5 Dec 2014

EDO - Interior Design Japan



Interior Design - The Japanese Home

. Japanese Architecture 日本建築 - Introduction .

Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学
The most common terms for aesthetics and design are introduced here.
. Japanese Aesthetics .

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Japanese interior design
Japanese interior design has a unique aesthetic derived from Taoism, Zen Buddhism, specific religious figures and the west. This aesthetic has in turn influenced western style, particularly Modernism.
Interiors are very simple, highlighting minimal and natural decoration. Traditional Japanese interiors, as well as modern, incorporate mainly natural materials including fine woods, bamboo, silk, rice straw mats, and paper shōji screens. Natural materials are used to keep simplicity in the space that connects to nature. Natural color schemes are used and neutral palettes including black, white, off-white, gray, and brown.
- snip -
Traditional materials of the interior
Japanese interior design is very efficient in the use of resources. Traditional and modern Japanese interiors have been flexible in use and designed mostly with natural materials. The spaces are used as multifunctional rooms. The rooms can be opened to create more space for a particular occasion or for more privacy, or vice versa closed-off by pulling closed paper screens called shōji.

Walls made of shōji screens ...
Tatami mats ...
Bamboo ...
Paper, or washi ...
Wood ...

A recessed space called tokonoma is often present in traditional as well as modern Japanese living rooms. This is the focus of the room and displays Japanese art, usually a painting or calligraphy.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

under construction

. butsuma 仏間 room for the Buddhist house altar .
. . . . . butsudan 仏壇 Buddhist house altar

. byoobu, tsuitate 屏風、衝立 folding screen .

byooshitsu 病室 room for a sick person

. chabudai ちゃぶ台 / 卓袱台 / 茶部台 table for tatami rooms .
shippoku しっぽく
karazukue 唐机(からづくえ) "Chinese Tang Table"

chanoma 茶の間 Japanese-style living room "tea room"

. chigaidana, chigai-dana 違い棚 staggered shelves .

chikachitsu 地下室 underground room

choozu 手水 place to wash your hands

chuunikai, chuu nikai 中二階 mezzanine "middle second floor"

. daidokoro 台所 kitchen - Introduction .
- - - - - irori 囲炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth - and more vocabulary

daikokubashira 大黒柱 main support pillar of a wooden home "Daikoku-pillar"

doma 土間 dirt floor pit, parterre
- - - - - hiradoma 平土間 pit, orchestra, parquet

. furo 風呂, basuruumu バスルーム bathroom .
- - - - - yudono 湯殿, yokushitsu 浴室 $

. fusuma 襖 and shoji 障子 sliding door .

futobashira 太柱 core pillar

. fuyuzashiki, fuyu-zashiki 冬座敷 Japanese living room in winter .

genkan 玄関 entrance, entrance hall

gootenjoo 格天井 gotenjo, coffered ceiling

hitoma 一間 one room, one-room appartment / ikken - measure, about 1.8 m

hiroma 広間 large room (for gatherings or entertainment)

ima 居間 living room

ita no ma 板の間

kaidan 階段 staircase
- - - - - hashigodan 梯子段 (a flight of) stairs "like a ladder"

. kawaya 厠, setchin 雪隠, habakari 憚り, benjo 便所 toilet .
. . . . . kooka 後架 toilet, gofujoo 御不浄

kodomobeya 子供部屋 room for children

koshitsu 個室 private room, individual room

kugi kakushi 釘隠し nail hider, nailhead cover

kyakushitsu, kyakuma 客室 / 客間 guest room

. mado 窓 window .
- - - - - mado no shikii 窓の敷居 windowsill

nagaoshi, naga-oshi 長押 beam running between columns

nando 納戸 storage room, closet, back room

natsuzashiki, natsu-zashiki夏座敷 living room in summer

nihonma, Nihon-ma 日本間 "Japanese room"

oku no ma 奥の間

okuzashiki 奥座敷

oohiroma 大広間 banquet hall, reception hall
oosetsuma 応接間 parlor, reception room

. ranma 欄間 transom, open panel carvings .

robii ロビー loby

sanruumu サンルーム sun room

saron サロン saloon

senmenjo 洗面所 wash room, washroom

shikii, shiki-i 敷居 a wooden groove at the boundary of rooms in which sliding doors move, threshold

shinshitsu 寝室 bedroom
- - - - - nedokoro 寝所 / shinjo 寝所
- - - - - nema 寝間
- - - - - kei 閨 woman's bedroom

shoin 書院 study, drawing room
- - - - - shosai 書斎 study, library
- - - - - shoya 書屋 room for books

shokudoo 食堂 dining room

sujikai 筋交い diagonal brace

. tatami 畳 floor mats .
- - - - - tatami no ma 畳の間 $

tearai, te-arai 手洗い place to wash your hands, often toilet

tenjoo 天井 ceiling

. tokonoma 床の間 alcove for decorations, art nook .
- - - tokobashira 床柱 tokonoma post, alcove post

tsugi no ma 次の間 ante-room, antechamber

washitsu 和室 Japanese-style room

yooshitsu 洋室 / yooma 洋間 Western-style room

. zabuton 座布団 sitting cushion .

zashiki 座敷 "sitting room" , tatami room
a room floored with tatami mats, reception room


. My collection in facebook .


