3 Jul 2020

FUDO - mikaeri Fudo Gunma


Mikaeri Fudo Gunma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Mikaeri Fudo みかえり不動 Fudo looking back
真光山 Shinkozan 永照院 Eisho-In 長安寺 Choan-Ji

群馬県伊勢崎市西小保方町304-1 / Gunma, Isesaki city, Nishiobokata town 304-1

- Chant of the temple
みかえりて つみとがはらう 威音王
佐波路にたかき みすくい

- quote
- source : mutsumi-hoikuen.or.jp . chouanji...


- - - - - In the temple compound

mikaeri doo みかえり堂 Hall of the Mikaeri Fudo

People have a lot of problems not easily seen, but if you take a break and look back, you might feel remorse.
Copying the sutras might help find better ways for the future.

mimamori Jizo みまもり地蔵尊 protector Jizo

十三佛 Jusanbutsu
宝篋印塔 Hokyoin tower
延命地蔵尊 Enmei Jizo
鐘楼堂 temple bell tower
みまもり地蔵尊 mimanori Jizo
常行の滝 Jogyo no Taki waterfall - with a statue of Jibo Kannon 慈母観音-
鯉池 Koi ike carp pond


- Other temples with this name in Japan :

. Mikaeri Fudo 見返り不動 Fudo looking back .
at temple 神照寺 Shinsho-Ji, Nagahama, Shiga
at temple 法乗院・深川ゑんま堂 Fukagawa Enma-Do, Tokyo


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : mutsumi-hoikuen.or...


This temple is Nr. 7 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudo #mikaerifudo #mikaeru #choanji -

1 Jul 2020

EDO - kowairo voice imitation


kowairo voice mimicry

. Famous People of Japan .

kowairo 声色 mimicry of a voice
Mostly done about Kabuki actors.

. Introducing the Kabuki Theater 歌舞伎 .

- quote

Enjoying Kowairo

This book is a play script published for fans who love to enjoy Kowairo (to mimic an actor's voice).
In the first half of the book, same as normal play script for Kowairo, famous great lines were extracted from the programs on the board and listed up by actor. In the same page, the actor's crest, status, name of family, and even Haimyo (offstage name) were written with his name as well, so readers can easily get information about their favorite actor.
In following pages, Nigao (likeness painting) of each actors were printed in variety of colours, so fans enjoyed the feeling of acting on the stage by looking at the image and mimicking the line.
In the last half of the book,
short evaluation of each actor of those days who performs in Edo was written.
For example, for the actor Ichikawa Danjyuro the eighth the lines of the popular hero Soga Goro Tokimune was chosen, but the writer's evaluation doesn't look like an actor critique, it refers to nothing but a carp. But it was one of popular technique of Edo culture "Mitate" (viewed as), even when the writer did't mention about the actor or acting, features of the fish worked like metaphors of them.
In this book, other evaluations are also like this.
- source : arc.ritsumei.ac.jp/lib/vm/kabuki2015...


- quote - Matsuda Film Productions
Japanese films were first produced in 1899.
The first films made were simple recordings of kabuki theater pieces. The camera was placed in front of the stage and recorded the scene exactly as it was played out for the kabuki audience. In order to recreate the theatrical experience, these films were shown with a number of performers known as kowairo who stood at the side of the screen and spoke the dialogue of the kabuki actors who appeared on screen. Thus, the first Japanese films were actually simple reproductions of kabuki performances, shown with kowairo who spoke the dialogue of the original text. There was no need for intertitles or cinematic technique. Indeed, these were simple recordings of kabuki, not cinematic creations. In keeping with the original kabuki piece, a suitable kowairo was chosen for each of the kabuki actors; a child was used to dub in the voice of a child appearing on screen, an old man for an old man. If there were not enough kowairo to cover all the voices of the characters in the film, one kowairo changed his or her voice and handled two or more roles. The kowairo underwent special training to learn to change their voices.
Therefore, a distinction is evident between the kowairo, who was trained as a narrator to read the lines of kabuki texts, and the benshi, who introduced, interpreted, commented on and lent his or her voice to the characters of a film. ...
- source : matsudafilm.com... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Kochi 高知県
高岡郡 Takaoka district 東津野村 Higashi-Tsuno village

