28 Jul 2018

EDO - Oi district Shinagawa


Oi district Shinagawa

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Ooi, Ōi 大井 Oi district "Great Well"
東京都品川区 Shinagawa, Higashi 東 East, Nishi 西 West and Minami 南 South Oi

Ooi Musashino 大井武蔵野 Ōi-Musashino
Ooimachi 大井町 Ōi machi

It had this name already in the Heian period and is mentioned in some old records as 大井郷.
The 大井 "Great Well" was dug in 1201 and the local farmers soon called the arae like this.
Another theory about the name
mentions records around 800, where o 大 a lot of igusa 藺草 rushes grew, 大藺 Oi.

In the Edo period it was named Ooi mura 大井村 Oi village.
The district was just outside of Central Edo and thus an easy place to enjoy a relaxed time.
Many Daimyo set up their Shimoyashiki estate here, with close access to the beach.


The Sendai domaine used this estate to have the special Sendai Miso paste made here. Sendai Miso was much more salty than the normal Miso of Edo.
To our day there is a store selling
仙台味噌 Sendai Miso in Oi.

仙台味噌醸造所 - 4 Chome-1-10 Higashioi, Shinagawa

. Miso 味噌 All about Miso paste .

旧仙台坂(くらやみ坂)Old Sendaizaka, now Kurayamizaka slope - "Slope of darkness"


Zeemusu saka, Zēmusu-saka ゼームス坂 Zemusu "James" slope
(旧浅間坂)former Sengenzaka
Named after John Matthews James (1839 - 1908).

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James' Slope
In Central Tokyo, there is a gentle slope which was named after a Western person. It is called "James' Slope". The name of this slope has never been changed since it was first named over 100 years ago, even during an antagonistic renaming campaign during WWII. This name is derived from 'John M. James' (1839-1908) who was a British Captain and had come to Japan to teach navigation skills. His accomplishment greatly contributed to the Japanese Navy and he became known as 'The Father of the Japanese Navy'. Surprisingly, there was something special about him; he was a devoted Nichiren Shū Buddhist. I believe he was the first European Congregation.

In 1860, as soon as Captain James came to Japan, he had a fateful passage to Britain along with two Japanese politicians. Unfortunately they encountered a storm and the ship was wrecked off the coast of Hong Kong. This incident led him to a turning point in his life. First, he made the decision to settle in Japan permanently. Second, he met Mr. Yoshiomi Seki who was a politician. Together they shared their fate from the coast of Hong Kong until they returned to Japan and became life long friends. Later, it is said that Mr. Seki taught Captain James Nichiren Shū Buddhism.

In 1868, he mediated for the Japanese Government in the purchase of battle ships from Britain. After that, he advised the Japanese on the installation of arms and equipment. He also taught the skills of how to cruise a ship and how to rescue a wrecked ship. The Japanese Government thought highly of his contributions. He was promoted to the position of Adviser of the Naval Department, and improved the immature Japanese ship skills to world class level. Because of this accomplishment, he was called the 'Father of the Japanese Navy'. It is mentioned in his own notes that he really wanted to teach Japan how important marine affairs are, because he also grew up on an island country like Japan, Britain. His contribution was not only great for the Navy but he also contributed to the development of Japanese Civil Marine Affairs. In 1890 he received a permanent annuity and the following year he received an honorary medal from the Japanese Government.

Privately, Captain James was a very gentle person. Beside his house there was a very steep slope which was called 'Sengen Zaka'.
Local people were inconvenienced by this slope and had trouble getting up and down it . As soon as he knew that, he spent his own funds and had the steep slope reconcstructed into a gentle slope.
Since that event, people began to call this slope 'James' Slope' and it became the official name instead of the original name 'Sengen Zaka'. This name never changed even during an antagonistic campaign which expelled all Western names during WWII. He took very good care of the children in the neighbourhood, even though he did not have children of his own. He donated large funds to a local elementary school to rebuild a new school building. In his neighbourhood, he gave children food or token money. Without his knowledge, he had been called 'Santa Claus'. He was very popular and respected by many people.
- snip snip -
In 1908 his life ended at the age of 71. His funeral was held at his home directed by the 78th Hosu, the spiritual leader of Nichiren Shū. Three days before he passed away, he left a special request in his will "to please cremate my body and store my ashes in Mt. Minobu." He chanted the Lotus Sūtra before his death and he meditated for a while, and then passed away peacefully while he was chanting the Odaimoku. According to the request of his will, his grave was erected behind the main temple. His Buddhist name was "East Seas Inn Royal Devoted Righteousness Nation Sunlight great lay Minister". One seafaring man who came from far away Europe chose a port as the final port of call, it was Mt. Minobu. This year, 2008, his 100th year Memorial Service will be held on 20th May at Mt. Minobu.
- source : nichiren-shu.org.uk/james-slope... -


Hankyu Hyakkaten Oi Shokudokan 阪急百貨店 大井食品館
1 Chome-50-5 Oi, Shinagawa
One of the first Hyakkaten 百貨店 stores opened in Tokyo after the earthquake destruction in 1923.

