30 Apr 2017

TEMPLE EDO - Gofunai temples 58 and 59

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 58 - Kootoku-in, Kōtoku-in 光徳院 Kotoku-In

- 七星山 Shichiseizan 光徳院 Kotoku-In 息災寺 Sokusai-Ji
中野区上高田五丁目18-3 / 5 Chome-18-3 Kamitakada, Nakano ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded around 1600, maybe by 亮珎 who died in 1641.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
There is also a statue of 千手観音 Kannon with 1000 arms made by 菅原道真 Sugawara no Michizane, while he was in exile in Dazaifu. Now in a special Kannon Hall in the compound.

The temple was first located in 麹町 Kojimachi, later moved to 市ヶ谷田町 Ichigaya Tamachi and then to 牛込柳町 Ushigome Yanagimachi.
It was finally moved to its present location in 1910.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji in Shikoku :
たちよりて作礼の堂にやすみつつ 六字を唱え経を読むべし
Tachi yorite sarei no doo ni yasumitsutsu rokuji o tonae kyoo o yomu beshi

. Nr. 58 - 作礼山 Sareizan 千光院 Senko-In 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
山の手三十三観音霊場 Yamanote 33 Kannon temples - Nr. 22

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/nakano

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .

光徳院五重塔 five-storied pagoda
15 m high, built in 1955.




- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 (845 - 903) .


Nr. 59 - Muryooji 無量寺 Muryo-Ji

- 仏法山 / 佛寶山 Buppozan 西光院 Saiko-In 無量寺 Muryo-Ji
北区西ヶ原1-34-8 / 1 Chome-34-8 Nishigahara, Kita ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple foundation is not known, but maybe it dates back to the Kamakura period.
In 1648 it is mentioned in the records of Edo. It was first named 佛寶山長福寺 Chofuku-Ji, but the name was changed later when it became clear that the name of the 9th Shogun was wirtten with the same characters, 長福丸 Nagatomi-Maru.

The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.

In the 大師堂 Hall for Kobo Daishi there is a statue of 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu:
raiyoke no honzon 雷除けの本尊 ward to ward off thunder


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji in Shikoku :
守護のため建ててあがむる国分寺 いよいよめぐむ薬師なりけり
Shugo no tame tatete agamuru Kokubunji iyoiyo megumu Yakushi nari keri

. 59 - 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :


Stone memorial of the Six Amida

In the main hall is a statue of 阿弥陀如来坐像 a seated Amida Nyorai, part of the 江戸六阿弥陀 Pilgrimage to six Amida Nyorai Temples.
People come here to pray especially during the spring and autumn equinox to pray for their rebirth in heaven. They combined this trip with enjoying cherry blossoms and red autumn leaves in the compound.

. 江戸六阿弥陀 6 Amida Nyorai Temples . - Nr. 03


- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 - Toshima Henro - Nr. 59
上野王子駒込辺三十三ヶ所観音霊場 Ueno 33 Kannon temples - Nr. 03

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/kita


無量寺鐘楼 bell tower

ことぶき地蔵 Kotobuki Jizo

In August on the 24th day, the ritual of "Jizo Bon" is celebrated with candles and lanterns. Children have the chance to take part in a Sumo wrestling competition.


The main statue is
ashidome Fudo 足止め不動 Fudo who stopped the thief

Once upon a time in the evening, a thief sneeked in to steal the statue of Fudo Myo-O. But right in front of the statue he could not move any more. Next morning he was found and taken care of.

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .


At the entrance of the temple are two "Tanuki priests" to usher the pilgrim inside:



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

Tokugawa Ieshige 徳川家重
(January 28, 1712 – July 13, 1761) was the ninth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan.

