28 Sept 2016

GOKURAKU - Daibutsu in Kyoto


Daibutsu Kyoto

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Daibutsu in Kyoto 京都の大仏様

. daibutsu 大仏 Big Buddha statues .
- Introduction -
The best known are in Nara and Kamakura.

There have been four BIG BUDDHA statues build in Kyoto in the course of history, but all of them are now lost.

京都大仏御殿盛衰記 - 村山修一

Miyako Meisho Zue : The face of the Daibutsu can be seen in the red circle.
Now there is a public park : 大仏殿跡緑地公園

- reference source : shihobe505/archives -

. Hookooji, Hōkō-ji 方広寺 Hoko-Ji .

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 ordered its construction to appease the souls of the Tensho earthquake victims, January 18, 1586, with a magnitude of M 7.8.
He had a sculptor from China make a huge wooden statue. 
It was then covered with clay and laquer and finally gold foil.

Hideyoshi was determined that the capital city should have a Daibutsu temple to surpass that of Nara.
He is reputed to have claimed at the outset that he would complete construction in half the time it took Emperor Shōmu to complete the Great Buddha of Nara.

The hall and the statue was destroyed by the Bunroku earthquake before it was finished in August 14,1596.
Two years later, Hideyoshi died.

His son Toyotomi Hideyori 豊臣秀頼 re-built the temple and statue, this time to be cast in bronze to make it last.
But it was again destroyed by fire in 1602.
The next reconstruction was finished in 1612.
That was when the huge bronze bell was cast.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

 Construction of the Great Buddha by Hideyoshi
秀吉の大仏造立 - 河内将芳 Kawauchi Masayoshi


- quote
The 24-meter-high Kyoto Daibutsu (no longer extant) of Hōkōji Temple 方広寺 was built during the reign of Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1536-1598).
Toyotomi founded this Tendai-sect temple and ordered the creation of its giant monument to honor the spirit of his dead mother and his ancestors. After his own death it became the Toyotomi mortuary temple. Construction of the giant statue reportedly took only three years (as compared to 20 years for the Nara Daibutsu).
The wood image was made by noted sculpture Kōshō 康正 (1534-1621), the head of the Shichijō Bussho 七条仏所 (Seventh Avenue Atelier), a major sculpting workshop of the Keiha school located in Kyoto. However, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake soon after its completion in 1596.
Another statue was soon commissioned, this time in bronze, but it was destroyed in an accidental fire during the casting process in 1602.
A third effigy was commissioned between 1609 and 1616, but it was ruined in another natural disaster in 1622.
A fourth statue, this time made of wood, was created in 1664 by the Buddhist sculpture Genshin 玄信 (active mid-17th century, part of Kōshō's lineage). It was destroyed by lightning in 1789.

Tokyo National Museum

All that remains of this once spectacular landmark is a small wooden maquette (hinagata 雛形) attributed to Genshin.
Tokyo National Museum attributes the maquette to sculptor Fujimura Chūen 藤村忠円, a student of Genshin. But research by Chō Yōichi (published in TNM's own journal, #554, June 1998) explains why Genshin is the likely creator.

Mode, Attributed to Genshin 玄信.

--- Says scholar Beatrice M. Bodart-Bailey
in A Song for the Shogun: Engelbert Kaempfer and 17th-c. Japan:
"The only detailed pictorial record of the Kyoto Daibutsu is from the drawings of the German physician Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1712), who stayed in Japan from 1690 to 1692. In his writings, he noted the particulars, from the 'long bovine ears' and the 'frizzy hair' to the fact that there would be space enough for three Japanese mats on its outstretched palm. He measured out the distances for a more detailed record, and noted that the width between the shoulders was equivalent to fifteen paces."
(Site Editor: The effigy he witnessed must have been the statue built in 1664.)

--- Says scholar Jens Hvass in 1999:
..... The Daibutsu at Tōdai-ji in Nara in 752.
..... The Daibutsu in Kamakura in 1252.
The third big Buddha figure was erected in Kyoto in the late 16th century by the big upstart in Japanese history, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-98). It was even bigger than its two predecessors were, and by that time in Japanese history, legitimization through architectural manifestations seems to have become an unquestionable necessity of power positions."
- source : Mark Schumacher

Sketch of Hōkōji Daibutsu by Kaempfer - wikipedia -


- quote -
京都 ~まぼろし大仏の旅~
The bridge Shomen-bashi 正面橋 "Front Bridge" was in the front of the Daibutsu Temple.

..... more
- reference source : NHK Historia September 2016 -


Postal stamp : Daibutsu Mae
京都大仏前郵便局 風景印
- reference source : humi.sakura.ne.jp/paco -
方広寺の大釣鐘 Hoko-Ji and the Big Bell


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #daibutsukyoto #kyotodaibutsu #hokoji -

24 Sept 2016

HEIAN shinka divine fire


shinka divine fire legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

shinka 神火と伝説 Legends about "divine fire"
shinka 神火 / シンカ "fire of the gods", "light of the gods"
goshinka, go-shinka 御神火 "divine fire" from a volcano

A "divine fire" can be related to various things.