Ōimachi Station (大井町駅 Ōimachi-eki)
is an interchange railway station in Shinagawa, operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East), Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit (TWR), and the private railway operator Tokyu Corporation.


Ebara Shichi-Fuku-Jin 荏原荏原七福神  Seven Lucky Gods in Ebara area

- reference source : ebara-shichifuku.com... -


大井蔵王権現神社 Oi Zao Gongen jinja

正確な創建時期は不詳だが、平安末期に創建された言い伝えがあるという。[1][2] 江戸時代、江戸の町に火事や疫病が流行ったとき、この地域は大井村の権現神社の天狗のおかげで無事だったとされる。その後、人々は天狗に感謝して権現神社のお祭りには太鼓を叩いたり、天狗を祀った神輿をかついだりしてきた。今ある、「大井権現太鼓」の発祥はその時の名残である。毎年8月下旬の土・日に大井町駅前で行われる(大井どんたく祭り)でも披露される。 江戸後期に編纂された「新編武蔵風土記稿」には「蔵王権現社、村の北の方にあり、祭礼毎年九月三日神酒を供す、此社あるにより此あたりを權現台と呼べり」とあり、元の社地であった現在の品川区広町2丁目JR東京総合車両センター付近が旧地名である大井権現台の由来となった。[3] 1991(平成3)年に始まった巡礼札所として、荏原七福神のひとつ福禄寿も祀っている。
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Samezu 鮫洲 "Shark sand bar" district .
品川区南品川 3-5、東大井 Higashi-Oi

. Raifukuji 来福寺 Raifuku-Ji .
品川区東大井3-13-1 / 3 Chome-13-1 Higashiōi, Shinagawa ward


Takamura Chieko 高村智恵子
(1886 – October 1938) - Painter

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She was born in the town of Adachi in what is now the city of Nihonmatsu, Fukushima Prefecture as Chieko Naganuma, the eldest of six daughters and two sons.
In 1903,
she went to the Japan Women's University, the Nihon Joshi Daigaku in Tokyo, and graduated in 1907. She was an oil painter, and made colorful papercuts. She was an early member of the Japanese feminist movement Seitosha, joining in 1911. She made the cover illustration for the first issue of their magazine, "Seitō". It began as a literary outlet for woman writers and quickly turned into a forum for discussing feminist issues. These women were from the upper-middle class and soon were labeled "New Women" because of their views and their lifestyles. In February 1914, she married Kōtarō Takamura, a sculptor and poet, whom she met soon after he had returned from France.
Following the breakup of her family home in 1929, she was diagnosed in 1931 with symptoms of schizophrenia – she was hospitalized for that disease in 1935, and remained there until her death from tuberculosis in 1938.
Kōtarō's book of poems about her,
Chieko's Sky (智恵子抄 Chiekosho, literally "Selections of Chieko"), is still widely admired and read today. The translated title, "Chieko's Sky", is from one of the poems, "Childlike story" (あどけない話 Adokenai hanashi), where Chieko longs for the sky of her childhood.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - Chieko's memorial monument at her death place
She stayed in a hospital in Oi.
There are always lemons, as her husband had written in his last poem about her.


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ooi #oishinagawa - - - -

SENNIN - Chuzan Chusan


Sennin Chuzan Chusan

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Chuusan Shoonin, Chūzan, Chūsan 中算上人 (ちゅうざん) Saint Chuzan

He is Nr. 32 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

Not much to be found about this Immortal.
(935 - 976)

山階寺の僧である中算 Chuzan from temple Yamashinadera
興福寺の僧である中算 Chuzan from the temple Kofuku-Ji

... Chusan, another disciple of Kusei, worked miracles at Nachi ...

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One of the leaders of the Yamashina temple community was the monk 中筹 Chusan, who was staying at a small residence near the Kangaku-In while his community was putting pressure on the government officials. One night, in the presence of a number of his disciples, Chusan suddenly said that someone was approaching, but his disciples could see no one, no matter how hard they looked.
Nevertheless, shortly afterward the disciples could hear Chusan conversing with someone, and when they asked him with whom he was speaking, he replied that it was Ryogen of the Enryaku-Ji.
the monks incredulous, exclaimed: "What are you saying? But, Ryogen is dead!..."
Then, realizing that it must have been the departed spirit of the deceased Ryogen that came to speak with their master, they became speechless with fear.
The next day Chusan, saying that he felt ill, excused himself from attending the hearing on the Gion question. Without their leader, and recalling the eerie event of the preceding night, the monks of the Yamashina temple were confused and upset, and when the court failed to issue the judgement that they were hoping for, they quickly left Kyoto and withdrew to their home temple.
... Chusan died in 969, sixteen years before Ryogen died . . .
- source : citeseerx.ist.psu.edu... pdf file -


Kōfukuji and the Mountains of Yamato
..... Later, during a terrible drought,
Chusan struck the rock of a mountain with his sword and cool water gushed forth "like a waterfall." ...
- source : jstor.org/stable .. Tyler Royall .. -


. Kōfukuji, Koofukuji 興福寺 Kōfuku-Ji .
Kōfuku-ji has its origin as a temple that was established in 669 by Kagami-no-Ōkimi (鏡大君), the wife of Fujiwara no Kamatari, wishing for her husbands's recovery from illness. Its original site was in Yamashina, Yamashiro Province (present-day Kyoto).
In 672, the temple was moved to Fujiwara-kyō, the first artificially planned capital in Japan, then again in 710, moved to its current place, on the east side of the newly constructed capital, Heijō-kyō, today's Nara.