The first son of Tokugawa Yoshimune, his mother was the daughter of Ōkubo Tadanao, known as Osuma no kata. His mother died in 1713 when he was only 2 years old, so he was raised by Yoshimune's concubine, Okon no Kata but later Okon give birth to Tokugawa Munetake so he was raised by another of Yoshimune's concubines, Okume no Kata as her biological son.
His childhood name was Nagatomi-maru.
- MORE in the wikipedia ! -


- reference : 御府内八十八 光徳院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 無量寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #kotokuji #muryoji - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 3/14/2017 02:48:00 pm

PERSONS - Shrines - Soga Iruka Emishi

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Soga no Emishi 蘇我蝦夷 and Iruka 蘇我入鹿 と伝説 Legends
Soga no uji 蘇我氏 the Soga clan

- quote -
Soga no Emishi 蘇我蝦夷 (587 – July 11, 645)
was a statesman of the Yamato Imperial Court. His alternative names include Emishi (毛人) and Toyoura no Ōomi (豊浦大臣). After the death of his father Soga no Umako, Emishi took over Ōomi, the Minister of state, from his father.
According to the Nihonshoki,
from the end of the reign of Empress Suiko to that of Empress Kōgyoku, Emishi enjoyed influence in the court. After the death of Empress Suiko, Emishi succeeded in installing Prince Tamura on the throne as Emperor Jomei by citing the will of Empress Suiko. Although Prince Yamashiro was another candidate, Emishi murdered Sakaibe no Marise, his uncle who nominated Oe no Ou, paving the way for his favorite. After the discernment of Emperor Jomei, Emishi supported Empress Kōgyoku.
His daughter, Soga no Tetsuki no Iratsume, was a wife of Emperor Jomei and bore Emperor Jomei one daughter Princess Yata.
In 645, when his son Iruka was murdered in front of the Empress, Emishi committed suicide the next day.
- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
Soga no Iruka 蘇我入鹿 (? - July 10, 645)
was the son of Soga no Emishi a statesman in the Asuka Period of Japan.

He was assassinated at court in a coup d'état involving Nakatomi no Kamatari and Prince Naka-no-Ōe ("Isshi no hen" 乙巳の変; Murder in the Year of Isshi - Isshi Incident), who accused him of trying to murder Prince Yamashiro, a charge which Soga no Iruka denied.
Soga no Emishi also committed suicide soon after his son's death, and the main branch of the Soga clan became extinct. Prince Naka-no-Oe latter ascended the throne as Emperor Tenji, and Nakatomi no Kamatari was promoted and given the name Fujiwara no Kamatari.
- - - - - In 2005, the remains of a building which may have been Soga no Iruka's residence were discovered in Nara. This discovery appeared to be consistent with the description found in Nihon Shoki.
- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
Soga no Umako 蘇我馬子 (?551 - June 19, 626)
was the son of Soga no Iname and a member of the powerful Soga clan of Japan.
In the late 6th century, Soga no Umako went to great lengths to promote Buddhism in Japan, and was instrumental in its acceptance.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Iruka Soga's kubizuka 首塚 Head Mound
Iruka Soga's Kubizuka, Asuka, Asuka Village. It is located on the edge of rice field, about 100 m west of Asukadera 飛鳥寺 Asuka-dera temple. It is the oldest one in Japan, founded by Soga no Umako.
There was a public space in the west of Asuka-dera, where Emperor Tenji played "kemari" kickball with Fujiwara-no-Kamatari and planned to assassinate the clan leader Soga no Iruka.

This head mound monument, reportedly made in the Kamakura Period (1285-1333), indicates the mound where
Iruka Soga (蘇我 入鹿, ?-645)'s head was allegedly buried.

He was assassinated by Prince Naka-no-Oe (中大兄皇子), Saeki-no-muraji-komaro (佐伯連子麻呂) and
Kazuragi-no-waka-Inukai-no-muraji-Amita (葛城稚犬養網田) in the presence of the 35th Empress Kogyoku (皇極天皇, 594-661; r.642-645) at the Asuka-Itabuki-no-miya Palace (飛鳥板葺宮), which is called
"Isshi no hen" (乙巳の変; the Murder in the Year of Isshi, Isshi Incident) on June 12, 645.

