14 Apr 2020

SHINTO - Toshitokujin New Year Legends


Toshitokujin legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the New Year - Legends
shoogatsu sama 正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 Kami of the Year

. Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the Year.
- Introduction and Haiku -

. shinnen 新年 the New Year .
The New Year of the Gregorian calendar falls on 1 January.

. The Asian Lunar Calendar and its seasons .
spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
- A special one is often set up for the New Year celebrations.


. Sai no Kami 幸神 / 幸の神 / さいの神 / サイノカミ
Deity of Fortune and Good Luck .

toshi no kami 歳の神 Deity of the Year (another name for Sai no Kami).

u no hi, unohi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit
collecting legends


Toshigamidana 年神棚 Shelf to venerate the Toshigami
Article by 榎戸貞治郎 Enokido Sadajiro

Also called
Toshitokudana 年徳棚
Ehodana 恵方(えほう)棚

The shelf is set up in the direction (eho) of the Deity of the Year.
If people do not have place for a shelf, they celebrate and make offerings in the 床の間 Tokonoma
or at the normal 神棚 Kamidana of the family.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

3自然を読む民俗:山口県 - 内日 の五年神
Yamaguchi, Utsui - Gonengami

吉村美広 Yoshimura Mihiro

If the villagers forget this ritual of every five years, monkeys comes from the mountains to remind them
at 赤田代 Akatashiro.
- 五年神神事 下関・秋吉台・宇部エリア = Yama no Kami
- reference source : oidemase.or.jp/tourism... -


....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

choochin no yoo na hi 提灯のような火 a fire like a lantern
Late at night on the last day of the year, behind the sanctuary for Ujigami there was a light coming down and a strange sound was heard.
The elders of the village say this is the time when Toshitokujin comes down for the New Year.

. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .

....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....

Tenjinsama 天神様 Tenjin Sama
The Kami of the Skay, as espressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.

- quote -
神祇 Jingi, 天神地祇 Tenshin Chigi
An appellation for the objects of worship in Shinto.
An honorific term extolling the sacred authority and sublime virtue of spiritual beings.
- source : kokugakuin -


kamigami no toshitori 神々のトシトリ New Year for the Gods
Different Kami have different days to start a new year:
お地蔵様 O-Jizo sama on the 23 and 天神様 Tenjin sama on the 25th.
. Aomori 青森県 - Yama no Kami .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
福島市 Fukushima city 中茂庭 Nakamoniwa

Toshigami sama 年神様
comes down on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month. He is venerated at the Shrine Tensho Kodai Jingu 天照皇太神宮 Tenshokodai Jingu.

- reference : Tenshokodai Jingu -

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
邑楽郡 Ora district 大泉町 Oizumi town

Toshigami Sama 年神様
comes on the day 卯の日 U no Hi to supervise taue 田植え the planting of the fields.

Gunma 館林市 Tatebayashi city 下早川田 Shimo-Sagawada

When planting rice seedlings on u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit, Toshitokugami comes down on 卯の刻 the hour of the rabbit.

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....

. Toshitoku san トシトクさん - Tanokami and the wild boar .
He comes on the day of Inoko Wild Boar, therefore people leave the door open and also the kotatsu コタツ heated table for him to come and sit in the home.
The comes to the fields on the 1st day of the second lunar month and leaves for his home on 亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the 10th lunar month.

三次市 Miyoshi city 三良坂町 Mirasaka town

On the second day of the second lunar month, children get a moxabustion treatment called ヤイト yaito.
On this day Toshitokujin goes back to Takamagahara 高天原 the Fields of Heaven.

. yaitobi やいと日 day for moxabustion treatment .

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....

Toshigami San 年神さん
In the hamlet of 真鈴 Marin when people wake up on gantan 元旦 the first day of the New Year, they have to open the door of the zashiki 座敷 living room to let Toshigami San inside.

Kagawa 東かがわ市 Higashi-Kagawa city

Toshigami 年神
okuri shogatsu オクリ正月 is the day to send off the deity on The 15th of January. This day is also called
Jugonichi shogatsu 十五日正月 New Year day of the 15th.
People make offerings to the Toshigami and pray for a good harvest and safety for the family. Then they go to the river with the offerings, light a fire with shimenawa 注連 a ritual rope and eat the offerings.
This is also called dondo トンド (Dondo Yaki)
The smoke of the fire is used by Toshigami to go back to the sky.
. dondon yaki どんどん焼き ritual fire at New Year   .