- wikipedia -


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今昔物語 - Konjaku Monogatari  
- reference source : geocities.jp/kougoyaku -

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「小寺の小僧、小寺の小僧とな! これは、これは」
- reference source : eonet.ne.jp/~jujiro/setuwa... -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninchuzan #chuzansennin #chusan-

KAPPA - Mikari Basan Yokai


Mikaribaba, Mikari basan Yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン "old hag Mikari"

- quote
In Yokohama and Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, the Chiba Prefecture, and Tokyo etc., they would visit people's homes on the 8th day of the 12th month and the 8th day of the 2nd month on the lunisolar calendar, and they are said to borrow sieves and human's eyes. They are said to visit people's home together with a hitotsume-kozō.。

In order to avoid a mikaribaba, one would leave a basket or zaru at the entrance of the home, and it is said to be effective to put the tip of a rod into the bamboo basket and make it stand on the ridge of the house's roof. It is said that this is in order to make the one-eyed mikaribaba make it seem like as if there were plenty of eyes (stitches).

At the Ura no Yato, Toriyama town, Kōhoku-ku, Yokohama, an avaricious mikaribaba would even come to collect grains of rice that have fallen on the ground, and would cause fires due to the fire in its mouth. In order to avoid this, there is the custom of making a dango called the ツヂョー団子 "tsujoo dango" made from the rice left over from the garden, and put it in the doorway, as a means of saying that there is no more rice to collect.

On the 8th day of the 12th month and the 8th day of the 2nd month on the lunisolar calendar, there is a folk practice called Kotoyōka, and in the past, there were many regions where people would not do any work and confine themselves in their homes.
In the southern part of Chiba Prefecture, on the 26th day of the 11th month of the lunisolar calendar, as a period of about 10 days of seclusion in the home called "mikawari" or "mikari," when it would be taboo to go outside at night or enter the mountains and spend the time in the home quickly avoiding any big noise, lights, hairdressing, or entering bath.
Outside of the Kantō region, at Nishinomiya Shrine in the Hyōgo Prefecture and Kito, Tokushima Prefecture (now Naka), there is a practice of confinement to the house before the festival called "mikari." Rituals like these of secluding oneself in the home have been interpreted as seclusion at home due the appearance of a monster, and it is thought that those monsters are the mikaribaba and the hitotsume-kozō.
It is also said that "mikari" comes from "mikawari" (身変わり), indicating a time different from usual when one observes the practice of confinement at home.
- source : wikipedia

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she is a Yōkai. She is one of the chosen 47 Yōkai Warriors and represents Kanagawa Prefecture.
She appears in GeGeGe no Kitarō: Nippon Bakuretsu!!
Due to the 5th anime adaption's sudden cancellation at 100 episodes, he is among the 23 Yokai Warriors that were not revealed aside from the movie.
- source : gegegenokitaro.wikia.com/wiki... -

Kandaiji 神大寺村 village, Yokohama
From the first to the fourth sub-district in Yokohama, 神奈川区 Kanagawa district.
Every year on the fourth day of the 12th lunar month, the Yokai ミカリバアサン Mikari Basan comes out.
On this day all things that are usually hung out to dry, like crops or straw sandals, must be brought inside. People prepare offerings of rice dumplings, ツジョウダンゴ tsujoo dango (オッパキダンゴ Oppaki dango and place them at the doorstep.


source : by cielociel

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Yamanokami 山の神 and Mikari Basan .



............................................................................ Kanagawa 神奈川県

川崎市 Kawasaki

yookazoo 八日ゾウ / 八日僧 monk coming on the eighth day
On the eighth day of the second lunar month, the Yakubyogami is called
me hitotsu kozo 目一つ小僧 young monk with one eye (the same as Hitotsume kozo).
People put up a rod or pole with a basket, as described above. They also leave a bucket with water where rice had been washed in.
When Mehitotsu Kozo tries to drink the water and sees his face reflected, with just one eye, he will be surprized and run away.

. Hitotsume Kozoo 一つ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye . .

. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .

Kawasaki 多摩区 Tama district

Makari Basan comes to bring the choomen 帳面 business ledger to the place of the Dosojin 道祖神 wayside gods.

横浜市 Yokohama

yookadoo ヨウカドウ Yokado

source : wikiwiki.jp/heian...

