. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
suishoo koogei 水晶細工 Suisho crystal art and craft
クリスタル kurisutaru / chrystal / Kristall

fuku Daruma 福だるま for good luck

. . . CLICK here for more Photos of crystal Daruma 水晶 だるま !
. Ebisu and Daikoku 恵比寿と大黒 .

made by 田中佑幸 Tanaka Yuko

- quote -
Koshu Crystal Carving 甲州水晶貴石細工 Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku
This craft started some one thousand years ago, after quartz was found near Mount Kinpu beyond Mitakeshosenkyo, which is famous for its beautiful views. When it was first discovered, it was used as an ornament but by the middle of the Edo period (1600-1868), Shinto priests were taking the raw material to Kyoto to have them made into gems.
Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku started in the latter days of the Edo period, when master craftsmen were welcomed to the area and began polishing quartz on an iron sheet using a emery powder called kongousha made from a very hard stone, rather in the way that diamonds are polished.
Ornaments and items of jewelry are being produced today. Many of these pieces have been created to make the most of the distinctive features of the natural gem stone, meaning that no two items are alike.
Yamanashi crystal art sculpture cooperative association
- source : -

made by 田中佑幸 Tanaka Yuko
. Koshu Crystal Carving 甲州水晶貴石細工 Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku .
- Yamanashi -
Though crystal mining existed throughout Japan at the time, no resource district could be compared to the mines surrounding the foothills of Mount Kongo in Yamanashi, leading the region to become Japan's chief production center for crystals.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference 水晶細工 .

甲州水晶貴石細工の世界 The world of Crystal Art from Koshu
河野すゝむ Kano Susumu
. garasu ガラス / kiriko 切子 glass art .

source :
江戸猫グラス 頬っ被り Edo Cat Glass
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
下山町 Shimoyama town
ryuujin 龍神 Dragon Deity
Some horse leaders were passing along the riverbank of 上尾河 Aegogawa. One of the female attendants took off the bamboo basket from the horse and threw in into the river.
She said the Dragon Deity in the river might have wanted the crystal ball in the basket.
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
右京区 Ukyo district
kaminari 雷 thunder
Once lightning struck quite close to a farmer's home in 嵯峨野 Sagano. An old woman hard of hearing but a wooden tub on the spot. The tub rumbled for a while and then became quiet.
When she took of the tub, there was something like a crystal ball inside, with fire glowing in it.
After that, the crystal ball became lighter and lighter with every thunder.
................................................................................. Mie 三重県
鳥羽市 Toba city
suishoo no hana 水晶の花 crystal flowers
There are flowers that grow on rocks, but that must be crystal flowers !

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
佐久市 Saku city

hoshikuso, hoshi-kuso 星糞 "poop of th stars"
In the village 信濃国岩村田 Iwamurada a farmer was tilling the fields in Spring when he found a strange crystal, almost dark gray and black.
This is called "poop of the stars" in the local lore.
In this area, many meteors had fallen to the ground and these stones were part of their remains.
................................................................................. Nagasaki 長崎県
森山町 Moriyama town
suishoo no Kannon 水晶の観音 Crystal Kannon Statue

522 Moriyamacho Karako-higashi, Isahaya, Nagasaki / Suishokannon
At the temple 甫陀林 near the pond 唐比の池 Karako no Ike there is a Kannon statue of crystal, about 3 cm high.
One day a person wanted to steal this statue. He went all the way to 小倉 Kokura with it and then felt he had to bring it back. On the way back, the statue fell on the ground once and got a scratch, but in time it healed and is now complete and beautiful again.
................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都
港区 Minato ward
shari 舎利 relics
At the temple Zōjō-ji 増上寺 Zojo-Ji there lived 了学上人 Saint Ryogaku Shonin (1549 - 1634).
On the 15th day of the first lunar month in 1634 he recited 念仏 the Nenbutsu Prayers for a last time and died.
He was cremated and the bones were made into 舎利 numeral relics.
His crystal rosary, which sparkled in five colors, was also made into a relic.

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
大月町 Otsuki town
hooju 宝珠 precious jewel
In a flat land below コンドウ丸という高嶺 Kondo-Maru of Takamine people sometimes find 水晶の玉 round crystal balls and call them
o-Tama お玉.
During a kanbatsu 旱魃 drought they are thrown into the pond. This will bring rain in a short time.