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district

. Toshigami and 山の神 Yama no Kami .

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 山北町 Yamakita town

Toshigami 年神 / 歳神
Toshigami comes every year on the first day of January and leaves on the 14th day.
In other villages he leaves on u no hi ウの日 / 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit.
On this day people make offerings of azuki mochi 小豆餅 rice cakes with auspicious red beans.
On the first day of the New Year people make offerings of zooni 雑煮 to Toshigami and Kuwagami 桑神 the protector deity of mulberries and silk.

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district

. Toshigami, Yamanokami and Tanokami .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
大年神社 / 王歳神社 / 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja

- There are many shrines with this name in Japan.
The deity Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 is venerated there.
- Wikipedia has a list -


tanuki 狸 badger
Near the corner on the road to the shrine 大年神社 Otoshi Jinja it often happened that a Tanuki posing as a priest came out and threw sand at the pilgrims.

Kyoto 三和町 Miwacho Ashibuchi Fukuchiyama

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
The part North of the Shrine 王歳神社 Otoshi Jinja is called Yuri-ga-hana 百合ヶ花 "lily flowers". This is where the Ushioni lives.
On the mountain side of the river is Yonaki Matsu 夜泣き松 "the pine which cries at night". The Ushioni lives in the cave above it.
Sometimes he comes out behind the pine and plays tricks on the humans.

Near the Shrine is a withered matsu no ki 松の木 pine tree. Toward the end of the Meiji period there was just part of the stem left.
People peel a bit of the bark and make a small fire. Children who see this fire will stop yonaki 夜泣き crying at night.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa village

In this village 歳の神 Toshi no Kami is called in the local dialect
オドストクズン Odosudokuzun, Odosu toku zun (Otoshi Toku Jin).

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....

According to ancient Asian lore, the new year comes with a new female deity.
She comes on the evening of day 30 of the 12th lunar month. People prepare the special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods for her.
When the year is over they tear it down and burn it, then built a new one.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....

正月準備:年神様 Niigata no Toshigami Sama
新潟県史 資料編22 民俗1 大竹信雄 Otake Nobul

東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town

. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .
Toshitokujin comes for the New Year as a tutelary deity.

Niigata 糸魚川市 Itoigawa city

Toshi no Kami 年の神 comes on the New Year day from the direction of アキ / 亜希 Aki.
All preparations for his coming must be finished by lunchtime.
No more cleaning of the home after lunchtime. If someone uses a broom, Toshitokujin will be swept out.

Niigata 長岡市 Nagaoka city 福島町 Fukushima town

For the New Year, komedawara 米俵 a bale of rice from last year's harvest is decorated in the living room as a welcome for Toshigami sama 年神様.
In many parts 歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the first u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit.
If this falls on the 12th day of the year, it is a bad omen and might bring a bad harvest.

Niigata 中魚沼郡 Naka-Uonuma district 津南町 Tsunan town

Shogatsu sama 正月様
comes home from Tenjiku 天竺 India in January. Once he met Daishi Sama 大師様 Kobo Saishi on the way. Daishi Sama nad eaten rice cakes and crumbs, but Shogatsu sama laughed and said, he had gotten quite a lot of food offerings to eat.

Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city

For the New Year a special toshidana 歳棚 (kamidana) shelf for the New Year is put up for 歳徳神 Toshitokujin.
He comes from the direction of 亜希 Aki town and goes back to this direction.

Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city

正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigamisama 歳神様 comes from the high sky and thus lands on a high tree.

Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city 松之山 Matsunoyama

歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the 30st of December.
A special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods is put up for her.
After the New Year celebration, this shelf is taken down.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....

In the oku no ma 奥の間 living room in the back people prepare a special kamidana 神棚 shelf ror the gods to venerate 年神 Toshigami.
They also venerate other deities there, like the Gods from 出雲大社 Izumo Shrine and 金毘羅 Konpira shrine together with the Ujigami 氏神 clan deities.
In a separate small shelf below this they venerate 金神 Konjin and 庚申 Koshin.
Toshigami is also called ワカドシ Wakadoshi san, "Young Deity" and has only one leg, so they offer only one new zoori 草履 sandal.
If they offer the sandals they were wearing then a horse or cow was lost, they are sure to find the animal.

. Konjin 金神 "God of metals" .