- - - - - Literature and Reference

The Japanese House: Architecture and Interiors
Alexandra Black、 Noboru Murata
The simple beauty of Japanese architecture and design has inspired many of the world's top architects and designers-Bruno Taut, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Terence Conran, to name just a few. The grace and elegance of the Japanese sensibility is reflected in both modern and traditional Japanese homes, from their fluid floor plans to their use of natural materials. In The Japanese House, renowned Japanese photographer Noboru Murata has captured this Eastern spirit with hundreds of vivid color photographs of 15 Japanese homes. As we step behind the lens with Murata, we're witness to the unique Japanese aesthetic-to the simple proportions modeled after the square of the tatami mat; to refined, rustic decor; to earthy materials like wood, paper, straw, ceramics, and textiles. This is a glorious house-tour readers can return to again and again-for ideas, inspiration, or simply admiration.
- source : www.amazon.co.jp


Living in Japan
Alex Kerr / Kathy Arlyn Sokol (Author), Angelika Taschen (Editor), Reto Guntli (Photographer)
So rich and unique is traditional Japanese architecture that it's hard to improve upon. Yet contemporary Japanese designers and architects keep finding new ways to refurbish and take inspiration from the ways of old. Whether it's a pristinely preserved traditional house or a cutting-edge apartment, the best Japanese homes share a love of cleverly designed spaces and warm materials such as wood, bricks, and bamboo.
From a thatched roof farmhouse occupied by a Zen priest to Tadao Ando's experimental 4x4 House, Shigeru Ban's conceptual Shutter House, and a beautiful homage to bamboo in the form of a home, this book traverses the multifaceted landscape of Japanese living today. Also included is a list of addresses and a glossary of terms, such as tatami.
Text in English, French, and German
- source : www.amazon.com


Japan the Art of Living
Amy Slyvester Katoh、 Shin Kimura

Japan Style: Architecture
Geeta Mehta

Japan: The Art of Living
Amy Sylvester

Japan Home
リサ パラモア

and more on amazon com
- source : www.amazon.co.jp/Japanese-House-Architecture-Interiors

............................................................................................................................................. .

Modern Japanese Interior Design:
Nature atmosphere inside Home

Basically, there are thousands great ideas about home interior design that will inspire you in deciding the right home interior design, western interior design, European home interior design or maybe Asian home interior design. Asian interior design is one of great ideas; one of Asian home interior design which maybe can be great inspiration for you is Modern Japanese interior design.

Special characteristic from Modern Japanese interior design is the minimalist design; commonly Japanese homes are small home that is occupied by one family. The other Japanese home character is, commonly Japanese home involve hallway, and the hallway is located between one room and the other. The hallway is used to connect the rooms of the home. Common modern Japanese home interior design provides an outdoor terrace inside home; this way is done to give fresh air for home.

Modern Japanese interior design is inspired from Traditional Japanese home.
- source : lookhomedesign.com


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. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .



EDO - daidokoro kitchen


daidokoro 台所 the Japanese kitchen
- Introduction -

- - - - part of the entry about
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

31 kitchen

30 kitchen
- kitchen, from my visit to Katsuyama, Okayama

. Kitchen (daidokoro) and hearth (kamado) .
My first introduction, with haiku from Matsuo Basho and others

- under construction !

- quote - JAANUS
1 Believed to be an abbreviated form of *daibandokoro 台盤所. The most common Japanese term for kitchen. From at least the Heian period, the term was used in the emperor's residential compound, Dairi 内裏, of the imperial palace and in the mansions of the aristocracy to refer to a room used for the final stages of food preparation and serving. By the medieval period the term was used in warrior houses.

2 From the 13c-19c, a building in upper class residences, used to prepare and cook food. Typically, it included an earth-floored area *doma 土間, equipped with a cooking range *kamado 竈, and sometimes a well *ido 井戸, and sink *nagashi 流し. In addition it incorporated a suite of raised floor rooms, some of which were equipped with an open hearth *irori 囲炉裏, where more advanced stages of food preparation and serving took place.

There was generally a smoke louvre *kemuridashi 煙出, in the roof. The building also contained storage space for food and utensils, and particularly in the medieval period, it is believed to have included accommodation for servants and lower members of the household. In large residences, such as the baronial mansions, daimyou yashiki 大名屋敷, of the Edo period, the main kitchen was often divided into two: a lower kitchen *shimodaidokoro 下台所, and an upper kitchen *kamidaidokoro 上台所. Alternative medieval terms for the upper class daidokoro include *mizushidokoro 御厨子所, zendokoro 膳所, and zenbu 膳部. In the Edo period the upper kitchen might alternatively be referred to as *kiyodokoro 清所 or *ryouri-no-ma 料理の間, and the lower kitchen as oodaidokoro 大台所.

