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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
ryuuja 竜蛇と伝説 Legends about Ryuja / Ryuda - a Dragon Serpent
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
- Introduction -
. shirohebi / hakuja 白蛇と伝説 Legends about white serpents .
Ryuuda Jinja 龍蛇神社/ りゅうだじんじゃ
Ryuda Shrine / Ryudashin Shrine
長崎県壱岐市芦辺町瀬戸浦 / Nagasaki, Iki city, Ashibe town, Setoura It is located on 竜神崎 Cape Ryujin in Ngasaki. The shrine was built in 1895, with a Ryuja gift from 出雲神社 the Izumo Shrine.
It stands high up with a beautiful view down the ocean.
Nearby is the beach 龍蛇浜 Ryudahama, where many stones in the form of dragon scales are washed on the beach.
On the beach is 壱岐神社 Shrine Iki Jinja
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- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
Some say 竜蛇 Ryuja is a white serpent with ears.
tatsukuchinawa, tatsu kuchinawa 竜蛇 / タツクチナワ dragon serpent
The origin is seen at 出雲神社 the Grand Shrina at Izummo
. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 - Shimane .
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
巻市 Ishinomaki 鮎川浜 Ayukawahama
. Senninzawa no hebi 仙人沢の蛇 the serpent from Sennin Swamp .
......................................................................................... Shimane 島根県
- - - - - Izumo 出雲 - - - - -
During 神在祭 the Kamiari Festival in Autumn, there is often very bad weather.
On the next day, 竜蛇 a Ryuja white serpent is sometimes washed on the beach.
The person who finds it brings if to the Shrine.
The serpent is seen as a messenger from Ryuuguu 竜宮 the Ryugu Dragon Palace.
In such a year there will be a rich harvest and a good catch of fish.
. ryuuguu 竜宮 the Ryugu Dragon Palace .
Shimane 松江市 Matsue city 鹿島町 Kashima town / 佐太神社 Sada Jinja 佐陀社
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Sada Shrine
Along with Izumo Taisha and Kumano Taisha, Sada Shrine is one of the main shrines in Shimane.
The gods that are enshrined here keep a watchful eye over the local area, and protect it from misfortune.
It is said that from the time when the spirit of Izanami was brought here from Mt. Hiba, the gods have been coming here in the 10th month of the lunar calendar (the same time they descend on Izumo Taisha), to meet Izanami, the "mother" of the gods.
The shrine holds festivals and various rituals to welcome the gods here, and is well known around the country as being one of the places that hosts the myriad of gods.
The main god of the shrine, Sada-no-okami, is said to be Sarutahiko, the god who was worshipped as the god of the sun before the birth of the sun goddess Amaterasu.
It is said that Sarutahiko lived in the world Ame-no-yachimata which is located between the celestial plains and the earth. As such, he was considered the guiding light between heaven and earth. It is said that he was a large god, standing at over 10 metres with shining red eyes and a long nose. Getting there: Take the bus bound for Etomo/Kataku/Kora from Matsue Sation. You can also get on the bus outside the prefectural office, the kenmin kaikan citizens hall or Shiomi Nawate. Get off at Sada jinja-mae and cross the bridge.
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. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .
To the North-West of the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja there is a small inlay, 恵曇湾 the Etomo wan.
A priest named 板橋 Itabashi was on duty to get 竜蛇 a Ryuja white serpent from there.
Recently the fishermen from Etomo and Shimane find it from September till November.
Fishermen place it on sea weed and make an offering at the tokonoma 床の間 alcove in their home.
After that they bring it to the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja.
Sometimes some sacred letters can be seen as a pattern on its fins.
To catch such a fish will bring good luck and good business to the community.
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Ryuja sama 竜蛇さま
This 白蛇 small white serpent named Ryuja Sama is venerated at the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja, at Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 the Great Shrine at Izumo and at 日御碕神社 the Shrine of Hinomisaki.
It is the messenger of ryuuoo 竜王 Ryu-O the Dragon King.
Before Ryuja Sama comes, the weather turns bad and a storm comes.
The fisherman who catched the Ryuja will become rich.
. Hinomisaki Shrine 日御碕神社 .
Shimane 八束郡 Hatsuka district 美保関町 Mihonoseki town / 美保神社 Miho Jinja
ryuuja shin, ryuujashin 竜蛇神 Ryuja Deity
The Shrine 美保神社 Miho Jinja is located at the town Mihonoseki.
Around 1865, two 竜蛇 Ryuja white serpents were made as offerings.
The female was given to the village 冨益村 Tomimasu.
The male was given to Mihonoseki town. It is now venerated at 美保神社 the Shrine Miho Jinja.
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美保神社 Miho Jinja
The head shrine of Ebisu, a god with deep connections to the sea and music
Miho Shrine is located in a port, with Miho Bay unfolding before it and the scent of the ocean drifting through it.
The stone paving that lies in front of the shrine's torii gate turns pale blue when dampened by rain, and is known as Aoishidatami-dori (lit. "the blue-stone-paved street").
The streetscape is reminiscent of ancient times.
A god with a deep connection to music is deified at the shrine, and concerts dedicated to the god are also held on the shrine grounds.
It is said that worshippers will be blessed with better fortune if they visit Miho Shrine in conjunction with visiting another shrine, Izumo Taisha, so by all means, make your way to both. Miho Shrine enshrines the god of maritime safety, large fishing catches and business prosperity.
The shrine's cute wooden votive plaques are also popular, so why not write your wishes on one and offer it at the shrine?
(Incidentally, Miho Shrine is the head shrine of more than 3,000 Ebisu shrines nationwide.)
- reference source : .. -
. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿 .
Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good luck.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -

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- #ryuja #dragonserpent #ryuda #izumo -
ryuja dragon serpent legends
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
ryuuja 竜蛇と伝説 Legends about Ryuja / Ryuda - a Dragon Serpent
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
- Introduction -
. shirohebi / hakuja 白蛇と伝説 Legends about white serpents .
Ryuuda Jinja 龍蛇神社/ りゅうだじんじゃ
Ryuda Shrine / Ryudashin Shrine
長崎県壱岐市芦辺町瀬戸浦 / Nagasaki, Iki city, Ashibe town, Setoura It is located on 竜神崎 Cape Ryujin in Ngasaki. The shrine was built in 1895, with a Ryuja gift from 出雲神社 the Izumo Shrine.
It stands high up with a beautiful view down the ocean.
Nearby is the beach 龍蛇浜 Ryudahama, where many stones in the form of dragon scales are washed on the beach.
On the beach is 壱岐神社 Shrine Iki Jinja
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- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
Some say 竜蛇 Ryuja is a white serpent with ears.
tatsukuchinawa, tatsu kuchinawa 竜蛇 / タツクチナワ dragon serpent
The origin is seen at 出雲神社 the Grand Shrina at Izummo
. Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 - Shimane .
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
巻市 Ishinomaki 鮎川浜 Ayukawahama
. Senninzawa no hebi 仙人沢の蛇 the serpent from Sennin Swamp .
......................................................................................... Shimane 島根県
- - - - - Izumo 出雲 - - - - -
During 神在祭 the Kamiari Festival in Autumn, there is often very bad weather.
On the next day, 竜蛇 a Ryuja white serpent is sometimes washed on the beach.
The person who finds it brings if to the Shrine.
The serpent is seen as a messenger from Ryuuguu 竜宮 the Ryugu Dragon Palace.
In such a year there will be a rich harvest and a good catch of fish.
. ryuuguu 竜宮 the Ryugu Dragon Palace .
Shimane 松江市 Matsue city 鹿島町 Kashima town / 佐太神社 Sada Jinja 佐陀社
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Sada Shrine
Along with Izumo Taisha and Kumano Taisha, Sada Shrine is one of the main shrines in Shimane.
The gods that are enshrined here keep a watchful eye over the local area, and protect it from misfortune.
It is said that from the time when the spirit of Izanami was brought here from Mt. Hiba, the gods have been coming here in the 10th month of the lunar calendar (the same time they descend on Izumo Taisha), to meet Izanami, the "mother" of the gods.
The shrine holds festivals and various rituals to welcome the gods here, and is well known around the country as being one of the places that hosts the myriad of gods.
The main god of the shrine, Sada-no-okami, is said to be Sarutahiko, the god who was worshipped as the god of the sun before the birth of the sun goddess Amaterasu.
It is said that Sarutahiko lived in the world Ame-no-yachimata which is located between the celestial plains and the earth. As such, he was considered the guiding light between heaven and earth. It is said that he was a large god, standing at over 10 metres with shining red eyes and a long nose. Getting there: Take the bus bound for Etomo/Kataku/Kora from Matsue Sation. You can also get on the bus outside the prefectural office, the kenmin kaikan citizens hall or Shiomi Nawate. Get off at Sada jinja-mae and cross the bridge.
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. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .
To the North-West of the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja there is a small inlay, 恵曇湾 the Etomo wan.
A priest named 板橋 Itabashi was on duty to get 竜蛇 a Ryuja white serpent from there.
Recently the fishermen from Etomo and Shimane find it from September till November.
Fishermen place it on sea weed and make an offering at the tokonoma 床の間 alcove in their home.
After that they bring it to the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja.
Sometimes some sacred letters can be seen as a pattern on its fins.
To catch such a fish will bring good luck and good business to the community.
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Ryuja sama 竜蛇さま
This 白蛇 small white serpent named Ryuja Sama is venerated at the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja, at Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 the Great Shrine at Izumo and at 日御碕神社 the Shrine of Hinomisaki.
It is the messenger of ryuuoo 竜王 Ryu-O the Dragon King.
Before Ryuja Sama comes, the weather turns bad and a storm comes.
The fisherman who catched the Ryuja will become rich.
. Hinomisaki Shrine 日御碕神社 .
Shimane 八束郡 Hatsuka district 美保関町 Mihonoseki town / 美保神社 Miho Jinja
ryuuja shin, ryuujashin 竜蛇神 Ryuja Deity
The Shrine 美保神社 Miho Jinja is located at the town Mihonoseki.
Around 1865, two 竜蛇 Ryuja white serpents were made as offerings.
The female was given to the village 冨益村 Tomimasu.
The male was given to Mihonoseki town. It is now venerated at 美保神社 the Shrine Miho Jinja.
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美保神社 Miho Jinja
The head shrine of Ebisu, a god with deep connections to the sea and music
Miho Shrine is located in a port, with Miho Bay unfolding before it and the scent of the ocean drifting through it.
The stone paving that lies in front of the shrine's torii gate turns pale blue when dampened by rain, and is known as Aoishidatami-dori (lit. "the blue-stone-paved street").
The streetscape is reminiscent of ancient times.
A god with a deep connection to music is deified at the shrine, and concerts dedicated to the god are also held on the shrine grounds.
It is said that worshippers will be blessed with better fortune if they visit Miho Shrine in conjunction with visiting another shrine, Izumo Taisha, so by all means, make your way to both. Miho Shrine enshrines the god of maritime safety, large fishing catches and business prosperity.
The shrine's cute wooden votive plaques are also popular, so why not write your wishes on one and offer it at the shrine?
(Incidentally, Miho Shrine is the head shrine of more than 3,000 Ebisu shrines nationwide.)
- reference source : .. -
. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿 .
Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good luck.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #ryuja #dragonserpent #ryuda #izumo -
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