Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts

4 Nov 2017

PERSON - Bunshosei Kaisei Stars

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Bunshoosei 文昌星 Bunshosei
and 魁星 Kaisei - the Star Demon

Bunshosei is a manifestation of one of the seven polar stars.

- quote
In the good catalogue of the recent Hokusai show in Berlin there was an interesting dubious attribution. The entry #357 (p. 412) of Hokusai catalogue, which Nagata Seiji identified as Bunshosei (Sterngott der Literatur, as he put it), bears typical iconographic features of Kaisei (the star-demon).
Yes, Wenzhangxing/Bunshosei 文昌星, sometimes mixed in texts (or their interpretations) with Kuixing/Kaisei 魁星, but he is usually quite distinctive from the latter iconographically.

- Chinese depiction of Kuixing

I don't have a scanned image of that catalogue entry to upload, but it has a typical Kaisei features:
a demon-like appearance (to answer the oni 鬼 part of 魁), a measure box masu 斗 in the left hand, a brush in the right, a half-naked muscular body with a lifted left leg, and the upward turn of the head (looking on stars).

The Chinese Wiki says, as I thought before, that Kuixing represents the first star of the Big Dipper ( Actually, he was originally a personification of the first star of the West White Tiger quadrant and was only later connected with the Ursa Magna. His gesture is "Kuixing pointing the Dipper" (魁星踢斗). Interesting that Kuixing is related to Zhongkui/Shoki, the demon queller, – the story of ugly appearance, the Emperor's rejection – but instead of the bumping his head against the wall here we have throwing himself into the water and being rescued by ao/shachi monster 鯱 and sent to heaven.

In China he was normally worshipped at the altar with Wenzhang and depicted next to him. And Wenzhang looks like a typical official – and possibly more a protector of bureaucratic paperwork than of literature. This is what E.Werner wrote about these two: "In front of Wên Ch'ang, on his left, stands K'uei Hsing. He is represented as of diminutive stature, with the visage of a demon, holding a writing-brush in his right hand and a tou in his left, one of his legs kicking up behind—the figure being obviously intended as an impersonation of the character k'uei (魁). He is regarded as the distributor of literary degrees, and was invoked above all in order to obtain success at the competitive examinations. His images and temples are found in all towns. In the temples dedicated to Wên Ch'ang there are always two secondary altars, one of which is consecrated to his worship."
P. 111. Werner, ETC "Myths and Legends of CHINA" Gearge G. Harrap & Co. LTD. 1922.
- - - more illustrations are here :
- source :

Click for more photos  !

Click for more photos of 文昌星 !

. Hokuto 北斗 the Big Dipper, the Pole Star .


- Reference - 文昌星 -
- Reference - bunshosei star -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 10/26/2017 02:06:00 pm

TEMPLES - Juniten twelve deities

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

juuni ten 十二天 Twelve Juni Ten Deities

. Bishamonten 毘沙門天 Vaisravana .

. Bonten 梵天 Brahma .

. Enmaten 焔摩天 Yama .

. Futen 風天 Vayu .

. Gatten 月天 Candra .

. Izanaten 伊舎那天 Izana, Isana, Rudra .

. Jiten, Chiten 地天 Prthivi .

. Katen 火天 Agni .

. Nitten 日天 Surya / Aditya .

. Suiten 水天 Varuna .

. Taishakuten 帝釈天 Indra .

. Rasetsuten 羅刹天 Raksa .

- quote
12 Devas - Twelve Deva Guardians of Esoteric Buddhism
- Read the details here :
- source : Mark Schumacher

十二天曼荼羅 Juniten Mandala
and Fudo with four arms 四臂不動尊 shihi Fudo Son
- source :


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県 
北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district

十二天様 Juni Ten Sama,十二天神 Juni Tenjin
The hokora 祠 small shrine for the 12 Ten deities is at the foot of a pine tree on the pass. The villagers call it Juni Ten Sama.
In 1937, due to the construction of a dam, they had to be relocated from the estate of 青柳ロクロウ Aoyanagi Rokuro to its present location. When the workers had to open the shrine they found a snake wound around a human skull.
In 1959 during 伊勢湾台風 the Isewan Taifun the shrine was blown away, and even the munefuda 棟札 amulet from its roof was lost.
The villagers held a meeting to decide what to do about it, when 青柳光平 Aoyagi Mitsuhira told them he had seen a dream where 12 snakes were wound around a human skull.
The next day they all went out to search again for the roof amulet and indeed, they found it.
Now they could reconstruct the small shrine for it.

. jūni sama 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" deities .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #juniten -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/20/2017 01:10:00 pm

SHRINES - Yamanokami juunisama

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and juunisama, jūni sama 十二様 Juni Sama
"Honorable 12" deities,

another name for this male / female mountain deity

In some regions, Juni Sama is seen as two deities, husband and wife.

His / her messengers are Okoze, the stonefish and Okojo, a kind of weasel.