. hooju 宝珠 Hoju jewel .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

suishoo no juzu no tama nari hasu no tsuyu
crystal becomes
beads of a rosary -
dew on the lotus
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
. nenju, juzu 念珠、数珠, 誦数 rosary .
suishoo no yamaji wake-iku shimizu kana
this clear water
comes out of the mountain path
of a crystal mountain . . .
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) .
水晶のはんこにうつる柿若葉 北口秀子
水晶の一面光り渡り鳥 小川軽舟
水晶の中のけむりや暮の秋 波多野清
水晶の商談壺に梅一枝 木村蕪城 一位
水晶の国へ母置き二月果つ 鳥居美智子
水晶の国やみなぎる鯉のぼり 大木あまり
水晶の大塊に春きざすなり 小澤實(1956-)
水晶の如くに湧きて泉かな 内田じすけ
水晶の念珠つめたき大暑かな 日野草城
水晶の念珠に映る若葉かな 茅舎
水晶の念珠ふれたる昼寝覚め 中嶋秀子
水晶の散らばる夢も首夏の光(かげ) 小檜山繁子
水晶の数珠雪山にかげなき日 柴田白葉女
水晶をもはや産まざる山粧ふ 藤田湘子
水晶を包む天鵞絨山眠る 朝吹英和
水晶を夜切る谷や時鳥 泉鏡花
水晶を頸にをみなの肌は夏 文挟夫佐恵
- a long list of suisho haiku -
Suishoojima, Suishootoo 水晶島 Suishojima, Crystal Island - Tanfiliev Island
One of the 歯舞群島 Habomai Islands, Northern Territories

佐藤哲 Sato Tetsu (1944 - )
Mount Suishodake 水晶岳 2,986 m
富山県富山市, Toyama - in the Northern Alps

Suishoodake koete tobisaru tsuki no kumo
clouds from the moon
flying over Mount Suishodake
and disappear . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Okada Nichiroo 岡田日郎 Okada Nichiro (1932 - )

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. garasu ガラス / kiriko 切子 glass art .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #suisho #crystal #kristall - - - - -
suisho crystal art and craft
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
suishoo koogei 水晶細工 Suisho crystal art and craft
クリスタル kurisutaru / chrystal / Kristall

fuku Daruma 福だるま for good luck

. . . CLICK here for more Photos of crystal Daruma 水晶 だるま !
. Ebisu and Daikoku 恵比寿と大黒 .

made by 田中佑幸 Tanaka Yuko

- quote -
Koshu Crystal Carving 甲州水晶貴石細工 Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku
This craft started some one thousand years ago, after quartz was found near Mount Kinpu beyond Mitakeshosenkyo, which is famous for its beautiful views. When it was first discovered, it was used as an ornament but by the middle of the Edo period (1600-1868), Shinto priests were taking the raw material to Kyoto to have them made into gems.
Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku started in the latter days of the Edo period, when master craftsmen were welcomed to the area and began polishing quartz on an iron sheet using a emery powder called kongousha made from a very hard stone, rather in the way that diamonds are polished.
Ornaments and items of jewelry are being produced today. Many of these pieces have been created to make the most of the distinctive features of the natural gem stone, meaning that no two items are alike.
Yamanashi crystal art sculpture cooperative association
- source : -

made by 田中佑幸 Tanaka Yuko
. Koshu Crystal Carving 甲州水晶貴石細工 Koshu Suisho Kiseki Zaiku .
- Yamanashi -
Though crystal mining existed throughout Japan at the time, no resource district could be compared to the mines surrounding the foothills of Mount Kongo in Yamanashi, leading the region to become Japan's chief production center for crystals.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference 水晶細工 .

甲州水晶貴石細工の世界 The world of Crystal Art from Koshu
河野すゝむ Kano Susumu
. garasu ガラス / kiriko 切子 glass art .

source :
江戸猫グラス 頬っ被り Edo Cat Glass
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
下山町 Shimoyama town
ryuujin 龍神 Dragon Deity
Some horse leaders were passing along the riverbank of 上尾河 Aegogawa. One of the female attendants took off the bamboo basket from the horse and threw in into the river.
She said the Dragon Deity in the river might have wanted the crystal ball in the basket.
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
右京区 Ukyo district
kaminari 雷 thunder
Once lightning struck quite close to a farmer's home in 嵯峨野 Sagano. An old woman hard of hearing but a wooden tub on the spot. The tub rumbled for a while and then became quiet.
When she took of the tub, there was something like a crystal ball inside, with fire glowing in it.
After that, the crystal ball became lighter and lighter with every thunder.
................................................................................. Mie 三重県
鳥羽市 Toba city
suishoo no hana 水晶の花 crystal flowers
There are flowers that grow on rocks, but that must be crystal flowers !

