2 May 2018

HEIAN - Sennin 11 Sadazumi Shinno

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 Prince Sadazumi-Shinno
(873 – 916)

He is Nr. 11 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

He was the sixth son of the emperor Seiwa.
His line has produced the three Shogun families of Minamoto, Ashikaga, and Tokugawa.
Descendants of the Minamoto clan worship Sadazumi Shinno as their tutelary deity.
He had ordered 13000 Buddha statues to be placed in the temples of Japan.

Legends tells of him one day when he turned 44 he went to 一条大宮の桃園池 the Peach Park Pond at Ichijo Omiya and became a huge dragon.
From then on he was also called 桃園親王 Prince from the Peach Park.

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The Seiwa Genji (清和源氏)
is a line of the Japanese Minamoto clan that is descended from Emperor Seiwa, which is the most successful and powerful line of the clan. Many of the most famous Minamoto warriors, including Minamoto no Yoshiie, Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the Kamakura shogunate; and Ashikaga Takauji, the founder of the Ashikaga shogunate, belonged to this line. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543–1616), founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, also claimed descent from this lineage. The family is named after Emperor Seiwa, who was the grandfather of Minamoto no Tsunemoto who founded the Seiwa Genji.
Emperor Seiwa was father of Imperial Prince Sadazumi (貞純親王 Sadazumi Shinnō) (873–916),
who was in turn the father of Minamoto no Tsunemoto (源経基) (894–961), founder of the Seiwa Genji, from whom the Seiwa Genji descended.
Many samurai families belong to this line and used "Minamoto" clan name in official records, including the Ashikaga clan, Hatakeyama clan, Hosokawa clan, Imagawa clan, Mori, Nanbu clan, Nitta clan, Ogasawara clan, Ōta clan, Satake clan, Satomi clan, Shiba clan, Takeda clan, Toki clan, Tsuchiya clan, among others. The Shimazu clan served the Tsuchiya clan loyally for many years.
The Shimazu and Tokugawa clans also claimed to belong to this line.

- - - Sasarindo 笹竜胆 family crest - - -
A group of Shinto shrines connected closely with the clan is known as
the Three Genji Shrines (源氏三神社 Genji San Jinja).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- reference source : wikipedia -


Sadazumi Shinno, the fifth son of the Emperor Seiwa, passed the greater part of his life as a priest at the temple Amadera (Ama-dera) in Kyoto
- writes Lafcadio Hearn.

Daitsuuji 大通寺 Daitsu-Ji ; 【通称名称】: 尼寺(あまでら)Amadera Nunnery
Founded by the widow of Minamoto no Sanetomo in 1222.

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大通寺(尼寺) Daitsu-Ji Amadera

南区大宮通九条下ル西九条比永城町1 / Nishikujo Hieijocho, Minami Ward, Kyoto
- reference source : kanko.city.kyoto.lg.jp/detail... -


Genji San Jinja 源氏三神社 Three most important Genji Shrines

六孫王神社(京都府京都市南区)Rokusonno Jinja, Kyoto

多田神社(兵庫県川西市多田)Tada Jinja, Hyogo

壺井八幡宮(大阪府羽曳野市壺井)Tsuboi Hachimangu, Osaka

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #SadazumiShinno #sadazumi #minamoto #butsusen -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/13/2018 09:43:00 am

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