. Kooshin 庚申 Koshin, ka no e saru deity .

Okayama 美作市 Mimasaka town

Wakatoshi sama 若年様 "Honorable Young Deity"
The nando 納戸 / ナンド closet for storage, is often used for the young couple as a bedroom.
For the New Year, they prepare a special shelf to venerate San no Kami 産の神 the Deity of Birth together with 若年様 the Deity of the New Year.

. san no kami お産の神 deity of birth .

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 北埼玉郡 Kita-Saitama district 騎西町 Kisai town

Toshigami sama 年神様
This Deity comes on the morning of the New Year, so the master of the house has to prepare the decorations and offerings.
The Deity leaves the home on u no hi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit and the decorations and offerings are taken down.
The food offerings are used to prepare zooni 雑煮 New Year soup.

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....

Toshigami Sama 年神様
This deity brings a special toshidama 年玉 New Year Gift on the last day of the Year.
Once a man, who did not want go get older, hid in the thicket to have a look. Since Toghigami threw the gifts from above, he could not see him.
So he could not help but getting older another year.

Shimane 八束郡 Yatsuka district 美保町 Miho town

Toshigami 年神
has only one leg. Once he came down in a field of nasu 茄子 eggplants and lost one leg.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....

January 15th is called okuri-shogatsu 送り正月 "seeing off the New Year".
All the decorations made for the New Year are being taken to the local Shinto shrine and burned in a special ritual.
After that special kagamimochi 鏡餅 rice cakes for the New Year are offered, they are fried in this fire, taken home and eaten with the family.

Tokushima 池田町 Ikeda town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", 歳徳神 Toshitokujin is offered a new light and special food on the shelf.

Tokushima 美馬郡 Mima district 貞光町 Sadamitsu town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", sometimes called agari shoogatsu 上がり正月 - day to put down the New Year decorations and sending 歳徳神 Toshitokujin home.

Tokushima 三野町 Mino town

January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year, sometimes called okuri shoogatsu おくり正月 "sending the New Year off".
The New Year decorations are burned at the local Shinto Shrine or under a bridge.
歳徳神 Toshitokujin is sent off with the smoke of these fires.

Tokushima 三好郡 Miyoshi district 東祖谷山村 Higashi-Iyayamason village

年神さん,正月神さん okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月
January 15 is 小正月 the small new year, also called okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月.
All the food offerings from the kamidana 年棚 shelf are put into a pot and cooked over a fire.
The Deity uses the smoke of the fire to go back to the sky.

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
豊浦郡 Toyoura district 豊浦町 Toyoura town // 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
In the year 958, the monster Ushioni came from 新羅国 Silla in Korea and lived at the castle of mount 鬼ヶ城山 Onigajo. From there he did a lot harm to the farmers living there.
The daughter of the priest a the shrine 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja became the concubine of this Ushioni.
On the evening of th 14th day of the 10th lunar month, the priest shot an arrow at the Ushioni and hit his eye. The Demon fled to the mountain and died on its top.
Since then the mountain is called Mount Onigajo.
Flies at the top of the mountain have only one eye.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
年神 /
09 正月様 (01)
51 元旦 gantan - collecting in the comments


- source : pinterest -


- #toshitokujin #newyear #toshigami #koshogatsu #kamidana #kagamimochi #sainokami -

12 Apr 2020

HEIAN - haibyo lung disease legends


haibyo lung disease legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

haibyoo 肺病と伝説 Haibyo, Legends about lung diseases
shiwabuki 咳病 influenza

病とむきあう江戸時代 ― Diseases of the Edo period 

岩下哲典 Iwashita Tetsunori
(目次) table of contents
第1章 外患(ロシア船の出没)と藩医
第2章 藩医の出張旅行と酒・肉食
第3章 藩医の好んだ酒と酒を好んだ大名の話
第4章 「うつ」の藩士をどうするか
第5章 御掘で心中した男女
第6章 幕末籠城と懐妊・出産
第7章 廃藩時期の公務・子どもの死・出産
第8章 災害にむきあった写真大名
第9章 医師シーボルトが見た幕末日本「これが日本人である」
第10章 病とむきあう江戸の医師たちを学ぶ