3 In vernacular houses *minka 民家 of the Edo period daidokoro was: a term for the earth-floored area doma, in parts of Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Fukushima and Iwate prefectures: a cooking area in the rear part of the earth-floored area in houses with their entrance on the non-gabled side *hirairi 平入, in the Izumo region of Shimane prefecture ; a timber platform projecting from the raised living area, kyoshitsubu 居室部, into the earth-floored area in parts of Aomori, Yamagata Fukushima and Nagano prefectures and throughtout Hokuriku 北陸. The latter generally had an open hearth irori, cut into the floor and was used for food preparation, dining, and as a place for sedentary work, especially in winter.

4 In vernacular houses minka, of the Edo period in many districts, a term for the main living room *hiroma 広間, which extended the full cross-sectional depth of the building from front to back, in *hiromagata 広間型 houses. The boarded floor was often exposed and there was usually an open hearth irori. It served as a living and dining space and some cooking was done in the irori.

5 In vernacular houses minka of the Edo period with a 4-room or 6-room raised living area kyoshitsubu 居室部, the room in the rear range adjacent to the earth-floored area doma. It was used as a family parlor, dining room and for the preparation of food. It might be open to the doma or divided from it by sliding panels. In certain districts it contained an open hearth irori, though rarely in the Kinki 近畿 region, where the four-room house first emerged as a common minka type. It could also be a space toward the rear of the main living room hiroma, in kobeyatsuki hiromagata 小部屋付広間型 houses.

6 In urban vernacular houses *machiya 町家 of the Edo period, especially in the Kyoto area and regions influenced by it, a room to the rear of the shop *mise 店, adjacent to the earth-floored area doma, used for dining and the preparation of food and as a family parlor. It was also often referred to as the naka-no-ma 中の間. In all regions, daidokoro was often abbreviated to daidoko 台どこ and in certain areas to dedoko でどこ. Daidokoro is sometimes written 大所.
- source : JAANUS


source :gwald.com/rakugo

長屋の台所風景 Kitchen of a nagaya living quarter in Edo

. nagaya 
長屋 ながや long house, row housing .


chooriba 調理場 kitchen

chuu, zu, kuriya 厨, chuubo 厨房 chubo, kitchen (closet, cupboard)
..... chuu is a place that gets black (by the smoke) - kuriya 涅屋 a kitchen of a temple
(with a lot of compound word used in haiku - 初厨 - 厨事 - 貧厨 - 厨妻 - 厨窓 - 大厨 - 行厨 . . .)

dedoko でどこ lower-class kitchen

doma 土間 earth-floored area

katte 勝手 kitchen
- - - - - katteguchi 勝手口 special door to enter the kitchen

hetsui 竈(へ)つ火 "stove with fire", also the name for the Deity.
hettsui へっつい

hocho, wabocho . 和包丁. Knife, knives (hoochoo, waboochoo)
Japanisches Messer

. ido 井戸 well - and kigo .

irori 囲炉裏 いろり open sunken hearth

. kamado 竈 cooking stove . $

. Kamagami 釜神 The Hearth Deity .
Dokujin, dokoojin 土公神 - Kenroo chijin 堅牢地神 Kenro Earth Deity
お荒神様 Aragamisama

kamidaidokoro 上台所 upper kitchen

kemuridashi 煙出 smoke louvre

kittchin キッチン kitchen

kiyodokoro 清所 upper class kitchen

mizushi 水仕, mizushigoto, mizu shigoto 水仕事 washing the dishes, doing "water work"

mizushidokoro 御厨子所 kitchen of the upper class
. . . zendokoro 膳所, zenbu 膳部

. nabe なべ 鍋 pot and pan .

nagashi 流し sink

naka no ma, naka-no-ma 中の間

oodaidokoro 大台所 lower kitchen

ryoori no ma, ryoori-no-ma 料理の間 upper class kitchen (place for making food)

shimodaidokoro 下台所 lower kitchen

suiji 炊事, suijiba 炊事場 cooking, place for cooking
- - - - - taku 炊く to boil rice

yuukuriya 夕厨 kitchen work in the evening

. zen 膳 food tray for one person .

zushi 厨子 cupboard


CLICK for more photos of the Edo kitchen!


. Washoku 和食歳時記 Japanese Food Culture   .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. kigo related to the kitchen .

. hatsu kamado 初竈 (はつかまど) first use of the hearth (fire)
. bongama 盆竈 Bon stove .
. kamado neko 竈猫(かまどねこ)cat in the hearth  
. kamabarai 竈祓 (かまばらい) hearth purification .
. kama matsuri 竈祭(かままつり) hearth festival - - - and more


. neko no tsuma hetsui no kuzure yori kayoi-keri .
and more kitchen haiku by Matsuo Basho and others


source : edo-tokyo-museum.or.jp

- - - - - kitchen-related haiku collection - - - - -

- source : HAIKUreikuDB


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .


. My collection in facebook .


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .



4 Dec 2014

EDO - chigaidana staggered shelves



chigaidana, chigai-dana 違い棚 staggered shelves

. . Interior Design - The Japanese Home . .
- Introduction -

. tokonoma 床の間 alcove for decorations .