. jishin 地震と伝説 Legends about Earthquakes .

In July of the year 1780 there was a strong quake of about M 7.4 in the Shonai region.
One month later people saw smoke and a shinka 神火 "divine fire" coming out of 御嶽南の峰 the South peak of Mount Ontake. The smoke like black clouds could be seen from far away.

Kiso Ontake-san,御嶽山 the second highest volcano in Japan
Eruption on September 27, 2014, ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. ryuutoo 竜燈 / 龍燈 dragon lantern .
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.

source : 龍燈、龍灯、竜灯- wikipedia

santoo 山燈 Santo, "Lantern of a Mountain"
The "lanterns of the sea or mountain" do not light things clearly, they just seem to fade around in regions where few people live. They are venerated as Shinka, the divine fire.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................

At the 老樟 old camphor tree of the 蕨岡 Warabioka family there was a divine light for seven days and seven nights. They called it 熊の権現の神火 the divine light of Kumano Gongen and venerated it at
Mount 篠山 Sasayama (1065 m ).
Years later the Tengu who lived at Sasayama came to live in this tree and played his tricks on the members of the Family. So one day the head of the home shot at him and the Tengu lost one of his wings. To get it back he had to promise never to play tricks around here any more. And to this day, the Tengu protects the Warabioka family.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................

Every year on the last day at the spooky time of ushi no koku 丑の刻 double-hour of the bull, there is a strange light coming down from a mountain called (竜が口山 / 龍之口山) 龍ノ口山 Tatsunokuchi, it looks like an arrow being shot from the mountain toward the sea.
People venerate it as they pass into the New Year.

.......................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県  ......................................

Akiba shinka 秋葉神火 divine fire from Mount Akiba

At night a fire ball came flying from 秋葉山 Mount Akibasan to the open sea. People thought this was the グヒン Guhin Tengu of the mountain who went fishing. After that the local fishermen had a bad catch for three days.

. Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現 Tengu 天狗.
The Tengu 三尺坊 Sanjaku-Bo came to Mount Akiba Yama in Shizuoka prefecture riding on a white fox.
He became the god for calming fire.

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................
国頭郡 今帰仁村 Nakijin

During a typhoon, fishermen were drifting, lost off the coast. Suddenly there was a shinka 神火 "divine light" and showed them the mountains and way to the harbour. So all came home safely to 仲宗根港 Nakasone Port.

.......................................................................... Shimane 島根県 ......................................

 Takibi no Yashiro 隠岐 焚火の社 The Takihi Shrine, Oki Province
Utagawa Hiroshige

Shooka Gongen 焼火権現 Shoka Gongen,Ooyama Gongen 大山権現 Oyama Gongen
ショウカゴンゲン, 焼火山大権現 Shoka Oyama Daigongen / Takuhi Gongen / Takubi Gongen

At night there shines a light, venerated as the sacred apparition of the deity Shoka Gongen.
This deity can calm down wind and waves and help ships in distress at sea. If fishermen pray to this Deity, he will show them a light to follow on the safe way to a harbour.

There is also a shrine
Takuhi Jinja 焼火神社(たくひじんじゃ)
Shimane Prefecture, Oki District, Nishinoshima 西ノ島町美田

After the Meiji restoration there was also a temple
Takuhisan Unjooji 焼火山雲上寺 Unjo-Ji.

The Shrine was called Takuhi no Yashiro (Takubi)、焼火社、焚火社、離火社

The deity in residence is
Oohirume Muchi no Mikoto 大日孁貴尊 (おおひるめむちのみこと)
another name for 天照大神 Amaterasu no Omikami
Oohirume no Mikoto 大日孁尊(おおひるめのみこと)Ōhirume ("great-day-female") 
日女尊(ひるめのみこと)Hirume no Mikoto

Takuhiyama 焼火山 was also called Ooyama 大山 Oyama in former times.
It is 452 meters. The whole mountain is seen as a manifestation of the Deity.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote -
Takuhi Shrine
The main shrine building is constructed partly inside a cave.

It is the oldest shrine in the Oki Islands, and is listed as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Takuhi is dedicated to the deity of maritime safety, so people have come here for many hundreds of years to pray for safety at sea. The hike through the forest to the shrine is very nice, and the views of the islands are amazing.
- source : kankou-shimane.com -

- quote -
On Nishinoshima's highest mountain, Mt Takuhi, sits the island's oldest shrine, the Takuhi-Jinja.
The shrine's Honden (god's sanctuary) building was built into the mountain rock, according to legend the cave came about from the fire of one of the gods. It's dedicated to the god who protects seamen and used to function as a lighthouse for ships traveling to Oki. It also used to be a combined shrine and temple, but during the Meiji period when temples were outlawed the Takuhi shrine temple converted to a shrine. At over a thousand years old it's quite a venerable shrine with a respected history.
- source :en.japantravel.com/shimane / Rory Jackson -

. Wakahirume no Mikoto 稚日女尊 .
The name Wakahirume ("young-day-female") suggests a contrast to Ōhirume ("great-day-female"), another name for Amaterasu).