ie no kai-i 家の怪異 families with a weird story
A certain family tells of an ancestor who was a priests. He took a consort and worked hard to become very rich. But
even now when the children grow up to become adults they get 肺病 a lung disease and die. Very seldom the skin of their arm looks like 蛇の鱗 the scales of a snake.
Another family tells of ancestors who killed kusuri uri 薬売り a medicine vendor and buried him in the back of the estate. They became rich for a short time and then the family died out.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

haibyoo no kami 肺病の神 Haibyo no Kami, deity of lung diseases

Hyogo 姫路市 Himeji city 飾磨郡 Shikama area

If a person has died from a lung disease, he is placed into the coffin together with a
mizugame 水瓶 large water pot and carried out of the house.
The haibyoo no kami 肺病の神 deity of lung diseases is usually lurking in a mizugame 水瓶 a large earthenware water pot and can thus be carried out of the home too.


......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district 東栄町 Toei town

. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 Crow Tengu .
the hunter 為義 Tameyoshi and the reiyaku 霊薬 a wonder-drug, miraculous medicine

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
仙北市 Senboku city 西木町 Nishiki town

kamidana no tatari 神棚の祟り curse of the shelf of the Gods
A man named 田口イシノ Taguchi Ishino used a stone to perform uranai 占い fortune telling. She was called イシガミサマ Ishigami Sama.
She could find out the cause of a disease that a doctor could not cure any more or find out where a missing person was living.
She would use tsukemono ishi 漬物石 a heavy stone for making pickles and mumble prayers and then suddenly the heavy stone would feel very light.
When the husband of 赤倉ハルエ Akakura Harue had died of haibyo 肺病 a lung disease, she found this:
He had not put water offerings on the kamidana shelf for 天照大神 the Sun Godess Amaterasu Omikami and had thus been cursed.
While Ishino san was telling this, she trembled terribly.

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
At a hamlet named 浅川 Asakawa a villater became a lung disease and drunk the blood of shimahebi 縞蛇 a striped living snake (Elaphe quadrivirgata).
The lung disease healed, but his child born soon after was a little snake. His wive became crazy and died. They say this was
hebi no tatari 蛇の崇 the curse of the serpent

Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki town

otoko no kuseyami 男のクセヤミ morning sickness of a man
Once a young farmer with a sudden lung disease was greatly discriminated by the fellow villagers.
Some whispered that his wife had also caught the disease. After a while all rumours died down and then his wive gave birth.
Now the villagers understood that the couple had suffered from kuse クセ(tsuwari つわり) morning sicknes

......................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

If a person with a lung disease sleeps with kuroneko 黒猫 a black cat in his arms, he will recover.
- In 三重県 Mie prefecture 鳥羽市 Toba city 志摩 Shima
A person with a lung disease should look at kuroneko 黒猫 a black cat.

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
和賀郡 Waga district

Grilling mikan みかん tangerines before eating will cause the outbreak of a lung disease.

. mikan 蜜柑 (みかん) mandarin orange, tangerine .

......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
安芸郡 Aki district 奈半利 Nahari

kosodate yuurei 子育て幽霊 a ghost rearing a child
Once upon a time a woman named 由里 Yuri had an affair with shoya 庄屋 the village headman and gave birth to a baby. But soon she became a lung disease, went back to her family and died soon. At night there was a knock at the gate of the village headman and they heard the voice calling the name of the baby. When the baby heard the voice, it woke up and begun to move its mouth like sucking the breast. This went on for quite a while and they thought the ghost of Yuri had come back to feed her baby.

......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
岡谷市 Okaya city

kimotori キモトリ taking out the liver
There is a place where they say someone takes out the liver of a person to make medicine, which is good for healing 肺病 lung diseases.
Nobody should go to this place alone, and certainly not at night !

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
佐世保市 Sasebo city

. migawari Daishi 身代わり大師 Kobo Daishi substitutes for us .
Once a man became 肺病 a difficult lung disease and the specialist doctor told him he had maybe just half a year to live.
The man got an amulet of Kobo Daishi to substitute for him, got healed and could continue to work in the fields as a farmer.

......................................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県

If your head is ill, you must eat the head of a buta 豚 pig.
If your lungs are ill, you must eat the lung of a pig.

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
大阪市 Osaka city

haibyoo no kusuri 肺病の薬 medicine for lung diseases
At a certain temple behind the Shrine 露の天神 Tsuyu no Tenjin there is the grave of a woman named かしく Kashiku, who was a whore and always drunk, even killing her brother. She was executed and buried here.
In front of the grave is a small hand water basin. People take the water home and boil it with medicine to heal 肺病 their lung disease.

