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Ainodake 間ノ岳 Mount Ainodake, Aino
- quote -
Mount Aino
a peak of the Akaishi Mountains−Southern Alps, in Minami Alps National Park, Japan.
At 3,189 m (10,463 ft), it is the fourth tallest peak in Japan and the second highest in the Akaishi Mountains. Its peak lies on the border of Aoi-ku and Shizuoka in Shizuoka Prefecture, and of Minami-Alps in Yamanashi Prefecture.
- - - - - Mount Aino is one of the landmark 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.

- Mount Aino and Mountain Hut Kita
Within the Akaishi Mountains, Mount Aino is situated roughly 3 km (2 mi) south of Mount Kita, the ranges' tallest peak. Together with Mount Nōtori (農鳥岳 Nōtori-dake) to the south the three mountains may be referred to as Shiranesanzan (白峰三山 / (しらねさんざん) Shirane sanzan).
..... Mount Aino, like most of the Shiranesanzan, abounds with alpine plants. The neighborhood of the summit is dominated by rocks where few plants can survive. It is conceivable that landslides around the summit have led to the growth of linear hollows. ...
- source : wikipedia -
間ノ岳の鬼面雪形 The Demon Face of Snow on Mount Ainodake

On the side facing Nagano there is a slope where the snow looks like the face of an Oni demon. It is best seen from 宮田村 Miyada village in Nagano.
This mention of a 鬼の面 Demon Face was made with appreciation for the snow formations on the mountain slope and does not imply the dangerous side of an Oni.
In Spring, when the snow melts, the face slowly becomes visible. In former times this was an important sign for the farmers to start working in the fields.
There are other snow patterns becoming visible in Spring in these mountains as indicators for the farmers.

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten 614... -
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 11/14/2017 09:44:00 am
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