Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

2 May 2018

PERSONS - Fu Daishi Fudaishi


Fudaishi 傅大士 Fu Daishi, Fu Ta-Shi, Budaishi
(c. 490 – c. 560)

- quote
a Chinese Buddhist monk who was later deified as the Japanese patron deity of libraries.

He is traditionally accredited with the invention of the rinzō (輪蔵), a system of revolving shelving used in Kyōzō libraries. He is often represented alongside his sons, Fuwaku and Fukon.
Fudaishi is noted for his "lecture" on the Diamond Sutra, recorded in the Hekiganroku (Record of the Blue Cliffs). According to this account, Fudaishi was invited to speak by the Emperor Bu-tei. He stepped up to the lectern, struck it a blow with his staff, and then returned to his seat without speaking a word.
He is regarded as in incarnation of Miroku, the Waiting Buddha.
- Reference in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -
Ch: Fu Daishi. Buddhist Master Fu or Great Teacher Fu.
The Chinese Buddhist layman Fu Xi (Jp: Fu Kyuu 傅翕; 497-569) credited with inventing revolving sutra shelves.
Thus images of him are often placed in or near sutra repositories. Wearing Chinese Tang dynasty attire, Fu Daishi is frequently shown with his two sons Fucheng (Jp: Fujou 普成) and Fujian (Jp: Fuken 普建).
Often depicted with a laughing face,
Fu Dashi is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha or waraibotoke 笑い仏.
- source : JAANUS -

- quote -
Hotei, the laughing Buddha, is most likely based on
the itinerant 10th-century Chinese Buddhist monk and hermit Budaishi (d. 917),
who is said to be an incarnation of Miroku Bodhisattva (Maitreya in Sanskrit).
- source : Mark Schumacher -

. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai, Budai - Introduction.


- quote -
傅翕 Fu Xi (傅大士 Fu Dashi, 497-569) / 心王銘 Xinwang ming
(Rōmaji:) Fukyū (Fu-daishi): Shinnōmei
(English:) Mind-King Inscription / Inscription on the Mind King / Faith in the Mind's Ruler
(Magyar átírás:) Fu Hszi (Fu Ta-si): Hszin-vang ming

- Mind-King Inscription -
snip snip
Gâthâs of Bodhisattva Shan-hui (善慧), better known as Fu Ta-shih (傅大士)
Empty-handed I go and yet the spade is in my hands;
I walk on foot, and yet on the back of an ox I am riding:
When I pass over the bridge,
Lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow.

Translated by D. T. Suzuki (Essays in Zen Buddhism – First Series, p. 272)

傅大士 Fu-daishi
with his twin sons, shown clapping their hands and laughing, are sometimes called
Fuwaku (or Fuken 普建・普現) and Fukon (or Fujō 普成・普淨)
in Seiryō-ji Temple - Saga Shaka-dō Temple (清凉寺 - 嵯峨釈迦堂), Kyoto

A legend relates,
against all the evidence, that Fu-daishi was the inventor of the buildings intended to contain the sūtras. This kyōzō (経蔵) building in Japanese Buddhist architecture is a repository for sūtras and chronicles of the temple history. It is also called kyōko (経庫), kyōdō (経堂), or zōden (蔵殿).
A revolving sūtra storage case is called rinzō (輪蔵, wheel repository; rotating libraries).
Revolving shelves are convenient because they allow priests and monks to select the needed sūtra quickly. Eventually, in some kyōzō the faithful were permitted to push the shelves around the pillar while praying — it was believed that they could receive religious edification without actually reading the sūtras.

- More of the poems and lectures by Fu Daishi
- source : -


kyōzō 経蔵 Kyozo, repository of religious writings -

Kamakura, Hasedera

. maniguruma 摩尼車 prayer wheel .
There are some large prayer wheels in many temples, where copies of the Sutras are kept. You can walk around them, pushing the spokes while you walk to spin the wheel and have your prayers reach heaven.