- CLICK for more photos !
Katsura-dana, Katsuradana 桂棚 at Katsura Rikyu

One of the three most famous chigaidana 天下の三棚.
The other two are
Daigo-dana 醍醐棚 at Daigo-Ji 醍醐寺
Kasumi-dana 霞棚 at Shugaku-In 修学院離宮

- source : shyougaiitisekkeisi2581

Daigo-dana, Daigodana 醍醐棚 at 奥宸殿

- source : Daigo-Ji

Kasumi-dana, Kasumidana 霞棚 at Shugaku-In 修学院離宮
"Shelf of Mist"
. . . the design of the shelves resembles mist floating.

- source : www.bokashiya.com


- quote - JAANUS
Staggered shelves; considered part of the *shoin 書院 style decoration.
One of the room ornaments which became established together with the decorative alcove *tokonoma 床の間 and attached desk *oshi-ita 押板 at the end of the Muromachi period, in the formal reception room *zashiki 座敷. Usually located at the side of the decorative alcove.
Two shelf boards are fixed at different levels, a small pillar *ebizuka 海老束 is inserted between them, and small edge-strips *fudegaeshi 筆返し, are attached at the edge of the top shelf.

Old Yamamoto 山本 house (Nagasaki)

A doored shelf is provided at the top or below the shelf boards, or both. Upper doored shelves are called tenbukuro 天袋 (see *fukurodana 袋棚) and lower ones *jibukuro 地袋. Shelves in dwellings were originally practical, used to store personal belongings close at hand.

In the Muromachi period, ornamental shelves began to be developed at Ashikaga Yoshimasa's 足利義政 (1436-90) mansions, Ogawagosho 小川御所 and Higashiyamadono 東山殿. The Muromachi period text OKAZARIKI 御飾記, describes room ornaments in those two mansions, with drawings of shelves together with oshi-ita, and descriptions of the methods of making shelves and ways of decorating. The chigaidana in the meeting room of Higashigoten 東御殿, Ogawagosho, for example, was constructed at right angles to the oshi-ita, one bay wide (just under 2m), with upper and lower doored shelves, and there were two layers of staggered shelves (an arrangement called *shikiri chigaidana 仕切違い棚). On the top shelf was an incense burner, a tea container on a small tray, a small bowl on a tray, and on the bottom shelf were implements associated with the presentation of kaiseki 懐石 food (refined Kyoto cuisine).

These were typical of items displayed on chigaidana, which also included inkstone *suzuri 硯 boxes and writing paper, books, and tea ceremony implements like teabowls *chawan 茶碗, and bamboo tea whisks. Around this time many art objects were imported from China, so chigaidana had an important function in displaying these.

The oldest extant example of chigaidana can be seen in *Tougudou 東求堂 (Togu-Do) at Jishouji 慈照寺 (jisho-Ji) (1485), Kyoto. The chigaidana, half a bay wide, is built alongside the attached desk in a 4 1/2 mat room called Douninsai 同仁斎 (Doninsai). This set of shelves has a bottom board ji-ita 地板 with a jibukuro on top of it, a staggered shelf in the middle and one shelf board on top.

After the Momoyama period, shelves were usually constructed alongside the alcove, and there were many variations in the shape of the shelf boards. Tenbukuro and jibukuro were sometimes included.
Shelves at Katsura Rikyuu 桂離宮 (17c), and Shugakuin Rikyuu 修学院離宮 (1659), both in Kyoto, for example, have complicated structures and are constructed with great technical skill.
- source : JAANUS

ebizuka 海老束
Also written 蝦束; also hinazuka 雛束.
A small strut with chamfered corners used between two staggered shelves *chigaidana 違い棚. The two ends of the strut are cut into dovetail tenons *arihozo 蟻ほぞ and inserted into mortises arihozoana 蟻ほぞ穴 cut into the underside of the upper shelf and the top side of the lower shelf. The width of the strut is about equal to 4/10 the width of the alcove post.

fudegaeshi 筆返し
A curved wooden border attached to the end of a desk or shelf to prevent brushes and scrolls from rolling off. It is also decorative and is found on staggered shelves *chigaidana 違い棚, short writing desks fuzukue 文机 and sutra stands kyoudai 経台.
The tip of the fudegaeshi is called tomari とまり, the main body is called fudegaeshi, the lower convex curve is called hatomune 鳩胸 (pigeon breast). The width of the table or shelf extending beyond the attached border is known as ita-no-de 板の出.

a) fudegaeshi 筆返し b) ebizuka 海老束

Various types of fudegaeshi are distinguished by the shape of their cross-section.
These include: tatsunami 立波 (standing wave); wakaba 若葉 (young leaf); miyakodori 都鳥 (seagull); karaba 唐葉 (Chinese leaf); kaeshinami 返波 (returning wave), and takagashira 鷹頭 (hawks head).
- source : JAANUS


NHK - Bi no Tsubo NHK 鑑賞マニュアル 美の壺


- source : NHK - Bi no Tsubo
file290 「棚」


It is believed that the chigai-dana (or staggered shelves) evolved from earlier portable shelving systems. This theory is backed up by the continued use of portable-type shelves throughout the Muromachi period outside of the central room. It was in Yoshimasa's time that built-in shelves first appeared.

Furthermore, evidence shows that these were installed in both Yoshimasa's Kokawa palace and his Higashiyama residence. To the left is the Picture Scoll of Kasuga Gongen Miracles from the 14th Century showing the artistic evidence of the built-shelves.

