. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Mitsumine Sama 三峯様 Legends about the Mitsumine Deity
Mitsumune San ミツムネサン / O-Inu sama お犬さま
山住様 Yamazumi Sama / 山住神社 Yamazumi Jinja

- quote -
三峯様(三峯さま)のお仮屋 北安曇郡小谷村
Kita-Azumi district, Otani village
御札が三枚確認できました。その一つは「三峯神社祈祷之□」とある木札で、"表書き"に「島 塩坂 三峯講社御中」と書いてあります。
- reference source : -
. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 Mitsumine Shrine .
Chichibu, Saitama

. yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺 "mountain dog" / ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends .
Once there was a woman that doubted the existance of yamainu 山犬 the mountain dog as deity.
One morning when she opened the door, there was a large yamainu standig in front of her.
He had come to show her that Mitsumine Sama was very real.
She was told to put some tea offerings on the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods.
When she did so, the Yamainu disappeard.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
新城市 Shinshiro city // 山住様
. O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 / おとら狐 a Fox named Tora (Tiger) .
and Yamazumisama 山住様 /ヤマズミサマ "Deity living in the mountains"
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
夷隅郡 Izumi district 御宿町 Onjuku town
ミツミネサマ Mitsumine Sama / 三峯様
On the second day of March, Mitsumine Sama goes to 出雲 Izumo.
If people work on this day, they will have a very strange death soon.
Mitsumine Sama comes back on the fourth.
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
三峯山 / 三ッ峰山 Mitsumineyama, Mitsumuneyama - 1131 m high
長野県東筑摩郡麻績村麻5889-1 / Omi, Higashi-Chikuma District, Nagano
A painting of a dog is venerated as Mitsumine san to ward off theft.
But there was one family, which had placed a painting in its storehouse, and yet- a thief went in there.
The family prayed to Mitsumine San to kill the thief.
When they looked again into the storehouse, they found their son dead in there.
Is someone is bewitched, it is best to have kitoo 祈祷 a an exorcist ritual.
Another way is to pray to 三峯様 Mistumine Sama and 山住様の山犬 the mountain dog of Yamazumi Sama.
Fire and smoke can also be used.
阿智村 Achi village / 山住様
Sometimes a person gets bewitched by a fox.
He might say: "Give me sake 酒 rice wine. Give me abura-age 油揚げ fried Tofu."
To heal the person paper is stuffed in a gun and then shot.
An amulet of 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama can be placed at the entrance of the home.
. abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu .
Nagano 飯田市 Iida city // 山住様
. kudashoo クダショー, kudasho クダショ Kudasho Fox .
A person bewitched by a Kudasho Fox can be calling in a loud voise or keep talking all night.
He might also get up and shake his hands all night.
A simple case can by cured by kitoo 祈祷 a Shamanistic Kito ritual.
A severe case needs to go to the Shrine of Mitsumine Sama and get a paper amulet from 山住様 Yamazumi Sama to place at the entrance.
Soon a Yamainu will come and chase the Kudasho Fox away.
伊那市 Ina city
Mitsumine Sama 三峯様
To place ofuda 御札 an amulet of Mitsumine Sama on the blanket of a sick person in bed, it helps to cure.
To put an amulet of Mitsumine Sama in the roof, it helps keep the house safe.
上伊那郡 Kami-Ina district
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a grandpa was possessed by a fox. He got a stomach ace and fell to the ground.
They placed an amulet of Mitsumine Sama on his back.
He got up and run away. then he fell down and was normal again.
- - - - -
. kudagitsune クダ狐, クダギツネ と伝説 Legends about the "pipe fox" .
Once a family member was possessed by kuda クダ a pipe fox.
The possessed person did not like much food and did not like to watch the family eat. He also did not like to work any more.
The family called a priest for exorcism rituals.
Sometimes it helps to put an amulet from Mitsumine Sama under the matress.
- - - - -
A person possessed by a kudagitsune クダギツネ pipe fox wanted to eat abura-age 油揚げ fried tofu. If people show him an amulet from Mitsumine Sama he will be healed.