- quote -
Fu Ta-shih - [傅大士] (497–569) (PY Fu Dashi; Jpn Fu-daishi)
A lay Buddhist in China who was revered as a Reincarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya. He won the respect of Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, who was a devout Buddhist. His real name was Fu Hsi, and he was commonly known as Fu Ta-shih (ta-shih means great man). A layperson with a wife and children, he was not only an earnest practitioner of Buddhism but also a philanthropist, generously bestowing his own Wealth upon the people. When he erected Shuang-lin-ssu temple, he built a Sutra repository on the premises to house the entire collection of Buddhist scriptures. The repository was unique in that it had a revolving stand with eight faces for storing the scriptures.
Later many temples adopted this type of Sutra repository.
- source : chinabuddhismencyclopedia... -


- Reference - fudaishi chinese -
- Reference - 傅大士 -


HEIAN - Sennin 13 Ikoma

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Ikoma Sennin 生馬仙人 / 生馬仙 Ikoma Sen

He is Nr. 13 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

- source 絵本故事談 (山本序周:作、橘有税[橘守国])

- source 本朝列仙伝 (田中玄順) Priest Myotatsu and five gourds

- reference source : 国文学研究資料館 -


He comes from Osaka, 摂津住吉 Settsu Sumiyoshi and practised religious austerities at 高安山 Mount Takayasuyama (488 m).
In 897 僧明達 the priest Myotatsu came to the mountain and in a cave saw a man sitting, wearing a white hat and white robes.
The man was alomost starving, so Myotatsu gave him five uri 瓜 gourds.
Asked for his name he replied
我は是れ生馬の仙人 "I am the Sennin from Ikoma!"
After entering the mountain this Immortal had never come back down to the valley


- quote -
Mount Ikoma (生駒山 Ikoma-yama)
is a mountain on the border of Nara Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture in Japan. It is the highest peak in the Ikoma Mountains with a height of 642 meters.
Mount Ikoma
is a part of Kongō-Ikoma-Kisen Quasi-National Park. It is one of the most famous picnic spots in the Kansai region. On the top of the mountain, there are many TV towers for broadcasting to the Kansai region and Ikoma Sanjo Amusement Park.
Mount Ikoma
was an important object of worship for ancient Japanese people. On the east foot of the mountain, Ikoma Jinja (literally 'Shrine for Mount Ikoma') has been extant since the 5th century. The mountain and the Hozan-ji temple near the summit were traditionally celebrated as national scenery and included in well-known woodblock series such as the "Sixty-eight National Views."
- source : wikipedia ... -

- Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples in Kansai-
No. 13 . Hōzan-ji 宝山寺 / 寳山寺 Hozan-Ji .
奈良県生駒市門前町1-1 - 1-1 Monzenchō, Ikoma-shi, Nara
This temple is officially located in Nara, but many people from Osaka come here to pray and enjoy the vista too.


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninikoma #ikomasennin #myotatsu -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/13/2018 06:00:00 pm

HEIAN - Sennin 11 Sadazumi Shinno

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 Prince Sadazumi-Shinno
(873 – 916)

He is Nr. 11 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

He was the sixth son of the emperor Seiwa.
His line has produced the three Shogun families of Minamoto, Ashikaga, and Tokugawa.
Descendants of the Minamoto clan worship Sadazumi Shinno as their tutelary deity.
He had ordered 13000 Buddha statues to be placed in the temples of Japan.

Legends tells of him one day when he turned 44 he went to 一条大宮の桃園池 the Peach Park Pond at Ichijo Omiya and became a huge dragon.
From then on he was also called 桃園親王 Prince from the Peach Park.

- quote -
The Seiwa Genji (清和源氏)
is a line of the Japanese Minamoto clan that is descended from Emperor Seiwa, which is the most successful and powerful line of the clan. Many of the most famous Minamoto warriors, including Minamoto no Yoshiie, Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the Kamakura shogunate; and Ashikaga Takauji, the founder of the Ashikaga shogunate, belonged to this line. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543–1616), founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, also claimed descent from this lineage. The family is named after Emperor Seiwa, who was the grandfather of Minamoto no Tsunemoto who founded the Seiwa Genji.
Emperor Seiwa was father of Imperial Prince Sadazumi (貞純親王 Sadazumi Shinnō) (873–916),
who was in turn the father of Minamoto no Tsunemoto (源経基) (894–961), founder of the Seiwa Genji, from whom the Seiwa Genji descended.
Many samurai families belong to this line and used "Minamoto" clan name in official records, including the Ashikaga clan, Hatakeyama clan, Hosokawa clan, Imagawa clan, Mori, Nanbu clan, Nitta clan, Ogasawara clan, Ōta clan, Satake clan, Satomi clan, Shiba clan, Takeda clan, Toki clan, Tsuchiya clan, among others. The Shimazu clan served the Tsuchiya clan loyally for many years.
The Shimazu and Tokugawa clans also claimed to belong to this line.