The main purpose of the chigai-dana of this time was to provide a place for the artistic arrangement of books and tea utensils. The function of holding books was a direct influence of Zen monks. During this time there was extensive trade with China and Korea, which resulted in an enormous influx of literary and philosophical texts. Only after these imported texts were tea utensils displayed on these shelves. Typically this included a tea cup, tea caddy, tea whisk, food canister, tea ladle, portable fireplace, feather broom, ember poker, and water bowl.
- source : www.columbia.edu

- English reference -


Kenninji 建仁寺 Kennin-Ji Kyoto

source : olaf-mama.at.webry


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

nagaki hi ya nani mo okarenu chigaidana

days getting longer -
nothing is placed
on the staggered shelves

Tr. Gabi Greve

Igarashi Bansui 五十嵐播水 (1899-1920)

. WKD : nagaki hi 永き日, hi nagashi 日永し day getting longer .
- - kigo for all spring - -

................................................................................................................................ ..............

shika naku ya usubokori oku chigaidana

a deer is calling -
just a little dust
on the staggered shelves

Tr. Gabi Greve

Oomine Akira 大峯あきら Omine Akira

. shika naku 鹿鳴く(しかなく) deer is calling .
- - kigo for all autumn - -


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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .



EDO - Tokonoma



tokonoma 床の間 alcove for decorations, art nook

- part of the entry about
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

- - - More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !
tokonoma with a scroll of Daruma だるま

- quote
tokonoma 床の間 lit. alcove room.
A *tatami 畳 mat room with a small alcove. There are various theories about the origin of the alcove. It may have been a sleeping alcove, built just large enough for bedding. Later the alcove floor was raised above the level of the floor. The alcove was then enlarged to the size of two mats, and then it contracted again to one raised mat. The alcove thus became the honored seat for a guest of high rank. The other mat was placed at floor level. On occasion, a cozy alcove was formed by screens surrounding this type of arrangement. In the Kamakura period, to the latter part of the Muromachi period, the alcove had a raised floor and could be used as a seat or a platform.

By the end of the Kamakura period, a Buddhist picture was hung on the wall and was the focal point of the tokonoma. A board to display objects *oshi-ita 押板, was set before the wall hanging, on which were exhibited a vase of flowers, an incense burner and a candlestick. These three things are important to Buddhism and are referred to as the three implements, mitsugusoku 三具足.

In the Muromachi period, it became customary to hang a scroll with a Zen priest's calligraphic inscription, along with the vase of flowers and the incense burner. The candlestick was omitted then. By the Momoyama period, the alcove took on its familiar form and was used principally for displaying treasured art objects.

The size and arrangement of the alcove varied according to the diversified tastes of the tea masters. An old record, for instance, mentions an alcove 180cm long attached to a tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室 used by Murata Jukou 村田珠光 (1423-1502). This alcove was pasted with white Japanese paper called *torinokogami 鳥の子紙 and had frames that were covered with black laquer. Takeno Jouou 武野紹鴎 (1502-55) preferred a smaller alcove and tea ceremony room. Sen Rikyuu 千利休 (1522-91) used alcoves with styles familiar today.

Characteristics from both the *shoin 書院 style alcoves and the styles of alcoves found in tea architecture were fused to produce the alcove common to ordinary dwellings. Tokonoma are called a great variety of names such as
kamizadoko上座床 (lit. upper seat alcove), and
下座床 (lit. lower seat alcove).

Sometimes tokonoma are named after the tea master who designed them, for example *oribedoko 織部床,
or for the particular width of the alcove, such as *daimedoko 台目床.

See *hondoko 本床, plain wooden alcove *itadoko 板床, a tatami mat alcove *tatamidoko 畳床, *fumikomidoko 踏込床, *murodoko 室床, *horadoko 洞床, *fukurodoko 袋床, *kabedoko 壁床, *okidoko 置床, *tsukedoko 付床, *tsuridoko 釣床, *masudoko 桝床, *kasumidoko 霞床, *ensoudoko 円窓床, *gensoudoko 原叟床, *nurimawashidoko 塗回床.
- source : JAANUS

CLICK for more samples !

- quote
Tokobashira 床柱 alcove post
Also called nihonbashira 二本柱, because originally both the pillars to the left and right of the alcove, *tokonoma 床の間, were considered as central pillars.

The pillar closest to the center of the tea ceremony room, and the second of two pillars dictate the width of the alcove. As in formal shoin style *shoin-zukuri 書院造 tea ceremony rooms, tokobashira are chamfered. They are made of cypress or rarer woods. In semi-formal rustic type tea ceremony rooms, pine, maple, mulberry, sandalwood and ebony are employed. In the simplest, most unpretentious style tea ceremony rooms, polished logs of Japanese cedar, chestnut, bamboo and other unusual kinds of timber are used.

The diary MATSUO NIKKI 松尾日記, mid. 19c, states that the alcove post which retained the bark was first used by Furuta Oribe 古田織部 (1554-1615). Even material from old historical buildings was sometimes used. Since the alcove pillar is an important part of the interior design, in *sukiya 数奇屋 style tea houses it occasionally bears the marks of having been scraped by an adze to give it a rough finish.