. Tanokami 田の神 and legends about
okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ stonefish and オコジョ Okojo weasel.

with legends from Gunma and Nagano.

hondo okojo ホンドオコジョ Mustela erminea nippon

The name of this deity varies from region to region,
十二山の神 Juni Yamanokami, 十二山神 Juni Yamagami . . .
Shrines in his / her honour are called 十二神社 Juni Jinja, 十二大明神 Juni Daimyojin,
大山祇十二神社 Oyamazumi no Mikoto Juni Jinja . . .
These deities are often venerated at 12 stone memorials or in 12 small shrines.

The explanations of the name are various too, some from a Shinto and others from a Buddhist background as a group of 12 honorable deities :

1 - A deity giving birth to 12 children in one year (one for every month)
2 - A deity that has given birth and raised 12 children.

3 - A place where 12柱の神 12 deities are venerated.

4 - . 12 incarnations of Amida Nyorai - 十二光仏 / 十二光佛 Juni Kobutsu .

5 - . 12 zodiac animals 十二支 Juni Shi .

6 - . 12 Kumano Junisha Gongen Avatars from Kumano 熊野十二所権現 .

7 - . 12 Ten Deities, 12 Devas 十二天 Juni Ten, Jūniten .

8 - . 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将 Juni Shinsho .
12 Warrior Generals . 12 Divine Generals of Yakushi Buddha
Each of them represents one heavenly direction, one of the twelve hours of the day and one of the twelve months of a year.


heisoku 幣束(へいそく) ritual paper wand
Yamanokami venerated as Juni Sama has given birth to 12 children in one year.
He is venerated as a mountain deity that brings 山の豊穣 a rich mountain harvest.

source : kan*an1*57


熊野十二社 (くまのじゅうにそう) Edo Kumano Juniso
Kumano Juniso Gongen no Yashiro Shrine
Kumano no Yashiro, Juniso Gongen no Yashiro

This began during the Oei Era (1349-1427), when a man called Suzuki Kuro came from Kishu and he enshrined deities the Juniso of his hometown Kumano. The name of the surrounding area is called Juniso.
The Juniso Pond which was located at the west side of Kumano-jinja Shrine, was used as a reservoir for the town of Tsunowazu, and there is a legend that a woman drowned herself and became a giant serpent. There was a waterfall on the eastern side and it was popular as a scenic spot.
- source : national diet library -

. Twelve Shrines at Tsunohazu in Yotsuya .
Yotsuya Tsunohazu Jûnisô ike Kumano yashiro

. 12 Kumano Junisha Gongen Avatars from Kumano 熊野十二所権現 .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu

十二山神 Juni Yamagami
Juni Yamagami is seen as husband and wife. Near the hamlet is the shrine 山神神社 Yamagami Jinja.
It houses two statues, a husband and wife.

toorigami 通り神 Kami passing by
Once a woman felt very ill and had an itinerant shaman look at her problem.
He told her she had peed on a spot where Juni Sama uses to pass by. He performed ablutions and soon the woman was healed.

Minami-Aizu 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata

山の神 Yamanokami and 十二大明神 Juni Daimyoji
At the hut for the hunters it is customary to take water ablutions every morning before entering the forest and pray to Juni Sama.
He is also called 十二大明神 Juni Daimyojin or 大山祇命 Oyamazumi no Mikoto.

fuchikari 貂 / フチカリ,heko ヘコ weasel, marten
If someone dies in the mountains, his soul can be transferred to a weasel.
At the foot of the mountain, Juni Sama and Fuchikari are venerated every morning and evening.
Fuchikari gets special food offerings.

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
There are quite a few legends about Juni Sama in Gunma.

Komochiyama 子持山 Mount Komochi "having children" 1296 m
渋川市 Shibukawa town

- Long Japanese explanation is here
- reference source : 偏平足 -

Gunma 吾妻郡 Azuma district

hitotsu manako ヒトツマナコ "one eye"
Juni Sama is a female deity who gave birth to 12 children in one year, one in every month.
This is most probably the same as the deity called Hitotsu Manako, who comed to the village on the 30th day of the 11th lunar month.

Gunma 吾妻郡 Azuma district 六合村 Kunimura

Okojo オコジョ weasel
Dried Okoze fish is called okojo オコジョ. If it is offered to Juni Sama, the Weasel, there will be a good hunting season.
But the offerings have to be made in the correct way. If they are placed with both hands, the hands might disappear with the offering.
The Weasel often stays with one family and watches over their well-being.

Gunma 倉渕村 Kurabuchi

yamainusama 山犬様 Yama-Inu Wolf Deity
Once upon a time, the Wolf Deity had given birth in the shrine of Juni Sama. People then brought special rice offerings to celebrate.