Empress Kogyoku, deeply shocked at the murder, soon abdicated the throne to
the 36th Emperor Kotoku (孝徳天皇, 596?-654; r.645-554).

The Soga-clan was a very powerful family who took over the reins of government and killed
Shotoku Taishi (聖徳太子)'s son Prince Yamashiro-no-Oe (山背大兄皇子), but they perished in 645 by Prince Naka-no-Oe (中大兄皇子; later Tenji-tenno [天智天皇], 626-678;r.668-671) and Kamatari Nakatomi (中臣鎌足, 614-669), the founder of the Fujiwara clan (藤原氏). It is called "Taika-no-Kaishin" (大化の改新; the Reformation of the Taika Era).

Copyright (c) 2006 Eishiro Ito. All rights reserved.
- source : :Atelier Aterui - with more information !

. kubizuka 首塚 head mounds of Japan .


Iruka Jinja 入鹿神社 Iruka Shrine
奈良県橿原市小綱町 / Shokocho, Kashihara, Nara

Deities in residence
蘇我入鹿 Soga no Iruka
スサノオ Susanoo (since Meiji)

The main deity is a wooden statue of a seated Iruka:

(replica of the statue)

Around the shrine are many families with the name of Soga 「蘇我」- 「曽我」.
曽我町 Soga town is close by and there is the shrine 宗我都比古神社 Sogatsuhuiko Jinja founded by
蘇我馬子 Soga no Umako, where the Soga clan is venerated.

In the Meiji period, it was thought improper to venerate a human as deity, so Susanoo was enshrined.
The name of the shrine was to be changed to 小綱神社 Koami Jinja, but due to strong protest of all the Soga around, the name IRUKA was kept.
In the compound of the shrine was also a temple, 仏起山普賢寺 Bukkizan Fugen-Ji, where 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai is venerated. In the Meiji period, the temple was destructed, and the statue of Dainichi Nyorai given to temple 成等山正蓮寺 Shoren-Ji.

Part of the temple named 大日堂 Dainichi Do Hall with the statue remains to our day.


門脇 禎二


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
犬山市 Inuyama

Iruka-ike 入鹿池 Iruka Pond

ryuujin 龍神 Dragon Deity
Once the Dragon Deity of the Iruka Pond turned herself into a young woman and got married to a human.
Once a man named 福富信蔵 Fukutomi Nobuzo had a visitor every night and when their talk was over, she went to the Iruka pond, slipped in as a serpent and then became a dragon. But he could not get her as his wife.

Iruka no Sato 入鹿の里 Hometown of Iruka, at the Iruka Pond

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

Soga no Iruka's Assassination.

After the beheading, the head of Iruka took off to the sky with a loud roar.
Three villages in Nara prefecture claim to be the place where his head landed.

橿原市 Kashihara

Soga Iruka no kubi 蘇我入鹿の首 the head of Iruka
When Kamatari beheaded Iruka, his head flew away, an fell down at home near the bridge 橿原市曽我の首落橋.
The house nearby was called おって屋 Otte-ya.

source : kashikoken-yushikai.org/index

桜井市 Sakurai

Soga Iruka no kubi 蘇我入鹿の首 the head of Iruka
Near the shrine 多武峰談山神社 Tanzan Jinja there is a huge rock where Iruka hid. But he was found by Kamatari and beheaded.

The head then took off with a roar. and fell down at 談上ヶ森 / 談所ヶ森 Tanjo no Mori.
On that night there was a great storm in the region.

. Tanzan Jinja 談山神社 Tanzan Shrine .
多武峯社 Tōnomine Shrine
and Fujiwara no Kamatari 藤原釜足

高市郡 Takaichi district 明日香村 Asukamura

Soga Iruka no kubi 蘇我入鹿の首 the head of Iruka
When Kamatari beheaded Iruka, his head flew away with a loud roar. The head then begun to pursue Kamatari, who run away, passed Tonomine and run all the way to Asukamura, to the shrine 気都和既神社 Kitsuwaki Jinja. There Kamatari thought "The head will not find me here and not come here " (ここまでくれば、もうこぬ moo kone), and sat down on a rock in the forest which is now called
moo kon no mori もうこんの森 / "もうこの森" "The forest where he will not come", Moko Grove .
The head of Iruka then took off to the border of Ise, to 高見山 Takamiyama.