Chamfered posts were used to produce a dignified appearance in *shoin 書院 rooms. There are many extant examples of alcove pillars in tea ceremony rooms dating from the late 16c-early 17c that were made of chestnut wood with an adze finish.
- source : JAANUS


Giving Daruma a smoke.
Present only as a painting on a hanging scroll in the tokonoma, Daruma is stirred to life by a courtesan. As he leans toward her, she turns and offers him her pipe.
Ink Sketch. Farland Collection

. Daruma and the Courtesans 芸者,花魁とだるま、女だるま .


Noto Peninsula 能登半島 Noto Hantoo
ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / アエノコト / 饗事
Entertaining the God of the Fields

Nowadays there are few families who continue this ritual, which is passed on from father to son. It is an intangible cultural property of Japan and the UNESCO.

CLICK for more photos

On November 5 of the old lunar calendar, now December 5, the God of the Fields is invited into the home by the elder of the family, clad in formal hakama trousers and a robe with the family crest. He gets a great offering from the harvest. The elder sits in front of the tokonoma, where a scroll with the blind deity is hung. He tells him all the things. One important item is a two-pronged large radish, to symbolize fertility. All food offerings are given in two portions, for the God of the Fields and his Wife. There are two sets of chopsticks for the deities.

. Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま .


Akamai Sama - The red rice of Tsushima, Nagasaki
akamai shinji 赤米神事 ritual of the red rice

Tsushima is an island between Japan and Korea, and was an important trade stop-over for the sea trade since olden times. Rice from the mainland came via this island to Japan.

In the "fields of the Gods" at Takuzutama Shrine (た くずたまじんじゃ 多久虫玉神社) there are 15 farmer families who keep the tradition. They cultivate the rice for offerings. Each family is leading the ceremonies for one year. After the harvest they prepare a large tawara straw bag with seed rice of the first harvest, called the "tanemomidawara 種籾俵" and hang it high in the tokonoma space for prayers.
They add some special seaweed, nezumi mo ねずみ藻, to the decoration to appease the god of the sea.
The deity in residence at the shrine is Takamimusubi no mikoto 高皇産霊尊 at a special shrine, Takamimusubi jinja 高御魂神社.

. Rice plant (ine 稲, sanae 早苗 ) .


Tsukimachi, Himachi  月待ち ・ 日待ち
"Waiting for the Moon," and "Waiting for the Sun." 

"Waiting for the moon" is an occasion when people gather on particular evenings of a lunar cycle (e.g. the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty second, and twenty third) to eat, drink, and pay homage to the moon as they wait for it to appear. The gatherings are often organized by religious organizations known as kō, whose members assemble at their established meeting place (tōya, usually the organizer's home), hang a scroll of the moon god, Tsukuyomi no Mikoto 月讀尊, in the tokonoma alcove, light (a) votive candle(s), and wait for the moon to appear.
source : Iwai Hiroshi . Kokugakuin University


Kakejiku 掛け軸 Scroll with Daruma

From a Japanese Meditating Room
Shared by a Daruma friend

. Kakejiku 掛け軸 Scroll and the Tokonoma .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

chooyoo ya riyadoro-bina o tokonoma ni

double nine day -
we decorate Lladro-dolls
in the tokonoma

source : 京羅坊(kyorabo)

. Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo 重陽) .


ro fusagi ya toko wa yuima ni kakekaeru

fermant l'âtre,
je remplace la peinture dans l'alcôve
par une de Yuima

(Tr. Daniel Py)

Quand on ferme l'âtre, au printemps, on change la peinture dans le tokonoma, l'alcôve. Le printemps est arrivé avec toute sa joie et son activité, mais nous disons au-revoir à l'âtre, ce vieil ami, et un léger sentiment de solitude nous envahit. Pour cette raison il choisit une peinture de Yuima, malade parce que le monde entier était malade, et qui, quand on lui demanda la signification des choses, répondit par le silence. (. . .)
R.H. Blyth.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 - Introduction .

source : 石川晴彦Ishikawa Haruhiko

. Yuima Koji (Vimalakirti) 維摩居士 .
a layman Buddhist from India

. ro fusagi 炉塞 (ろふさぎ) closing the irori open hearth .
ro no nagori 炉の名残(ろのなごり)
..... robuta 炉蓋(ろぶた)cover for the irori
- - kigo for late spring


sugamori no ato toko no ma no kabe ni ari

leaks from melted ice
make patterns on the wall
of the tokonoma . . .

Takizawa Iyoji 瀧澤伊代次

sugamori すが洩り (すがもり) leeking of melting icewater
... suga more すが漏(すがもれ)
- - kigo for late winter

suga is dialect of Northern Japan. Snow and ice around the home begin to melt and leek through the apertures in the roof or windows or below doors.

. WKD - kigo for winter at home .


Tokobashira 床柱 alcove post


. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .


ほととぎすむかしの宿や床柱 調巴
何処からも見える越後の床柱 松下雅静
元日の夕日さしをり床柱 金尾梅の門
六月の京より届く床柱 生野照子
六月や月光しばし床柱 黒田杏子
冬麗のまんなかにある床柱 桂信子
鏡中に昭和果てたる床柱 桂信子
利休忌や楓の細き床柱 井水貞子
師の声の聞えて涼し床柱 深見けん
後の雛濤音ひびく床柱 田中英子
春浅く短冊換へぬ床柱 高濱年尾
春眠やよろけて凭る床柱 木内美恵子
桃一つ残りて黒き床柱 柿本多映
正客や暑さぞまさる床柱 雪色 選集
濃紫陽花一輪匂う床柱 中嶋正子
秋すでに傷ふかく立つ床柱 中村苑子
秋袷端折りて拭きし床柱 金龍綵子
臘梅をいけて無骨な床柱 京極杞陽
苧殻火を映せる父の床柱 沼尻巳津子
蓬莱や父の背に負ふ床柱 加藤耕子
行く秋の光澄む古き床柱 石塚友二
褞袍着て背に明るさの床柱 井出節子
避寒して海の入日に床柱 波多野爽波
雑巾や杉に時雨る床柱 一滴 「板東太郎」
雪の夜は梢をおもふ床柱 正木ゆう子
霧の夜の村を捨てたい床柱 室生幸太郎
青葉冷えこのしづけさに床柱 中村祐子
青葉寒む翁も倚りし床柱 岡本差知子

床柱拭く手見えゐる除夜旧家 鷲谷七菜子
床柱磨くことより年用意 水谷成一
床柱輪飾かけていや古りし 吉屋信子

- source : HAIKUreikuDB


new year decoration with willow branches
kake yanagi, kakeyanagi 掛柳 (かけやなぎ)

..... yanagi kakeru 柳掛くる(やなぎかくる)
binding willow branches, musubi yanagi 結柳(むすびやなぎ),むすび柳
- - kigo for the New Year

Willow branches are hung out of a freshly cut bamboo vase in the tokonoma or over the hearth before making the first fire. The longer the branches hang down, the better. Sometimes even up to 5 meters long ! Long branches are also wound together to a ring, as a celebration to the sun gaining new strength for the coming year.

. yanagi 柳 the willow and its kigo .


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .



DARUMA - Tsuchimikado



Tsuchimikado, Tsuchi no Mikado 土御門天皇
(January 3, 1196 – November 6, 1231) - reigned from 1198 to 1210.
a branch-family of Abe no Seimei - 安倍氏(土御門家)の祖
土御門家に伝わった占事略决 senji ryakketsu (せんじりゃっけつ、せんじりゃくけつ)

Tsuchimikado's official Imperial tomb is in Kyoto.
The emperor is venerated at a memorial Shinto shrine (misasagi). This mausoleum shrine is formally named Kanegahara no misasagi.

Senji Ryakketsu 占事略决
lit. The Summary to Judgements of Divinations
is one of the texts written by the legendary Abe no Seimei during the Heian Period in Japan. It is attributed to Seimei since it contains a chapter that clearly bears his name.
The text contains six thousand forecast and thirty-six fortune-telling techniques based on divination through use of shikigami. Many of these divinations relate to normal daily lives such as determining the gender of an unborn child, finding lost or missing objects, and advice on how to lead one's personal life.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


The pentagram is also used as a family crest.

- source : apsatyan.exblog.jp
The Bellflower as a family crest.

. Fudo Myo-O and the Pentagram .

. Family Crest 家紋 kamon - Familienwappen .

seimei kuji 晴明九字 "nine letters of Seimei"
Kuji were often painted, engraved, or embroidered on various objects or places as a talisman.


The Worship of Stars in Japanese Religious Practice (2006)
edited by Lucia Dolce
- source : www.cultureandcosmos.org

Five - Number's Importance in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism
source : Mark Schumacher

. Reference : Abe no Seimei

Onmyodo, onmyoodoo 陰陽道 The Way of Yin and Yang

3 Dec 2014

MINGEI - Daruma kokeshi


Discussing large kokeshi with friends on facebook
. - Mingei - Folk Art - .   


達磨ですよね? This is Daruma san!

To write kanji on a Daruma doll is not very common.
This one has
haru kaze 春風 spring wind
on the side.

- source : kokeshi2.exblog.jp


Kokeshi with a tatami robe . . .

- yahoo auctions 2014 -


. Join the Kokeshi Gallery of facebook .



DARUMA - chabudai table



chabudai ちゃぶ台 / 卓袱台 table for tatami rooms
shippoku しっぽく
karazukue 唐机(からづくえ) "Chinese Tang Table"

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
A chabudai (卓袱台 or 茶袱台 or 茶部台)
is a short-legged table used in traditional Japanese homes. The original chabudai ranged in height from just 15 cm to a maximum height of 30 cm. People seated at a chabudai may sit on zabuton or tatami rather than on chairs. The four legs of a chabudai are generally collapsible so that the table may be moved and stored easily.