Mikari Basan comes on the first day of the 12th lunar month. She comes with flames in her mouth, picks up any rice grains and makes dumplings so that there will be no fire.
Hitotsume no Ba 一つ目の婆 The old hag with one eye does not like baskets with many openings (eyes). She can fly all the way to Hakone, but might hit the mountains and fall into the see. So she avoids the Western direction.
Until the 8th day, she writes all the names of ill people in her choomen 帳面 business ledger and brings it to the deity of the fields, サイノ神 Sai no Kami.
This ledger is burned in the ritual fires of サイト焼 Saitoyaki on the 14th day. But she comes back on the 8th day of the 2nd lunar month.
On the 8th day, she passes above the roof, so people put up a basket on a pole.
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She has only one eye and comes on the 8th day of the second and 12th lunar month in some suburbs.
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The first day of the 12th lunar month is called hanayogore no tsuitachi ハナヨゴレの朔日 in some suburbs.
Mikari Basan comes on this day.
- - - - -
When Mikare Basan was on her way to 佐江戸 Saedo (in Yokohama 横浜市都筑区), she came to the river 恩田川 Ondagawa and fell under the bridge 落合橋 Ochiaibashi.
Since then she never went to Saedo again.

. Sai no kami 幸の神 the God of the Fields.
Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami

............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県

hitotsume 一つ目 one eye
On the 8th day of the second lunar month, the Yokai Mikari Basan or as she is also known, 八日僧 Yokazo are coming.
To prevent her from doing evil, people put special mikari dango ミカリダンゴ rice dumplings on the doorstep and put up a pole with a basket.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. . . CLICK here for Photos 箕借り婆 !


. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .


- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
- Reference -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #mikaribaba #mikari #mikaribasan -


26 Jul 2018

EDO - Chiyoda ward


Chiyoda ward

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward
"Fields of Eternity"

- quote
It was formed in 1947 as a merger of Kanda and Kōjimachi wards following Tokyo City's transformation into Tokyo Metropolis. The modern Chiyoda ward exhibits contrasting Shitamachi and Yamanote geographical and cultural division. The Kanda area is in the core of Shitamachi, the original commercial center of Edo-Tokyo. On the other hand, the western part of the Kōjimachi area typically represents a Yamanote district.
- source : wikipedia

source : tokyo_chiyodaku...

- quote
The area that comprised the grounds of Edo Castle is roughly that of modern 千代田区 Chiyoda Ward. The name of the area predates the Edo Period. In fact, the original name of Edo Castle was Chiyoda Castle since it was built in the Chiyoda area of the small fishing village, Edo.
The kanji 千代 (sendai or chiyo)
means something like "1000 generations." The kanji 田 tanbo (rice paddy) can also refer to 田園 denen (something like cultivated fields or fertile district). The name is very auspicious and conveys an idea of "Fields that can feed people for eternity."
In 1547, Ōta Dōkan
chose the Chiyoda area to fortify and build what would eventually become Edo Castle. He was killed in 1486 and the castle fell into disuse.
In 1590,
the imperial regent Toyotomi Hideyoshi transferred Tokugawa Ieyasu and his clan to Edo. Ieyasu renovated the derelict castle and built it up. After Ieyasu was made shōgun in 1600, the castle soon became the largest and most important castle in Japan. By this time Edo wasn't a backwater village, but a thriving city of which Chiyoda was just one small part.
So the name Edo Castle superseded the original name. ...
- source : japanthis/2013


Kōjimachi area 麹町地区
former Kōjimachi Ward (Kōjimachi-ku)

The Banchō area (actually consisting of six neighborhoods, from Ichibancho to Rokubanchō), an upper class residential area, home of the embassies of Belgium, the UK and Israel.
Ichibancho 一番町 First district
Nibancho 二番町 Second
Sanbancho 三番町 Third
Yonbancho 四番町 Fourth
Gobancho 五番町 Fifth
Rokubancho 六番町 Six district

Chiyoda 千代田
"1 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku" is the official address of the Imperial Palace

Fujimi 富士見
location of the Philippines embassy as well as several schools

Hayabusachō 隼町
Houses the Supreme Court of Japan and the National Theater

. Hibiya Kōen 日比谷公園 Hibiya Koen Park.
Address for Hibiya Park, a large park south of the Imperial Palace

. Hirakawachō 平河町 / 平河 Hirakawa district .

Hitotsubashi 一ツ橋(1丁目)

. Iidabashi 飯田橋 and Iida-machi 飯田町 .

. Kasumigaseki 霞が関 "checkpoint in the mist" .
The nerve center of Japan's administrative agencies

Kioichō 紀尾井町
The name, ki-o-i, is a three-kanji acronym consisting of one kanji each from the names of the Kishū Domain, Owari Domain, and Ii clan, whose daimyo residences were here during the Edo period

Kitanomaru Park 北の丸公園
North of the imperial palace, location of the Budokan

. Koojimachi, Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district .
Older residential and commercial neighborhood on the west side of the Imperial Palace, home to the embassy of Ireland

Kōkyo Gaien 皇居外苑
large open gardens in front of the Imperial palace

Kudanminami 九段南 and Kudankita 九段北 districts
around the station of Kudanshita - Northwest side of the Imperial Palace, home to Yasukuni Shrine.
. Kudanzaka 九段坂 Kusansaka, Kudan slope .

Marunouchi 丸の内
Located between Tokyo Station and the Imperial Palace, one of Tokyo's traditional commercial centers

Nagatachō 永田町
The location of the National Diet; also houses the Hie Shrine

. Ōtemachi 大手町 Otemachi district .
North of Marunouchi, a district of key financial Japanese institutions and major national newspapers

Uchisaiwaichō 内幸町
close to the Hibiya Park, location of the Imperial Hotel, as well as head offices of banks (especially Mizuho Financial Group).