. Inugami 犬神 Wolf Deity . .
Around 1940, they sai that Inugami looks a lot like nezumi 鼡(ねずみ)a mouse and has lines in his tail.
In some homes of believers in this deity they keep wolves and hold daily rituals for them.
If someone kills a wolf, he will be cursed by Inugami and his voice will mimic a wolf..

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
天理市 Tenri city 嘉幡町 Kabata town

yuuren ユウレン,yuurei 幽霊 voice of a ghost
An old man who liked to scold young people once killed niwatori 鶏 a chicken.
One of the young people imitated the voice of a ghost (yuuren in the local dialect) and called the old man:
"Why did you kill the chicken? Give us back the chicken!"
The man threw out the chicken and the young people ate it for dinner.

................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県
高島市 Takashima city

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
At the home of a certain family there was the mimicking voice of humans and the sound of geta 下駄 wooden clogs walking around the house. This was the trick of a Tanuki.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -








- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kowairo #mimicry - - - -

29 Jun 2020

FUDO - Muro Fudo Taimaji


Muro Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Muro Fudo 茂呂不動
石岡山-Ishiokayama 不動院 Fudo-In 退魔寺 Taima-Ji

群馬県伊勢崎市美茂呂町 / 3612 Mimorocho, Isesaki, Gunma

In the year 1371, the lord of the castle 茂呂勘解由左衛門尉 Muro Kankaiyoshi Saemonnojo hat the temple 香華院 Kogei-In erected in the castle compound.
A statue of Fudo Myo-O carved by Kobo Daishi was enshrined.
From the temple 鶏足寺 Keisoku-Ji the Zen priest 道照禅師 Dosho Zenji was called to lead the rituals.
Later the temple was named Taima-Ji.

When 石田三成 Ishida Mitsunari passed 伊勢崎 Isesaki, there was a bridge (now 光円橋 Koenbashi), where a monster passed by every night and shocked the villagers. Mitsunari drove the monster away and the name of the temple was changed.
The crest of the temple is the same as that of Mitsunari.

In the year 1663, many buildings were lost during a fire, but reconstructed in 1670.
The large Fudo Hall was build in 1677.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
子安観音 Koyasu Kannon is also venerated.

The roof of the Fudo Hall was repaired in 1988.

The main gate of the temple has 扁額 a framed inscription, 「不動院」 Fudo-In.

. Keisokuji 鶏足寺 Keisoku-Ji "Temple of the chicken legs" .

. Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 (1560 - 1600) .


shuin 朱印 stamp - yakuyoke Fudo 厄除け不動

source : kanko-tobu.at.webry.info...

- reference -
- 茂呂不動 -


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

初護摩 1月1日 Goma Fire Ritual January 1
初不動 1月28日 First Fudo Ritual January 28
春彼岸会 3月彼岸
春不動 3月28日 Spring Fudo Ritual March 28
花まつり 4月8日 Flower Festival April 8
水神宮の祭典 7月31日
お盆 8月13日から
秋彼岸会 9月彼岸
施餓鬼 10月10日
除夜の鐘供養 12月31日 New Year Ritual December 31


This temple is Nr. 6 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudogunma #murofudo #taimaji #ishidamitsunari -

23 Jun 2020

SHINTO - saikigu ritual objects


saikigu ritual instruments

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

saikigu 祭器具 ritual intruments
shingu 神具 votive objects

- quote -
Hassokuan, Sanbô, Takatsuki 八足案, 三方, 高坏
Utensils used in religious ceremonies, including the following:

Sanbô 三方
A stand used to bear the shinsen or food offerings. Usually made of unpainted hinoki (Japanese cypress).

Oshiki 折敷
The tray placed on top of the sambô.