O-Tengu sama お天狗様
On the night of the tenth people prepare special mochi餅 ritual rice cakes and make offerings to the small shrines of 八幡様 Hachiman Sama, 十二様 Juni Sama, 道陸神 Dosojin, the Wayside Deities and O-Tengu sama, the local Tengu.
The Mochi for the Tengu are especially long and narrow, called
O-Tengu Sama no Obi お天狗様の帯 Belt of the Tengu.
They are placed on the roof of the small sanctuary, cut in 108 small stripes.
Other offerings are long radish and chrysanthemums.
In some regions, people take the Mochi home after making an offering and eat them.
In 三ノ倉 Sannokura they are called Tengu no Sawa Mochi 天狗のサワ餅. People either place them on the sanctuary and leave or they take home an offering that had been made by a person before them.
This is called Tengu Sama no Omigoku 天狗様のオミゴク Offering for the Tengu.

. tookanya 十日夜 night of the tenth .
tenth day of the tenth lunar month, with special rituals

Gunma 沼田市 Numata city 利根町 Tone village

In Tone they make offerings to Juni Sama, because in former times a goze 瞽女 blind itinerant woman had been killed there and cursed the region.

. goze 女盲, ごぜ, ゴゼ, 瞽女 blind woman .

Gunma 利根郡 Tone district 片品村 Katashina

inukuguri イヌクグリ plant, Veronica polita, Grey Field-speedwell
inu kuguri 犬潜り - "a dog walks through it"
This is a plant / tree, which is not allowed to be cut down in the mountain forest. It has two stems and the branches become one as it grows. Yamainu ヤマイヌ the Mountain Dog, messenger of Juni Sama, walks through this.

Tengu sama 天狗様
Trees with two-pronged roots sticking out on a mountain road or at a swamp are sacred to Juni Sama.
Tengu also like to rest on them. So they are not to be cut down.

Juunisama no shimeharigi 十二様のシメハリギ Sacred tree of Juni Sama
The 注連縄 ritual Shimenawa rope is fastened around this tree, which is sacred to Juni Sama (Yamanokami) and thus not te be cut down.
If someone cuts it, he will be crushed by 十二様の鳥居 the torii Gate of the Shrine for Juni Sama.

Gunma 碓氷郡 Usui district 松井田町 Matsuida

In this region on the border to 上越国 Joetsu, Yamanokami is called "Juni Sama".

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
藤野町 Fujino

The ubugami 産神 deity of birth is called Juns Sama in the hamlet of 藤野町名倉 Nagura in Fujino.

. ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" .
guardian deity of pregnant women, newborn babies and one's birthplace

Kanagawa 鎌倉 Kamakura 十二所 Juniso

Juniso Jinja 十二所神社
This shrine is located up in the mountain, at the foot of Asahina pass.

- quote -
Beyond a stone shrine gate, of a myojin-style torii (明神鳥居), lies the main building directly ahead. To the right of the main hall are three small shrines: Yamano Jinja (山の神社), Hoso Jinja (疱瘡神社) and Usa Hachiman Jinja (宇佐八幡神社).
A large, heavy-looking stone to the right of the torii is called Hyakukan-ishi (百貫石, or Hyakkan-ishi). The stone, long neglected, weighs roughly 110 kilograms and was once a popular object of weightlifting at shrine festivals. Further to the right stands Kaguraden Hall (神楽殿), for sacred music and dances.
... Early in the Meiji period (1867-1912), under a government policy of separating Shintoism and Buddhism, the shrine was moved from the grounds of Kosokuji Temple (光則寺) in the neighborhood to its present site and dedicated to
seven deities in Heaven and five deities presiding on Earth.
At the same time, the name was changed to Juniso Jinja Shrine from
Kumano Juniso Gongensha (熊野十二所権現社).
- source : kcn-net . org - Juniso Jinja 十二所神社 -

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
中魚沼郡 Naka-Uonuma district 川西町 Kawanishi

Juni Sama is a male mountain deity who protects women giving birth. He also helps with a good harvest.
The 12th day of the second lunar month is dedicated to this deity, when he leaves the mountains to go to the fields as Tanokami.
He comes back in Autumn after the harvest.

Yamanokami 山の神
Wheat bran (karako, カラコ, 麩) is offered to Yamanokami and then given to children to help them grow up healthy. JuniSama descends to the fields in spring and comes back after the harvest.

長岡市 Nagaoka 成願寺町 Joganji

山の神 Yamanokami and 十二神社 Juni Jinja
Once the deity of 十二神社 the Shrine Juni Jinja, Yamanokami, fell down in a field of garlic and lost one leg,
looked at the ears of wheat and lost one eye.
So he is now known as 片目片足の神様 the Deity with one Eye and one Leg.
Since then it is forbidden in the village to eat ニンニク garlic or 麦 wheat.
Children born in the village of Joganji are often born with one eye much smaller than the other.

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....

Yamagami Jinja to fuufu katsura 山神神社の夫婦カツラ
and the "Husband-and-Wife Katsura tree

katsura 桂 Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum

The trees are about 26 m high.
In 新庄市北部 the North of Shinjo is 不動山 Mount Fudoyama (546 m). At the entrance of the shrine are two large Katsura trees.
These two 門カツラ Katsura trees at the gate keep any Oni demons from entering the compound.