- - - Sasarindo 笹竜胆 family crest - - -
A group of Shinto shrines connected closely with the clan is known as
the Three Genji Shrines (源氏三神社 Genji San Jinja).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- reference source : wikipedia -


Sadazumi Shinno, the fifth son of the Emperor Seiwa, passed the greater part of his life as a priest at the temple Amadera (Ama-dera) in Kyoto
- writes Lafcadio Hearn.

Daitsuuji 大通寺 Daitsu-Ji ; 【通称名称】: 尼寺(あまでら)Amadera Nunnery
Founded by the widow of Minamoto no Sanetomo in 1222.

- quote -
大通寺(尼寺) Daitsu-Ji Amadera

南区大宮通九条下ル西九条比永城町1 / Nishikujo Hieijocho, Minami Ward, Kyoto
- reference source : -


Genji San Jinja 源氏三神社 Three most important Genji Shrines

六孫王神社(京都府京都市南区)Rokusonno Jinja, Kyoto

多田神社(兵庫県川西市多田)Tada Jinja, Hyogo

壺井八幡宮(大阪府羽曳野市壺井)Tsuboi Hachimangu, Osaka

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #SadazumiShinno #sadazumi #minamoto #butsusen -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/13/2018 09:43:00 am

28 Apr 2018

HEIAN - Sennin elixir of life food

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sennin no shokuji 仙人の食事 Food of the Sennin
The Elixir of Life and Immortality

仙人は霞を食べて生きている Sennin have been eating dew and mist . . .

. kuko no mi クコの実 Lycium rhombifolium .
Chinese wolfberry, goji berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, or matrimony vine.
Wolfberries have long played important roles in traditional Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other effects.
- wikipedia


chorogi チョロギ Stachys affinis
commonly called crosne, Chinese artichoke, Japanese artichoke, knotroot, and artichoke betony, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae, originating from China.
Its rhizome is eaten as a root vegetable.


道の駅「久米の里」Roadside station Kume-no-sato
563-1 Miyao, Tsuyama, Okayama

They sell special food items for Sennin in the 仙人館 Sennin Kan hall:

for example
仙人みそ Sennin Miso paste.

道の駅久米の里「仙人まつり」Sennin Matsuri Festival

In honor of the Immortal Kume Sennin they sell a lot of special food and even make
久米仙人の人形焼き waffles of Kume Sennin.

. Kume no Sennin 久米の仙人 .

. kanpooyaku 漢方薬 Chinese medicine .
Kanpo, Kampo . . .
In the times before the advent of modern Western medicine, Asia relied heavily on the use of traditional remedies, medical plants and minerals and then prayers to the various deities !


- quote -
Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods
When we look into the accounts of many different mythologies and religions, it becomes clear that the gods are either immortal or live a life of many thousands of years. What is rarely mentioned is the fact that in ancient religious texts there is reference to their immortality or longevity being connected to a specific kind of food that only the gods are allowed to eat. The gods were required to eat this food regularly to maintain immortality, power and strength. Many references also refer to the fact that if mortals ate this food, they would also become immortal like the gods. So let us explore the mythology surrounding this 'Elixir of Life'.

One of the main references to the food of the immortals can be found in Greek mythology.
It is written in the stories of the Greek gods that ambrosia and nectar was the food and drink of the immortal gods and this first appears in the Greek mythology relating to the birth of Zeus. Before the 'invention' or 'discovery' of ambrosia and nectar by the gods, it was written that they would feed by 'sniffing' the vapours of their dead enemies, as if they would feed from the energy of the dead souls.
- snip snip -
In the Hindu religion,
the gods would harness a milk called Amrita, a nectar that was collected and drunk by the gods to give them immortality, but forbidden for humans to drink. This milk was apparently surrounding the Earth, and the gods would collect it with the help of a serpent.
In Chinese mythology
we have the 'Peaches of Immortality' as the food of the immortals. Eating this food ensured the everlasting existence of the gods. If humans would eat from this fruit they would also become immortals.
- snip snip -
Nectar and Ambrosia, the Tree of Life, Amrita, Peaches of Immortality, Soma and Haoma
are all these references simply the imagination of our ancient ancestors? Or, like other myths, is there an element of truth to be found in these ancient tales? It is possible that immortality or longevity can really be achieved through the consumption of a 'special' food, which has always been held as a privilege reserved for the gods? Perhaps the search for the 'Elixir of Life' is a valid and one day it may be found ...
- source : John Black -