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


goshinka 御神火 Sake from Izu Oshima
The woman has a tsubaki 椿 camellia on her headband.

goshinka no tsubaki no shima o ehoo to su

Camellia Island
with its Divine Fire shall be
my auspicious direction

原田青児 Harada Saiji

Tsubaki no Shima , Camellia Island, is Izu Oshima with its active volcano.
Izu Ōshima 伊豆大島
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. ehoo 恵方 Eho, auspicious direction of a New Year .







. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #shinka #divinefire #godsfire #takuhi -



23 Sept 2016

TENGU - Tengu Manga

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Manga and Tengu 漫画 /マンガと天狗

. Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし Tengu .
- Folktales with Tengu -

. Kako Satoshi 加古 里子 .
Daruma-chan and Tengu-chan だるまちゃんとてんぐちゃん

. Mizuki Shigeru 水木茂 - Tengu .

. Toyota Toki とよた 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .
with historical background / in Japanese


- - - - - Anime Animo - - - - -
- quote -
..... The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which today is widely considered the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.

Buddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests.

Tengu are associated with the ascetic practice known as Shugendō, and they are usually depicted in the distinctive garb of its followers, the yamabushi.
- source and more photos : Anime Amino

- - - - - CLICK for photos ! - - - - -

- Anime Characters with Tengu -

- Batman : Bruce Wayne "Mask of Tengu" -

- Black Bird Manga : Tengu -

- Cosplay with Tengu -

- Digital Meme : Tengu -

- Kamisama Hajimemashita : Kurama Tengu -

- Kamisama Kiss : Tengu -

- Koppa Tengu : Manga -

- Megan Man : Tengu Man -

- Miikes Yokai War -

- Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan - Karasu Tengu -

- Osamu Tezuka : Tengu -

- Pokemon : Tengu -

- Princess Kurama : Urusei Yatsura -

- Shiftry - a large, brown bipedal Pokémon -

- Soar High! Isami : Tengu -

- Super Mario : Tengu -

- Super Sentai : Tengu -

- Tactics Manga : Tengu -

- Takuma Sakazaki : Mister Karate -

- The Eccentric Family -

- video games : tengu -
Abarenbou Tengu and many more


- - - - - Yokai Watch - - - - -

and Tengloom - Nekurama Tengu


- reference - 天狗 漫画-
- reference - Tengu Manga -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #mangatengu #tengumanga -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 9/01/2016 05:55:00 am

TENGU - Priest Sanshu and Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Priest Sanshu deceived by a Tengu
From the Buddhist collection of teachings and tails, the Konjaku Monogatarishū written between 1120 and 1140.
Sanshuu 三修禅師 Sanshu Zenji

The Tengu from Mount Ibukiyama 伊吹山の天狗 

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten
滋賀県米原市と岐阜県揖斐川町の境 Mountain on the border of Shiga and Gifu.
Written as 伊吹山、息吹山、伊夫岐山、夷服山、胆吹山、五十葺山、伊富貴山、伊服岐山
or Ifuki イフキ
There lived a Tengu called 飛行上人 Higyo Shonin "the Flying Saint".
三朱沙門飛行上人 - Sanshu Samon Hiko Shonin
(samon means priest)

He was very light, only san shu 三朱 "three shu" (一匁の四分の一 one-fourth of 3,75 g)
and therefore could easily fly from mountain to mountain. He lived for many hundred years.
One day on this way to come to help the Empress, who was ill, he stopped on a rock near Lake Biwa, performed some rituals and what do you say, the Empress was healed.

Another story about his activities is told below.


- quote
A tengu deceives the Buddhist priest Sanshu.
James Kemlo

There once lived a Buddhist priest on Mount Ibuki of Mino Province. This priest was named Sanshu and he knew nothing but the reciting of holy Buddhist sutras and spent many years doing only this.

He taught his students only to recite sutras, but many were worried that Sanshu neglected to teach anything else.

One night, when he was reciting a sutra, Sanshu heard a clear melodic voice call to him from the sky saying, "Because you have been so devoted, reciting so many sutras for me, I will come to fetch you tomorrow at the hour of the sheep (1:00pm to 3:00pm)."

Excited at this, the next day Sanshu purified himself according to the Buddha, told his students to recite a sutra with him and, facing the west, waited for the coming of the Buddha.

At the hour of the sheep, he saw Amida Butsu (Amitābha) "The Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light," in all his shining gold radiance, appearing from the mountains in the west. Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas) surrounded him, flying about him chanting beautiful holy words and playing beautiful music. Showers of lotus petals were falling from the sky and carpeting the ground.