Chabudai are used for various purposes, such as a study table for children, a work bench for needlework, and most importantly, a dinner table for the entire family (shokutaku (食卓、しょくたく)). In the winter, the chabudai is often replaced by a kotatsu, another type of short-legged table equipped with a removable top and a heater underneath.

chabudai gaeshi ちゃぶ台返し tea-table flipping
is a Japanese phrase meaning to flip [the] chabudai.
Literally, it describes the act of violently upending a chabudai as an expression of anger, frustration, and disapproval. Chabudai-gaeshi may also figuratively describe an analogous outburst and upheaval.
Video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto is notoriously well known for "upending the tea table" if a game's development didn't meet his standard or needed serious reconsideration, and characterized chabudai gaeshi as an "action of old-fashioned Japanese fathers" which "would destroy the family" if attempted literally in modern Japanese society.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- chabudai haiku

watamushi ya chabudai sutete ikka saru

this cottonfly -
discarding the tatami table
the family leaves

Moria Akitoshi 守屋明俊

. watamushi 綿虫 (わたむし) cotton fly .
kigo for early winter


oto tatete tatamu chabudai ya shijimi-jiru

with a loud noise
she folds the tatami table -
corbicula clam soup

Horii Yoriko 堀井より子

. shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso with corbicula clams .

Living with chabudai, the fragrance of olden times.


卓袱台で卵割る音敗戦日 高澤良一
卓袱台と秋刀魚と低き電灯と 久野哲男
卓袱台に西日たださす家なりし 奥坂まや
卓袱台の向うは祖のあとどころ 三橋敏雄
卓袱台の脚折り畳み祭笛 赤尾恵以
卓袱台の麦湯に若き父がいる 中鉢陽子
卓袱台は昭和の匂ひ四日かな 端山日出子
卓袱台を遥かに越えて春の涛 攝津幸彦

秋刀魚焼く卓袱台に父母ありし日よ 岡野美代子
秋刀魚食ふ卓袱台の脚落著かず 石倉啓補
ちやぶ台に肘つき星逢ふ夜なりけり 菖蒲あや
四角いちゃぶ台の母ひとり子ひとり 亀井岔水
座るとうらがれ山があるチャブ台 大橋裸木
下町のかつうと訛る小卓袱台 今泉貞鳳
source : HAIKUreikuDB

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
- Introduction -


. My collection in facebook .  


for chabudai, see below

Dharma Table, Daruma table

Dharma glass coffee table.
This beautiful coffee table features a decorative round base with a ribbed design and four flat tapered legs the support a ribbed circular frame with a round glass center top.
This coffee table measures 40 inches x 40 inches x 18 inches and will bring a decorative charm to any home decor.

Look at some more modern tables HERE !
© www.Furniture On The Web.com

Japanese Design and Daruma
- Introduction -


1 Dec 2014

DARUMA - Dragon Reference


Reference - Books, Articles . . .

- - - - More links are at the right sidebar of this BLOG.

. Dragons and Lotus Blossoms .
Vietnamese Ceramics from the Birmingham Museum of Art

. Dragon Horse Mountain - Ryuma San .
Yoshitsune Temple Gikeiji at Minmaya

. Dragon Flute - ryuuteki, ryuteki 竜笛 .
gagaku and flute music

. Zodiac Animals - The DRAGON in our Gallery .
The Chinese Lunar Calendar and much more links ...

. Dragon Palace - ryuuguu 竜宮 in Japan .

. Waterfalls like Dragons .
There are many in Japan !

. Phoenix 鳳凰  Start exploring Phoenix Art. .

. TIGER archives of the Dragon Gallery .

. Chinese Dragons, Article .


Alphabetical Index and more about Dragons by Kylie McCormick
This is a most extensive resource on Dragon Lore !

Dragon Pictures, Asian Dragons: Tim Spalding
in Art and on the WEB

Kyoto National Museum -English Pages

Tokyo National Museum TNM

Trocadero Antiques: search for more than 500 DRAGONS
Antiques, Fine Art & Decorative Art. Collectibles, Gifts

Himalayan Art
Features over 1500 artworks from Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China and Mongolia.

Orientations--the website of the leading Asian Art magazine

Zodiac Animals - The Lunar Calendar in Japan
, By Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara


. Join the friends on facebook ! .


. Dragon Shrines of Japan .


Posted By Gabi Greve to Dragon Art of Asia - 2012 - Year of the DRAGON

30 Nov 2014

PERSONS - Abe no Sadato


- - - Persons related to the history of Tohoku -

source : www.fukushima-museum.jp

安倍貞任Abe no Sadato and 安倍宗任 Abe no Muneto

遠野の安部貞任伝説 - Abe no Sadato, Heian-period general

Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任
(1019 – October 22, 1062)
was a samurai of the Abe clan during the Heian period of Japan
Sadato was the son of Abe no Yoritoki, the chinjufu shogun (general in charge of overseeing the Ainu and the defense of the north).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hidaka Jinja 日高神社 Hidaka Shrine
岩手県奥州市水沢区日高小路13 / Hitakakōji-13 Mizusawaku, Ōshū-shi, Iwate
The memorial stone for 八幡太郎義家 Hashimantaro Yoshiie (1039-1106) is in the compound to memorize the well where he washed his sword after killing 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato (1019 – 1062).
. Hidaka Jinja 日高神社 Hidaka Shrine .