- quote -

Tsuyu-no-Tenjinja Shrine (Ohatsu Tenjin)
The shrine takes its name from a poem by the great Heian era scholar Suguwara Michizane.
However, today the shrine is better known for its romantic associations as it is a key setting of the bunraku puppet play: The Love Suicides of Sonezaki.
- source : osakastation.com/tsuyu-no-tenjinja... -

. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯郡 Saihaku district 中濱村 Nakahama village

. healing with a sotoba 塔婆 grave marker .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- #haibyo #lung #illness -

8 Apr 2020

EDO - Nanbu Kaido Kakuno Kaido



Nanbu Kaido 南部街道 Nanbu Highway, Nambu Highway
Iwate 岩手県
Connecting 遠野 Tono to the 気仙郡 Kesen district on the coast.
Already mentioned on 葛西領内地図 a map from 1335.
In former times 盛岡藩 Morioka domain was called 南部藩 Nanbu domain.
Connecting the Nanbu domain with 久保田(秋田)藩 the Kubota domain in Akita),
In Iwate, this road was called
Kazuno Orai 鹿角往来 / Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道.
- see below

- Postal stations along the Nanbu Kaido
Yokota village 横田村 (Tono city)
Aozasa 青笹
Kamigo Hirakura 上郷平倉
Alabane Toge pass 赤羽根峠
Kasai 葛西

In former times Kasai belonged to the 伊達領 Date domain.
The Kasai Clan 葛西氏 reigned in an area stretching from the center of Mutsu no Kuni 陸奥国中部 - present day Sanriku Kaigan in Miyagi 宮城県三陸沿岸 to the 岩手県南部 Nanbu area of Iwate.

- - - - -

Junisho kuchi 十二所口
Obonan kuchi 生保内口
Kaya toge pass 萱峠 between Iwate and Akita, 644 m
Komatsugawa kuchi 小松川口

. Junisho Kaido 十二所街道 .
- Obonai Kaido 生保内街道

. Kesen Michi 気仙道 / 東浜街道 Higashi Hamakaido .


. Akita Kaido 秋田街道 Highways in Akita .

Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道 Kazuno Highway
Connecting Morioka city in Iwate 岩手県盛岡市 via Hachimantai city 八幡平市 with 秋田県鹿角市 Kazuno city and 大館市 Odate city in Akita.

- Postal stations along the Kazuno Kaido
Morioka 盛岡城下 - Iwate
Tando 田頭- Hachimantai
Terada 寺田
Niiya 新谷町
Tayama 田山
Yuze 湯瀬 - (Akita (Kazuno city)
Oxato 大里
Hanawa 花輪
Kanda 神田
Kemanai 毛馬内
Matsuyama 松山
Sawajiri 秋田領沢尻
Junisho 十二所
Ogita 扇田

- quote -
Kazuno city (鹿角市, Kazuno-shi)
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Kazuno was settled in prehistoric times, and contains major Jōmon period archaeological sites and numerous burial mounds from the Kofun period. The area was part of ancient Mutsu Province and was ruled by the Nambu clan of Morioka Domain during the Edo period. After the start of the Meiji period, the area became briefly part of Rikuchū Province before being transferred to Akita Prefecture in 1871. It was organized as part of Kazuno District, Akita Prefecture in 1878 with the establishment of the modern municipalities system.
The city of Kazuno
was founded on April 1, 1972 by the merger of the towns of Hanawa, Towada, and Osarizawa and the village of Hachimantai.
- source : wikipedia -


6 Apr 2020

EDO - Nakatsu Kaido


Nakatsu Kaido

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Nakatsu Kaido 中津街道 Nakatsu Highway
From Nakatsu town, 大分県 Oita to 小倉 Kokura. 福岡県 Fukuoka
About 52 km long. Now National Highway Nr. 10.

- Postal stations along the Nakatsu Kaido
Nakatsu 中津
Hachiya 八屋
Matsue 松江
Karita 雁田 
Ohashi 大橋
Kanda 苅田
Kokura 小倉

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .
From Kitagami in Kumamoto to Kokura in Fukuoka.


source : amanaimages.com/info...
 中津街道 石坂


. Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 .
Yamakunibashi 山国橋(福岡県吉富町-大分県中津市)
from Fukuoka, Yoshitomi town to Oita, Nakatsu city


- quotes from wikipedia -

Nakatsu (中津市, Nakatsu-shi)
a castle town centered on Nakatsu Castle
1587: Kuroda Yoshitaka (Josui) built Nakatsu Castle as a flatland castle near the Yamaguni River.