In the midst of bright purple clouds, Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara), "The Buddhist Goddess of Compassion," appeared and gave the priest a golden cushion. The Bosatsu carried him away to the west on the golden cushion.

After witnessing this, the students who were left watching began to value even more the reciting of holy sutras.

However, seven days later, when another priest went into the mountains, he heard someone shouting out sutras from the top of a tall cedar tree. He looked carefully and saw Sanshu, naked, tied to the top of the tree reciting sutras. Climbing to the top of the tree he untied Sanshu and asked what had happened.

"Why did you untie me? The Buddha told me to wait here for a bit until he comes back to fetch me." Sanshu became insane, and died three days later.

This is the story of a priest who, because he lacked the wisdom of the Buddha and knowledge of butsuhõ (the Buddha Dharma), was deceived by a tengu. The condition of maen (ma-en) (deception by Ma, the demon deceiver) and the state of sanbõ no kyõgai (The Three Treasures) are not the same.

Because Sanshu lacked the wisdom of the Buddha, he could not tell the difference between the two, and was therefore deceived. Sanshu could not differentiate between Ma and The Buddha, so he was led astray by a tengu.

Incorrect Buddhist practice leads to conditions that attract evil, that attract the powers of Ma. Wrong minded Buddhist practice leads to destruction. Only with correct practice and formal training under an accomplished Buddhist master attuned to the powers of The Buddha can one hope to achieve merit. One can only hope to correct en (the conditions of a previous life) through The Buddha's wisdom.

From the Buddhist collection of teachings and tales,
the Konjaku Monogatarishū written between 1120 and 1140.
- source : © James Kemlo


Mount Ibuki is 1377 m high.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県

In the village of 唐丹村 Tonimura the deity O-Shirasama comes to help is a home burns or there is a forest fire. This is related to legends of 飛行というと天狗 a Tengu called Hiko or the 仙人 saints of the mountains and other Buddhist deities.

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ "White Deity" .

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県

A man called 他惣治 Tasoji from 山添村 Yamazoe village once saw a huge firefly of more than 30 cm long. He followed it into the forest all the way to the top of 神野山 Mount Konoyama. There the firefly turned into a Tengu and Tasoji became its disciple. He studied for three days and three nights, and learned how to fly. When he came back to the village, he found his fellow villagers looking for him everywhere.
Tasoji could fly from Nara to Ueno in just two hours. He was now called

Tasoji Tengu 他惣治天狗

source : vill.yamazoe.nara.jp/folktales

Other sources say Tasoji was invited by
Iga no Ao-Tengu 伊賀の青天狗 the Green Tengu from Iga
Konoyama no Aka-Tengu 神野山の赤天狗 the Red Tengu from Konoyama .

................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県

In the 板野郡 Itano district at the back of Oasahiki Shrine there lived a Tengu. If someone would stay with him for one year, eat only fruit of the forest trees an wild plants, he would be able to fly freely and become a 仙人 mountain saint, never to die. But the humans are usually threatened by this Tengu and he places them on a wooden door (toita) and carries them back to their home. Therefore those who came back are called
toita sennin 戸板仙人 Mountain Saint of the Wooden Door

. Oasahiko Jinja 大麻比古神社 Oasahiko Shrine .
Naruto, Tokushima


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #sanshuandtengu #sanshupriest #ibukiyama -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 9/16/2016 11:09:00 am

DARUMA Tobeyaki Tobe ware



Tobe-yaki 砥部焼 pottery

source : Washo DARUMA


- quote
Tobe Ware
Tobe ware is hand painted with indigo color on white ceramic. It has a feminine softness. Tobe ware is not produced on a large scale, but it is often seen used to serve Sanuki udon.

The mountains near Tobe in Ehime prefecture are blessed with good quality pottery clay and abundant pine trees that are ideal for firing kilns. The craft was thus developed early on, under the guidance and support of Ozu Domain, a samurai lord in the province. Today, more than two hundred years later, the philosophy and practice of hand painting is very much alive. And four types of Tobe ware were officially recognized as Traditional Crafts of Japan in 1976. They are white ware, painted pieces, blue ware, and black glaze ware. All of these are made exclusively with local materials. Since the designs are practical and modern, Tobe ware has a great number of fans all over Japan. In recent years, local young artists have introduced materials imported from other regions and started to created new variations of the Tobe style rather than stay with tradition. As a result, Tobe ware has evolved into one of the Japanese crafts with the most variety in these modern times.

Tobe also hosts the Tobe Ware Festival twice a year, in the spring and fall. During this time, the streets around the Chamber of Commerce are used exclusively for pedestrians. People can walk around freely and admire wares at the more than 60 pottery stalls that set up in the neighborhood. This is a very popular event for bargain hunters. The festival also offers an auction which has great popularity among tourists.