- 山形県新庄市萩野土内 Tsuchiuchi Hagino, Shinjō-shi
- reference source : -

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district

. 十二天様 Juni Ten Sama,十二天神 Juni Tenjin .


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
- reference : 十二様 -


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #juunisama -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 10/12/2017 01:48:00 pm

EDO - Kameido district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kameido choo 亀戸町 Kemeido, Kame-Ido "Turtle Well"
Kōtō 江東区 Kōtō-ku, Koto, "East of River" - there are 45 districts in Koto, one of them is Kameido.

The water of the old 亀戸村 Kemeido village in Edo was very good, and the place with its many wells 井戸 used to be called 亀ヶ井, then written 亀井戸 and finally shortened to 亀戸.

Near the Tenjin Shrine in Kameido 亀戸天神宮 there is a Heart Pond, which is famous for its turtles and plum blossoms, but also the wisteria later in the year.

Garyoobai 臥龍梅 Plum tree - 広重 Hiroshige

- reference : kameido garyobai plum -


. Honjo 本所 Honjo district .
On the fringe of these vast stretches of farmland, in the green and pleasant districts neighboring Honjo, are many famous sightseeing spots that are popular with samurai and townspeople alike. Immediately to the east of the main residential area, a five or ten minute boat ride down Tatekawa canal, is the Kameido Tenjin shrine.
This shrine is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, the god of knowledge, and many students come here to pray before taking their exams. However, that is not the main attraction of the temple. On the banks of a large reflecting pond in front of the temple are hundreds of wisteria vines, which have been carefully tended over hundreds of years, growing on trellises that hang over the still green water of the pond. In late May, when the wisteria are in full bloom, the entire area is a sea of purple blossoms. The long, dangling wisteria blooms reflected in the greenish water make a very picturesque topic for artists; some of the most famous ukiyoe prints depict the gardens at Kameido Tenjin.
Incidentally, Kameido literally means "turtle well". As the name suggests, the pond at Kameido Tenjin is filled with hundreds of turtles, though the temple has been around for so long that no one is sure whether the temple was named after the turtles in this pond, or whether the pond was built to match the name of the temple.

亀戸天神社 Shrine Kameido Tenjinsha

The Bullfinch from shrine Kameido Tenjin - uso kae 鷽替え 亀戸

. Usokae shinji : Bullfinch-exchanging ritual .


Helen Hyde

. Wisteria at Kameido 亀戸の藤.

kono fuji wa hayaku sakitari Kameido no
fuji sakamaku wa tooka mari nochi

these wisteria
have bloomed early...
the blossoming of
those at Kameido will be
more than ten days later

Tanka by Masaoka Shiki
Tr. anine Beichman


. Kobayashi Issa .

shin no ji ni mizu mo nagarete ume no hana

water flowing over
the word "heart"...
plum blossoms

More literally, "water also is flowing/ over the word heart..." The mo ("also") suggests that the water is flowing over other things as well, not mentioned. In one text, the poem has the headnote, "Offering at Tenshin Shrine."

This suggests to Robin D. Gill that the character for "heart" may be carved on a stone that is somehow positioned so that water flows over it. The water might be the purifying well water with which people who enter the shrine wash their hands and mouths, flowing into a drain channel containing the carved "heart," or perhaps a stream is flowing through the area, over an engraved stone. Either way, Issa juxtaposes flowing water, the word "heart," and plum blossoms. The deep connection between these three elements of the poem is only hinted at.
Tr. and Comment : David Lanoue

Near the Tenshin Shrine in Kameido (Edo) 「亀戸天神宮」there is a Heart Pond, which is famous for its plum blossoms, but also the wisteria (fuji) later in the year. The shrine is also called: Kameido Tenman Gu.

亀戸天神境内 - 広重 Hiroshige


. Edo dentoo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Traditional vegetables of Edo .

Kameido Daikon 亀戸大根 large radish from Kameido
The Kameido daikon, despite its name, is not to be found anywhere in Kameido.
Initially grown as the local radish of the Kameido area during the Bunkyu era, its production was moved out of town more than a century ago. Its pale color and small, carrot-like shape earned it such endearing names as okame daikon and otafuku daikon, both of which refer to a traditional mask of a white-faced woman having a prominent forehead, puffed cheeks, and a small nose. Sown in the fall and harvested in early spring, it quickly came to be widely cultivated as a precious winter vegetable. But with the wave of urbanization set off by the opening of a local train station in 1904, farmlands soon disappeared from Kameido.
The Kameido daikon found a new home in Takasago, Katsushika Ward, eight kilometers to the northwest.