- quote -
Seeking Life but Finding Death: Deadly Chinese Elixirs of Immortality
..... These elites would normally patronize Taoist alchemists, who would provide them with some sort of substance that would supposedly give them immortality. The ingestion of such elixirs, however, certainly did not allow them to live forever. In many cases the elixirs, which contain extremely poisonous elements, (ironically) were responsible for the deaths of those who consumed them. .....
Chang'e and the Elixir of Immortality
The elixir of immortality is a concept that can be found in Taoist mythology. .....
Recipes for Immortality
..... One example of the former is the Lingzhi, which has been translated literally as the 'Supernatural Mushroom' and known also as the 'Mushroom of Immortality'. .....
Death by an Elixir of Immortality
..... The most famous Chinese Emperor to have died by taking the elixir of immortality, however, is Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. The emperor's obsession with attaining immortality is well-known in Chinese history and was recorded by ancient Chinese historians. .....
- source : Wu Mingren -


- further reference -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninfood #elixiroflife -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 3/29/2018 09:31:00 am

HEIAN - Sennin 08 Kan Shiwa Kanshiwa

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi  Kan Shiwa

He is Nr.08 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

source :

Maybe he was a master carpenter of Hida Takayama. The statue shows him with a chisel and hammer.
. Hida no takumi 飛騨の匠 expert carpenter or craftsman from Hida .
They were already well known in the Heian period.

Later he was 飛龍隊の兵士 in the Imperial guard of "the flying dragons" in China.

- quote -
"…'Golden Butterflies' is about a Japanese immigrant living in the T'ang dynasty China (619-905), probably one of the many Japanese students and pilgrims who went to China during the early T'ang to learn Chinese arts and sciences for their own newly developing nation of Yamato (Japan).
The name of this particular individual, Han Shih-ho (Han Shiho, or in Japanese, Kan Shiwa) would seem to indicate that he was in fact of fairly recent Chinese or Korean ancestry, as were many families among the upper classes of ancient Japan and in the craft guilds they patronized. Kan Shiwa was a master craftsman, one of the professional pursuits traditionally associated with Taoism.
Although stories about him mention no details on this point, he was evidently also a martial artist, another profession with traditional Taoist connections, for he served in the imperial guard of the ruling house of the T'ang. His story illustrates a number of Taoist ideas. His ability to make lifelike moving replicas of insects, animals, and birds represents what is sometimes called taking over creation, the power to infuse inert matter (the physical body) with vitality, energy, and spirit. The relationship between the color of his mechanical insects and the 'food' he gives them illustrates the way personality is formed by education and environmental influences.
The story of the golden butterflies represents the Taoist theory of 'equalizing things' in worldly terms, through redistribution of wealth by nonviolent means."
-from Vitality, Energy, Spirit: a Taoist Sourcebook // translated and edited by Thomas Cleary (p.37-38)

- quote -
"In the time of the emperor Mu-tsung (Muzong) of the T'ang dynasty, in the ninth century, among the members of the elite corps of the imperial guard was a Japanese man named Kan Shiwa.
Kan Shiwa
was a most extraordinary sculptor. He could fashion any sort of bird and make it so that it could drink water, hop around, stretch out its neck and call, and so on, all in the most beautiful and charming manner. He put machinery in the bellies of the birds he made, so that besides having beautiful plumage they could also fly one or two hundred feet in the air.
Shiwa sculpted cats that could do even more; they could run around and even catch small birds.
Now the captain of the guard thought this was truly marvelous, and wrote to the emperor about it. Emperor Mu-tsung summoned Kan Shiwa into his presence, and he too was captivated by Shiwa's skill.
The emperor asked Shiwa
if he could carve something yet more marvelous. Shiwa told the emperor he would make a 'dais for seeing dragons.'
..... Not without misgivings, the emperor stepped up. The moment he did so, a gigantic dragon appeared in the sky. It was about twice the size of a man and had scales, a mane, claws, and horns; it flew into the clouds and rode on a mist, dancing in the sky. Its energy and appearance were such that one would never think it to have been made by human hands.
The emperor
was flabbergasted. Frantically he jumped off the little platform and said, 'Fine, fine, very good, now take it away with you!'
Strange to say, the moment he got off the dais the big dragon disappeared. All that remained was to put it back in its place.
Now Shiwa apologized to the emperor for startling him so, and offered to make good by doing something amusing. .....
- source : -