Hassokuan 八足案
Eight-footed table used to bear items such as heihaku, shinsen, and tamagushi.

Takatsuki 高坏
Pedestal table used to bear the shinsen. In ancient times it was made of clay, but later it came to be made of wood and lacquered.
The kaku-takatsuki is angular, and the maru-takatsuki is round.

- source and photos : kokugakuin -


. shinsen 神饌 Shinto - Food offerings .

CLICK for more photos ... www.tsukudo.jp
source : tsukudo.jp/sahou-kamidana


kigu shokunin 木具職人 craftsman making wooden tables

source : edoichiba.jp..kigu...

They make special wooden tables for rituals and food offerings.
Made from hinoki 檜 Japanese cypress.

. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #saikigu #rituals #instruments #sanbo #sanpo #sambo -

20 Jun 2020

SHINTO - shingun Kami fighting


. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン the Kami are fighting
かみいくさ kamiikusa, kami-ikusa

This word has two main meanings:
1- The Kami are fighting amongst themselves. This could be 神の軍勢 the army of the Kami.
2- In 佐渡 Sado, there is a special fight of the 山の神 Yamanokami on the 9th day of the second lunar month.
On this day people are not allowed to go the the mountains.

- quote -
かみいくさ kamiikusa, kami-ikusa
- kotobank


Iwagami 岩神 stone deity

. Koshikiiwa Jinja 越木岩神社 Koshiki Iwa Shrine, Hyogo .
'Rice Steamer Rock'

. Kabire Jingu かびれ神宮 / 賀毘礼 Kabire Shrine, Ibaraki .
Oiwa Jinja 御岩神社 O-Iwa Jinja


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

At a place named 西浜 Nishihama in Dewa no Kuni 出羽国 the Dewa Domain, there is a phenomenon called 神軍 Shingun.
After a strong rainstorm there are stones falling from the sky, looking like yanone 矢の根 arrowheads.

hekirekichin 霹靂碪(ヘキレキチン) / hirekijin ヒレキジン Donnerstein
yanone ishi 矢ノ根石,yajiri ishi 鏃石
- yane 矢根, yanone 矢の根 lit. "arrow root" - arrowhead

An arrowhead is a tip, usually sharpened, added to an arrow to make it more deadly or to fulfill some special purpose.

source : sekiei.nichibun.ac.jp/GAI

- quote -
Dewa Province (出羽国, Dewa no kuni)
was a province of Japan comprising modern-day Yamagata Prefecture and Akita Prefecture, except for the city of Kazuno and the town of Kosaka. Dewa bordered on 陸奥国 Mutsu and Echigō Provinces. Its abbreviated form name was Ushū (羽州).
- Early period
Prior to the Asuka period, Dewa was inhabited by Ainu or Emishi tribes, and was effectively outside of the control of the Yamato dynasty. Abe no Hirafu conquered the native Emishi tribes at what are now the cities of Akita and Noshiro in 658 and established a fort on the Mogami River.
In 708 AD Dewa District (出羽郡, Dewa-gun) was created within Echigō Province. The area of Dewa District was roughly that of the modern Shōnai area of Yamagata Prefecture, and was gradually extended to the north as the Japanese pushed back the indigenous people of northern Honshū.
Dewa District was promoted to the status of a province (Dewa Province (出羽国, Dewa no kuni)) in 712 AD, and gained Okitama and Mogami Districts, formerly part of Mutsu Province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
由利本荘市 Yuri Honjo city 矢島町 Yashima machi town

yanone ishi 矢ノ根石,hirekijin 霹靂碪,shingun 神軍
In Dewa no Kuni 出羽国 the Dewa Domain, there is a penomenon called 神軍 Shingun.
After a strong rainstorm there are stones falling from the sky, looking like yanone 矢の根 arrowheads.
At the beach called 矢嶋 Yajima near 鳥海山 Mount Chokaisan there are white clouds over the sea, coming from 松前 Matsumae. These white clouds are not moving and the earth begins to rattle like an earthquake. If people go to the beach a little later they find various yajiri ishi 鏃石 arrowhead stones on the beach.