Hachiya (八屋町, Hachiya-machi)
10 April 1955 - The town of Hachiya and the surrounding 8 villages merged to form the city of Unoshima. The town of Hachiya dissolves.
14 April 1955 - The city's name was renamed to the city of Buzen.

Kanda (苅田町, Kanda-machi)
The town is located approximately 5 miles (8 kilometers) west of Kitakyūshū
The Kanda Float Festival is held annually in mid-September[6]. The festival is famous for its 14 "fighting floats", and has been categorized as an "Intengible Folk Cultural Asset" by the Fukuoka prefecture.

Kokura Prefecture
was founded separately from Fukuoka Prefecture in 1871 when the clan system was abolished. The old wooden-built Kokura Prefectural Office is still standing and is being restored. It is opposite Riverwalk Kitakyūshū. In 1876, Kokura Prefecture was absorbed by Fukuoka Prefecture. The city of Kokura was founded in 1900.


source : chikujo-rekishi.jp
中津街道と築上町の近代 Present-day Chikujo town and the Nakatsu Highway


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
中津郡 Nakatsu district

. shiratori 白鳥 a white bird .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #nakatsukaido #nakatsuoita - - - -

EDO - Gujo Kaido Gifu

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Gujo Kaido Gifu

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Gujo Kaido 郡上街道 Gujo Highway
From 岐阜市加納 Gifu city, Kano to the 大師堂 Daishi Do Hall in 石徹白 Itoshiro.
Now National Highway Nr. 156.

Itoshiro is located at the foot of the sacred mountain 白山 Hakusan and the Highway relates to this old pilgrim road.
Part is along the river 長良川 Nagaragawa, which has many bends and curves.
From 美濃市 Mino city to Gujo Hachiman there is a steep valley to cross over the river. In former times pilgrims had to cross many passes and rivers, so this pilgrims road tried to avoid this as much as possible.

- Postal stations along the Guji Kaido
Gifu city 岐阜市
Seki city 関市
Mino city 美濃市
Gujo city Minami town 郡上市美並町
Gujo city Hachiman town 郡上市八幡町
Gujo city Yamato town 郡上市大和町
Gujo city Shirotori 郡上市白鳥町
Itoshiro 石徹白


- quote

Visit Gujo Hachiman !
Experience Japan "Off the Beaten Path" in a truly unique way
Visit Gujo Hachiman and you can expect to be immersed in an authentic small town Japanese experience unique to an "off the beaten path" town. Here the traditional way of living is on a very human scale. People passing each other in the street still greet each other with a small bow, and exchange a passing greeting.
- Spring in Gujo Hachiman
Cherry blossoms are the highlight of the season, and make it well worth the journey to Gujo Hachiman. The cherry blossoms here typically bloom one week later than in Nagoya or Kyoto which means you can extend your chances to see and immerse yourself in what many consider to be the most beautiful time of the season.
- Cherry blossoms at Anyo Ji Temple
You can also experience the magic of cherry blossoms at night in Atago Park where the blooms are lit until late evening each night. This is a very unique way to experience the beautiful pink blooms.
- Jion Ji Temple garden
- Gujo Odori - Mid July to Early September
- Ayu Fishing in the Yoshida or Nagara River - summer
- Plastic Food Replica Stores and Workshops - anytime and unique to Gujo Hachiman!
- source : gujohachiman.com/kanko...

- quote
Gujo Hachiman Castle (郡上八幡城, Gujō-Hachimanjō)
was built in 1559 by the local feudal lord on the top of a hill. Although the castle had been destroyed in the early Meiji Period, it was rebuilt in 1933. Unlike most reconstructed castles, Gujo Hachiman's was rebuilt using wood rather than concrete. However, its interior does not follow its original design.
The castle's hilltop location
provides a beautiful view of the town in the valley below. Maple trees surround the castle and make the area particularly attractive during the autumn leaf season in early to mid November. During this time, the colorful leaves are further showcased by a night time light display.
The castle is located on a hill in the northeastern corner of town.
- source : japan-guide.com... -