. Yūrakuchō 有楽町 Yurakucho district .
South of Marunouchi, part of the Tokyo Station business district.


. Kanda 神田地区 Kanda area .
- - - including Kanda sub-districts featured in the Edopedia.
The land was under the directive of Ise Jingu Shrine to grow rice for the Shrine offerings.
Kanda has a lot of sub-districts, one of the most famous modern is
Jinbōchō 神保町 Jinbocho - the largest bookstore district in Japan.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

also in 文京区 Bunkyo ward
reikon 霊魂

................................................................................. Chiyoda 千代田区

. Samuhara サムハラ SA MU HA RA divine amulets .

Ichibancho 一番町

kori 狐狸 fox and badger

. kajibashi 鍛冶橋 Kajibashi Bridge .
- - - - - The Crafts Guilds of Edo

nezumi 鼠 mouse, rat

. Konyachoo 紺屋町 district for indigo cloth dyers .

kamikiri 髪切

Ushigafuchi 牛ヶ淵

masho 魔所


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
49 千代田区 to explore (07)
麹町 OK


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edochiyoda #chiyoda - - - -

20 Jul 2018

FUDO - Saranuma Fudo Eishoin


Saranuma Fudo Adachi Tokyo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Legends about Fudo Myo-O - 不動明王 .

Saranuma Fudo 皿沼不動 永昌院 Eisho-In

1 Chome-4-2 Saranuma, Adachi, Tokyo 123-0862

- Chant of the temple

Saranuma (swamp like a plate) is located in the North-East of Arakawa and has been under the control of the Edo Bakufu Government.
The temple 東叡山寛永寺 was erected in 1625
as The Hieizan of the East
and the whole swamp was under its protection. Around it many other temples were soon built too.
The center of the cult was 阿弥陀仏 Amida Buddha and the 念仏講 Nenbutsu chanting.
With the greater popularity of Narita Fudo they got a statue of Fudo standing in front 御前立不動明王 for prayers.


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets for traffic safety

- Homepage of the temple
- source : eisyouin.com

paintings on the ceiling - CLICK for more photos !


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

Every month there are goma 護摩 fire rituals.
Inarizushi (いなり寿司供物) Inari Sushi Ritual
Dorobo zuka (どろぼう塚供養共) Thief Mound Ritual
ペットお盆供養 O-Bon ritual for Pet Animals
- many more are here
- reference source : eisyouin.com/gyouji... -


This temple is Nr. 25 of the
. Fudo Pilgrimage in Kanto / Bando .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #saranumafudo #eishoin #saranuma - -

EDO - Chiyogasaki district Meguro


Chiyogasaki Meguro

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Chiyogasaki district 千代ヶ崎 "Chiyo peninsula"
Meguro, 目黒区三田二丁目 Mita second district, 目黒一丁目 Meguro first district

In the Edo period, this district bordered to 三田 Mita, 上大崎 Kamiosaki, 中目黒 Nakameguro and 下目黒 Shimomeguro.

The name refers to an old story about Nitta Yoshioki and his concubine, 千代 Chiyo.
Yoshioki was killed in 1358.
When Chiyo heard of his death. she said
"If I die too, I will be able to be at his side for ever!" and drowned in the pond of the estate.
The villagers respected her death and called the pond now
Chiyo ga Ike 千代が池 Pond of Lady Chiyo.

歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

Until about 1935, the pond was still there, but now we only have the print of Hiroshige to enjoy the view.


- reference source : city.meguro.tokyo.jp/gyosei... -

. Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 (? - 1358) .


江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue



Beside other famous spots in Meguro to watch Mount Fuji, this was one of them.
Other famous spots were

People came here to enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring, the autumn moon and the snow in winter.
The estate of the 松平 Matsudaira clan and the 肥前島原藩 Shimabara han domaine were located here.

- - - - - 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

不二三十六景 Fuji Sanjurokkei

絵本江戸土産 Ehon Edo Miyage


- Modern Chiyogasaki and photos :
- reference source : ameblo.jp/tkyburabura... -


千代ヶ崎砲台跡 Chiyogasaki battery traces
Yokosuka city, Kanagawa

- reference for Yokosuka -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #chiyogasaki #megurochiyogasaki #chiyogasakimeguro - - - -

19 Jul 2018

TENGU - Gifu legends


Tengu legends 09 Gifu

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 岐阜県 Legends about Tengu in Gifu

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


. guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / 狗嬪 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster .
加茂郡 Kamo district
Guhin mochi 狗賓餅 rice cakes for the Guhin and many more

. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神 "Oni Deity", "Demon Deity" .
and Tengu legends

. sugi 天狗と杉と伝説 Legends about Tengu and Cedar trees .
飛騨地方 Hida district // 揖斐郡 Ibi district 春日村 Kasuga // 高山市 Takayama // 吉城郡 Yoshiki district

. Yamanokami 山の神 and Tengu legends from Gifu .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and many more