鎌足の腰掛石 The Rock where Kamatari rested

気都和既神社 Kitsuwaki Jinja
Nara-ken, Takaichi-gun, Asuka-mura, Kamura, 172


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

aki no hebi Soga Iruka no yashin mote

this snake in autumn
seems to be just as ambitions as
Soga Iruka

小林貴子 Kobayashi Takako


Iruka-ike hanbun karete ite midori shi

the Iruka pond
is half dried out
and still so green

神谷定女 Kamiya Teijo


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 4/20/2017 01:31:00 pm

28 Apr 2017

EDO Temple - Ikegami Honmonji

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji   
Chooeizan 長栄山 Choeizan

東京都大田区池上1-1-1 / 1-1-1, Ikegami, Ōta-ku, Tokyo
a temple of the Nichiren sect south of Tokyo, erected where Nichiren is said to have died.

. Nichiren, Saint Nichiren 日蓮 .
(1222 – 1282)


- source : honmonji.jp/foreign -

- HP of the temple 池上本門寺
- reference source : honmonji.jp -


- quote
Ikegami Honmonji
When people talk about "Edo", they usually are referring to the sprawling city that surrounds the castle built by the Shogun. However, not everyone has precisely the same view of what the geographical boundaries of Edo are. There isn't any clear border that divides "Edo" from some other city or province, such as the border between Musashi province and Sagami province, for example. Some people would say that the city's Southern and Western borders are the large gates at Takanawa and Yotsuya. However, the city already sprawls well beyond these two landmarks. The average person usually thinks of "Edo" as a much wider area, extending into the suburbs and farming villages that surround the city, and supply it with much of its food.
For most city residents,
at least, the little town of Ikegami probably represents the furthest southern limit of what they call "Edo". Ikegami is much like any other small farming town in the area, with a few large shops and other buildings lining the main road, clusters of wooden farmhouses with thatched roofs, and extensive fields of rice and vegetables stretching down to the banks of the Tama river. However, one thing about Ikegami distinguishes it from the other villages in the area, and give it an importance in the minds of people not only in Edo, but throughout the country. On top of the steep, flat-topped hill which looms over the town sits a vast temple complex known as Ikegami Honmonji. This is the main temple of one of Edo's strongest Buddhist orders, the so-called Hokke, or "Lotus" sect. The main temple and the multitude of smaller temples, shrines and monesteries dominate the entire town.
The Lotus sect
is an branch of Buddhism which is found only in Japan. The sect was founded by the monk Nichiren back in 1260, and after Nichiren passed away, the site where he was buried became the headquarters of the Lotus sect. For centuries, Ikegami has been the center of religious worship, and a place of pilgrimage for all people who belong to the sect.
- snip -
Nichiren was a poor but very intelligent young man, and at a very early age he became a Buddhist monk. In those days, monesteries were important centers of learning, as well as centers of political power. However, many of the main Buddhist sects had become corrupted by their power, and no longer spend much time on real prayer, meditation and religious devotion. According to tradition, Nichiren spent long years wondering what to do about the corruption. Then, one day he had a revelation which changed his entire life. Thereafter, he decided to try to lead others back to a purer form of religion.
- snip -
Unfortunately, Nichiren was also worn out from his years in exile, and his health began to fail. His followers persuaded him to go to a famous onsen (hot springs) in the northern Kanto area in order to recuperate, but after crossing the Tama river he became so weak and ill that he could not continue. His followers found a place or him to stay at a small temple in Ikegami. Back then, the area was wild and remote. As the name "Ikegami" suggests, the hill on which the temple was built was almost entirely surrounded by marshes and ponds bordering the Tama river. Nichiren died a few weeks later, on October 13, 1282. His followers cremated his body beside the temple, and from that day forward the place where Nichiren died became a holy site for members of the Lotus sect