Kameido Jiken 亀戸事件 Kameido Incident
- quote -
The Kameido incident took place in 1923 in the aftermath of the Great Kantō earthquake.
On September 1, 1923, the Great Kantō earthquake struck Tokyo and Yokohama and martial law was imposed in the aftermath of the earthquake.
On the evening of September 3, the Kameido police in Tokyo began arresting known social activists, suspecting that they would "spread disorder or forment revolution amid the confusion". During the mass arrests, police arrested union leader Hirasawa Keishichi, and Nakatsuji Uhachi, a member of the Pure Laborers' Union. The Special Higher Police arrest seven members of the Nankatsu Labor Association. Army troops detained an eighth member of the association, Sato Kinji.
Between late at night on September 3 and September 5,
troops of the 13th Cavalry Regiment on emergency duty in Kameido shot and decapitated Hirasawa and nine others. They disposed of the bodies, together with those of Korean and Chinese massacre victims, along the banks of the Arakawa drainage canal. The police issued an official notice on October 14, claiming that troops had shot the men because they were agitating prisoners. The following year, the Liberal Lawyers' Association and union leaders worked to bring the facts to light and establish responsibility, with partial success. Police claimed to have cremated the remains of the victims. With no remains to bury, a memorial service was held in February 1924.
- List of Victims of the Kameido Incident
- source : wikipedia -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

In 1727 around the New Year,
there was a hikari mono 光物 strange light coming from the forest of the Shrine 香取明神社 Katori Myojinsha, located East of 亀戸天神社 Kameiod Tenjinsha.
And soon later, with a loud screeching sound, 神木の松の木 the sacred pine tree fell down. In its branches was a white 御幣 ritual wand.
Soon there was a rumor that this was 常陸国の安馬大明神 the Deity from a Shrine in Hitachi province, who had come for a visit.

In 1785 from the 3rd day till the 9th day of the 6th lunar month
there was a rain ritual and 歌会 poetry reading performed at Kameido Tenjin. While the ritual lasted, it was raining, but after that it stopped to rain.
So on the next day, only the first part of a poem was read and rain started.
On the 11th day the second part of the poem was read and the rain stopped.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Kameido no yuya no kemuri ya hatsu tenjin

smoke of
the public bath in Kameido -
first Tenjin ceremony

Tr. Gabi Greve

加藤松薫 Kato Shoku

. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .
Hatsu Tenjin 初天神 First visit to a Tenjin Shrine
- - kigo for the New Year - -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kameido #tenjin #tenmangu #wisteria - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 11/02/2017 09:00:00 am

2 Nov 2017

MINGEI - kamuro child attendant

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

kamuro 禿 / 禿童(かむろ) child attendant of a courtesan

. Oiran 花魁 courtesans and Yoshiwara .
- Introduction -

The young girls had a special hairstyle:

source : wikipedia

- - not to mix with another meaning of the Chinese character - -
hage 禿げ bald


- quote -
Kamuro were the small girls who attended the great courtesans of the Yoshiwara. Brought into service at the age of five to nine, they paraded in their "older sister" courtesan's retinue when she appeared in public, ran errands for her, and attended her when she met with clients. The streets of the Yoshiwara were lively with brightly dressed little girls going to and fro, carrying orders to merchants, calling on vendors, delivering gifts, trading jokes with the locals, buying snacks for their older sisters to eat hurriedly between clients. They were participants in the life of the Yoshiwara just as much as their older sisters, laughing at samurai visitors' boorish manners and composing haiku about life in the Yoshiwara.
..... Kamuro as Status Symbols

..... Kamuros' Names
Kamuros' names were simple, in contrast with the courtesans' often flowery names. They were usually written in katakana, a less learned and more childish script, rather than in the more sophisticated kanji. And they were created as a pair: Iroha (Color) and Nioi (Scent), or Chidori (Sandpiper) and Namiji (Trail of Waves). The two names could also have a more erudite theme, such as Kureha and Ayaha, names of famous weavers from two different ancient Chinese kingdoms. They could even reproduce a line of poetry: Fujino + Takane = "the high summit of Mt. Fuji."
-- Some of the most popular combinations were:
Futaba and Midori (Bud and New Greenery)
Hanano and Haruno (Flowery Field and Spring Field)
Hatsune and Kochô
Kanomo and Konomo
Onami and Menami (Big Waves and Little Waves)
Sodeno and Wakaba
Takeno and Sasano
Utagi and Utano

- Read the full explanation :
- source : -

. . . CLICK here for more Ukiyo-e Photos  !


- - - - - Not related to the ladies, but the same name

. Kamurosan 神室山 Mount Kamuroyama .
秋田県湯沢市 Akita, Yuzawa and 山形県新庄市 Yamagata, Shinjo.
1365 m high

- ABC - List of Kamuro from the Prefectures

花魁と禿 土人形 Oiran and Kamuro



................................................................................ Aichi 愛知県  

about 30 cm high, made by 杉浦亀太郎 Sugiura Kametaro

. Aichi 碧南大浜土人形 Ohama Clay Dolls .

