. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Kanimanji 蟹満寺 Kaniman-Ji, Kyoto "Crab Temple"

京都府木津川市山城町綺田(かばた) / Hama-36 Yamashirocho Kabata, Kizugawa, Kyoto
The temple houses one of the four great seated bronze Buddha statues.

The statue is 2.403m high. It is made of 金銅 gilt bronze and weighs about 2 tons.
It was made maybe even before the 奈良時代 Nara period. It is one of the four bronze statues.
The other three statues from the same period are
丈六金銅仏は飛鳥大仏 Asuka Daibutsu
興福寺仏頭 Kofukuji
薬師如来坐像 Shaka Nyorai
The temple used to have a large compound in the Nara period, but now only the main hall with the statue is left, surrounded by the village.
Not related to the statue is the founding legend of the crabs killing a serpent.

- quote
Founded before the Nara period and located in the Yamashiro area of Kyoto prefecture, Kaniman-ji Temple is known for its magnificent 2.67 meter bronze sculpture of Shaka Nyorai.
The temple's founding legend tells of a broken promise and a snake that was killed by crabs.

Carving of a crab and snake on the side of the Kannon-do at Kanimanji Temple.
- source : taleofgenji.org...

shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り crab amulet
- Homepage of the temple
- source : ... temple/kanimanji ... xxx
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
木津川市 Kizugawa city 山城町 Yamashiro town
Once upon a time
there was a very beautiful young girl. Once the villagers had captured a lot of crabs and wanted to eat them. The girl took pity on the animals and exchanged them for fish to save them.
The next day the father of the girl saw a snake trying to swallow a toad. The snake said it would let go of the toad if he gave his daughter in exchange. He agreed.
So the snake let go of the toad.
That night a young man came to the home, saying he wanted to keep the promise of the day. Father said he had not talked to his daughter about it and sent him away.
When the daughter learned of the promise, she sat in front of the Buddhist family altar and began reciting the Sutra scriptures.

A serpent came into the room and when the villagers opened the door next morning, the girl was safe.
The serpent had been bitten to death by hundreds of crabs.
The villagers built a temple to honor this event, the 蟹満寺 Kaniman-Ji.

相楽郡 Soraku district 棚倉村 Tanakura village
The same story as above is told about a seven-year old girl and the serpent trying to eat a frog.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #kanimanji #kaniman #crabtemple -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/12/2018 06:02:00 am
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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Kanimanji 蟹満寺 Kaniman-Ji, Kyoto "Crab Temple"

京都府木津川市山城町綺田(かばた) / Hama-36 Yamashirocho Kabata, Kizugawa, Kyoto
The temple houses one of the four great seated bronze Buddha statues.

The statue is 2.403m high. It is made of 金銅 gilt bronze and weighs about 2 tons.
It was made maybe even before the 奈良時代 Nara period. It is one of the four bronze statues.
The other three statues from the same period are
丈六金銅仏は飛鳥大仏 Asuka Daibutsu
興福寺仏頭 Kofukuji
薬師如来坐像 Shaka Nyorai
The temple used to have a large compound in the Nara period, but now only the main hall with the statue is left, surrounded by the village.
Not related to the statue is the founding legend of the crabs killing a serpent.

- quote
Founded before the Nara period and located in the Yamashiro area of Kyoto prefecture, Kaniman-ji Temple is known for its magnificent 2.67 meter bronze sculpture of Shaka Nyorai.
The temple's founding legend tells of a broken promise and a snake that was killed by crabs.

Carving of a crab and snake on the side of the Kannon-do at Kanimanji Temple.
- source : taleofgenji.org...

shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り crab amulet
- Homepage of the temple
- source : ... temple/kanimanji ... xxx
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
木津川市 Kizugawa city 山城町 Yamashiro town
Once upon a time
there was a very beautiful young girl. Once the villagers had captured a lot of crabs and wanted to eat them. The girl took pity on the animals and exchanged them for fish to save them.
The next day the father of the girl saw a snake trying to swallow a toad. The snake said it would let go of the toad if he gave his daughter in exchange. He agreed.
So the snake let go of the toad.
That night a young man came to the home, saying he wanted to keep the promise of the day. Father said he had not talked to his daughter about it and sent him away.
When the daughter learned of the promise, she sat in front of the Buddhist family altar and began reciting the Sutra scriptures.
A serpent came into the room and when the villagers opened the door next morning, the girl was safe.
The serpent had been bitten to death by hundreds of crabs.
The villagers built a temple to honor this event, the 蟹満寺 Kaniman-Ji.
相楽郡 Soraku district 棚倉村 Tanakura village
The same story as above is told about a seven-year old girl and the serpent trying to eat a frog.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #kanimanji #kaniman #crabtemple -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/12/2018 06:02:00 am
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