The subtle design of Tobe ware goes well with almost anything so it can be used as western tableware. Tube's gentle, relatively light colors also make for good children's tableware. Some pottery factories even offer plant tours where visitors can hand paint Tobe ware themselves and take it home!
Tobe-yaki tourism center En'no sato
359 Senzoku Tobecho Iyo-gun Ehime-ken
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts


CLICK for more photos !

Introducing the various potters and their items:
- reference source : e-tobeyaki.com -


町立久万美術館 - Kuma Museum of Art
1442-7 Kochi, Niban, Oazasugo, Kuma-cho, Kamiukena-gun, Ehime Pref., 791-1205

The Kuma Museum of Art was founded in 1988 to exhibit the private collection of IBE Eiji.. The collection includes modern Japanese paintings, as well as pottery and porcelain. There are more than 560 pieces of ancient Tobe-yaki and contemporary ceramic works. Special events are held once a year.

梅山古陶資料館 - Umeyama Ancient Pottery Museum
1441 Ominami, Tobe-cho, Iyo-gun, Ehime Pref., 791-2132

The Umeyama Ancient Pottery Museum was founded in 1965. The collection includes focuses on ancient Tobe-yaki, its historical literature, and paintings.
- source : e-yakimono.ne -


- reference : tobeyaki tobe ware ehime -


- #dtobeyaki #tobeware #tobepottery -

19 Sept 2016

EDO - Food vendors


Food vendors

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
Food vendors in Edo

Since many men lived alone in Edo, food vendors had a good clientel. Fast food was also "invented" in Edo.
The vendors would come in the morning and evening to call out their merchandise, thus being some kind of "clock" for the people to know the time and adjust their living to it.

- - - - - This is part of the main entry about
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .  

. WASHOKU - 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo - 江戸料理百選 .


. Toshimaya 豊島屋 first Izakaya in Edo (1596) .

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo .
The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.

. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant .
八百屋善四郎 Yaoya Zenshiro
江戸流行料理通 Edo Ryuko Ryori-Tsu - - Book by Zenshiro

. Nihonbashi Uogashi 日本橋魚河岸 Fish Market in Edo .


Oedo Tabemono Saijiki 大江戸食べもの歳時記 Food Saijiki
永山久夫 Nagayama Hisao

- source : www.kumanichi-jb.co.jp


浮世絵に見る 江戸の食卓 Food of Edo seen in Ukiyo-E prints
林 綾野 Hayashi Ayano
- source : artsfield.jp/lecture -


akaiwashi uri 赤鰯売り selling "red iwashi sardines"

aka-iwashi 赤鰯 are dried, salted pickled sardines. They were best sold during the time of Setsubun rituals in Spring.
aka-iwashi was also another name for a rusty sword.

. hiiragi uri 柊売 selling holly branches .
Holly and Sardine Head (hiiragi iwashi 柊鰯)
You pierce the head and eat the sardine !
The holly branch with the fish head is placed outside of the front door to ward off evil influence and keep you healthy. The demons do not like the smell of this fish and keep off. Demons also fear the sharp needles of the holly pierce their eyes, so both together are a powerful talisman. This custom is more common in the Kansai area.


. amazake uri 甘酒売り selling sweet rice wine .
"over night drink", hitoyazake 一夜酒(ひとよざけ)- sold in summer

. ame-uri, ameuri 飴売り candy vendors of Edo.
ameya, ame-ya 飴屋 sweets and candy maker and vendor

. aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor - Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 .

. hatsugatsuo uri 初鰹売り selling first Katsuo bonito .

. hiyamizu uri 冷や水売り selling cold drinking water .
mizu-uri 水売 (みずうり) vendor of water / koori uri 氷売 (こおりうり) vendor of ice blocks
shiratama uri 白玉売 vendor of Shiratama sweets
- - - - - . 志ら玉 Shiratama sweets in Edo - ukiyo-e .

. Izakaya in Edo 江戸の居酒屋 drinking Sake .


旅したい!おいしい浮世絵―NHK趣味どきっ! 2016
Traveling in Edo with Ukiyo-E prints and food !

江戸のすし Sushi / 江戸のうなぎ Unagi / 江戸の天ぷら Tempura / 江戸のそば Soba / 江戸のおやつ O-Yatsu snack
東海道名物 Tokaido / 京都の豆腐料理 Kyoto / 上方の清酒 Kamigata/Osaka
- reference : nhk.or.jp/kurashi/doki-tue-


. momonjiya ももんじ屋 ・百獣屋 
selling meat "from one-hundred wild animals" .

kedamonoya 獣屋 dealers in wild animals
yamaokuya 山奥屋 dealers with stuff from the far-away mountains
kusuriguiho 薬食舗 restaurant serving "medicine" meat

koojimachi kitsune o uma ni nosete kuru

Kojimachi town -
a fox comes riding
on a horse

. Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district in Edo .