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village
O-Inu sama お犬さま
When people get an amulet of 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama and place it at the entrance of the home, an ill person will be healed.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
O-Inu sama お犬さま
A family built a small Shrine for 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama in the garden.
When their dog saw it first, he run there, showed his fangs and howled and then run away with his tail between the legs., into his dog hut, trembling all over.
People who venerte O-Inu Sama will not be troubled by rabbits.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
浜松市 Hamamatsu city 天竜区 Tenryu ward // 山住様
A girl had gotten married and now lived in the house of her husband.
Sometimes she came back home, and at night a dog usually accompanied her all the way home.
When she put some food out for the dog, he did not eat it.
They say the dog is the messenger of 山住様 Yamazumi Sama.
山住神社 Shrine Yamazumi Jinja
磐田郡 Iwata district 水窪町 Misakubo town // 山住様
. クダショー Kudashoo Fox and O-Inusama お犬様 .
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
ミツムネサン Mitsumune san
The money placed in the kura 蔵 store house became less and less.
The family prayed to Mitsumine San to get rid of the thief.
When they looked again into the storehouse, they found their son dead in there.
下九一色村 Shimo-Kuishiki village
ミツムネサン Mitsumune san
A family had placed an amulet from 三峰様 Mitsumine San in their store house.
The neighbour's wife came at night to borrow some rice, but then went into the store house to steal it.
But there was a strong 山犬 Yamainu at the entrance and she did not dare to go out.
Next morning the family found her. The Yamainu was gone.
Yamanashi 下曽根村 Shimo-Sonemura village
Mitsumune San ミツムネサン
The family had a small Shrine for Mitsumine San in the back of their storehouse.
One evening a burglar came and stole the tanmono 反物 fabrics.
Next morning they found them at the gate of the temple 実成寺 Jissei-Ji in the next village.
This must have been the beneficial deed of Mitsumine San.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #mitsuminesama #mutsumine #wolfdeity #ookami #yamazumi -
Mitsumine Sama Legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Mitsumine Sama 三峯様 Legends about the Mitsumine Deity
Mitsumune San ミツムネサン / O-Inu sama お犬さま
山住様 Yamazumi Sama / 山住神社 Yamazumi Jinja

- quote -
三峯様(三峯さま)のお仮屋 北安曇郡小谷村
Kita-Azumi district, Otani village
御札が三枚確認できました。その一つは「三峯神社祈祷之□」とある木札で、"表書き"に「島 塩坂 三峯講社御中」と書いてあります。
- reference source : -
. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 Mitsumine Shrine .
Chichibu, Saitama

. yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺 "mountain dog" / ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends .
Once there was a woman that doubted the existance of yamainu 山犬 the mountain dog as deity.
One morning when she opened the door, there was a large yamainu standig in front of her.
He had come to show her that Mitsumine Sama was very real.
She was told to put some tea offerings on the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods.
When she did so, the Yamainu disappeard.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
新城市 Shinshiro city // 山住様
. O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 / おとら狐 a Fox named Tora (Tiger) .
and Yamazumisama 山住様 /ヤマズミサマ "Deity living in the mountains"
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
夷隅郡 Izumi district 御宿町 Onjuku town
ミツミネサマ Mitsumine Sama / 三峯様
On the second day of March, Mitsumine Sama goes to 出雲 Izumo.
If people work on this day, they will have a very strange death soon.
Mitsumine Sama comes back on the fourth.
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
三峯山 / 三ッ峰山 Mitsumineyama, Mitsumuneyama - 1131 m high
長野県東筑摩郡麻績村麻5889-1 / Omi, Higashi-Chikuma District, Nagano
A painting of a dog is venerated as Mitsumine san to ward off theft.
But there was one family, which had placed a painting in its storehouse, and yet- a thief went in there.
The family prayed to Mitsumine San to kill the thief.
When they looked again into the storehouse, they found their son dead in there.
Is someone is bewitched, it is best to have kitoo 祈祷 a an exorcist ritual.