The road leading into Ikegami
branches off from the Tokaido just a short distance from the river. If you look down the main road you can see the center of town, and a huge stone staircase leading up the hill to the temple complex. Ikegami has grown into a thriving town, since it not only is a center of farming in this area, but also receives hundreds of pilgrims, visiting the temples. On top of the hill, the huge buildings of Ikegami Honmonji soar above even the tall cedar trees that cover the hill. In addition to the many grand buildings and structures on top of the hill, hundreds of smaller temples crowd about its base. The site has become a popular place for the people of Edo to visit, especially those who belong to the Lotus sect.
The main road ends at the base of the hill, and a steep staircase made of large stone blocks lead to the summit of the hill-- 96 steps in all. The broad staircase is thronged with people, passing pilgrims, local villagers making a daily visit to the temple, clusters of street merchants selling religious charms, snacks and other goods, as well as a number of itinerant priests asking the pilgrims for coins.
Climbing up the stairs is exhausting,
but now that we have reached the top, you can take some time to catch your breath. If you look to the south, you can have a great view of the Tama river valley. The Tama basin plays an important role for Edo. This relatively narrow yet fertile plain is filled with rice fields which provide food for the people in the city. It is a truly beautiful sight -- a carpet of lush green that shimmers brightly as the sun reflects off water in the rice paddies. Actually, the majority of the city's food supply comes from farms in the broad plains along the Ara, Edo and Tone rivers, or is brought in by ship from from Naniwa (Osaka). However, those areas are owned by other Daimyo. The land in the Tama basin, on the other hand, is owned directly by the Shogun. The rice grown here, therefore, provides an important supplement to the Shogun's tax revenues.
Although coins are used
for many daily business transactions, rice is still the standard basis of currency and wealth in Edo. All of the Shogun's retainers and samurai are paid salaries based on rice. The standard unit of currency is known as a koku (about 5 bushels of rice). Since rice is the basis of wealth, and the key to maintianing strong finances, Shogun Yoshimune ordered much of the swampy land in the Tama valley to be reclaimed, building dikes and making the land suitable for rice cultivation. For this, and other measures, he earned the nickname kome kubo or "the Rice Shogun".
Well, if you're done enjoying the view, we can move on into the temple itself. As is the case with most Buddhist temples, the entrance to the main temple grounds is guarded by an enormous wooden gate that serves as both an entryway and a watchtower. These gates are not only for decoration. Back in the days when the entire country was at war, temples were often used as fortresses and strong points in the battles. Some of the monks even got involved in the fighting themselves. Therefore, the gates of many temples are as strong and solid as the gates of a castle.
Inside the gate
is a broad, gravel-covered plaza. On either side of the gate are statues of the "Thunder Gods", who guard the entrance and keep evil forces out of the temple grounds.At the opposite end of the plaza is the enormous main hall of the temple. This is used for large gatherings of monks, and it is also the building that the pilgrims visit to make their offerings. Along both sides of the plaza are smaller chapels and shrines to specific gods or saints. Each shrine, as well as the main hall of the temple, has a large offering box in front of the door or building. People throw coins into the box and then clap their hands twice, before saying a prayer. Most people pray for good luck, health or good fortune. There is also a water fountain, where visitors to the temple wash their hands and feet, and rinse out their mouth, to purify themselves before going into the main temple. In front of the temple steps is a huge bronze censer, where monks and visitors burn incense. A column of smoke rises from the enormous bronze vessel, and a wonderful fragrance fills the air.

