8 Apr 2020

EDO - Nanbu Kaido Kakuno Kaido



Nanbu Kaido 南部街道 Nanbu Highway, Nambu Highway
Iwate 岩手県
Connecting 遠野 Tono to the 気仙郡 Kesen district on the coast.
Already mentioned on 葛西領内地図 a map from 1335.
In former times 盛岡藩 Morioka domain was called 南部藩 Nanbu domain.
Connecting the Nanbu domain with 久保田(秋田)藩 the Kubota domain in Akita),
In Iwate, this road was called
Kazuno Orai 鹿角往来 / Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道.
- see below

- Postal stations along the Nanbu Kaido
Yokota village 横田村 (Tono city)
Aozasa 青笹
Kamigo Hirakura 上郷平倉
Alabane Toge pass 赤羽根峠
Kasai 葛西

In former times Kasai belonged to the 伊達領 Date domain.
The Kasai Clan 葛西氏 reigned in an area stretching from the center of Mutsu no Kuni 陸奥国中部 - present day Sanriku Kaigan in Miyagi 宮城県三陸沿岸 to the 岩手県南部 Nanbu area of Iwate.

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Junisho kuchi 十二所口
Obonan kuchi 生保内口
Kaya toge pass 萱峠 between Iwate and Akita, 644 m
Komatsugawa kuchi 小松川口

. Junisho Kaido 十二所街道 .
- Obonai Kaido 生保内街道

. Kesen Michi 気仙道 / 東浜街道 Higashi Hamakaido .


. Akita Kaido 秋田街道 Highways in Akita .

Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道 Kazuno Highway
Connecting Morioka city in Iwate 岩手県盛岡市 via Hachimantai city 八幡平市 with 秋田県鹿角市 Kazuno city and 大館市 Odate city in Akita.

- Postal stations along the Kazuno Kaido
Morioka 盛岡城下 - Iwate
Tando 田頭- Hachimantai
Terada 寺田
Niiya 新谷町
Tayama 田山
Yuze 湯瀬 - (Akita (Kazuno city)
Oxato 大里
Hanawa 花輪
Kanda 神田
Kemanai 毛馬内
Matsuyama 松山
Sawajiri 秋田領沢尻
Junisho 十二所
Ogita 扇田

- quote -
Kazuno city (鹿角市, Kazuno-shi)
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Kazuno was settled in prehistoric times, and contains major Jōmon period archaeological sites and numerous burial mounds from the Kofun period. The area was part of ancient Mutsu Province and was ruled by the Nambu clan of Morioka Domain during the Edo period. After the start of the Meiji period, the area became briefly part of Rikuchū Province before being transferred to Akita Prefecture in 1871. It was organized as part of Kazuno District, Akita Prefecture in 1878 with the establishment of the modern municipalities system.
The city of Kazuno
was founded on April 1, 1972 by the merger of the towns of Hanawa, Towada, and Osarizawa and the village of Hachimantai.
- source : wikipedia -


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