こびの天狗山 Kobi no Tengu San
岐阜県美濃加茂市森山3-5-57 / Moriyama chō, Minokamo-shi, Gifu
古井の天狗山 Kobi no Tenguyama Shrine

This statue is 12 m high, the tallest Tengu statue in Japan.
It belongs to the sect 荒薙教 Aranagi Kyo with the main deity 荒薙大神 Aranagi Okami.
Tengu is the messenger of this deity.
The sect of Aranagi Kyo was founded in 1900 by Toda Yoki.
It is a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist aspects and rituals.


kori Tengu 狐狸天狗 / コリテング fox and tanuki and Tengu
At 胆吹山 / 伊吹山 Mount Ibukiyama a shamon 沙門 wandering priest was reciting the 念仏 Nenbutsu prayer. Suddenly he heard a voice:
"Tomorrow I will come and bring you to Paradise!"
The next day Kannon Bosatsu appeared and took him away, in front of the eyes of his disciples.
But the next day they found him hanging all naked high up in a tree!
It must have been the evil deed of an old fox, badger or a Tengu !

十二社神社 Junisha Jinja
Around 1928, at the shrine 十二社神社 Junisha Jinja someone found a purse with a backbone inside. When he picked it up, there was a huge rumbling in the ground and then a large rock came rumbling down the stone stairway. In front of the main hall there seemed to be 修験者 a mountain saint wearing a long white robe, wielding a hand fan in the form of a leaf and using a long walking staff - It must have been this Tengu who had moved the rock.

There are five shrines with this name in Gifu:
. reference source : 岐阜県神社庁 .

............................................................................... Gujo town 郡上市
和良村 Wara mura

In the hamlet of 下洞集落 Shimo-Hora a man named 根の松 Komatsu went missing. The villagers said he had been abducted by a Tengu. They all went into the forest and called "Give us back Komatsu!" Eventually he came back with an innocent look, not remembering anything.
There was also a 天狗松 Tengu Matsu in the village, but it has dried up now.

. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .

............................................................................... Hida region 飛騨地方

Once a traveler stayed at a lodging in the village. At night there was a meeting of the local Tengu and he was invited to join them. He saw making another man drink 鉛の熱湯 lead in hot water. When he came home, the other traveler had not come home. He had been a man who used to brag all the time and now met his punishment.

............................................................................... Ibigawa district 揖斐郡

At a mountain named 橋角 there was a fir tree called お伊勢さん O-Ise San. Humans were not allowed to touch it.
Once 浦野九一 Urano Kyuichi was collecting firewood in the forest and took a nap under the tree at lunchtime. Suddenly he heard the Tengu call him in his dream: "It's already sunset, you better get home!"
When he woke up, it was indeed sunset and he hurried home, greatful!
- - - - -
Sometimes the sound of someone cutting trees, ガラガラ garagara can be heard in the forest. This is the Tengu doing his job.

Tengu sa 天狗さ Tengu san
In the village 谷汲村 Tanigumi mura suddenly it became quite dark and the earth sounded ガラガラガラガラ garagara garagara . Then a Tengu appeared in red robes, holding a great fan in his hand, wearing wooden geta 下駄 sandals with 一本歯 only one "tooth"。

- - - - -
In the village 春日村 Kasuga mura they needed to build a new bridge over the river and cut down 大檜と大杉 a large cypress and a large pine tree.
That night a Tengu appeared in the dream of the village headman, complaining they had taken away his resting places and he would punish the village with fire.
And indeed, that evening a fire broke out and destroyed most of the village. This was the great fire on the 18th day of the 1st month in 1877.
In former times
on a rainy day, the Tengu could be heard beating the drum at 藤川谷 Fujikawatani. But now this sound is not heard any more.
- - - - -
The 17th day of the 7th lunar month is 祇園祭 the day of the Gion Festival. The villagers have to burn kagaribi かがり火 watch fires, otherwise they will be cursed by the Tengu.

- - - - -
Tengu no Oyashiki 天狗のお屋敷 the mansion of the Tengu
Once a man went to the mountain forest to make charcoal. He found a ball looking like a bundle of leaves hanging in the branches. He took a stick and hit it. All of a sudden there was a strange sound, a thunderstorm broke out and he could not go home that evening.
When he came back home the next day, he fell ill. A diviner told him the ball of leaves was the mansion of a Tengu and he had been punished. The diviner then performed exorcist rituals.

............................................................................... Kamo district 加茂郡 - Minokamo
西白川村 Nishi-Shirakawa mura

. kasumiami, kasumi-ami 霞網(かすみあみ)net for catching birds .

source : mis.janis.or.jp...
The villagers had put out a net for catching birds, when suddenly a strong wind begun to blow and something like large legs with blood dripping from them got caught. When they came closer, there was nothing in the net.
It must have been a Tengu who had passed after all.
- - - - -
. Hakusan Jinja 白山神社 Shrines in Japan .
In the forest of Hakusan Shrine, about twice a year there is the strange sound of trees breaking at night. But nothing is seen next morning.
This must be the mischief of a Tengu, they say.

