30 Nov 2014

WASHOKU - Juroku Cha Tea



Juroku Cha 十六茶
アサヒ 十六茶 Tea with 16 different tea leaves

- quote

- source : www.asahiinryo.co.jp

This tea comes with health tea leaves of various prefectures
they are introduced via their tea mascots !

from Hokkaido and Tohoku


from Kanto


from Chubu and Hokuriku


from Kansai


from Chugoku and Shikoku


from Kyushu and Okinawa


Check them our here :
source : www.asahiinryo.co.jp/16cha

Related words



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PERSON - Shinnen and the Henro Trail



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Saint Shinnen Hoshi 真念法師
宥弁坊真念 Yuben-bo Shinnen

active around 1680.

His life work was to bring back life to the Henro pilgrimage in Shikoku by erecting more than 200 stone markers
四国遍路道指南(みちしるべ) Shikoku Henro Michi Shirube
and writing a travel guide, published in 1687.
He was also the first to add the numbers from 01 to 88 to the temples on the road
and erecting stone markers.

They are all about 77 cm high and rounded at the top.
The stone comes from Hyogo prefecture, go-eiseki 御影石, kakoogan 花崗岩 granite. They have been transported by ship to Shikoku and put in place with great diligence and effort by Shinnen.
Since the stone markers are mentioned in his book, he must have been putting them up before that, around 1680.
Before this, the Henro pilgrims have mostly been monks on their quest for Buddhism.
But after Shinnen published his book, more lay people began making this long pilgrimage.

stone marker in Sakaide town 坂出市青海町

39 (or 37) of his stone markers have not yet been found.
Now there is a group to study his lifework
click on any of the 24 entries to see a stone marker in detail with a map:
- source : www.shikoku-np.co.jp/feature

観音寺市八幡町 at Kannonji tonw, Hachiman village
琴弾八幡神社 near Kotohira Hachiman Jinja

「左遍ん路みち 願主(ねがいぬし)

- source : www.shikoku-np.co.jp

a stone marker from Kagawa prefecture, Marugame town
- source : www.shikoku-np.co.jp/kagawa_news


真念法師の旧お墓跡(高松市牟礼町塩屋)昭和55年2月 洲崎寺に移された
His grave in Takamatsu

Shinnen-An 真念庵 a kind of shelter he erected for the lay pilgrims.

- at Takamatsu 香川県高松市亀水町

List of 37 stone markers
- source : kukai1944.web.fc2.com/douhyou_sinnenhousi


真念庵(しんねんあん) Shinnen-An - Bangai 番外札所 01
located at the Ashizuri Henro Trail あしずりへんろ道.
There is nobody in charge there, so the villagers of the nearby village at the foot of the mountain offer a stamp for the pilgrim's stamp book (and often some o-settai refreshments).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

erected aroung 天和年間(1681 - 83)by 宥弁坊真念

- take a virtual walk along the Ashizuri Henro Trail toward Shinnen-An
- source : d.hatena.ne.jp/boianuf

The pilgrim's stamp of Shinnen-An 納経印
Since it is given by a lay person of the village, there is no brush inscription, only some stamps in black and red.

納経印は墨印部分のみ二種類ある。通常は左のものであろう。墨印の文字は「奉納経 〔地蔵菩薩の種字「カ」〕本尊地蔵薩 〔梵字の「カン」?〕弘法大師 土佐幡多足摺打戻 市ノ瀬山 眞念庵」。
右のものの墨印部分は「奉納経 本尊地蔵大士 土州幡多郡市瀬山 眞念菴」。
- source : goshuin.ko-kon.net/shikoku88


「四国遍路道指南」 Shikoku Henro Michishirube

Father and daughter Nishioka are walking along the Shikoku Henro path.
According to the diary of Shinnen.

- source : www.nhk.or.jp/matsuyama/henro1200


Making Pilgrimages: Meaning And Practice in Shikoku
By Ian Reader
- google here for the parts about Shinnen :
- source : books.google.co.jp


荒井とみ二 / 「遍路図絵」

四国遍路関連古書 List of old books about the Henro trail
from 承応2年 - 1653
澄禅 - 「四国遍路日記」 - 宮崎忍勝
to 平成18年 - 2006
- source : www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~outfocus/eurail


. General Henro Information - My Introduction .
四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku

to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai


Join the friends on facebook !