................................................................................ Fukuoka 福岡県  

古博多土人形 old clay doll from Hakata
made by 中ノ子勝美

................................................................................ Kagawa 香川県  

. Jooganji no Hage Tanuki 浄願寺の禿狸 bald Tanuki from Jogan-Ji.

................................................................................. Tokyo 東京 

花魁と禿絵馬 Oiran and Kamuro
Shrine 於菊稲荷神社 Okiku Inari Jinja - - ema 絵馬 votive tablet


hagoita 羽子板 battledore - New Year decoration


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - another meaning of the Chinese character - - hage 禿げ bald

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 設楽町

mujina マムシ badger - 禿太郎 Hagetaro

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府

kamuro 禿 / カムロ

kamuro 禿童 / カムロ


kamuro 禿,貧乏神 Bingogami ,毘沙門天 Bishamonten

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
仙台市 Sendai 青葉区 Aoba

kamuro yashiki かむろ屋敷 Kamuro estate
Before Sendai became a castle town, there was a district called 北七番丁 Kita-Shichibancho with the estate of 湯田靱負 Yuda Yukie, a vassal of 大崎 Osaki.
Around 1500 when there was a party, a young woman appeared and helped, working as hard as ten people. When the trays with the meal were served, the young woman suddenly vanished. At the end of the meal she appeared again and did all the cleaning. She never said a word and nobody knew where she had come from.

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県


atama ga hageru 頭が禿げる getting bald


kamuro suijin 禿水神 / カムロスイジン

................................................................................. Nagasaki 長崎県 

ryuuguu 龍宮,hagiwara 禿童 / ハギワラ

.................................................................................Okinawa 沖縄県

kamuroo カムロー,カムラー小 kamuraa gu - Kamuroo Yokai monster

................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県

. Hage-tanuki 禿狸 Hage Tanuki, bald Tanuki .

................................................................................. Toyama 富山県
中新川郡 立山村

hagesugi 禿杉,kamibatsu 神罰 / カミバツ


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
28 禿 to explore (10)
カムロ / かむろ -- OK


- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

keisei o kamuro torimaku chimaki kana

Kamuro sitting
around a courtesan
eating Chimaki . . .

. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki .

. chimaki 茅巻(ちまき)Chimaki ritual rice cakes .
for the Boy's Festival
- kigo for early summer -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kamuro - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 10/28/2017 10:05:00 am

27 Oct 2017

FUDO - Fudo Legends 06 Mie

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 不動明王 .

Fudo Legends 06 - from Mie to Miyazaki

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - Mie 三重県
松阪市 Matsuzaka

. oogon no niwatori 黄金の鶏 the golden rooster .

. Miyagi prefecture 宮城県 - お不動さま  .

- - - - - Miyagi - Fudo Legends - - - - -
鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village) 
Onikoobe onsen 鬼首温泉 Onikobe Hot Spring
tatsubu 田ツブ Tanishi mud snail
Tanishi Fudo タニシ 不動 - たにし不動 Mud-Snail Fudo
菅谷不動尊のお不動さま Sugatani Fudo and the Tanishi
- and more

- - - - - Miyazaki 宮崎県

tsukimono 憑きもの posessed
The priest from the Shrine 生田山愛宕神社 Ikuta Atago Jinja, 長友清市 Nagatomo Seiichi (1869 - 1961) performed rituals to get rid of spiritual possessions.
He used to recite the spell 不動のからすばり Fudo no Karasubari, which made the possessing Yokai afraid and leave the human body. But eventually priest Seiichi became insane himself, left his estate and went to the Shrine, where he fell to the ground. When he came back to his senses, he realized that the possessing spirit had left.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudolegends #fudomie -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 9/30/2017 05:47:00 PM

FUDO - Fudo Legends 05 Kagawa

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 不動明王 .

Fudo Legends 05 - from Kagawa to Kyoto

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - Kagawa 香川県

Once a pilgrim went to 伊予山 Mount Iosan and made ablutions in the waterfall, when suddenly Fudo Myo-O appeared.
Fudo let an old hag with a wide mouth, from ear to ear. When she opened her mouth, flames came out of it.

Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu 一宮町 Ichinomiya

okudosan おくどさん O-Kudo San - the Honorable Hearth
Once the head of the family did not feel very well and when ホウザンハン a Yamabushi priest came to purify the hearth, he was told that the Hearth Deity was not properly venerated.
When the family had replaced the hearth, they did not call a priest to have rituals for Fudo, but called 宮司さん a Shinto priest. If they had not even called the Shinto priest, all family members might have died.

. kamado 竈 hearth and its deity .

Kagawa 木田郡 Kita district 三木町 Miki

tanuki 狸,アオニュウド / 青入道
The road from Tsuga to the Fudo sanctuary has a curve called ヒウチカド Hiuchikado.
People get posessed by a Tanuki there.
Once a charcoal maker passed by this 不動さん Fudo San. It was a full-moon night, but here al was pitch-dark. So the man wend down on his knees and grabed the weeds by the roadside to find his way. Eventually he crossed the bridge and suddenly the night was light again. And he heard someone laugh devilishly.
This was the deed of a Tanuki, a kind of Yokai called Ao-Nyudo, the Blue Nyudo monster.

