13 Jul 2018

EDO - Kanda Tacho district



Tachō, Tachoo, Ta choo 神田多町 Kanda Tacho district    
With two sub-districts, second and third chome, 二丁目 and 三丁目

The name refers to the fields 田 TA, which have been here. The first characters used were 田町 Tacho "district with fields".
Around 1600, there was the first sub-district, 一丁目, but this has become part of the third sub-district.
The greengrocer 河津五郎太夫 Kawazu Goro Daiyu started a 青葉市 vegetable marked here around 1606. After the great fire of Meireki (1657), the place was widened and an official vegetable market established. This esisted as 神田青物市場 Kanda Aomono Ichiba until the destruction of the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923). The market was then relocated to 秋葉原 Akihabara.

In 1911 the districts of Kanda were re-distributed with their present names.

There were other aoba ichi 青葉市 vegetable markets in Edo.

  . Edo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .
Edo no Aomono Ichiba 江戸の青物市場 Vegetable Markets in Edo
In the "three vegetable district" 青物三ケ町 Aomono Sangamachi in Kanda
Tachō, 多町 Tacho - 連雀町 Renjakucho - 永富町 Eifukucho
- - - aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor


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