Another way is to pray to 三峯様 Mistumine Sama and 山住様の山犬 the mountain dog of Yamazumi Sama.
Fire and smoke can also be used.
阿智村 Achi village / 山住様
Sometimes a person gets bewitched by a fox.
He might say: "Give me sake 酒 rice wine. Give me abura-age 油揚げ fried Tofu."
To heal the person paper is stuffed in a gun and then shot.
An amulet of 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama can be placed at the entrance of the home.
. abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu .
Nagano 飯田市 Iida city // 山住様
. kudashoo クダショー, kudasho クダショ Kudasho Fox .
A person bewitched by a Kudasho Fox can be calling in a loud voise or keep talking all night.
He might also get up and shake his hands all night.
A simple case can by cured by kitoo 祈祷 a Shamanistic Kito ritual.
A severe case needs to go to the Shrine of Mitsumine Sama and get a paper amulet from 山住様 Yamazumi Sama to place at the entrance.
Soon a Yamainu will come and chase the Kudasho Fox away.
伊那市 Ina city
Mitsumine Sama 三峯様
To place ofuda 御札 an amulet of Mitsumine Sama on the blanket of a sick person in bed, it helps to cure.
To put an amulet of Mitsumine Sama in the roof, it helps keep the house safe.
上伊那郡 Kami-Ina district
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a grandpa was possessed by a fox. He got a stomach ace and fell to the ground.
They placed an amulet of Mitsumine Sama on his back.
He got up and run away. then he fell down and was normal again.
- - - - -
. kudagitsune クダ狐, クダギツネ と伝説 Legends about the "pipe fox" .
Once a family member was possessed by kuda クダ a pipe fox.
The possessed person did not like much food and did not like to watch the family eat. He also did not like to work any more.
The family called a priest for exorcism rituals.
Sometimes it helps to put an amulet from Mitsumine Sama under the matress.
- - - - -
A person possessed by a kudagitsune クダギツネ pipe fox wanted to eat abura-age 油揚げ fried tofu. If people show him an amulet from Mitsumine Sama he will be healed.
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village
O-Inu sama お犬さま
When people get an amulet of 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama and place it at the entrance of the home, an ill person will be healed.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
O-Inu sama お犬さま
A family built a small Shrine for 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama in the garden.
When their dog saw it first, he run there, showed his fangs and howled and then run away with his tail between the legs., into his dog hut, trembling all over.
People who venerte O-Inu Sama will not be troubled by rabbits.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
浜松市 Hamamatsu city 天竜区 Tenryu ward // 山住様
A girl had gotten married and now lived in the house of her husband.
Sometimes she came back home, and at night a dog usually accompanied her all the way home.
When she put some food out for the dog, he did not eat it.
They say the dog is the messenger of 山住様 Yamazumi Sama.
山住神社 Shrine Yamazumi Jinja
磐田郡 Iwata district 水窪町 Misakubo town // 山住様
. クダショー Kudashoo Fox and O-Inusama お犬様 .
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
ミツムネサン Mitsumune san
The money placed in the kura 蔵 store house became less and less.
The family prayed to Mitsumine San to get rid of the thief.
When they looked again into the storehouse, they found their son dead in there.
下九一色村 Shimo-Kuishiki village
ミツムネサン Mitsumune san
A family had placed an amulet from 三峰様 Mitsumine San in their store house.
The neighbour's wife came at night to borrow some rice, but then went into the store house to steal it.
But there was a strong 山犬 Yamainu at the entrance and she did not dare to go out.
Next morning the family found her. The Yamainu was gone.
Yamanashi 下曽根村 Shimo-Sonemura village
Mitsumune San ミツムネサン
The family had a small Shrine for Mitsumine San in the back of their storehouse.
One evening a burglar came and stole the tanmono 反物 fabrics.
Next morning they found them at the gate of the temple 実成寺 Jissei-Ji in the next village.
This must have been the beneficial deed of Mitsumine San.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #mitsuminesama #mutsumine #wolfdeity #ookami #yamazumi -
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