. monjiyakiya  文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" .
mojiyaki 文字焼き "frying letters".
This is the fore-runner of okonomiyaki お好み焼き.

shamoji hodo fude de wa kakenu mojiyakiya

with a spatula
he writes better than with a pen -
the "fried letters" chef


. mukimi uri, mukimi-uri 剥き身売り selling shelled (stripped) clams .
like asari, hamaguri etc. - asari mukin, hamaguri mukin 浅蜊むきん蛤むきん

. nattoo uri 納豆売り natto vendor in Edo .

. niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food .
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke
- niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船

. satoo uri 砂糖売 selling sugar .
and 砂糖水 selling sugar-water

. senbeiya, senbei-ya せんべい / 煎餅屋 selling Sembei 煎餅 (irimochi) rice crackers .

. sobaya 蕎麦屋 Soba buckwheat noodle shops and stalls .

. soomen uri 索麺売 selling thin somen noodles .

. sushi-uri, sushiuri  寿司売り / 鮨売り sushi vendor .
- - - inarizushi uri 稲荷寿司売り / 稲荷鮨売り vendor of Inarizushi

. takenoko uri たけのこ売り vendor of bamboo shoots .
- - - - - takenoko 江戸の筍 / 竹の子 bamboo shoots in Edo

. tamago uri, tamago-uri 卵売り 玉子売り selling eggs (raw and boiled) .

. tenpuraya, tenpura ya 天麩羅屋 / てんぷら Tempura stalls .

. tokoroten uri ところてん売り selling Tokoroten jelly .

. toofuya, toofu-ya, tôfu ya  豆腐屋 / とうふ屋 Tofu makers .
toofu uri 豆腐売り vendor of Tofu, Tofu salesman
toofu, tōfu 豆腐 Tofu, Dofu, bean curd

. uiroo uri 外郎売り selling Uiro sweets and 透頂香 medicine .

. unagiya うなぎ屋 eel restaurant .
unagi no kabayaki 鰻の蒲焼き skewered grilled eel

source : www.library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals
- TBA -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

urimeshi ni yuu-kogarashi no kakari keri

on the food for sale
the winter wind blows
this evening

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


shamoji hodo fude de wa kakenu mojiyakiya

with a spatula
he writes better than with a pen -
the "fried letters" chef

. monjiyakiya  文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" in Edo .


- - - - - Further reading

Edo no gaishoku bunka 江戸の外食文化

- source : park11.wakwak.com/~kitai/Kitai_Shoyu


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

- #foodedo #edofood #footvendors -

17 Sept 2016

EDO - shokunin craftsmen ABC list

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

- - - - - ABC List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 - - - - -

A craftsman making tools and things was often called ...shi 師,
while the vendor of his products was called ...ya 屋.

takumi 匠 master craftsman, master artisan

- under construction -

. Food-related craftsmen and business in Edo .
tabemono 食べ物 - shokuhin 食品


. bugushi 武具師 making armor and weapons .
- - - - - tooken kaji 刀剣鍛冶 sword smith etc.
mostly swords, bows and arrows.

. bunshinshi, bunshin shi 文身師 making tatoos (bunshin) .
irezumi 刺青 tatoo


. choochinshi, chōchin-shi 提灯師 making Chochin paper lanterns .


. daiku 大工 carpenter . - tooryoo 棟梁 Toryo, master carpenter
miyadaiku 宮大工 "shrine carpenter"

- - - . Hida no takumi 飛騨の匠 Master Builders from Hida .


. fudeya 筆屋 making writing brushes .

. fukuromonoshi 袋物師 / 嚢物師 making bags and pouches .
fukuromonoya 袋物屋 shop for bags and pouches
fukuromono tonya 袋物問屋 pouches wholesaler


. gangueshi, gangu eshi 玩具絵師 painter of toys .
and more about Edo toys

. garasu ku 硝子工 glass blowers .
biidoroya, biidoro-ya 硝子屋 craftsman making glass ware

. getaya 下駄屋 making Geta wooden clogs .


. hakeshi 刷毛師 making brushes .

. hanabishi 花火師 firework makers .
hanabi uri 花火売り street vendors of small firework
Ryogoku no hanabi 両国の花火 famous firework in Edo

. hashishi, hashi shi 箸師 / hashiya 箸屋 making chopsticks .

. harikoshi, hariko shi 張子師 artisan making papermachee dolls .
- - - - - harikoya, hariko ya 張子屋 shop selling Hariko dolls

. himonoshi 檜物師 "artisan making things from Hinoki cypress wood" .
magemonoshi 曲物師 craftsmen of bentwood products
The vendors of their products were called himonoya 檜物屋.