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
佐久市 Saku city

hoshikuso, hoshi-kuso 星糞 "poop of th stars"
In the village 信濃国岩村田 Iwamurada a farmer was tilling the fields in Spring when he found a strange crystal, almost dark gray and black.
This is called "poop of the stars" in the local lore.
In this area, many meteors had fallen to the ground and these stones were part of their remains.
................................................................................. Nagasaki 長崎県
森山町 Moriyama town
suishoo no Kannon 水晶の観音 Crystal Kannon Statue

522 Moriyamacho Karako-higashi, Isahaya, Nagasaki / Suishokannon
At the temple 甫陀林 near the pond 唐比の池 Karako no Ike there is a Kannon statue of crystal, about 3 cm high.
One day a person wanted to steal this statue. He went all the way to 小倉 Kokura with it and then felt he had to bring it back. On the way back, the statue fell on the ground once and got a scratch, but in time it healed and is now complete and beautiful again.
................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都
港区 Minato ward
shari 舎利 relics
At the temple Zōjō-ji 増上寺 Zojo-Ji there lived 了学上人 Saint Ryogaku Shonin (1549 - 1634).
On the 15th day of the first lunar month in 1634 he recited 念仏 the Nenbutsu Prayers for a last time and died.
He was cremated and the bones were made into 舎利 numeral relics.
His crystal rosary, which sparkled in five colors, was also made into a relic.

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
大月町 Otsuki town
hooju 宝珠 precious jewel
In a flat land below コンドウ丸という高嶺 Kondo-Maru of Takamine people sometimes find 水晶の玉 round crystal balls and call them
o-Tama お玉.
During a kanbatsu 旱魃 drought they are thrown into the pond. This will bring rain in a short time.

. hooju 宝珠 Hoju jewel .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

suishoo no juzu no tama nari hasu no tsuyu
crystal becomes
beads of a rosary -
dew on the lotus
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
. nenju, juzu 念珠、数珠, 誦数 rosary .
suishoo no yamaji wake-iku shimizu kana
this clear water
comes out of the mountain path
of a crystal mountain . . .
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) .
水晶のはんこにうつる柿若葉 北口秀子
水晶の一面光り渡り鳥 小川軽舟
水晶の中のけむりや暮の秋 波多野清
水晶の商談壺に梅一枝 木村蕪城 一位
水晶の国へ母置き二月果つ 鳥居美智子
水晶の国やみなぎる鯉のぼり 大木あまり
水晶の大塊に春きざすなり 小澤實(1956-)
水晶の如くに湧きて泉かな 内田じすけ
水晶の念珠つめたき大暑かな 日野草城
水晶の念珠に映る若葉かな 茅舎
水晶の念珠ふれたる昼寝覚め 中嶋秀子
水晶の散らばる夢も首夏の光(かげ) 小檜山繁子
水晶の数珠雪山にかげなき日 柴田白葉女
水晶をもはや産まざる山粧ふ 藤田湘子
水晶を包む天鵞絨山眠る 朝吹英和
水晶を夜切る谷や時鳥 泉鏡花
水晶を頸にをみなの肌は夏 文挟夫佐恵
- a long list of suisho haiku -
Suishoojima, Suishootoo 水晶島 Suishojima, Crystal Island - Tanfiliev Island
One of the 歯舞群島 Habomai Islands, Northern Territories

佐藤哲 Sato Tetsu (1944 - )
Mount Suishodake 水晶岳 2,986 m
富山県富山市, Toyama - in the Northern Alps

Suishoodake koete tobisaru tsuki no kumo
clouds from the moon
flying over Mount Suishodake
and disappear . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Okada Nichiroo 岡田日郎 Okada Nichiro (1932 - )
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. garasu ガラス / kiriko 切子 glass art .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #suisho #crystal #kristall - - - - -
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