Ikegami Hommonji also has a five-storied pagoda.
Though there are many temples in Edo, only a few have pagodas, and the one at Ikegami Hommonji is one of the most magnificent. It originally served as a watchtower for the Hokke monks, who were able to scan the Tama valley for any signs that their enemies and persecutors were approaching. Nowadays, though, it is just another decoration in this rich and elaborate temple complex. Although there are many other large temples in Edo, the beautiful rural surroundings and delightful scenery of Ikegami Hommonji make it perhaps the most pleasant and refreshing place to go for a quiet moment of reflection and prayer.
- source : Edomatsu


fukubato, fuku hato omamori 福鳩お守り amulet with auspicious dove
This amulet is only sold from the first day of the New Year until Setsubun in February.

Once in summer there was a long period without rain in the Ikegami area and the farmers were worried about their fields and the crops. Then suddenly they saw a dove flying from Honmon-Ji to a rock and picking at it. When they dug below the rock suddenly clear water begun to flow - a new well was born. They could bring water to the fields and drink again. To show their gratefulness the temple begun to offer an amulet with this the auspicious dove.


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

bara no ame honmonji ura saka o nasu

rain on the roses -
the slope in the back
of Honmon-Ji

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Fujita Sooshi 藤田湘子 Fujita Soshi (1926 - 2005) .

. WKD : bara 薔薇 rose .
- - kigo for various seasons - -


Honmonji sakashita ni tsumu o-mantoo

temple Honmon-Ji -
down at the slope gathering
of light offerings

高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

mantoo, mandoo 万燈 light offerings for Saint Nichiren


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #ikegami #honmonji #ikegamihonmonji #nichiren - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 10/04/2015 09:12:00 am

EDO - Honzaimokucho district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Honzaimokuchoo 本材木町 Honzaimokucho, Honzaimoku-cho district

zaimoku 材木 wood for construction work, lumber, timber
zaimoku shoonin 材木商人 dealers in timber
zaimokudonya, zaimokudoya 材木問屋 timber brokers

Since fires were quite frequent in Edo, the provision of construction wood was essential.
. taika 江戸の大火 Edo no Taika "Great Fires of Edo" .

Timber was transported on boats, so the district is located from Nihonbashi along the river Kaedegawa 楓川 with eight sub-districts along 2 km.
Kaedegawa is now Nihonbashi 3-chome.

To make a difference to Nihonbashi, it was also called 新肴場 Shinsakanaba.

In the beginning, the construction of Edo castle called for a lot of timber to be transported to the town. Also the building of homes for the many new citizens needed timber.
A lot was brokered by timber merchants from Suruga (Shizuoka) and 遠江 Totomi, called in by Tokugawa Ieyasu himself.
They first lived at 道三堀 Dosanbori and八重洲岸 Yaesugishi and were soon moved along the Western side of the Kaedegawa embankment.
The area is now filled in and became the 首都高速都心環状線 Inner Circular Route.

During the Edo period, there were many bridges crossing Kaedegawa.
One of them was 海運橋 Kaiunbashi.
- - - see the WIKIPEDIA for details !

source : 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会

Since 1647, there was an overseer of construction materials for the Shogun's properties
Zaimoku-ishi bugyō 材木石奉行 Saimoku Ishi Bugyo - Bugyo for timber and stones

海運橋と第一国立銀行 Kaiunbashi bridge and the first national bank
- reference source : 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会 -


Shirandoo 芝蘭堂 Shirando Academy
the first private school for rangaku 蘭学 Dutch learning
founded in Honzaimokucho by
. Otsuki Gentaku 大槻玄沢 (1757 - 1827) .

芝蘭堂新元会図 - Waseda University Library


本材木町処刑場跡 Honzaimokucho Keijo - execution ground
was relocated to Shibaguchi.

This is the look of the area today.

. Criminal Punishment in Edo .
keijoo, keijō 刑場 execution ground


Zaimoku Kawagishi 材木河岸 "timber embankment"

zaimokudonya, zaimokudoya 材木問屋 timber brokers

In the beginning there were four big groups
板材木問屋 Itazaimokudoia
熊野問屋 Kumanodoia
川辺問屋 Kawabedoia (炭薪問屋 - also dealing in coal and firewood )
木場材木問屋 Kiba zaimokudoia

In 1701 they were concentrated in 深川木場 Fukagawa kiba. They merged in the course of time and finally there were only
板材木熊野問屋 and 木場材木問屋

. Kiba 木場 "place for wood" .
Lumberyards and Carpenters
on the east bank of the Sumida river.