This phenomenon is also seen in other parts along the coast, in 青森県 Aomori, 岩手県 Iwate, 茨城県 Ibaraki, even in 松前 Matsumae, Hokkaido.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
also told in 石川県 Ishikawa and 茨城県 Ibaragi

In the old domain of Mutsu no Kuni 陸奥国 there is a place named Tori no Umi 鳥の海 (Sea of the Birds).
Every year during the coldest season there is a phenomenon called shingun 神軍. After a great rainstorm, there are yane 矢根 arrowheads falling from the sky.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
佐渡市 Sado city

Iso no kami いそのかみ
Every year on the 10th day of the second lunar month, the deity Isonokami comes walking over the mountains and the sea.
This is called shingun 神軍.
On this day there is usually a great storm and the ground is shaking. On the next day 石の矢の根 arrowhead stones are on the beach. Raifuishi 雷斧石 arrowhead stones can be found in other places too.

. Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 Shrine in Nara .
one of the oldest extant Shinto shrines in Japan

- - - - -

Kabuse shingun 鹿伏神軍
yanone ishi 矢の根石
At the Shrine for 鹿伏明神社 Kabuse Myojin in Sado there is usually a strong rainstorm on the 9th day of the second lunar month, which gets wore over night. It calms down the next morning and on the 10th day there is fine weather. The local people on this night the shingun 神軍 is there and the people do not dare to go out.
On the next morning there are strange yanone 矢の根 arrowheads on the ground. People collect them and keep them for their protection
ー 新潟県佐渡市相川鹿伏 Aikawa, Kabuse

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....

shingun no yajiri 神軍の鏃
In 西浜 Nishihama, Tagawa in 出羽国田川郡 Dewa province there are places where there are no stones.
But after a strong rainstorm there are stones like arrowheads and spear heads on the beach, some are white and some are red.

飽海郡 Akumi district

source : okab.exblog.jp...

Akumi shingun 飽海神軍
At the Akumi Shrine 出羽国庄内飽海社 the deity 大物忌大神 Omonoimi no Kami is venerated.
Once a year there is a strong storm and the weather is very wild. During this time yanone ishi 矢の根石 arrowhead stones fall from the sky.

鳥海山大物忌神社 Shrine Chokaisan Omonoimi Jinja

On the top of the sacred Mount Chokaisan.
1 Fukura, Yuza, Akumi District, Yamagata
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

A similar tale is told at 出羽国福浦村 Fukuura village.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
神軍 - 矢根 - ok / 16 霹靂碪 (09)


- #shingun #arrowhead #yanone #yajiri #hekirekichin #神軍 -

18 Jun 2020

SHRINE - Sakura Jingu


Sakura Jingu

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Sakura Jingu 桜神宮 Sakura Shrine
3- 21-3 Shinmachi, Setagaya City, Tokyo

- quote
Sakura Jingū Association
The Association was built to enhance the spirit of the deities by thanking them and our ancestors, and to offer a 'healing' and 'connecting' place, aiming to make people's daily life peaceful, Members of the association have many benefits including a protective talisman offered anually our newsletter subscription, opportunities to pray in the sanctum, participation in meditation before kami, and wedding ceremonies and funerals. 

History and origin
Yoshimura Masamochi, the 65th descendant of Ōnakatomi, was a warrior of the imperial loyalists in Kyoto. During the early Meiji period, he worked at the Department of Shinto Affairs (which later became the Ministry of Religious Education), and took part in policy making for Shinto propagation under the government. Served as chief priest of a shrine, he devoted himself into spreading the teachings of Shinto.
However, when the Meiji government suddenly altered their religious policy, Masamochi decided that it was his mission to lead people to the traditional Shinto values. He founded a religious organization and established a religious facility (a shrine) in Kanda. It became an independent sect called Shinshu-kyō, sanctioned by the Meiji Emperor in 1882.
Masamochi, who was highly favored by Saigo Takamori and Ito Hirobumi as well as other key government officials, spent time with Percival Lowell, an American astronomer and a devout Christian, and taught him Shinto beliefs during his stay in Japan. Introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the books of Lowell, more than 200 Westerners visited annual festivals at the shrine during the Meiji period. Masamochi received an oracle just before his death, which resulted in the relocation of the shrine to the current location in the early Taisho period.

