8 Apr 2022

TEMPLE - Fukujuin Yakushi Kokura


Fukujuji Yakushi Kokura

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Fukujuji 福聚寺 Fukuju-Ji, Kokura
広壽山 Kojuzan 福聚寺 Fukujuji

福岡県北九州市小倉北区寿山町6-7 / Fukuoka, Kitakyushu city, Kokurakita ward, Juzan town

The main statue is 釈迦牟尼仏 Shakamuni Buddha.
. Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 Gautama Buddha, Shakyamuni .

- Chant of the temple

The temple was founded in 1665 on request of the first Lord of Kokura, 小笠原忠真 Ogasawara Tadazane (1596 - 1667)
as the bodaiji 菩提寺 family temple for his clan.
The founder was 即非如一 Priest Sokuhi Nyoitsu (1616 - 1671).
In 1679, the second Lord 小笠原忠雄 Ogasawara Tadakatsu (1647 - 1725) had it removed to its present location.
In 1866, during the war of 長州藩 the Choshu Domain many buildings were lost to fire.
But the main hall, the entrance gate and the 鐘つき堂 hall for the Temple bell remained.
In 1969, it became a Prefectural designated historic site.

The gyoban 魚板 Fish Gong

- quote
Fukuju-ji (福聚寺) is an Ōbaku Zen temple in Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyūshū, Fukuoka, Japan.
Its honorary sangō prefix is Kōjuzan (広寿山).
Fukuju-ji is one of two bodaiji (菩提寺), or funeral temples, dedicated to Ogasawara Tadazane, the first daimyō of Kokura Domain. (The other is Toyokawa's Rinzai-ji.)
- - - - - History
The temple was founded in 1665 by Ogasawara Tadazane with support from Sokuhi Nyoitsu, a Chinese monk.
In 1669, Ogasawara Tadataka (小笠原忠雄), the second daimyō of Kokura, began planning the construction of the temple such as Kaisandō hall, the main hall, a bell tower and so on.
Many temple structures were destroyed by fire in the Summer War of 1866.
However, much of the temple and its numerous annexes, include the Buddha-Hall (仏殿 butsuden), the Chinese style architecture rebuilt in 1802, was survived after the war.
- source : wikipedia


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : city.kitakyushu.lg.jp ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 06 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


- quote -
Ogasawara Tadazane 小笠原 忠真 (1596 – 1667)
Tadazane was the son of Ogasawara Hidemasa (1569–1615)
with Toku-hime, daughter of Matsudaira Nobuyasu and granddaughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
He married Kamehime, daughter of Honda Tadamasa with Kamehime (daughter of Matsudaira Nobuyasu)
and adopted daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
- Following the deaths of his father and elder brother in the Osaka Summer Campaign,
his holdings were transferred from Akashi Domain (100,000 koku) in Harima Province
to the Kokura Domain (150,000 koku) Buzen Province.
Famed as the lord who employed Miyamoto Musashi's adopted son Iori,
Tadazane took part in the Shogunate's campaign to quell the Shimabara Rebellion,
where the Kokura forces assisted in the execution of survivors of the rebel force, predominantly Christians.
Tadazane's son Tadataka succeeded him.
Other children included Nagayasu, Naganobu, Sanekata, and three daughters
(one of them adopted from the Hachisuka clan of Tokushima-han).
- source : wikipedia -


. Temples with legends .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #fukujiji #kokura #ogasawara #tadakatsu #shakamuni #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


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