Kagawa 山本町 Yamamoto

kitsune 狐 fox,tanuki 狸 badger
If people are possessed by a fox or Tanuki, they get abura-age 油揚 fried Tofu or 小豆御飯 rice with soy beans to appease them.
The mountain priest 角田氏 Kakuda attacks them with Sutras. If they do not let go, he uses Fudo no kanashibari 不動のカナシバリ a paralyzing spell of Fudo to get rid of the possession.
If they promise to let go, he reads 般若心経 the Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra at the end of the ritual.

kanashibari 金縛り "bound in metal", sleep demons. temporary feeling of paralysis
- source : -

Fudo kanashibari no jutsu:
the art form of making an opponent hesitate by immobilizing any living thing with the power of the mind
- as practised by the Sogobujutsu martial art.

Kagawa 塩江温泉 Shionoe Hot Spring

不動の滝 Fudo no Taki Waterfall - abour 40 meters high
When Kobo Daishi made ablutions at this waterfall, suddenly Fudo Myo-O appeared to him, hence the name.

- reference source :

. Waterfalles named "Fudo no Taki" 不動の滝 .

- - - - - Kagoshima 鹿児島県
曽於郡 Soo district

Hanayadon ハナヤドン Hanaya don
In the hamelt of 上出水 Kami-Izumi in the estate of 徳重義信 Tokushige Ienobu the deity Hanaya Don is venerated beside Fudo Myo-O.
During WWII, the uncle of Ienobu had been in 満州 Manchuria. Ienobu had a dream of the uncle telling him to build a more beautiful sanctuary for Hanaya Don.
So now it is a beautiful small shrine.

- - - - - Kanagawa 神奈川県

If a traveler passes by 不動明 Fudo Myo, he falls from his horse.
To show his respect, he has to demount from the horse and walk past.


reibutsu 霊仏 "spirit Buddha"
Once the Fudo statue at Oyama was found to be heavily sweating, then a strong earthquake occurred and many people died.
Some Buddha statues are known to sweat. Once the high priest 智興阿闍梨 Chikyo Ajari was stuck with illness, the Statue of Fudo wept.
These compassionate statues are really to be praised.

. 大山の不動様 Oyama no Fudo Son - 大山寺 .

. asekaki Fudoo 汗かき不動 sweating Fudo .

. naki Fudo 泣き不動 / 泣不動 weeping Fudo .

Kanagawa 鎌倉市 Kamakura

Enkan shoonin 円観上人 Saint Enkan Shonin(1281 - 1356)
Enkan was called for questioning to the Kamakura government because he was under suspicion of having done improper rituals (choobuku 調伏 Chobuku).
The regent, 北条高時 Hojo Takatoki (1303 - 1333) had a dream: From the slope 東坂本 Higashisakamoto there came a few thousand monkeys to protect the body of the saint.
So Takatoki ordered to postpone the questioning and told his subordinate 佐介時弘 Sasuke Tokihiro to do so.
Tokihiro reported that on this morning, in the room of the saint, he had seen the shade of the figure of Fudo Myo-O.

円観上人 Saint Enkan Shonin / 慧鎮 Echin
(1281 - 1356)
Enkan was born in 1281 in Omi. He became a priest at Enryaku-Ji in 1295 at the age of 15, and received jukai ordination at the precepts-platform of the same temple, when he was granted the name of 伊予房道政 Iyonobo Dosei .
In 1303 he went into retreat and became a Zen priest for a while, but in the following year he returned to Kurodani.
In 1305 he secluded himself for the second time, following priest 興円 Koen, and together they sought the "revival" of the precepts. Enkan and his followers conducted their "revival" receiving an impetus from the actions of Eizon.
Enkan became a 遁世僧 tonseiso from the Hiei group, and the leader of the fundraising for Todai-Ji. He carried out important activities such as the "revival" of temple 法勝寺 Hocho-Ji.
Enkan was in charge of the compilation of the original Taiheiki 太平記 records.

- reference : Enkan -

. Chōbuku hō 調伏法 Chobuku rituals .
to ward off evil spirits, enemies, and malicious influences.

Kanagawa 横浜市 Yokohama

Fudo no kanashibari 不動の金縛り paralyzing spell of Fudo
(see also below, Kagawa 山本町 Yamamoto)
After the war the leaders of 御岳講 the Ontake Mountain prayer group of 大岡 Kami-Oka held a lecture. On their way home in the dark some black soldiers belonging to 占領軍 the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers grabbed the High Leader, strangled him and demanded money to let go. The High Leader begun mumbling the paralyzing spell of Fudo and in no time the black soldiers were paralyzed and unable to move.