大師堂 Daishi Do Temple Hall

Mountain route starting from the Daishido Hall


- quote -
Hakusan National Park 白山国立公園
Mt. Hakusan — meaning White Mountain — is considered sacred within the Shinto tradition, and serious climbers in Japan are very fond of it.
Hakusan National Park, where the peak is located, offers natural waterfalls, holy places, onsen hot springs, and a range of flora and fauna.
- A dormant volcano surrounded by seven lakes, the entire area around Mt. Hakusan is a designated national park covering nearly 500 square kilometers and dubbed a "Man and the Biosphere" site by UNESCO.
The park encompasses four mountains over 2,000 meters — Hakusan, 御前峰 Gozengamine, 剣ヶ峰 Kengamine, and 大汝峰 Onanjigamine.
- Hakusan White Road for cars
- source : japan.travel... -

. Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan .
and their annual festivals.


- quote -
Nagaragawa 長良川

Ukai 鵜飼 (cormorant fishing) is a traditional fishing method using "u" (Japanese Cormorant) to catch river fish.
On the Nagara River, the ukai season starts at the outset of the ayu (sweetfish) fishing season, held every night from May 11th to October 15th except on the day of the harvest moon or when the river swells.
- reference source : nagaragawa.org... -

. ukai 鵜飼 (うかい) cormorant fishing .
- a Haiku kigo for summer -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県

. Gujo - 妖鬼 Yoki Demon / 鬼人 Kijin Human Demon .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

mizu no naru Gujo no yado no hashirisoba

平松公代 Hiramatsu Kimiyo

高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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5 Apr 2020

GOKURAKU - Mikata Ishi Kannon Fukui


Mikata Ishi Kannon Kanzeon

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Mikata Ishi Kannon 三方石観世音 Mikata Stone Kannon, Fukui
大悲山三方石観音 Saihizan Mikata Ishi Kannon
Katate Kannon 片手観音 Kannon with One Arm

福井県 三方上中郡 若狭町 三方1-1 / 1-1 Mikata, Wakasa-cho, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui

- quote
One night sometime in the Enryaku Period (about 1,200 years ago) the priest Kobo Daishi had secluded himself in this mountain area and was carving a stone (ishi) statue of the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).
However he was forced to abandon his effort upon hearing a rooster crow to announce the daybreak. He left the mountain and the statue's right hand remained unfinished. This site is now designated as a special holy site along the Hokuriku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage and, on account of the statue's missing limb, is said to have healing powers for limb disabilities.
The path to the mountainside away from the Main Hall leads to a spring called 'Kannon Reisui' and, in March 2006, the spring's water 'Fukui no Oishii Mizu' (Fukui's Delicious Water) was recognised as among the very best from Fukui.
- source : wakasa-mikatagoko.jp/en...


- - - - - The cock who woke up Kobo Daishi.

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . . (774 - 835)


Statue of Fudo Myo-O



shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : mikata.main.jp...

- Photo Gallery of the Temple -


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

奥の院火祭り 7月17日 Fire Festival
石観音大祭 7月18日 Main Festival
紅葉のライトアップ Autumn colors light up

- reference source : mikata.main.jp... -


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Fukui 福井県 

The messenger of 三方石観音 Mikata Ishi Kannon is 烏天狗 Karasu Tengu.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Hokuriku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 北陸三十三ヵ所観音霊場巡り

- reference : hokurikukannonreijyoukai... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #mikataishikannon #fukui #stonekannon #kannon #hokuriku -

4 Apr 2020

EDO - Gyotoku Kaido



Gyotoku Kaido 行徳街道 Gyotoku Highway
From 市川市 Ichikawa city in 千葉県 Chiba to 浦安市 Urayasu town.
Now National Highway Nr. 6.

- quoting the wikipedia
Ichikawa City (市川市, Ichikawa-shi)
The city has a concentration of the wide-area traffic network that connects the center of Tokyo with many areas of Chiba Prefecture. Major rail routes and roads pass through the city.
The area around present-day Ichikawa has been inhabited since the Japanese Paleolithic period.
... During the Nara period, Ichikawa was the provincial capital of Shimōsa Province and is mentioned in the Man'yōshū. During the Heian period, this area was the center of the rebellion by Taira Masakado. During the Sengoku period, it was the site of a major battles (Battle of Kōnodai) between the Satomi clan and the Later Hōjō clan. ...