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PERSON - Harada Kai



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Harada Kai 原田甲斐
Harada Kai Munesuke 原田甲斐 宗輔

(元和5年(1619年) - 寛文11年3月27日(1671年5月6日))
(1619 - 1671)

They found the "black box" of Sendai later in the Meiji period.

with signatures of the main characters of the "Date Disturbance".
source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/m_rosso04

- quote
Date Soodoo, Date Sōdō 伊達騒動 Date Sodo - Date Disturbance

a noble family dispute within the Date samurai clan, which occurred in 1671.

- - - - - History
In 1660, the daimyō (feudal lord) of the Sendai Domain, and clan head, Date Tsunamune was arrested in Edo, for drunkenness and debauchery. The charges are generally believed to have been true, but the arrest was probably encouraged heavily by certain vassals and kinsmen in the north. These vassals and kinsmen appealed to the Council of Elders in Edo that Tsunamune was not fit to rule, and that his son Date Tsunamura, great-grandson of Masamune, should become the daimyō. Thus, Tsunamura became daimyō, under the guardianship of his uncles, Date Munekatsu and Muneyoshi.

Ten years of violence and conflict followed in the domain, reaching a climax in 1671 when Aki Muneshige, a powerful relative of the Date, complained to the shogunate of the mismanagement of the fief under Tsunamura and his uncles. The Metsuke (Inspector) for the region attempted to deal with the situation, and to act as a mediator, but was unsuccessful against Aki's determination.

The Metsuke reported back to Edo, and Aki was soon summoned there to argue his case before various councils and officials, including the Tairō Sakai Tadakiyo and members of the Rōjū council. Following his arrival on the 13th day of the second lunar month, he met with and was interrogated and examined, as were several other retainers of the Date on both sides of the dispute. One retainer in particular, a supporter of Tsunamura and his uncles, by the name of Harada Kai Munesuke made a particularly poor impression in his meetings, and is said to have left the interrogation in a sour mood.

Towards the end of the month, all the Date retainers involved were summoned to the Tairō's mansion for a further round of questioning. It is said that over the course of the day, Harada grew increasingly distressed as he realized the extent to which his answers clashed with those of Aki Muneshige. According to one version of events, Harada, following a series of questions, was waiting in another room when Aki came in and began to shout insults at him. Swords were then drawn, and Aki was killed. Harada was killed moments after, by the officials or their guards.

A trial was soon held, the murder being made a more severe crime for having been committed in the home of a high government official. The official verdict was that Harada drew first, and the punishment was severe. The Harada family was destroyed, Harada's sons and grandsons executed, and though Tsunamura was affirmed as the proper daimyō, his uncles were punished. Aki was judged to be a paragon of loyalty, and no action was taken against his family.

This story inspired a number of cultural productions, most notably the jōruri (puppet theater) play, later adopted into kabuki, Meiboku Sendai Hagi, by Chikamatsu. In this production, as in many other retellings of the tale, Harada is undoubtedly the villain, Aki the hero. Historians, however, are skeptical about the accuracy of this black-and-white approach, and claim that there were likely other elements to the narrative which are not clear from the formal records. One side or the other in the dispute may have bribed government officials in order to affect the government's handling of the situation, and it is known that Sakai Tadakiyo was a friend of Tsunamune, thus perhaps altering the shogunate's behavior in this matter further.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- Kabuki -

Jitsuroku Sendai Hagi 実録先代萩
Hototogisu Date no Kikigaki 早苗鳥伊達聞書

- - - - -  History
Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Hototogisu Date no Kikigaki" was premiered in June 1876 at the Shintomiza. Some roles names were changed later on: Katagiri Kojûrô, Masaoka, Serada Kai, Asahino Yagorô and Matsugae Tetsunosuke became Katakura Kojûrô, Asaoka, Harada Kai, Asahina Yatarô and Matsumae Tetsunosuke.
The title "Jitsuroku Sendai Hagi" was used for the first time in May 1893 in Tôkyô at the Fukanoza.

Harada Kai, a Date vassal, and his confederates are plotting to usurp the power and position of the young leader of the clan, Kamechiyo. They have attempted to poison him, but their efforts have so far been thwarted by those loyal to the boy, particularly his menoto, Asaoka. She is keeping a close watch over him in the inner, women's quarters of the Date mansion. A senior retainer in the Date household, Katakura Kojûrô, warns Asaoka that the day of a retaliatory strike against Harada and the other conspirators is near. Asaoka is relieved to hear it, but she continues to keep a close watch over her charge.