Mitamashiro (A physical object of worship)

The mirror (mikagami) of Chrysanthemum of 16 petals is the object of worship. The mirror was enshrined in Edo castle during the Edo period before the buildings of shrine in the castle was destroyed by a fire. After approved by the Imperial court, the mirror was then enshrined in Shin- mei-gū shrine by Keikōin in Reigan-jima island in Fukagawa, Tokyo. The mirror was moved again to a Grand Shrine after the Meiji Restoration. The then supreme priest of the shrine, Kuninomiya Asahiko Shinnō (Prince), who confided Masamochi, he himself divided the spirit of the enshrined deity of the Grand Shrine to the mirror, which was then granted to the shrine when Masamochi left his post.

Rituals (Shinji)
Godō jigoku shiki, or Kamanari (The purifying sound of iron pot)
Chinka shiki (The fire calming ceremony)
Kugatachi shiki or Yutate (The sprinkling of boiling water on the body)

Worshipping via Internet
"Remote" Worship is available for those who live abroad or in a remote place, or those who are unable to come due to their work or health issues, by simply following the guide on our website. We offer inquiries and consultation services as well.
- source : sakura.jingu.net/english

河津桜 Kawazu Sakura
one of the earliest-blooming cherry blossoms in the outskirts of Tokyo.


- quote -
Percival Lawrence Lowell (1855 – 1916)

was an American businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomer who fueled speculation that there were canals on Mars. He founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona and formed the beginning of the effort that led to the discovery of Pluto 14 years after his death.
Percival graduated from the Noble and Greenough School in 1872 and Harvard University in 1876 with distinction in mathematics. At his college graduation, he gave a speech, considered very advanced for its time, on the nebular hypothesis. He was later awarded honorary degrees from Amherst College and Clark University. After graduation he ran a cotton mill for six years.
In the 1880s, Lowell traveled extensively in the Far East.
In August 1883, he served as a foreign secretary and counselor for a special Korean diplomatic mission to the United States. He lived in Korea for about two months. He also spent significant periods of time in Japan,
writing books on Japanese religion, psychology, and behavior.
His texts are filled with observations and academic discussions of various aspects of Japanese life, including language, religious practices, economics, travel in Japan, and the development of personality.
Books by Percival Lowell on the Orient include
Noto: An Unexplored Corner of Japan (1891) and
Occult Japan, or the Way of the Gods (1894), the latter from his third and final trip to the region.
The most popular of Lowell's books on the Orient, The Soul of the Far East (1888), contains an early synthesis of some of his ideas, that in essence, postulated that human progress is a function of the qualities of individuality and imagination.
The writer Lafcadio Hearn called it a "colossal, splendid, godlike book."
At his death he left with his assistant Wrexie Leonard an unpublished manuscript of a book entitled Peaks and Plateaux in the Effect on Tree Life.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Noto: An unexplored corner of Japan

Percival Lawrence Lowell (1855-1916) was a businessman, author, mathematician, and astronomer who fueled speculation that there were canals on Mars, founded the Lowell Observatory and formed the beginning of the effort that led to the discovery of Pluto 14 years after his death. Percival graduated from Harvard University in 1876 with distinction in mathematics. In 1883, he served as a foreign secretary and counsellor for a special Korean diplomatic mission to the United States. He also spent significant periods of time in Japan, writing books on Japanese religion, psychology, and behavior. His texts are filled with observations and academic discussions of various aspects of Japanese life. Books by Percival Lowell on the Orient include Noto: An Unexplained Corner of Japan (1891) and Occult Japan (1894).
The most popular of Lowell's books on the Orient, The Soul of the Far East (1888) contains an early synthesis of some of his ideas, that in essence, postulated that human progress is a function of the qualities of individuality and imagination.
Amongst his other books are Mars (1895) and The Genesis of the Planets (1916)


