowery names. They were usually written in katakana, a less learned and more childish script, rather than in the more sophisticated kanji. And they were created as a pair: Iroha (Color) and Nioi (Scent), or Chidori (Sandpiper) and Namiji (Trail of Waves). The two names could also have a more erudite theme, such as Kureha and Ayaha, names of famous weavers from two different ancient Chinese kingdoms. They could even reproduce a line of poetry: Fujino + Takane = "the high summit of Mt. Fuji."
-- Some of the most popular combinations were:
Futaba and Midori (Bud and New Greenery)
Hanano and Haruno (Flowery Field and Spring Field)
Hatsune and Kochô
Kanomo and Konomo
Onami and Menami (Big Waves and Little Waves)
Sodeno and Wakaba
Takeno and Sasano
Utagi and Utano
- Read the full explanation :
- source : issendai.com/japanese-
. . . CLICK here for more Ukiyo-e Photos !
- - - - - Not related to the ladies, but the same name
. Kamurosan 神室山 Mount Kamuroyama .
秋田県湯沢市 Akita, Yuzawa and 山形県新庄市 Yamagata, Shinjo.
1365 m high
- ABC - List of Kamuro from the Prefectures

花魁と禿 土人形 Oiran and Kamuro

about 30 cm high, made by 杉浦亀太郎 Sugiura Kametaro
. Aichi 碧南大浜土人形 Ohama Clay Dolls .

古博多土人形 old clay doll from Hakata
made by 中ノ子勝美
. Jooganji no Hage Tanuki 浄願寺の禿狸 bald Tanuki from Jogan-Ji.

花魁と禿絵馬 Oiran and Kamuro
Shrine 於菊稲荷神社 Okiku Inari Jinja - - ema 絵馬 votive tablet

hagoita 羽子板 battledore - New Year decoration
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - another meaning of the Chinese character - - hage 禿げ bald
北設楽郡 設楽町
mujina マムシ badger - 禿太郎 Hagetaro
kamuro 禿 / カムロ
kamuro 禿童 / カムロ
kamuro 禿,貧乏神 Bingogami ,毘沙門天 Bishamonten
仙台市 Sendai 青葉区 Aoba
kamuro yashiki かむろ屋敷 Kamuro estate
Before Sendai became a castle town, there was a district called 北七番丁 Kita-Shichibancho with the estate of 湯田靱負 Yuda Yukie, a vassal of 大崎 Osaki.
Around 1500 when there was a party, a young woman appeared and helped, working as hard as ten people. When the trays with the meal were served, the young woman suddenly vanished. At the end of the meal she appeared again and did all the cleaning. She never said a word and nobody knew where she had come from.
atama ga hageru 頭が禿げる getting bald
kamuro suijin 禿水神 / カムロスイジン
ryuuguu 龍宮,hagiwara 禿童 / ハギワラ
kamuroo カムロー,カムラー小 kamuraa gu - Kamuroo Yokai monster
. Hage-tanuki 禿狸 Hage Tanuki, bald Tanuki .
中新川郡 立山村
hagesugi 禿杉,kamibatsu 神罰 / カミバツ
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
28 禿 to explore (10)
カムロ / かむろ -- OK
- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -
keisei o kamuro torimaku chimaki kana
Kamuro sitting
around a courtesan
eating Chimaki . . .
. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki .
. chimaki 茅巻(ちまき)Chimaki ritual rice cakes .
for the Boy's Festival
- kigo for early summer -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #kamuro - - - - -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 10/28/2017 10:05:00 am
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