18 Apr 2022

SHRINE - Susa Jinja Izumo

Susa Shrine Izumo

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Izumo no Kuni Shinbutsu Pilgrimage 出雲國神仏霊場編 .

Susa Jinja 須佐神社 Susa Shrine, Izumo

島根県出雲市佐田町須佐730 / Susa, Sada-cho, Izumo City, Shimane

The Deities in residence are 須佐之男命 Susanoo no Mikoto.
and his wife, 稲田姫 Inada Hime (櫛名田比売 Kushinada Hime).
Also the parents of Inada-hime
Ashimazuchi-no-mikoto and

The shrine was founded in 776.
The priests of the shrine are said to be descendants of Ōkuninushi.

- quote
Susa Shrine is located deep in the mountians of Sada in Izumo.
According to the ancient chronicles, after the gods Susano and Kushinada got married at Yaegaki Shrine
and made Suga Shrine their home, they set off on their travels around the country.
When they returned to Izumo they fell in love with the area of Susa.
After giving birth to many gods and creating the country, Susano handed power over to his descendents,
and laid his soul to rest here.
Behind the main shrine hall is a giant cedar tree, which is said to be 1200 years old.
It has long been worshipped as a sacred tree, and it is believed to be the dwelling place of gods and spirits.
It has recently become a popular "healing" spot, as it has been named by a spiritual healer as one of the best energy sources in Japan.
There is a well in the shrine grounds, and it is said that Susano used the water from here to purify the area. Although the well is deep in the mountains, it contains sodium, and the water has recently been found to come from to the Sea of Japan.
The waters of the hot springs in the surrounding area also contain sodium, and are well-known for their high quality.
The area around the shrine offers some spectacular rural landscapes.
The pure water river alongside the shrine runs out into the Hiikawa River.
Mt. Sentsu at the source of the river is said the be the place where Susano descended from the Celestial Plain of heaven,
and it also features in the legend of Yamata-no-orochi, as the home of the eight-headed creature.
- source : google.com/search ...


shuin 朱印 stamp - 須佐大宮

ema 絵馬 votive tablet


kiriake shinji 切明神事(きりあけしんじ) special Nenbutsu Ritual
A aritual to pray for a good harvest, on August 15.
A kind of 念佛踊り Nenbutsu Dance Ritual.
Six dancers in special robes chant :
naamamidoo ナーマミドー」(南無阿弥陀仏) Namu Amida Butsu
- reference : izumo-kankou.gr.jp .. -

- quote
Commonly known as "Nenbutsu odori" (Buddha prayer dance) and designated as
Shimane Prefecture's intangible cultural treasure.
Decorated with flowers to welcome the Kami, and to pray for good autumn harvests.
Afternoon of 15th August.
- source : english.susa-jinja.jp -

. Namu Amida Butsu, the Amida Prayer .


- - - - - Homepage of the Shrine
- source : shinbutsu.jp/shrines-temples/susajinja .. -
- reference : visitshimane.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Shrine is Nr. 18 of the
. Izumo no Kuni Shinbutsu Pilgrimage 出雲國神仏霊場編 .

. kami 神 Shinto deities .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 . (170 - 269)
When Empress Jingu Kogo was on her way to Korea,
there was a special Korean Dance at 須佐神社 the Shrine Susa Jinja.
The chant was:
はん(拝)なん(南)もう(方)ひい(日)てん(出)のう(邦) hon nan moo hi ten no.
It is a kind of nenbutsu odori 念仏踊 Nenbutsu Dance.
People have to recite this before starting to dance.
If they do not, the weather will turn bad and they have a bad harvest.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Shrines with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ##susajinja #susashrine ##shinbutsuizumo ##izumoshinbutsu -


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