Occult Japan: Shinto, Shamanism and the Way of the Gods

Shinto, or The Way of the Gods, is the oldest religious faith of the Japanese people. Based on the aboriginal worship of nature and ancestors, it is a religion of innumerable deities and rituals. As Buddhism established itself in Japan, it absorbed many of the Shinto beliefs while assigning them an inferior status. Officially unrecognized by the Buddhist state, ancient Shinto practices have been kept alive to this day as an occult tradition embodying the magical, primeval, and shamanic rites central to the Japanese culture.
'Occult Japan'
was originally published in 1894 and is still unrivaled in its detailed descriptions of Shinto 'miracles, possessions, and incarnations.' Percival Lowell, an explorer and author of several other works on the Far East, drew these descriptions from his own observations and experiences during his travels throughout Japan at the end of the 19th century. Unlike other accounts written on the subject by religious missionaries, his are startling in their frankness and objectivity, neither underestimating nor romanticizing the Shinto religion, but presenting its many contradictions with candor and literary grace.
- wikipedia -

Occult Japan: The Way of the Gods
"Occult Japan" is a wonderful collection of lore compiled from the Shinto path, dating to an important era in which the nation of Japan was rapidly changing; the Meiji period which had begun several decades before was erasing traditional technology even as it changed cultural and behavioral norms- this work then is both about the traditional spiritual system and the effects of then-modern reform on the same. It is as much a work about culture in the secular as the religious sense.It ought to be noted that some trappings of ethnocentrism were applied in the study here.
- wikipedia -



- Reference : 桜神宮
- Reference : Tokyo Sakura Jingu

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #sakurajingu #sakurashrine -

16 Jun 2020

EDO - Tatamicho district


Tatamicho district

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, artisan, Handwerker .
- see below for
古着新道 Furugi Jinmichi
稲荷新道 Inari Jinmichi.

Tatamicho, Tatamichō, Tatamimachi 畳町 Tatami district
中央区京橋二・三丁目 Chuo ward, Kyobashi second and third district

This district of the Edo period was abolished in 1931.

source : edo.amebaownd.com...

It used to be located near 八重洲河岸(城辺河岸).
The name refers to the tatamisashi 畳刺 makers of tatami mats, who lived there.

In the South was a part named 古着新道 Furugi Jinmichi.
In the North was a part names 稲荷新道 Inari Jinmichi.

In 1866, it became part of Tokyo.
In 1878, it became part of 京橋区 Kyobashi ward.

Just one district to the West of 大工町 Daikucho.
Also related to 武田氏 the Takeda clan from 甲府 Kofu.


In Edo, 伊阿弥 / 藺阿弥 the Iami family of tatami makers was appointed by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The family business dated back to the Muromachi period.
藺阿弥 Iami also grew igusa rush material. The family name Iami was given by 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga.
The tatami maker family later served under Toyotomi Hideyoshi.


- quote -
元柳町 Motoyanagicho、大工町 Daikucho、畳町 Tatamicho
新柳町 Shinyanagicho、増山町 Masuyamacho


- reference source : machikore.com/mattocileci... -

. Kanda daikucho 神田 大工町 carpenter district in Kanda .


. Kyoobashi 京橋 Kyobashi Bridge "Kyoto Bridge" district .

. Igusamura, Igusa mura 井草村 Igusa village .
Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward . from the first to the 5th sub-district
Kami-Igusa, Shimo-Igusa

. igusa 藺草(いぐさ)rushes, Juncus effusus .
Igusa is the main material for the Tatami floor mats.