- quote -
..... Shiwa made some small things, "They are like spiders, they are flycatchers."
"Are they real?" the emperor asked, amazed by their lifelike quality.
"No, they are manmade," Shiwa answered. . . .
Catching the flies, one by one they returned to Shiwa's palm.
The emperor marveled at this. He gave Shiwa a big reward of silver, which Shiwa ungrudgingly gave away to poor people in the city. Now the rumor passed around among the people of the city was that Kan Shiwa was a spiritual immortal from the Isles of the Blest in the East Sea.
Just when this gossip reached its peak, Kan Shiwa disappeared from the imperial guard and no one ever saw him again.
- reference source : The Taoism Reader - Thomas Cleary -


韓志和 Kara Shiwa(木鶴大明神)Kitsuru Daimyojin - Deity of the Wooden Crane

- look at more photos
- reference source : -

- source : 飛騨高山まちの博物館

韓志和伝説 - Detailed study
- reference source : jiangnankejp03/book/jnihonzo... -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkanshiwa #kanshiwa #hidanotakumi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/12/2018 08:00:00 pm

HEIAN - Sennin 07 Yoro

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin
Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)

He is Nr. 07 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

Not much is known about this Sennin. He was a poor 樵夫 forest worker in 美濃国多藝郡 Mino no kuni, Tagenokoori(たげのこおり)
now 多芸郡(たぎぐん)岐阜県(美濃国) Tagi district, Gifu.
As a reward for his filial piety he obtained longevity.
The water of the waterfall does not only turn to Sake, it also heals various ailments of humans.
Some people come here to get the water and have even seen an old man near the fall.
Sake no Izumi 酒の泉 the fountain of Sake

- quote -
Yoro's power is outlined in an old legend about a poor woodcutter who went into the woods to find firewood, and discovered the water of the spring had turned to rice wine. He filled a hyooten ひょうたん gourd with the spring water and brought it to his aged and ill father, who was returned to good health by the wine. The water-to-sake transformation was believed to be the gods rewarding the son for his dedication to his father.
The Empress Genshō, visited the area, and renamed the period of her reign after it ...
- source : -

- more
- reference source : -

Yōrō (養老) was a Japanese era name (年号 nengō, "year name") after Reiki and before Jinki.
This period spanned the years from November 717 through February 724. The reigning empress was Genshō-tennō (元正天皇).

The gourd, a most common water container for travelers in the Edo period, has become the symbol of Yoro town and there is a Gourd Festival.



Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall

The famous Yōrō Falls (養老の滝, Yōrō no Taki) is a waterfall in Yōrō Park located in the town of Yōrō.
There are a few other waterfalls in Japan with this name.

yooro no kooko 養老の孝子 filial piety at Yoro

about 26 cm high

. Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall .
Once a pious son scooped some water from the waterfall pool and brought it home to his old parents.
When they took a sip - oh wonder - it had turned into sake and all their ailments were healed.


Kooshi jinja 孝子神社 (こうしじんじゃ)"Shrine of the Filial Piety"

岐阜県養老郡養老町 / Yoro Town Gifu
- reference source : -


松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho wrote:

sakazuki no shita yuku kiku ya Kitsuki bon

below the sake cup
there is a chrysanthemum -
tray from Kitsuki

Written in 1675, 延宝3年, Basho age 32.
He took the inspriation from an old song, Yooroo 養老 Yoro.
The sake in the small cup is overflowing rapidly and becomes the famous waterfall of Yoro. Its flow looks like the chrysanthemums flowing in the river.

. Kitsuki bon 朽木盆 tray from Kitsuki .


Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)
was a Samurai who lived around 1580 in 美濃国本巣郡 Mino no Kuni, Motosu gun district.
His family was very poor and he lost his father at age 4. He was brought up by relatives and later went to Kyoto to the temple 西園寺 Saion-Ji.
There he got a letter from his mother, who was very ill and wanted him to come back soon. On his way he got involved in fights between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie, but managed to find his way home. His mother was very pleased to see him. He took some medicine from his luggage and gave it to his mother as an expression of his filial piety.
Since his family was so poor, they could only eat rice and wild vegetables, and he decided to practise ablutions and austerities at the waterfall.
His mother died shortly after, but he had obtained the power to fly and change places freely and eventually left the waterfall to become an Immortal.


HŌJŌGAWA - a noh play by kanze motokiyo zeami
Hachiman River
I am Chikuba Nanigashi, priest at the Kashima Shrine.
- Read the full translation
- source : ross bender -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The story of the filial piety and healing water from the waterfall is also known in 千葉県 Chiba, 香川県 Kagawa, 兵庫県 Hyogo and 茨城県 Ibaraki.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 養老町 Yoro

The son had to care for his father, who loved to drink Sake . . . and then found the miraculous pond at the foot of the waterfall.

kogane take 黄金竹 golden bamboo

tengu 天狗

ubakiri ishi 姥切石

zengashi iwa 膳貸岩


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
19 養老 to explore (00)


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninyoro #yorosennin -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/12/2018 10:08:00 am

22 Apr 2018

TENGU - Tengu no Dairi Palace Emaki

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu no Dairi 天狗の内裏 The Palace of the Tengu
'The Palace of the Long-Nosed Goblins'

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -


This is a story about the young Minamoto no Yoshitsune, who is taken on a tour of the underworld by a Tengu from Mount Kurama.
Written in the Muromachi period.
This story exists in numerous lavish picture scrolls and woodblock-printed editions in libraries and museums around the world.

- quote -
Ushiwaka's "Visit to Supernatural Regions (Tengu no dairi)
In this story, Ushiwaka learns of the existence of a tengu palace deep in the mountains and by offering prayers to Bishamon succeeds in visiting it.
The Great Tengu welcomes him hospitably and offers to take him to see Yoshitomo (his father), who has been reborn in the Pure Land as a Buddha. Following a tour of the 136 Buddhist hells, the two finally reached the Pure Land.
Yoshitomo urges Ushiwaka to destroy the Heike and then predicts his future.
Back in the Tengu palace, Ushiwaka and the Great Tengu exchange pupil-teacher vows
and Ushiwaka returns to Kurama.
Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-century Japanese Chronicle
- source : Helen Craig McCullough -

Tengu no dairi emaki 天狗の内裏絵巻
picture scroll of the palace of the long-nosed goblins,

illustrated manuscript in 2 rolls, telling the story of the young Minamoto Yoshitsune
and of his visit to the court of Tengu.

Yoshitsune watches the Tengu fighting

- Yoshitsune And A Buddha
- source : British Library -


. The Tengu Sōjōbō 僧正坊 from Mount Kurama .
and 源義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune 

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengunodairi #tengupalace #palaceoftengu #tenguemaki #tengupicturescroll -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 4/12/2018 01:41:00 pm

18 Apr 2018

HEIAN - Yama no Kami 10 Regional Hiroshima Hyogo kofun

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Hiroshima 広島県 and Hyogo 兵庫県
Yamanokami kofun 山の神古墳 Yamanokami tumulus

. Legends about Yamanokami .


....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....

Yamanokami Bunkasai 山の神文化祭 Culture Festival
広島県立呉昭和高等学校同窓会 / 広島県 呉市中央6-2-9 // Kure city

東広島市 Higashi-Hiroshima 八本松町 Hachihonmatsu

. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
Yamanokami gets an offering of zoosui 雑炊 rice porridge.

南方村 Minamikata-mura

tooban san トウバンサン Toban san、"The God on Watch-out Duty"
At the beginning of the stone bridge there is one special stone. If a horse or cow tries to pass over the bridge,
it will stumble here and fall down to its death.
The villagers think this must be a sign of Yamanokami. They think Yakanokami is a deity to protect horses and cows and call him Toban San.

