31 Dec 2019

SHRINES - Toshitokujin legends New Year


Toshitokujin legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the New Year - Legends

. Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the Year.
- Introduction and Haiku -

. shinnen 新年 the New Year .
The New Year of the Gregorian calendar falls on 1 January.

. The Asian Lunar Calendar and its seasons .
spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
- A special one is often set up for the New Year celebrations.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

choochin no yoo na hi 提灯のような火 a fire like a lantern
Late at night on the last day of the year, behind the sanctuary for Ujigami there was a light coming down and a strange sound was heard.
The elders of the village say this is the time when Toshitokujin comes down for the New Year.

. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
館林市 Tatebayashi city 下早川田 Shimo-Sagawada

When planting rice seedlings on u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit, Toshitokugami comes down on 卯の刻 the hour of the rabbit.

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....

. Toshitoku san トシトクさん - Tanokami and the wild boar .
He comes on the day of Inoko Wild Boar, therefore people leave the door open and also the kotatsu コタツ heated table for him to come and sit in the home.
The comes to the fields on the 1st day of the second lunar month and leaves for his home on 亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the 10th lunar month.

三次市 Miyoshi city 三良坂町 Mirasaka town

On the second day of the second lunar month, children get a moxabustion treatment called ヤイト yaito.
On this day Toshitokujin goes back to Takamagahara 高天原 the Fields of Heaven.

. yaitobi やいと日 day for moxabustion .

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 山北町 Yamakita town

Toshigami 年神 / 歳神
Toshigami comes every year on the first day of January and leaves on the 14th day.
In other villages he leaves on u no hi ウの日 / 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit.
On this day people make offerings of azuki mochi 小豆餅 rice cakes with auspicious red beans.

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district

. Toshigami, Yamanokami and Tanokami .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....

According to ancient Asian lore, the new year comes with a new female deity.
She comes on the evening of day 30 of the 12th lunar month. People prepare the special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods for her.
When the year is over they tear it down and burn it, then built a new one.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town

. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .
Toshitokujin comes for the New Year as a tutelary deity.

Niigata 糸魚川市 Itoigawa city

Toshi no Kami 年の神 comes on the New Year day from the direction of アキ / 亜希 Aki.
All preparations for his coming must be finished by lunchtime.
No more cleaning of the home after lunchtime. If someone uses a broom, Toshitokujin will be swept out.

Niigata 長岡市 Nagaoka city 福島町 Fukushima town

For the New Year, komedawara 米俵 a bale of rice from last year's harvest is decorated in the living room as a welcome for Toshigami sama 年神様.
In many parts 歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the first u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit.
If this falls on the 12th day of the year, it is a bad omen and might bring a bad harvest.

Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city

For the New Year a special toshidana 歳棚 (kamidana) shelf for the New Year is put up for 歳徳神 Toshitokujin.
He comes from the direction of 亜希 Aki town and goes back to this direction.

Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city 松之山 Matsunoyama

歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the 30st of December.
A special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods is put up for her.
After the New Year celebration, this shelf is taken down.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....

January 15th is called okuri-shogatsu 送り正月 "seeing off the New Year".
All the decorations made for the New Year are being taken to the local Shinto shrine and burned in a special ritual.
After that special kagamimochi 鏡餅 rice cakes for the New Year are offered, they are fried in this fire, taken home and eaten with the family.

Tokushima 池田町 Ikeda town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", 歳徳神 Toshitokujin is offered a new light and special food on the shelf.

Tokushima 美馬郡 Mima district 貞光町 Sadamitsu town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", sometimes called agari shoogatsu 上がり正月 - day to put down the New Year decorations and sending 歳徳神 Toshitokujin home.

Tokushima 三野町 Mino town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year, sometimes called okuri shoogatsu おくり正月 "sending the New Year off".
The New Year decorations are burned at the local Shinto Shrine or under a bridge.
歳徳神 Toshitokujin is sent off with the smoke of these fires.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
26 年神 toshigami (02)


- #toshitokujin #newyear #toshigami #koshogatsu #kamidana #kagamimochi -

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