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Kyobashi - Home of Edo's Craftsmen
The Tokaido is the main highway between Edo and Western Japan. Here in the downtown area of the city, though, it looks like just one more busy city street. As we get closer to the center of town, the streets which cross the Tokaido become broader and the buildings that line the streets become larger and more imposing. Most of the buildings on the main roads are large stores or the homes some of the city's more prosperous merchants. Kyobashi is the general name given to a large area of low-lying land that makes up one of the key commercial districts of Edo. The district occupies the flat land immediately to the West of Edo castle, and is an important center of the city's economy.
However, the reason why Kyobashi is such an important part of Edo's economy is that many communities of craftsmen and artisans live in the area. The people who practice each type of craft tend to gather together in certain neighborhoods, and for this reason, many neighborhoods in the Kyobashi area are named after the type of craftsmen who live there.
A few examples are:
Tatami-machi -- Mat-maker's village
Oke-machi -- Bucket-maker's village
Minami Daiku-machi -- South carpenter's village
Minami Kaji-machi -- South blacksmith's village
Teppo-machi -- Gunsmith's village

- source : edomatsu/kyobashi... -


Furugi Jinmichi district 古着新道
中央区八重洲二丁目 Chuo ward, Yaesu second sub-district

source : edo.amebaownd.com...

古着店 Many dealers in furugi 古着 old robes, lived here.


Inari Jinmichi district 稲荷新道
中央区日本橋堀留町一丁目 Chuo ward, Nihonbashi, Horidomecho first sub-district

source : edo.amebaownd.com...
Also called
杉ノ森新道 Suginomori jinmichi
水森新道 Mizumori jinmichi
椙森新道 Sugimori jinmichi

Leading to the shrine
椙森神社 Sugimori Jinja.
1-10-2 Nihonbashi Horidomecho, Chuo City, Tokyo

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A shrine well known for its gorgeous festival, with more than 1,000 years of history.
It is one of the oldest shrines in Tokyo.
It is said that in 940 a warrior called Tawara Tota Hidesato prayed for victory and to beat a strong enemy, and he dedicated a silver fox statue.
It is also said that Ota Dokan's ritual for rain at this shrine saved people from drought at the end of the 15th century.
It is counted as the three forests of Edo, and many people still worship there.
- source : centraltokyo-tourism.com... -

. Tawara Tōda Hidesato 俵藤太秀郷 "Lord Bag of Rice" .


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. Chūō ku, Chuuoo Ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tatamicho #tatamimachi #kyobashi #sugimoir #inarijinmichi #furugijinmichi - - - -

10 Jun 2020

EDO - Tojo Orai roads


Tojo Orai Roads

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tojo Orai, Tōjō ōrai 東城往来 Tojo Roads
Many roads starting at the town of Tojo (広島県庄原市東城町 Hiroshima, Shobara city, Tojo town)
Tojo Kaido 東城街道 Tojo Highway
was the name used for roads leading to Tojo.
Roads leading away from the side of the Setonaikai were also called
雲州街道 Unshu Kaido(出雲街道 Izumo Kaido
雲州道 Unshu no Michi / 雲州路 Unshu-Ji

. Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 .

Tojo is located in the middle between Nihonkai 日本海 the Sea of Japan and
Setonaikai 瀬戸内海 the Seto Inland Sea.
Many roads were used to bring merchandise from 備後国北部 the North of Bingo no Kuni province.

under construction

出雲国への道 Road to Izumo no Kuni
From Tojo via 松江 Matsue to the Shrine 出雲大社 Izumo Taisha
Now National Highway 314.

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .


伯耆国への道 Road to Hoki no Kuni
From Tojo via 米子 Yonago to 大山 Mount Daisen.

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Hoki Province (伯耆国, Hōki no kuni)
was an old province of Japan in the area that is today the western part of Tottori Prefecture. It was sometimes called Hakushū (伯州). Hōki bordered on Inaba, Mimasaka, Bitchū, Bingo, and Izumo Provinces.
-source : wikipedia -


新見・美作国への道 Road to Niimi, Mimasaka no Kuni
Now National Highway 182.