............................................................................... Mashita district 益田郡
萩原町 Hagiwara

. kotengu, ko-tengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .
Once a woodcutter was taking a bath in the mountain hut, when he heard a voice from a nearby tree.
"Are you feeling good?"
The woodcutter begun making booing noises to scare his opponent, but the other voice just laughed "I will remember this!"
Next morning he found his large ax bent over and not to be used any more.

小坂町 Kosaka

. Jigokudani 地獄谷 "Hell Valley" -- Jigoku no Tani 地獄の谷 .
at 御嶽山 Mount Ontakesan
- - - - -
. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .
After a rain ritual near Mount Ontakesan a farmer went to the Jigokudani 地獄谷 the Valley of Hell, to express his gratigude.
On a boulder he saw a frightening creature with a long nose like a Tengu, sitting and staring into the valley. Soon after that a huge storm broke out.

............................................................................... Ono 大野郡

At the villages 朝日村 Asahi mura and 高根村 Takane mura there are sometimes cows found in places on the other side of a river or ravine, where there is no bridge. A Tengu must have kidnapped them and thrown them over there.

清見村 Kiyomi mura

Once a child, helping with the field work, was on his way home but got lost. They found it in a place where not even grown-ups can go easily.
A Tengu must have kidnapped it and put it over there.

............................................................................... Takayama 高山市

Once a man was taking off his shoes, when a man invited him to come along, if he did not want to be kidnapped by a Tengu. He followed the man, but he did not like the place where they were going. So after one hour he made his way back home. And there he realized - he had been away for 5 days, living with a Tengu after all.
- - - - -
Once a little boy went missing on his home from the fields. A man coming over the pass 平湯峠 Hirayutoge said he had met him. The child had told him he had been kidnapped by a Tengu and learned a lot of interesting things. Now he could fly to any place where he wanted to be.
- - - - -
kyoojin ishi 狂人石 rock that makes people go crazy
There is a rock, about 1.5 m high, which makes people go crazy when they touch it.
Nearby lived a Tengu. If the Tengu is in a bad mood, he will throw people down the stone steps, some children had this experience, but they were never hurt.
- - - - -
Myoojin Jinja 神明神社 Shrine Myojin Jinja
akai kao 赤い顔の鼻の高い男 a man with a red nose and face
Once upon a time
three houses close to Myojin Jinja had been destroyed by fire.
Someone had seen a man with a red nose and face walking past, so they thought it must have been the Tengu causing the fire.

............................................................................... Yoro district 養老郡

. Tengu matsuri 天狗祭り Tengu festivals .

神岡町 Kamioka cho

In the year 1924, on a morning in June, a boy who had fallen into the pond of the shrine went missing. An oracle told the parents they hed to find him by half past eleven in the morning, otherwise his life would be in danger. Shortly before 12 they found the child high up on a mountain. This must have been the evil deed of a Tengu.
- - - - -
There was an old man who had been with the famous 鞍馬山の天狗 Tengu of Kuramayama, Kyoto.
He appeared all of a sudden, went into the 鉱山 mine and worked day and night. He could also tell ill people the reason of their problem.
When the mine was closed, he said he was going back to Mount Kurayama. He was always clad like 山伏姿 a mountain priest.
- - - - -

. kami-kakushi 天狗と神かくし / 神隠し kidnapped by the Gods .
In July of 1931, a farmer had gone to tend to his fields and never came back. He might have been abduceted by a Tengu or kidnapped by the Gods.
They never made a funeral for him and still wait that he might come back.

上宝村 Kamitakara mura

akai mono 赤い着物を着た鼻の高い人 a man with a long nose wearing something red
Around 1955 there was a fire in a farmhouse. One child said:
"I saw a man with a long nose wearing something red who told me to make a fire!"
This must have been the local Tengu.
- - - - -
Sometimes a Tengu comes to abduct a boy from the village.
Tengu like children and if children go playing in the mountain forest, they might not come back.
If the villagers go looking for them with flutes and drums, they often come back.
- - - - -
. Amanojaku 天の邪鬼 / 天邪鬼 Amanjaku - "heavenly evil spirit " .
Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Zaimoku-Iwa 材木岩 - Timber Rocks
A Tengu seen as Amanjaku.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengu #gifutengu #tengugifu -

18 Jul 2018

EDO - Takadanobaba district


Takadanobaba Takatanobaba Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Takadanobaba, Takada no Baba 高田馬場 "Horse grounds of Takada"
新宿区西早稲田 高田馬場一丁目から高田馬場四丁目 Shinjuku, Nishi-Waseda,
Takadanobaba from first to fourth sub-district

The original house grounds of the Edo period were called "Takatanobaba" (TakaTA no baba).
They soon became famous for its annual Yabusame archery on horseback.
When a train station was to be build about 1 km away from this horse racing ground, the local residents did not want their name to "move", so eventually they all settled with calling the station
Takadanobaba eki 高田馬場駅 Takadanobaba station

