2 Jan 2018

Fwd: [Gokuraku - Jigoku ] Rokubu goroshi killing

. 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims .

rokubu-goroshi 六部殺し killing a Rokubu, murder of a Rokubu

六部殺し伝説 Rokubu goroshi densetsu - comes with more than 11,000 results googeling !

Working on the Rokubu legends, I found two patterns that are told quite often:
One is of a family having a Rokubu pilgrim staying over night, only to kill him and get his money - and then suffer some kind of curse for generations.
The other type of legend
tells of families which have a problem and ask an itinerant Rokubu, almost like a Shaman, for explanation, understanding and help.

- source - wikipedia
模文画今怪談 - Momonga Kokaidan
鳥文斎栄之 Chōbunsai Eishi - 六部殺しの怪談

This basic story comes in various forms.

A farmer's family let a Rokubu stay over night and cooked a good meal for him, but when they saw the money in his backpack, they decided to kill him and get his money.
They used the money to start a prosperous business.
A child later born to the family was the re-incarnation of this Rokubu - but the child could not speak. One night the child seemed to need to go to the toilet, so father went with him to the outhouse. It was a moonlit night (a dark night, a rainy night . . . variations) - anyway the same weather as the night when they had killed the Rokubu.
Suddenly the child opened his mouth and talked!
"It was a night just like this when you killed me! I remember well!"
And in one second the face changed into that of the Rokubu.

The end of the story varies again, with the father falling dead on the spot, the riches of the family being lost and they get very poor again . . .

- variations -

source : onboumaru.com/008-mouhanbun... Rakugo story - one half more

もう半分 'Mou Hanbun'. moo hanbun - a Rakugo story

夢十夜 Ten nights of dreams - Essay by Natsume Soseki
「こんな夢を見た」で始まる 夏目漱石の散文『夢十夜』の第三夜にも、六部殺しの民話の影響がうかがえる。夢の中で自分の子をおぶって暗い田圃道を歩いており、子供は盲目なのに周囲の状況をよく分かっていて、大人びた口調で話している。歩を進めるごとに思い出してはならない何かを思い出すような気がし、「ちょうどこんな晩だったな」という子供の独り言を不気味に思う。やがて山の一本杉の前に着き、「ここで御前がおれを殺したのは今からちょうど百年前だね」と背中の子供が言った。過去の殺人を自覚したとたん、背中の子供が急に石地蔵のように重くなった。

持田の百姓 Mochida no Hyakusho
殺した相手が金品を持った大人ではなく、幼子の間引きだというパターンも存在する。Koizumi Yagumo 小泉八雲の『知られぬ日本の面影』に出てくる「持田の百姓」では、出雲の貧しい百姓が産まれた子供を6人まで次々と川へ捨て、その間にようやく少し余裕のある暮らしが出来るようになる。そうして7人目の男児は跡取りとして育てることにし、溺愛した。ところがある日、月夜の庭へ散歩に出ると、抱いた乳呑み児の我が子が「わしを最後に捨てた夜もこんな月夜だったね」と口を利き、またすぐに普通の赤子に戻った。百姓は出家した。
Once there lived in the Izumo village called Mochidanoura a peasant who was so poor that he was afraid to have children.
- Read this story online -


- - - - - 民俗学的分析 - - - - -
In times without television or daily newspapers, in all parts of Japan, itinerant Rokubu and other pilgrims were welcome to bring news from the parts they had just been. They were called
異人(まれびと)Marebito and treated well, bringing good luck and fortune to a village - usually.
Sometimes they got killed and their stories are まれびと殺し marebito koroshi.
marebito - 稀人 / 客人

In some parts where the family did not have a child, it was possible to offer the woman of the house as maroodo-kon「客人(まろうど)婚」"wedding a traveler", a "bride for one night" to an itinerant priest, and a child born out of this "marriage" might later remember what happened to his father.



- quote -


A story from Niigata about a Sake producer in the town of 大佐渡 Osado, Niigata.

幕末の頃、この酒屋に、器量がよく、頭もよい一人娘がありました。ある年、村氏神の奉納相撲に、たいへん強く、また男振りのよい相撲取りがやってきます。娘はこの相撲取りに惚れてしまい、一緒になることを切望しました。周囲も折れ、酒屋は男を一人娘に聟として迎えます。このことは酒屋が相撲取りを聟にとったと評判になりました。ところが、この男が、呑む、打つ、買うの三拍子そろった食わせ者でした。親族一同は、このままではカマドを潰されてしまうと危惧し、ムコトリアネ(家督を嗣いだ長女をこう呼びます)が嫌がるところを、無理矢理、男を家から追い出してしまったのです。 ...
- reference source : 小嶋博巳 -


風流三国志』〈六部殺し〉 reading Rokubu-goroshi" in Furyu-sangokushi
- source : Japanese Literature - J-Stage -


. Join the Rokubu Pilgrims on Facebook ! .


. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrims .
- Introduction - 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims -

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

- - #rokubugoroshi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/03/2017 01:18:00 pm

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