Asaoka also has a small son of her own, Chiyomatsu, whom she deliberately left behind in Sendai, the better to protect the little lord of the Date clan. But Kojûrô has brought Chiyomatsu with him. Asaoka's devotion to Kamechiyo and her determination to protect him are so strong that she refuses to recognize her own son. Fearing that any relaxation of her guard will expose Kamechiyo to danger, she orders her son to be taken back to Sendai. Kamechiyo has been lonely, however, and welcomes Chiyomatsu as a playmate. This makes it all the more difficult for Asaoka to send her son away.

Katakura has been watching all this from a neighboring room. He enters and commends both Asaoka and her son for their loyalty towards Kamechiyo. He then leaves, taking Chiyomatsu with him. Left alone, Asaoka gives way to her feelings and expresses her grief at the departure of her beloved son. At that moment, however, the alarm is raised following the death by poisoning of one of those required to taste Kamechiyo's food. Asaoka takes a grip on herself and resumes her watch over the boy.
- source : www.kabuki21.com

- quote
Meiboku Sendai Hagi
We eat o-hagi(or botamochi) at Higan in spring and autumn. It's called ohagi in the season for hagi(萩:Lespedeza or Japanese bush clover).
Chinese characters "伽羅" are commonly read "kyara." Kyara(伽羅, aloes-wood) is a high-quality agarwood(沈香, jinkou). The 3rd lord of the Sendai clan went to brothels very often, wearing precious wooden clogs made of aloes-wood.
Sendai Hagi (先代萩) comes from the former(先代, sendai) lord's favorite Lespedeza buergeri(木萩, kihagi). 
By the way, there is a sequel to the incident.
In 1923, a covenant under joint signatures was discovered In the attic of a temple. The covenant says that a Buddhist memorial service for the chief retainer was held at the temple six years after his death and 139 of his former retainers attended it. Memorial service for him has been held at the temple every year.

The name of the chief retainer is Harada Kai (原田甲斐), who is named Nikki Danjou  (仁木弾正) in the play. He gets categorized as a devil in the play, but there are strong doubts about whether Harada Kai who endeared him to many people was a villain.

Many people gather from the covenant that there were complicated circumstances behind the incident.
- source : ichinen-fourseasonsinjapan


Harada Kai Date sōdō o suiri suru 原田甲斐 伊達騷動を推理する
book by 川野京輔 Kyōsuke Kawano

伊達騒動と原田甲斐 (1970年) Date Sodo to Harada Kai
by 小林清治

source : hakuzou.at.webry.info
momi no ki wa nokotta 樅の木は残った
by 山本周五郎 Yamamoto Shogoro

Yamamoto san tries to portrait Harada Kai as the savior of the Date clan, who took the blame for the intrigues on himself and died a silent hero.


- Reference - Japanese -

- Reference - English -


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WKD FUDO - Hassaku Kumamoto



Hassaku Festival (hassaku matsuri)

***** Location: Kumamoto
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Observance


hassaku matsuri 八朔祭 Hassaku festival

- quote
This is a traditional festival with a 240-year history. It is said this festival started in 1757 under the order of the Hosokawa clan, concerning the bad harvest around the Yabe area. The main attraction is the giant creations skillfully made by individual communities, with pinecones and other wild plants that grow in Yabe. These express the society and people's wishes with a sense of humor.

During the festival, these creations march through the town streets with musical accompaniment as well as a fancy-dress parade, to wish for an abundant harvest and prosperity. Tsujunkyo Bridge also releases water during the Hassaku Festival, and there is a fireworks display at night.

- Look at a video here :
- source : japan-attractions.jp


takes place in 上益城郡山都町浜町商店街一帯


- source : kumanago.jp/event

. hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝
Harvest Festival, Hassaku sai 八朔祭 .

hassaku 八朔 (はっさく)
first day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar
kigo for mid-Autumn


This 作り物, constructed entirely from natural materials (except for the eyes, which light up) won the annual contest in Yamato this year.
- shared by Kit Nagamura, fb

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .


. Kumamoto Prefecture Festivals - 熊本県 .


Related words


. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

BACK : Top of this Saijiki


28 Nov 2014

FUDO - Sanpo-Ji



Sanpo-Ji in Tokyo, Nerima Ward
Tokyo, Nerima, Shakujiidai

source : Nobuhiro, facebook

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

- quote
Ikefuchi Historical Park
On the south of Shakujii Pond 石神井公園, just behind a little fox shrine, is the much smaller Ikefuchi Historical Park (池淵史跡公園) where shards of pottery were found, believed to be connected to the Shakujii Castle mentioned above. It is due to have a small museum built in it by March 2010.