- quote
Originally, the area's name was read Takatanobaba and many Tokyo residents in their 50s or older pronounce it as such. However, younger Tokyoites and residents who have come from outside Tokyo, use the pronunciation Takadanobaba. The area is also often referred to simply as "Baba".
The area was previously and officially known as Totsuka (戸塚).
In 1636, the shōgun Tokugawa Iemitsu built in the area a baba, a ground for horseback riding and horse racing. Takata was the family name of the mother of Matsudaira Tadateru (the sixth son of Iemitsu's grandfather, the previous shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu) who favored the area as a sightseeing spot. The name stuck to prevent confusion with nearby Totsuka town near Yokohama (now Totsuka-ku, Yokohama).
In 1694, Nakayama Yasubei (later Horibe Yasubei, one of the forty-seven rōnin) took part in a battle (the Takadanobaba Kettō 高田馬場の決闘) there.
Like neighboring Waseda,
the area is synonymous with students (albeit with a somewhat less salubrious image). In addition to serving students commuting to Waseda University, the area is home to many educational institutions including vocational colleges and preparatory schools. Gakushuin University is nearby, one station stop away in Mejiro.
Astro Boy, a fictional character created by Osamu Tezuka in 1952, was supposedly "born" in Takadanobaba on April 7, 2003. In commemoration, starting in 2003, the JR platform uses the theme music from the TV series to signal the departure of a train. Also, many lamp posts in the area carry pictures from the TV series, and two large murals depicting Tezuka's works are across the street of JR Takadanobaba station.
- source : wikipedia

Takadanobaba - Hiroshige

- quote -
What Are Horse Grounds?
In the old days, the highest ranking samurai elite had horses and they needed large, open spaces to do horse stuff. Remember that Edo was a castle town. The main parts of the city radiated out from the castle. The city proper would have been too crowded for horses, so the suburbs and rural areas were better suited for that sort of thing.
Her Highness Takada's Horse Grounds
Much of the area that is now Niigata Prefecture was called Echigo no Kuni 越後国 Echigo Province. Inside that area was a fiefdom called Takada-han 高田藩 Takada Domain.
The mother of Tokugawa Ieyasu's 6th son was from Takada-han. Her name was 茶阿局 Chā no Tsubone, but according to Japanese naming taboo and manners, she was referred to by most people as Takada-dono 高田殿 Her Highness Takada. She apparently loved the area for sightseeing because it wasn't too far from the castle and she could watch strapping young samurai ride horses ...

茶阿局 Chaa no Tsubone / 阿茶局 Acha no Tsubone

Because she loved the area, her son, Matsudaira Tadateru, built a park here to enjoy yūranchi enbō 遊覧地遠望 (something like "a scenic pleasure resort").
..... The area was called 戸塚 Totsuka for a long time.
But when the Yamanote Line opened in 1910, the original station got the name Takada no Baba. (The local people rejected the official suggestion of Kami-Totsuka 上戸塚 (Upper Totsuka) in favor of Takada no Baba. Until 1975, this was just a station name, but the area was still called Totsuka. But in 1975, Shinjuku Ward did a revamping of their displayed addresses and the region that is now Takada no Baba became Takada no Baba officially.
- source : japanthis.com/2013... -

Takadanobaba - Hiroshige


Ana Hachimangu 穴八幡宮 Anahachimangu shrine
2 Chome-1-11 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku

The yabusame practiced today at the Ana Hachimangū at Takadanobaba in Shinjuku, is said to go back to 1728 when the Shōgun Yoshimune ordered it as a petition for the healing of his son Ieshige's smallpox.
Yabusame is also an offering at festivals at the Tsuruoka Hachimangū and other regional shrines.
. Yabusame 流鏑馬 archery on horseback .

At the shrine Ana Hachimangu in Tokyo people come at the day of the winter solstice to buy this amulet. It is good for business and to make money, when they put it into the auspicious direction of the new year (ehoo 恵方). 
They also hang it outside on the last day of the year and for the Setsubun rituals in February. The letters of the amulet have to face the auspicious direction.
Just as shadow receedes to new light, bad fortune will not receede and good luck is bound to come.
. tooji 冬至 Winter solstice .
ichiyoo raifuku 一陽来復" sun comes back" -- The 21st of December.

- reference : Ana Hachimangu-

. Hachiman Shrines in the Edo .


江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue


. Temple 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .
新宿区高田馬場3-37-26 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku


- quote -
Takadanobaba Station (高田馬場駅 Takadanobaba-eki)
is a railway station in the Takadanobaba area of Tokyo's Shinjuku ward, situated between the commercial districts of Ikebukuro and Shinjuku.
- it serves
Yamanote Line
Seibu Shinjuku Line
Tokyo Metro Tozai Line (T-03)
It is mostly frequented by the students of Waseda University.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Waseda University (早稲田大学 Waseda Daigaku), abbreviated as Sōdai (早大),
is a Japanese private research university in Shinjuku,
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- Astro boy relief at Takadanobaba station -
Astro Boy, Mighty Atom 鉄腕アトム Tetsuwan Atomu

To bring back more life to the area, the local shop owners decided to use Astro Boy as their mascot.
Tezuka Osamu had lived in Takadanobaba for a long time and had his office there.

. Osamu Tezuka 手塚治 Tezuka Osamu 手塚治虫 .
(1928 – 1989)


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #takadanobaba #takatanobaba #baba - - - -