8 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Shoryuji Yakushi Hinokate

Shoryuji Yakushi Hinokage

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Shooryuuji 昌竜寺 Shoryu-Ji, Hinokage
雲峰山 Unbozan 昌竜寺 Shoryuji Kenmotsu san no tera けんもつさんのてら temple of Fujie Kenmotsu
宮崎県西臼杵郡日之影町七折舟ノ尾2369-1 / Miyazaki, Nishi-Usuki district, Hinokage town, Nanaori, Funeo

The main statue is 釈迦牟尼仏 Shakamuni Buddha.

500 years ago, the temple was built in 八戸地区 the Hachinohe district.
100 years later, it was moved to its present place.
The priest of the 10th generation added three Kannon statues.
聖・如意輪・子安の三観音 Sho Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon and Koyasu Kannon.
The temple became a place for amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals near the huge 60 meter long Kannon Waterfall.

People come here to buy amulets for child rearing, luck in business and safety on the road.
The family of 藤江監物 Fujie Kenmotsu built waterways in the village and the temple became his family temple.
There is 監物堂 a hall for Kenmotsu in the compound.

In 延岡城 Nobeoka castle there are famous ceiling paintings.
There is also a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O of about 3 meters.
During repair work about 10 years ago, the ceiling painings were renewed with motives of endangered species, painted by the local children.


shuin 朱印 stamp

薬師健康にぎり仏 small statues of Yakushi to hold in your hand and pray for health


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -

- quote -
Fujie Kenmotsu and the Story of the Iwaguma Dam
Around 270 years ago, when the Makino family was the head of the Nobeoka domain, the land in the Idekita area was higher than the river level. Water could not be pumped to this area, making it impossible to grow rice. The wide expanse of wasteland was called the "Japanese Skylark's Nest." The appeals of farmers in Idekita, asking feudal leaders to do something to bring water to their area, were not heard due to tight clan finances.
Looking upon the situation, Chief Retainer Kenmotsu Fujie felt sorry for the people and persuaded those who were against the idea to build a dam to bring water to Idekita.
Shogunate administrator of the district Kitaemon Ejiri excelled in irrigation and engineering techniques, and was appointed to oversee of dam construction. Construction of the dam first began in the Misu area, but was swept away a number of times during flooding due to the soft ground. They then decided to build the dam at the present location of Iwaguma instead, where the ground was more firm. However, difficulties continued to arise, and Kenmotsu was criticized and told by those against building the dam to stop construction. Other chief retainers did not think highly of him, and accused him of inappropriately using war funds.
Due to these allegations, he and his three sons were sent to the Fune-no-o Prison in Hinokage. His eldest son, who was in delicate health, died after less than six months in prison. Kenmotsu, mourning his son's death, also died after refusing to eat for an extended period of time.
Following Kenmotu's last wishes, Kitaemon Ejiri took over construction of the dam. Iwaguma dam, along with a twelve-kilometer-long waterway for irrigation, were completed three years after Kenmotsu's passing. A large amount of funds were spent on their construction, spanning a total of eleven years.
After the dam's completion, the Nobeoka domain saw an increase in revenue upwards of 300 koku (ancient unit of measurement for products such as rice). Additionally, those who receive the blessings of Iwaguma Dam today honor the graves of Kenmotsu Fujie and his son, which are located in Fune-no-o, Hinokage. A large number of union members from the Iwaguma Soil Enrichment Group worship at their graves on August 17, according to the old lunar calendar.
Today, people still hold memorial services there and express their sincere gratitude to Kenmotsu. In order to not forget their moral indebtedness to Kenmotsu Fujie and Kitaemon Eijiri, the citizens of Idekita built a temple dedicated to Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) to honor the two men. A memorial service is held every year on August 18 of the old lunar calendar.
In 1924, approximately 200 years after the passing of Kenmotsu Fujie and Kitaemon Ejiri, their achievements were publicly recognized and they were awarded the title of "Jyuu-go-i" (similar to the title of "Sir" in Britain).
- source : city.nobeoka.miyazaki.jp/site -


This temple is Nr. 19 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Shoryuji #shooryuuji #kenmotsu #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


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