Just a little east of Ikefuchi Historical Park is Sanpoji Temple, built in 1394 and later moved here.

At the eastern end of Sanpoji Pond, just in front of the site of Shakujii Castle, is where Japan's first 100 meter pool was built, in 1918, for training Japanese swimmers in preparation for the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. In 1989, the eastern end of the old pool was turned into a "Waterside Observation Park" (水辺観察園) where various rare waterside flora can be seen, and serving as a resource for the full renaturing of the area.
- source : www.japanvisitor.com




25 Nov 2014

DARUMA - Onoda Yuta



Onoda Yuta

Yuta Onoda's illustration work for 2013 Tote Bags,

Yuta Onoda,
originally from Japan, is an illustrator and painter based in Toronto, Canada.
He has been shaping his art aesthetic through various forms of media, finding new avenues to express himself. Gerald & Cullen Rapp is one of America's top illustration agencies, representing some of the world's most respected and innovative conceptual artists.
Official website

- source : www.yutaonoda.com




MINGEi - kokeshi frogs



frog line-up
Basho takes a peek
at Yahoo

yahoo auctions are always a good source for kokeshi.

. Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし, .

Kaeru カエル 蛙 Frog Amulet - Frosch

There are many types of frogs and toads on our planet. And for haiku friends, the frog lives on a special podest because of Basho and his "old pond" haiku.

The word for frog is pronounced "kaeru."
It is a pun with the word "return home."
Therefore travelers carry a small frog amulet with the intent of returning safely to their family.

. WKD - Frog (kawazu, kaeru) .

. Handmade Frog Amulet .


amulet for two for traffic safety

The name of the owner can be imprinted.
source : www.omamoriema.jp

.Traffic Safety Talisman :: Kootsuu Anzen
交通安全 お守り .


fuku no mutsu kaeru 福を六蛙 take home six frogs for good luck

a pun with "six frogs" mutsu kaeru 六蛙 mu kaeru -
迎える mukaeru - to welcome to your home

All kinds of FROG goods:
source : www.frogs-shop.com

mukaeru 六蛙(むかえる)six frogs for good luck

source :www.omochokin.com/product

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


zeni kaeru 銭蛙 money coming back to you

source : www.koushoutoku.com


- ABC - List of Frog amulets from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Shiga

source : miyagemon

migawarigaeru, migawari kaeru 身代わり蛙 frog taking on our misfortune and eye disease
from temple Jizo-In 木之本地蔵
Nagahama town 長浜市

This cute frog is giving you a wink!

The Buddha of this temple is known for healing eye diseases.
Me no Hotokesama 目の仏様.

Once upon a time, there lived a frog in the temple compound, who saw countless patients with eye diseases come visiting and praying for a cure.
"Is there anything I could do to help them?" he asked himself.
Then he made this vow:
"I will close one of my eyes to experience their pain and
will ask the divine grace and help of Jizo Bosatsu
to cure their diseases."

When all people are cured from eye diseases, this frog will open his eye again.

The statue of Jizo is an important cultural treasure at the temple and not shown to people. But there is a similar large statue of 6 meters in the compound, one of the three large Jizo statues of Japan.
At its feet are countles figures of the little frog, offered with the wish to be cured.

Ema votive tablet from the temple

The "Jizo Festival" 地蔵縁日 Jizo Ennichi Matsuri
August 22 to 25

Kinomoto Jizo 木之本地蔵

HP of the temple 木之本地蔵院

Look at many photos
source : photoguide.jp

- English Reference

. Amulets for Eye Disease .
ganbyoo chiyu kigan 眼病治癒祈願
prayer for healing of eye disease


. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo

buji kaeru 無事帰る come back home safely
shrine Kanda Myojin 神田明神

. Kanda Myoojin Shrine 神田明神 .


DARUMA - phallus Daruma


phallus Daruma from my collection

dankon 男根 inkei 陰茎 penis

- - More about the phallic connection to Daruma:

Daruma's Evolution into a Phallic Talisman
Example of Daruma art lending itself to phallic symbolism
As shown ... ,
Daruma artwork lent itself easily to phallic symbolism without any need for folkloric references. Yet, there is little doubt that Daruma's metamorphosis into the male organ was pushed along by the widespread use in the late Edo era of the armless and legless Daruma tumbler doll talisman against smallpox. When knocked on its side, the doll pops back to the upright position and therefore symbolizes
(1) a speedy recovery from illness, akin to "getting back on one's feet;" or
(2) resilience, undaunted spirit, and determination.