宮島町 Miyajima

ayakashi あやかし something suspicious, the voice of Yamanokami
Shortly after the War, some 20, 30 men went into the forest to cut trees. They heard a voice calling for them and followed the voice. But the voice (of Yamanokami) kept coming from a different direction each time.
So they begun to recite a Buddhist sutra and indeed, the voice kept quiet.

三次市 Miyoshi // 庄原市 Shobara

On the 20th day of the New Year (mugimeshi shoogatsu 麦飯正月 eating barley) Yamanokami goes to the forest to count the trees.
If a person goes to the forest on this day, he will be counted as a tree and later experience disasters and misfortune.
So this is a holiday for the forest workers.

mugi shoogatsu 麦正月 New Year to honour barley and wheat


Yamanokami kofun 山の神古墳 Yamanokami tumulus of Japan

. kofun 古墳 burial mound, tumulus .
kofun jidai 古墳時代 burial mound period - 250 to 538

Hiroshima, 広島県 福山市駅家町 Fukuyama Ekiya

In the middle-range of 芦田川 river Ashidagawa. It's form is 前方後円墳. It dates to the middle of the 6th century.
The diameter is about 12 m, and it is 4 m high. The space inside is open to the South and is 横穴式石室, it is about 6,35 m.
The genshitsu 玄室 burial chamber is about 4.1 m long, 2.9 m wide and 3.3 m high.
The sendoo 羨道 passage is 2.25 m long, 1.26 m wide and 1.25 m high.
The excarvated pieces are
- reference source : Hiroshima bunkazai data -


Fukuoka 福岡県
- quote -
Recent advancement in the study of the Tsuyazaki mounded tomb group and other sites has enhanced our understanding on the tombs of the chieftains in the Munakata Region. And archeological investigations of dwelling sites have resulted in accumulated evidence that tells of the life and activities of immigrants from the Korean Peninsula. Comparison of these two makes it possible to depict the rise of chieftains in the Munakata Region based on international exchange. Okinoshima Island is situated at a
pivotal location of maritime transportation and it should be possible to discuss the role played by Munakata chieftains in the Okinoshima rituals by linking the rise of chieftains with the international exchange with the Korean Peninsula. It should be noted, however, that the formation of the Tsuyazaki mounded tomb group and the increase in archeological evidence of immigrant activities took place in the second half of the Middle Kofun Period, while the maturation of Okinoshima rituals occurred at the end of the Early Kofun
Period. There is an apparent time gap. A major task for the future is to look at the intervention of chieftains in the Okinoshima rituals and the life and activities of immigrants in the period from the end of the Early Kofun Period to the first half of the Middle Kofun Period from a broad perspective of the post-Yayoi periods.

The largest tumulus in North Chikuzen during Period 8 corresponding to the end of Middle Kofun Period is considered to be Yamanokami mounded tomb in Iizuka City in Agglomeration Midstream of the Onga. River that has an estimated total length of about 85 meters, even though no exact measurement is.
- reference source : - pdf file -


Gifu 岐阜県

中津川市山口 Nakatsugawa city, Yamaguchi
- reference source : -


Kagawa 香川県
- quote -
Yama-no-kami Kofungun 山ノ神古墳群 Yamanokami Kofungun
near Sakaide (Kagawa pref.) Nearest Village: Kamo-chō 加茂町

Tumulus no.2 which lies in a paddy field on the way to Ayaori-zuka Kofun and Saginokuchi Kofun has carving of leaves and thatched roof on the left side of chamber. Its passage is broken and the carvings of the inner chamber are easy to be recognised but they are so faint to be photographed.
- source :


Nara 奈良県 三輪山の神 Miwa Yamanokami
- quote -
Rituals of the Kofun Period: Rituals for the Gods at Mt. Miwayama (exhibition till May 2018)
Mt. Miwayama is an eminent sacred mountain in Japan's ancient history. From the Yamanokami Site at the foot of the mountain, a number of relics used for rituals, including small mirrors, steatite beads and daggers, as well as earthenware models of tools for brewing alcohol were excavated. Rituals associated with the kingdom of the time were carried out in this region.
- - - - - Including:
Miniature Mirror, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th century
Usudama Beads, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th–6th century
Winnow shaped Clay Objects, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th–6th century
Mallet shaped Clay Objects, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th–6th century
Mallet shaped Clay Objects, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th–6th century
Cutting board shaped Clay Objects, From Yamanokami Site, Baba, Miwa, Sakurai-shi, Nara, Kofun period, 5th–6th century
- source : Tokyo National Museum -