The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan
Conrad D. Totman

- quote -
This concise volume surveys three hundred years in the history of the lumber industry in early modern (Tokugawa) Japan. In earlier works, Conrad Totman examined environmental aspects of Japan's early modern forest history; here he guides readers through the inner workings of lumber provision for urban construction, providing a wealth of detail on commercial and technological systems of provision while focusing on the convoluted commercial arrangements that moved timber from forest to city despite exceptionally severe environmental and financial obstacles.
Based on scrupulous scholarship in the vast Japanese secondary literature on forest history, The Lumber Industry in Early Modern Japan brings to light materials previously unavailable in English and synthesizes these within a thoughtful ecological framework. Its penetrating examination of the patterns of cooperation and conflict throughout the industry adds significantly to the scholarly corpus that challenges the stock image of Tokugawa rulers and merchants as social enemies. Instead it supports the view of those who have noted the interdependent character of political and economic elites and the long-term strengthening of rural sectors of society vis-a-vis urban sectors.
- - - - - Contents

1. English-Language Approaches to Tokugawa Commerce
2. An Overview of Lumber Provisioning
3. The Process of Timber Transport
4. Entrepreneurial Lumbering in Yamaguni
5. Last Reflections
App. A Plant Species
App. B Table of Measurements
App. C Yoshino Ringyo: A Research Topic.
- source : trove.nla.gov.au/work -


The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Preindustrial Japan
Conrad D. Totman

Professor Totman raises the critical question of how Japan s steeply mountainous woodland has remained biologically healthy despite centuries of intensive exploitation by a dense human population that has always been dependent on wood and other forest products. Mindful that in global terms this has been a rare outcome, and one that bears directly on Japan s recent experience as an affluent, industrial society, Totman examines the causes, forms, and effects of forest use and management in Japan during the millennium to 1870.
He focuses mainly on the centuries after 1600 when the Japanese found themselves driven by their own excesses into programs of woodland protection and regenerative forestry.
source : amazon.co.jp


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
zaimoku 材木 timber, lumber

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
南設楽郡 Minamishitara district

ryuuguu 龍宮 Ryugu Dragon Palace



- reference : nichibun yokai database -
zaimoku 材木 71 to explore (01)


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #honzaimokucho #zaimoku #timberedo #lumberedo - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 4/26/2017 09:54:00 am

EDO - Gofunai temples 56 and 57

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 56 - Yorakuji 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji

- 宝珠山 / 寶珠山 Hojuzan 地蔵院 Jizo-In 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji
北区田端1-25-1 / 1 Chome-25-1 Tabata, Kita ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in the Muromachi period by 秀栄 / 秀榮 Suei.
The main statue is 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu, carved by Kobo Daishi. The statue is not shown.
It is also called
zokuyoke Jizo 賊除地蔵 "Jizo preventing theft".
Once thieves wanted to take the statue away at night, but out of nowhere some monks appeared and could prevent it. When the priest looked at the Jizo statue next morning, its feet were covered in mud from last night's pursuit of the thief.

The temple was first established by Kobo Daishi in Kyoto, but in 1648 it was moved to Edo as the main temple of Ninna-Ji in the Kanto region.

The belief in 女人成仏の本尊 Amida Nyorai as a saviour of women was strong, so the temple became one of the Six Amida Temples in Edo.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 泰山寺 Taisan-Ji in Shikoku :
Mina hito no mairite yagate Taisanji raise no indoo tanomi okitsutsu

. Nr. 56 - 金輪山 Kinrinzan 勅王院 Chokuo-In  泰山寺 Taisan-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
. 江戸六阿弥陀 Six Amida Nyorai Temples . - Nr. 04
豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 Toshima Henro - Nr. 56
上野王子駒込辺三十三ヶ所 Ueno 33 temples ^ Nr. 21

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/kita

. Introduction of Jizo Bosatsu .