Urayasu (浦安市, Urayasu-shi)
Urayasu is best known as the home of the Tokyo Disney Resort, which opened in April 1983,
... The area around Urayasu was tenryo territory within Shimōsa Province controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate during the Edo period. Urayasu served as an important fishing village for the Edo capital. Until the industrialization of the city it was a major center of production of nori, an edible seaweed, hamaguri, the common orient clam, and asari, the Japanese cockle. All three are important elements of the traditional Japanese diet.

- map from Ichikawa city -

. Kaido 街道 Highways of Japan .

3 Apr 2020

FUDO - Narita Fudoson Takasaki


Naritasan Fudo Takasaki

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Naritasan Fudo Son 成田山不動尊
光徳寺 Kotoku-Ji // 高崎成田山 Takasaki Narita San

高崎市成田町23 / Takasaki city, Naritacho 23

The temple was founded in 1583 in a compound of the temple 威徳寺 Itoku-Ji.


高崎成田山太子堂 Takasaki Naritasan Taishi-Do Hall
Built by the craftsmen and artists of the area to venerate Shotoku Taishi a protector deity.

source : amanaimages.com/info...

. Prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 (574 - 622) .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : n-koutokuji...


This temple is Nr. 5 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

The haiku poet 高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi has visited this temple and there is a haiku memorial stone in the compound.

. 高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi .
(1874 - 1959)


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #naritasan #naritasanfudo #gunma #takasaki #kotokuji #shotokutaishi -

31 Mar 2020

KAPPA - Dodomeki Todomeki Demon

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Dodomeki, Todomeki 百々目鬼 / 百々眼鬼

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp... doumeki . 百目鬼面

. Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県 .


- quote -
A dodomeki (百々目鬼) is a Japanese yōkai
that's depicted as human women who are cursed with having long arms covered with hundreds of bird eyes due to their habit of stealing money.
It is also called the todomeki.

- - - - - Mythology
Dodomeki were first described by the 18th century Japanese scholar Toriyama Sekien.
The long arms of a dodomeki reflects the Japanese belief that a person with long arms has a tendency to steal. The bird eyes that grows on the dodomeki's arm are a reference to the Japanese dōsen, a copper coin with a hole in the middle of it that's commonly known as the chōmoku (Birds eye).

- - - - - Legends
Conflict with Fujiwara no Hidesato
During the Heian period, a kuge (court bureaucrat) named Fujiwara no Hidesato had just defeated the rebel Taira no Masakado and been promoted as the kokushi regent of the Shimotsuke province for his victory. One day while hunting in his newly acquired territory, Hidesato encountered an old man who warned him about a yōkai who had been terrorizing a nearby horse graveyard at night. Hidesato went to the horse graveyard to investigate and waited until sundown for the yōkai to appear. Once the yŏkai arrived, it revealed itself to be a dodomeki that stood over ten foot tall and had arms covered with hundreds of glowing eyes. Hidesato drew his bow and shot an arrow at the brightest glowing eye, causing the dodomeki to flee and collapse near Mount Myōjin. When Hidesato later pursued the yōkai, the dodomeki emitted a burst of flame from its body and a fume of poisonous gas from its mouth. Outmatched, Hidesato fled from the scene and returned the next day to find the ground heavily burnt, but no sign of the dodomeki.
Meeting Priest Chitoku
Nearly 400 years later during the Muromachi period, a priest named 智徳 Chitoku was called to investigate a series of unexplained fires that broke out at the temple in a village near Mount Myōjin. He started to notice a woman covered with a robe near the temple whenever he held his sermons and discovered that she was the same dodomeki that Hidesato had fought 400 years earlier. She had come back to suck up her remaining toxic fumes and blood that she lost during her last battle with Hidesato.
The temple was built on top of the battle site, so the dodomeki caused a series of fires to scare all the priests away. However, after consistently overhearing Chitoku preaching whenever she walked by the temple, the dodomeki became enlightened and vowed to never commit any more evil deeds for the rest of her life.
- source : wikipedia -

. Fujiwara no Hidesato 藤原秀郷 .
. Taira no Masakado (平将門) .


百目貫」「百目木」 / Doomeki どうめき



ーーー 兎田の百目鬼
ーーー 百穴の百目鬼
- - - 郷土玩具
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


source : shigege.blog89.fc2.com/blog...


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #dodomeki #hundredeyes #todomeki -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 3/04/2020 01:22:00 pm

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