Shizuoka 静岡県,
4 Chome-4-21 Uchinodai, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu

Early to Mid 6th century
The Yamanokami Kofun is also a circular type. It is 15.8m in diameter and 1.8m in height. There is a moat on its north side, and a terrace on its south side. The kofun is presumed to be built in the early to mid 6th century.
Artifacts found from this tomb include sue ware (gray stoneware).
The entrance of the horizontal stone chamber was blocked by stones.
- reference source : -

- - - - -

135 Higashi-Kashiwabara Shinden, Fuji, Shizuoka
- reference source : pdf -


Tokushima 徳島県
 山ノ神古墳群 Yamanokami Kofun gun 
徳島県名西郡石井町石井 Ishii, Myozai District, Tokushima

前方後円形で、墳丘に段築は認められていない[4]。墳丘長は約56メートルを測るが、これは徳島県では第3位の規模になる[4][注 1]。円筒埴輪は認められていないが、形象埴輪片や鉄鎌・鉄斧が検出されている[4]。主体部の埋葬施設は粘土槨2基で、墳頂部で並んだ状態で設けられている[5]。以上より、築造時期は古墳時代前期の4世紀後半頃と推定され[4]、山ノ神古墳群含む気延山古墳群では最後の前方後円墳に位置づけられる[3]。
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source and more photos :




Yamanokami Kofun no Kenkyu (The Study of Yamanokami Tumulus)
TSUJITA, Jun'ichiro (2016)

Yamanokami Site in Akishima City 昭島市
? 浄土古墳


....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....

Yamanokami Matsuri festival at 香美町香住区沖浦 / Kasumiku Okinoura, Kami, Mikata District
The children paint their faces black with charcoal and bring offerings to the shrine, walking along about 1 km, on January 8.
They pray for the health and wellbeing of the members of 127 families living there.
This festival dates back to the Heian period, around the year 830.
Yamanokami is seen as a woman who gets angry quite easily.

. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .

有馬郡 Arima district

Yamanokami no tatari 山の神の崇り curse of Yamanokami
If someone cuts a matsu 松 pine tree in the forest, he will be cursed by Yamanokami. He will hurt his neck and his nomi 鑿 chisel will not cut any more.

朝来市 Asago city 生野町 Ikuno-cho

kaibutsu 怪物 monster
Around 1890, there lived a skilled forest worker named 兵右衛門 Hyoemon. On the day of the festival for Yamanokami he went to the forest. On his way back he stopped at the waterfall near the Shrine. There coming from downstream, he saw a strange creature as large as 10 Tatami mats, of green color, without a head or tail, climbing out of the river.
Hyoemon was frightend and run home as fast as he could, but fell ill on the same day and died a few days later.

福崎町 Fukusaki 西田原 Nishi-Tawara

Yamanokami Koen 「山の神」公園 Park named Yamanokami
In the park are many Yokai statues, for example of 河童 Kappa and 天狗 Tengu.

There is also a statue of a mother inoshishi イノシシ wild boar, a 妖怪 Yokai monster named Yamanokami.
This statue had one a prize at the Japan-wide competition for Yokai statues. It is about 2 meters high and weighs 200 kg.
Yamanokami is known as an ugly woman, as causing accidents and snowstorms.

. Yamanokami and his messenger, inoshishi 猪 wild boar .

姫路市 Himeji

In the 飾磨郡 Shikama district, it is not allowed to go to the forest on the Day of Yamanokami, the 9th day of the first lunar month.
If someone does, he will fall from the rocks and get hurt badly.

出石町 Izushi

The Day of Yamanokami is the 9th day of the 12th lunar month.
On the Day of Yamanokami, nobody is allowed to go to the forest, because Yamanokami counts the trees.
The members of the special prayer group stay at home and say prayers.

神崎郡 Kanzaki gun 神河町 Kamikawa village

. Black Cow, Black Bull  黒牛と伝説 kuro-ushi, kuroushi .


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokamihiroshima #godofthemountains #tanokami #hiroshima #hyogo #yamanokamikofun -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 8/20/2017 03:11:00 pm