. hinaningyoshii, hina ningyoo shi 雛人形師 making Hina dolls .
Edobina, Edo-bina 江戸雛

. hookishi, hooki shi 箒師 making brooms, Besenmacher .
hookiya 箒屋 vendor of brooms, 「hooki uri ほうき売り」and「hooki kai ほうき買い」


. idohorishi, idohori shi 井戸堀師 digging a well - ido .
mizuya 水屋 water salesmen
mizubugyoo, mizu bugyō 水奉行 waterworks administrator

. inrooshi, inroo shi 印籠師 Inro maker - 印籠 / 印篭 / いんろう .

. ishi ku, ishiku, sekkoo 石工 stone mason .

. itamae, ita mae 板前 chef cook .


. jigyooshi 地形師 "ground-preparing" worker, ground leveling worker .



. kagamishi 鏡師 mirror maker .

. kagoshi 籠師 basket maker .
..... mushikago 虫かご / 虫籠 basket, cage for keeping insects
..... seiokago, seoi-kago 背負いかご / 背負い籠 backpack basket
..... yurikago ゆりかご / 揺り籃 cradle
..... zaru ざる / 笊 bamboo basket

. kago 篭 / 駕籠 / かご, kagoshi 篭師 palanquin maker .

. kajiya 鍛冶屋 blacksmith .
fuigo matsuri 鞴祭 bellows festival

. kamadoshi, kamado-shi かまど師 / 竈師 making the earthen hearth .
- - - - - kamabutashi kamabuta-shi 釜蓋師 making a lid for the iron pot
- - - - - Kamafuta Jinja 釜蓋神社 "Kamafuta Shrine", Kagoshima

. kamisukishi、kamisuki shi 紙漉き師 making paper, paper making artisan .
kamiya, kami-ya 紙屋 paper maker

. kamiyuishi 髪結師 Kamiyui hairdo master, hairdresser .
- - - - - motoyui 元結い / mageyui 髷結い

. kappaya, kappa-ya 合羽屋 Kappa raincoat maker .

. kasashi, kasa-shi 傘師 making paper umbrellas .
kasa hari 傘張り gluing paper to umbrellas

. katatsukeshi, kata-tsuke shi 型付師 pattern maker for dyeing patterns .
katahori shokunin 型堀職人 pattern carver

. katchuushi 甲冑師 / busokushi 具足師 making Yoroi suit of armor .
yoroizaiku 鎧細工

. katsurashi, katsura shi 鬘師 wig maker / kamojiya 髪文字屋 / 髢屋 .

. kijishi 木地師 maker of wooden items, wood turner .
kijiya 木地屋 dealer, vendor of wooden items

. kiseruya, kiseru-ya 煙管屋 making long tobacco pipes .

. komashi, koma shi 独楽師 making spinning tops .
Edo koma, Edo-koma 江戸独楽 spinning top from Edo
tsurigoma 釣り独楽 "fishing spinning tops" // or teguruma, te-guruma 手車 "hand wheel"
teguruma uri 手車売り vendor of a "hand wheel" toy

. konya 紺屋 making "blue" things, cloth dyer .
- aizomeya 藍染め屋, aizome shokunin 染物職人 artisan dyeing with indigo
- 土屋五郎右衛門 Tsuchiya Goroemon

. kumihimoshi 組紐師 making Kumihimo ribbons .
- - - - - itokumi 糸くみ

. kurenaishi, kurenai shi 紅師 making lip red from safflowers .
beni no hana 紅の花、紅花, 紅藍花 Benibana, safflower
They also used the color to dye cloth.

. kushishi, kushi shi 櫛師 comb maker .
kushi, tsugegushi 柘植櫛 combs in Edo
The Art of Japanese Hair Comb Patterns
wakare no kushi 別れの櫛 comb of separation


. masushi, masu shi 枡師 making square Masu measuring cups .
tsurukake masu 弦掛枡 / kijimasu 木地枡
Kyoomasu 京枡 Kyo-masu, Kyoto-Masu / Edo masu 江戸枡
Kyoto 枡座 Masu-Za - 福井作左衛門 Fukui Sakuzaemon
Edo 枡座 Masu-Za - 樽屋藤左衛門 / 樽屋与左衛門 Taruya Yozaemon

. makieshi, maki-e shi 蒔絵師 making sprinkled lacquer items .

. monuwaeshi, mon uwa eshi 紋上絵師 painting family crests .
- kamon 家紋 family crest

. mushikagozukuri 虫かごづくり / 虫籠づくり making basket for keeping insects .
mushiya 虫家, mushi-uri 虫売り dealer for insects
mushiko uri 虫籠売り vendor of insect baskets and cages


. niwashi 庭師, uekiya 植木屋 gardener .
伊兵衛三之烝 Ihei Sannojo in Somei 染井

. nuibarishi 縫針師 making sewing needles .
maigiri 舞錐 "dancing drill" (mawashigiri 回し錐).