Such imagery can be easily employed to describe the down-up, soft-hard nature of the male sexual organ. With only a little imagination, one can easily understand why Daruma paintings and talismanic representations fell naturally under the same phallic sway. Says scholar Bernard Faure: "Until the Meiji period, phallic representations of Daruma in stone or papier mache were sold.

The name 'Daruma' was also a nickname given in the Edo period to prostitutes, perhaps because, like the doll, these specialists of tumble could raise the energy of their customers........ There is also in Zen iconography a representation of the 'erect Bodhidharma.' The sexual symbolism is played out in the ukiyoe [woodblock prints], where Daruma appears as woman — a courtesan, or a transvestite Daruma and Okame. A representation in which one sees him in the company of two prostitutes — male and female — on a boat made from a reeds associates the sexual motif with that of the crossing of the Yangzi River............[also] as Hartmut Rotermund has been pointed out, the image of Daruma standing up (okiagari Daruma) connotes metaphorically the fact of recovering from an illness, of overcoming it rapidly and lightly."

- source : Mark Schumacher


CLICK for more photos

Wayside Deities and Fertility Rites



24 Nov 2014

DARUMA - Can badge



kan batchi 缶バッチ can badge, metal badge

by pandaruma ぱんだるま
colorful toybox

- source and more Daruma toys: pandaruma7.blog


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .



FUDO - Kudo-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 06



Kudoji 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

Nr. 06 護國山 Gokokusan - 観音院 Kannon-In - 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市坂元山元1 / Yamamoto-1 Sakamoto, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple is located at the food of Mount Kudojisan 久渡寺山 (663 meters) in the South of Hirosaki town and you can see the town from there.
It used to be a sub-temple of 01 - 最勝院 Saisho-In, Hirosaki.
The founder of this temple is not clear.
Legend dates it back to Saint Enchi Shonin 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi in 1191, who is supposed to have founded 小沢山救度寺 (Kyudoji . Kudoji) - "Temple to Help the People".

Around 1595, Saint Kankai 小野澤 寛海和尚 revived the temple and re-named it 護国山観音院 Gokokusan Kannon-In. The second daimyo of Tsugaru, 津軽信牧, Tsugaru Nobuhira (1586 - 1631) changed the name to its present term, 久渡寺.

It is one of the Five Great Shingon Temples of Tsugaru 真言宗津軽五山.

The main statue is a Kannon Bosatsu, carved by Saint Ennin 円仁(慈覚大師).
Another important statue is
O-Shirasama 王志羅(おしら)さま. A fire ritual in his honor is held in May.

statue of a Shirasama horse in the garden.

- Chant of the temple
遍照尊 唱うる声に 光りさす 久渡のみ寺の 木の間がくれに
浸みとおる 深山の雨に 護国山 塵を洗うて 萌ゆる緑葉

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま "White Buddha" .
Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩


statue of Fudo Myo-O in the garden

Look at more winter photos in this source:
- source : K・Hanadaのブログ


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : kouboudaishi.main.jp

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽三十三カ所観音霊場 - Nr. 01 of 33 Kannon Temples


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

旧暦1月18日 豊作祈願祭
5月16日 大志羅講大祭 - O-shira Sama fire ritual
8月21日 供養会
12月18日 納の観音祭


source : www.city.hirosaki.aomori.jp

ashi no nai yuurei 「足のない幽霊 ghost without legs

The temple is also famous for this painting 幽霊画 by
. 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo .

Legend knows that it will definitely rain when this painting is shown to the public, so it was only shown in dire need during a draught.


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. Chisha Daishi 智者大師 Chisha Shonin (538 - 597) .
and his disciple Saint Enchi 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi

. Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


23 Nov 2014

DARUMA - Dutch East India Company



- quote
The Dutch East India Company
and Japan

Maritime Asia, as I use the term, encompasses the lands in and around the Japan Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Bay of Bengal, as well as all of Indonesia and the Philippines. The peoples of this densely populated, economically vibrant area, which includes southern coastal China and Japan, have been linked by maritime commerce for centuries, thanks to the seasonal sea breezes caused by temperature differences between the water and surrounding land masses.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East India Company, also known as the VOC (short for Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, or United East India Company), played a key role in sustaining these links, in the process of building a network that covered almost the entire region.