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Mimasaka Province (美作国, Mimasaka no kuni)
or Sakushu (作州, Sakushū) was a province of Japan in the part of Honshū that is today northeastern Okayama Prefecture.
Mimasaka bordered Bitchū, Bizen, Harima, Hōki, and Inaba Provinces.
Mimasaka was landlocked, and was often ruled by the daimyō in Bizen. The ancient capital and castle town was Tsuyama.
During the Edo period the province was controlled by the Tsuyama Domain.
- source : wikipedia -


吹屋への道 Road to Fukiya
Called 吹屋往来 Fukiya Orai from the Tojo side.
Now National Highway 182.

. My Visit to Fukiya 吹屋 .
an important copper mining town in the Edo period.


備中松山城下への道 Road to Bitchu Matsuyama
From Tojo to the castle town, present-day 岡山県高梁市 Takahashi in Okayama.
Now National Highway 182.

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Bitchū Matsuyama Castle (備中松山城, Bitchū Matsuyama-jō),
also known as Takahashi Castle, is a castle located in Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. It is not to be confused with Matsuyama Castle in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture.
Along with being one of only twelve remaining original castles in the country, Bitchū Matsuyama Castle is notable as the castle with the highest elevation above sea level in Japan at 430 meters (1410 ft).
- source : wikipedia -


笠岡への道 Road to Kasaoka
From there called the 出雲街道 Izumo Kaido.


備後福山城下への道 Road to the castle of Bingo Fukuyama
From Tojo called 福山道 Fukuyama Michi.
From Fukuyama called 東城街道 Tojo Kaido, 東城道 Tojo Michi or 東城路 Tojo-Ji.
Now National Highway 182.

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Bingo Province (備後国, Bingo no kuni)
was a province of Japan on the Inland Sea side of western Honshū, comprising what is today the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture.
It was sometimes grouped together with Bizen and Bitchu Provinces as Bishū (備州). The 備 bi in the names of these provinces is taken from the second character in the name of Kibi Province, whose ambit also included the area that would be divided off as Mimasaka Province in the early 8th century CE. Bingo bordered Bitchū, Hōki, Izumo, Iwami, and Aki Provinces.
The ancient capital is believed to have been in the vicinity of the city of Fuchu. During the Sengoku Period, Bingo was part of the Mori clan's domains, but after the Battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu reassigned it to one of his allies.
A notable landmark includes Fukuyama Castle, which was the main castle of the Bingo-Fukuyama han (clan) during the Edo period of Japanese history.
- source : wikkpedia -


備後府中への道 Road to Bingo Fuchu in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.


尾道への道 Road to Onomichi in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.


三原城下への道 Road to the castle town of Mihara in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.

. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま .


三次への道 Road to Miyoshi in Hiroshima
This road was used to procede to 安芸国 Aki no Kuni and 石見国 Iwami no Kuni
Now National Highway 23.


- reference source : wikipedia -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県

庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. daikon 大根 と伝説 Legends about radish .
daikon no oto 大根の音 the sound of a radish
People should not cut radish on the day of Inoko, because if someone hears the sound of cutting, he will die.
Farmers are also not allowed to go into 大根畑 the radish fields to pull radishes.

. inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 day of the "young wild boar" .

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ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity
Once 柳右衛門 Ryuemon saw a large rock falling from the sky and wanted to venerate it in his estate. He asked a strong forest worker to crry it to his home. The worker could carry it without aproblem, finding it quite light. But when ther reached the pass, the rock suddenly felt so heavy he could not carry it any more.
So they built a Shrine on the pass and prayed there to
手力男命 Tajikara Onokami / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
The rock seemed to grow larger every year.


. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokmi / Ame-no-tajikarao / Amenotejikara

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. Onibashi 鬼橋 the Demon Bridge .
At 帝釈山 Mount Taishakusan.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tojo #tojoorai #tojoroads - - - -