Nr. 57 - Myoo-0o-In 明王院 Myoo-In

- 天瑞山 Tenzuizan 明王院 Myoo-In 歓福寺 Kanpuku-Ji
台東区谷中五丁目4-2 / 5 Chome-4-2 Yanaka, Taitō ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1611 by 弁円上人 Saint Benen (Ben'en) on request of 後水尾天皇 Gomizunoo Tenno (1596 - 1680) .
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The temple was a sub-temple of 本所弥勒寺 Honjo Miroku-Ji.
It was first located in Kanda Kitateramachi and moved to a location in Yanaka in 1648, and finally to its present location in Yanaka in 1660.

The Daishido Hall for Kobo Daishi has been rebuilt in 1995.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji in Shikoku :
この世には弓矢を守る八幡なり来世は人を救う弥陀仏   Japanese
Kono yo ni wa yumiya o mamoru yahata nari raise wa hito o sukuu Mida butsu

. Nr. 57 - 府頭山 Futoizan 無量寿院 Muryoju-In  栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/taito

. Introduction of Amida Nyorai .

hookyoointoo 宝篋印塔 Hokyointo stone pagoda
- see below -



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

- quote -
A hōkyōintō (宝篋印塔) is a Japanese pagoda, so called because it originally contained the Hōkyōin (宝篋印) dharani (陀羅尼) sūtra.
A Chinese variant of the Indian stūpa, it was originally conceived as a cenotaph of the King of Wuyue - Qian Liu.

----- Structure and function
Usually made in stone and occasionally metal or wood, hōkyōintō started to be made in their present form during the Kamakura period. Like a gorintō, they are divided in five main sections called (from the bottom up) kaeribanaza (反花座), or "inverted flower seat", kiso (基礎), or base, tōshin (塔身), or body, kasa (笠), or umbrella, and sōrin (相輪), or pagoda finial.
he tōshin is the most important part of the hōkyōintō and is carved with a Sanskrit letter.The 'sōrin has the same shape as the tip of a five-storied pagoda. The kasa can also be called yane (屋根), or roof. It's decorated with four characteristic wings called mimikazari (耳飾) or sumikazari (隅飾).
Different structures exist, and the hōkyōintō property of the Yatsushiro Municipal Museum in Kyushu for example is divided in just four parts, with no kaeribanaza.
The sūtra
contain all the pious deeds of a Tathagata Buddha, and the faithful believe that praying in front of a hōkyōintō their sins will be canceled, during their lives they will be protected from disasters and after death they will go to heaven.
The hōkyōintō tradition in Japan
is old and is believed to have begun during the Asuka period (550–710 CE). They used to be made of wood and started to be made in stone only during the Kamakura period. It is also during this period that they started to be used also as tombstones and cenotaphs.
- source : wikipedia -

. gorintoo, gorintō 五輪塔 Gorinto stone markers .


CLICK for more samples of this stone monument.

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

愛知県 Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama

kyuusekisan 旧跡さん
The founder of 河和城 Kowa castle, 戸田憲光 Toda Norimitsu has his grave at 全忠寺 the temple Zenchu-Ji, where a 宝篋印塔 Hokyointo is situated.
If people behave improperly near this grave, they will be punished and soon become ill.

Zenchu-Ji --- Aichi-ken, Chita-gun, Mihama-chō, Kōwa

山形県 Yamagata 鶴岡市 Tsuruoka

tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell
In the beginning of the Meiji period they wanted to build a school. To pay for it the hanging bell and the Hokyointo of the temple were sold.
Now if there is a strong wind the school building is swaying. Once during a celebration at the school the wind blew off the roof . . .
The elders of the town only laugh at this . . . after all, the hanging temple bell had been sold . . .

. tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


- reference : 御府内八十八 与楽寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 明王院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #yorakuji #myooin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 3/12/2017 02:47:00 pm