- Continue :
- source : rekishinihon.com


Holland (Oranda)

***** Location: Europe
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Holland is a region in the western part of the Netherlands.
The term Holland is also frequently used as a pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the Netherlands. This usage is generally accepted but disliked by part of the Dutch population, especially in the other parts of the Netherlands.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland


In the WASHOKU SAIJIKI, there are a lot of food items
"from Holland"

oranda ichigo オランダイチゴ "Holland strawberries"
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣  "lettuce from Holland"
oranda kiji kakushi オランダ雉隠し Spargel beans blossoms
oranda オランダ 豌豆 kind of endomame beans
oranda yaki オランダ焼き "Holland waffles"
..... a kind of Imagawa yaki waffle


. oranda sekichiku 和蘭石竹 "carnation from Holland".
..... oranda nadeshiko 和蘭撫子 Dianthus caryophyllus

. oranda genge オランダげんげ "Dutch clover weed" .
clover from Holland

. oranda shishigashira 和蘭陀獅子頭 goldfish from Holland .

. oranda tsutsuji オランダ躑躅 " Azalea from Holland" .


Dutch learning 蘭學 / 蘭学 rangaku

by extension "Western learning"
is a body of knowledge developed by Japan through its contacts with the Dutch enclave of Dejima, which allowed Japan to keep abreast of Western technology and medicine in the period when the country was closed to foreigners, 1641–1853, because of the Tokugawa shogunate's policy of national isolation (sakoku).

A meeting of Japan, China, and the West, Shiba Kōkan, late 18th century.Through Rangaku, Japan learned many aspects of the scientific and technological revolution occurring in Europe at that time, helping the country build up the beginnings of a theoretical and technological scientific base, which helps to explain Japan's success in its radical and speedy modernization following the opening of the country to foreign trade in 1854.
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. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 Rangaku in Edo .

sakoku seru gotoku miyuki no mura no ari

as though in the period
of national seclusion
a village in deep snow

Tr. Fay Aoyagi

Yasuda Hofu 安田畝風


Akita ranga (秋田蘭画),
also known as the Akita-ha (秋田派),
was a short-lived school of painting within the larger Japanese genre of ranga, or Dutch-style painting which lasted roughly from 1773-1780. Based in the Akita feudal domain, it was headed by the domain's lord Satake Shozan and his retainer Odano Naotake. Though many ranga artists, most prominently Shiba Kōkan, produced works of European themes, the Akita painters for the most part painted traditional Japanese themes and compositions using Western-style techniques and an approximation of oil paints.

Odano Naotake"Toeizan Shinobazuike"(1770s)
Shinobazu no Ike, Pond in Ueno
Akita Museum of Modern Art

Some of the chief features that distinguish Akita ranga from traditional Japanese painting are the inclusion of shadows, the use of perspective, reflections in water, and the use of blue for sky and sea. In addition, ranga artists left little or no blank space on a work, emulating Western art traditions and going against East Asian ones, and used oils and resins in addition to Japanese pigments to simulate the appearance of oil paint. Many of their works feature a large foreground subject which displays techniques in light and shadow, with a small, distant, landscape, displaying an understanding of perspective techniques.

The school got its start when rangaku (Dutch studies) scholar Hiraga Gennai was invited to the domain, in the Tōhoku region of Honshū, to help advise the daimyō Satake Shozan on the management of the domain's copper mines.
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Nanban art (南蛮美術)
refers to Japanese art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries influenced by contact with the Namban (南蛮) or 'Southern barbarians', traders and missionaries from Europe and specifically from Portugal. The term also refers to paintings Europeans brought to Japan.

Namban art developed after the first Portuguese ships arrived in Kyushu in 1543. While Christian icons and other objects were produced, Namban byōbu (南蛮屏風) or folding screens are particularly notable.

Artists of the Kanō school were joined by those of the Tosa school in combining foreign subject matter with Japanese styles of painting. Canons of western art of the period such as linear perspective and alternative materials and techniques appear to have had little lasting influence. The persecution and prohibition of Christianity from the end of the sixteenth century and the Tokugawa policy of sakoku that largely closed Japan to foreign contact from the 1630s saw the decline of Namban art.
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"BIOMBO — Japan Heritage as Legend of Gold
Exhibition in Tokyo, 2007
biombo (a transliteration of byobu: a folding screen, or wind-block)
to underscore the historic importance of screen paintings as diplomatic gifts.
. WKD : East and West in mists of gold . "

Worldwide use

oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland

Related words

. Place names used in Haiku  