. nuihakushi 縫箔師 / nuimonoshi 縫物師 making embroidered goods .
- Edo Shishu 江戸刺繍 Embroidery from Edo

. nurishi, nuri-shi 塗師 lacquer master .
nushichoo 塗師町 laquer workers district / urushi 漆 laquer
kijishi 生地師(きぢし)prepared the vessels
nurishi 塗師 applied the lacquer base
makie-shi 蒔絵師(まきえし)applied the inlay images


. okeya 桶屋 bucket makers .
living in 桶町 Okecho, Okemachi, "Bucket district"

. oshieshi, oshi-e shi 押絵師 making raised cloth pictures .
oshi-e 押し絵 / 押絵 raised or padded cloth picture, fabirc picture, lit. pressed picture

. oshiroishi, o-shiroi shi 白粉師 making white face powder .


. radenzaikushi, raden zaiku shi 螺鈿細工師 craftsman making Raden items .
raden - mother-of-pearl

. roosokushi 蠟燭師 making candles .
roosokuya 蠟燭屋 Rosoku-ya
roosoku no nagare kai ロウソクの流れ買い buying candle wax drippings
Kanda, Roosokuchoo 蠟燭町 Rosoku district in Edo
roosoku 蝋燭, waroosoku 和蝋燭 Japanese candle



. sashimonoya 指物屋 furniture maker .
- Edo Sashimono 江戸指物 Wood Joinery
. seihonshi 製本師 bookbinder - Buchbinder .
. shakan, sakan 左官 plasterer, stucco master .
kote-e 鏝絵 "painting with plaster", relief painting
often as decorations on the storehouse of rich merchants.
- and
shikkuishi 漆喰師 making lime plaster walls

. shamisenshi 三味線師 Shamisen maker .

. shiborizomeshi, shibori some shi 絞染師 dyeing with Shibori technique .
- aizome 藍染 dyeing with indigo

. shitateya 仕立屋 making robes (seamstress, tailor) .
- omonoshi 御物師, shinmyoo 針妙 Shinmyo

. shoogishi 将棋師 making Shogi tiles and boards .
shoogi, shōgi 将棋 Shogi generals' chess, Japanese chess
. suzurishi 硯師 making stones to rub ink .
suzuri 翡翠硯(すずり)硯 inkstone


. tabiya, tabi-ya 足袋屋 making split-toe Tabi socks .
足袋店 shop selling Tabi

. tansuya 箪笥屋 Tansu maker, craftsman making chest of drawers . .

. tatamiya 畳屋 Tatami mat maker .

. tateguya 建具屋 making doors and sliding doors .
fusuma 襖 , shooji 障子 sliding doors and wooden decorations

. temarizukuri 手まり、手毬づくり making Temari balls .

. tenuguiya, tenugui-ya 手ぬぐい屋 / 手拭屋 making hand towels .

. teppoo kaji 鉄砲鍛冶 gunsmith producing Teppo matchlocks .

. tobishoku, tobi-shoku 鳶職 construction workers .
鳶 tobi、鳶口 tobiguchi、鳶の者

. togishi 研ぎ師 polisher of mirrors, swords and blades .
- kenma 研磨 sword polishing

. tookooshi 陶工師 suetsukuri 陶工 Tokoshi, potter .


tookoo 刀工 swordmaker

photo wikipedia

. katana 日本刀 the Japanese sword .


. tsuchiningyooshi, tsuchi ningyoo shi 土人形師 making clay dolls .

. tsukegishi, tsukegi shi 付木師 making Tsukegi "matches" .

. tsumamizaikushiつまみ細工師 making ornaments with tsumami (pinching) techniques .
Edo Tsumami-Kanzashi 江戸つまみ簪 Ornamental Hairpins

. tsurizaoshi 釣竿師 making fishing rods .
wazao 和竿 "Japanese fishing rod" - Edo Wazao 江戸和竿 Edo Bamboo Fishing Rods


. uchiwashi, uchiwa shi 団扇師 making handfans .

. uekiya 植木屋 / niwashi 庭師 gardener .
伊兵衛三之烝 Ihei Sannojo in Somei 染井

. ukiyo-e shi 浮世絵師 Ukiyo-e producer .
ukiyo-e, lit. pictures of the floating world. Paintings and woodblock prints.
- planned by the publisher hanmoto 版元 and produced in collaboration with the painter/designer eshi 絵師, carver horishi 彫師 and printer surishi 摺師.


. yaneya 屋根屋 roof maker, roofer - kawaraya 瓦屋/ 瓦師 roof tile maker .

. yanebuki 屋根葺 roofing with thatch .
. . . . . Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers

- - - - - . hafu 破風 gables and roofs .
- - - - - . kokerabukishi, kokerabuki-shi 柿葺師 craftsman roofing with wooden shingles .


. yuuzenzomeshi 友禅染師 dyeing Yuzen cloths .


. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
- Introduction -

. Construction work for a Japanese Home .
- with more specialized craftsmen

. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. Traditional Crafts of Edo - Tokyo .

- #shokuninabc #edoshokunin #craftsmen #takumi #artisan -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 10/22/2015 11:05:00 am