- - - - - Kanagawa and Niigata 新潟県 佐渡郡 Sado

toigiki トイギキ,hotoke oroshi ホトケオロシ / 仏オロシ seeking religious help
Once a family had a string of bad luck, so they went to a Fudo temple to ask what was the matter.
They were told that a grave on the way to the mountain was not kept properly and they should hold rituals. This was the grave of a family member that was split as a bunke 分家 branch family. The branch family had moved away to Kanagawa. So the main family gave them a handful of the earth of the ancestors to place in a grave in the new home and indeed the bad luck was stopped.

12 toigiki トイギキ to explore (one more with Fudo from Niigata)
14 hotokeoroshi ホトケオロシ to explore (2 more with Fudo)

- - - - - Kochi 高知県
幡多郡 Hata gun 大月町 Otsuki

hebi 蛇 serpent
When the villagers performed a rain ritual at the waterfall of Fudo, there appeared a white snake and a red snake, telling them their wish would be granted.
The snake is an incarnation of Fudo.

- - - - - Kumamoto 熊本県
人吉市 Hitoyoshi

yakoo ヤコウ fox
A pregnant woman got ill and prayed to Fudo Myo-O, because a shaman had told her to do so. But the illness got worse instead.
When she consulted another shaman, they found out it was a fox causing the illness. This shaman was a specialist in Yako Fox mischief.
Anyway, the woman was healed and the child turned out to be very clever.

- - - - - Kyoto 京都府

. Abe no Seimei 安倍晴明 and a weeping Fudo - 清浄華院 Shojoke-In .
Fudo and Abe no Seimei at Shinnyodoo 真如堂 Shinnyo-Do

. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .

Kyoto 六条の御息所 / 六条御息所 Rokujo no Miyasudokoro - Lady Rokujō

The vengeful spirit of Lady Rokujo was finally appeased when a priest at 横川 Yokogawa read the Sutra of Fudo (dokushu 不動読誦) many times for her soul.

. Rokujo no Miyasudokoro 六条御息所 .
and the Genji Monogatari

Kyoto 延暦寺 Enryaku-Ji

Shortly before his death, Fudo told priest Ryuusen 隆暹 Ryusen in a dream that he would soon go to paradise.

. 延暦寺 Enryaku-Ji .
and Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 and Hiei-zan 比叡山 Mount Hiei

Kyoto 東山区 Higashiyama

Priest and painter Choo Densu 兆殿司 Cho Densu (1352 - 1431)
Kitsuzan Mincho 吉山明兆 Zen Monk Kichizan
The painter Densu painted a Nehanzu 涅槃図 Nirvana scene of the death of Buddha. But it was a painting full of wonders.

When he painted a dragon, the dragon would fly to heaven.
When he painted Fudo Myo-O, his flaming halo would begin to burn in flames.
Once he wanted to paint a dragon and prayed to the deities to show him one. Suddenly the water in the pond of the temple begun to churn and a dragon showed his features.
The colors and pigments for his paintings were from a special source at 稲荷山 Mount Inariyama.

While Densu painted the Nehanzu scene, a cat came along with a brush and pain in its mouth.
So he painted one cat into the scene.

at temple 東福寺 Tofuku-Ji
- reference source : -

. nehanzu 涅槃図 painting of a Nirvana Scene .

Kyoto 京都清滝不動院 Kiyotaki Fudo-In
24 Sagatoriimoto Ikkahyocho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto

tsuchinoko hebi 槌の子蛇 hammerspwan
The priest of the temple 清滝不動院 Kiyotaki Fudo-In, 青龍住職 priest Seiryu, had frequently chased something like a Tsuchinoko from the temple compound.
Even visitors had seen the creature. They all helped searching, even along the deep slopes, but could not find it.

. tsuchinoko 槌の子 / nozuchi 野槌 Hammerspawn .
a legendary snake-like cryptid.

Kyoto 京丹波町 Kyotanba (Kyotamba)

kikusui no taki 菊水の瀧 Kikusui Waterfall "Chrysanthemum water"
The precious dew of the chrysanthemum leaves had turned into 甘露 honey dew and a 妙薬 miracle medicine, thanks to the grace of Fudo Myo-O.
If someone can drink this dew mixed in the water of the waterfall, he will live to become 500 years.

There are other waterfalls with this name in Japan.

Kyoto 相楽郡 Soraku district 南山城村 Minami-Yamashiro

Tokiwa Gozen 常磐御前 Lady Tokiwa
The waterfall where Tokiwa Gozen prayed is now known as
常磐不動の滝 Tokiwa Fudo no Taki.
The statue venerated there is said to have been made by Lady Tokiwa herself.

. Tokiwa Gozen 常磐御前 Lady Tokiwa .
wife of Minamoto no Yoshitomo. (1123 - ?1180) - Mother of Minamoto no Yoshitsune.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudolegends #fudokagawa #fudokyoto -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 9/28/2017 05:46:00 PM