Daifuku 大福 "Great Luck" Sweets
- quote
Daifukumochi (大福餅), or
Daifuku (大福) (literally "great luck"),
is a Japanese confection consisting of a small round mochi (glutinous rice cake) stuffed with sweet filling, most commonly anko, sweetened red bean paste made from azuki beans.

Daifuku comes in many varieties. The most common is white-, pale green-, or pale pink-colored mochi filled with anko. These come in two sizes, one approximately 3cm (1.2in) diameter, the other palm-sized.
Some versions contain whole pieces of fruit, mixtures of fruit and anko, or crushed melon paste. Nearly all daifuku are covered in a fine layer of corn or potato starch to keep them from sticking to each other, or to the fingers. Some are covered with confectioner's sugar or cocoa powder.
Though mochitsuki is the traditional method of making mochi and daifuku, they can also be cooked in the microwave.
Mochi and daifuku are very popular in Japan.
Daifuku was originally called habutai mochi (腹太餅) (belly thick rice cake) because of its filling nature. Later, the name was changed to Daifuku mochi (大腹餅) (big belly rice cake). Since the pronunciations of fuku (腹) (belly) and fuku (福) (luck) are the same in Japanese, the name was further changed to Daifuku mochi (大福餅) (great luck rice cake), a bringer of good luck. By the end of the 18th century, Daifuku were gaining popularity and people began eating them toasted. They were also used for gifts in ceremonial occasions.
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. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay .
Some food names come up in the wordplay, especially with numbers for the days of a month.
Some depend on the look, like a roll cake looks like number 6.
. All about MOCHI 餅 .

"yukimi daifuku petit three colour box" 雪見だいふくプチ3色 Yukimi Daifuku Puchi San-iro
Yukimi Daifuku (雪見だいふく)
"snow-viewing daifuku"
A brand of mochi ice cream made by the company Lotte.
It consists of a ball of vanilla ice cream wrapped in a thin layer of mochi, or rice cake. Lotte originally created Wataboshi (Japanese: わたぼうし "cotton hat or capped with snow"), a bite-size ice cream wrapped in a thin layer of marshmallow in 1980. Marshmallow was quickly replaced by mochi because it is more popular in Japan and the company perfected a technology to keep mochi soft at freezing temperature in 1981.
Yukimi is a seasonal activity in Japan, similar to hanami, consisting of watching snow falling. The name is a word play (goroawase) upon tsukimi daifuku (月見大福, "moon-viewing daifuku"), the sweets traditionally eaten while viewing the moon.
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November 18 - eleventh month eleventh day
yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet mochi
goroawase語呂合わせ for Nobember 18:
11 for ii (tastes good)
18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets and a pink stick on the side, looking like 18.
. anko 餡子 red bean paste .
Coffee daifuku (コーヒー大福)
Ichigo daifuku (イチゴ大福) with strawberries
. Kokubun-ji Daifuku 国分寺大福 Kokubunji-Dumpling .
Mochi made whith white anko and mochigome rice.
Mont Blanc daifuku (モンブラン大福) with sweet chestnut cream filling
. Oita .
daifuku mochi with banana and the cooked hirome seaweed
Purin daifuku (プリン大福) with caramel pudding filling
Shio daifuku (塩大福) with salt
Ume daifuku (梅大福) with Japanese plums
. wasabi daifuku わさび大福 .
with a bit of ground wasabi in the middle
Yomogi daifuku (蓬大福) with mugwort

Goroawase Days of sweets スイーツ図書室
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Daifuku 大福 "Great Luck" Sweets
- quote
Daifukumochi (大福餅), or
Daifuku (大福) (literally "great luck"),
is a Japanese confection consisting of a small round mochi (glutinous rice cake) stuffed with sweet filling, most commonly anko, sweetened red bean paste made from azuki beans.

Daifuku comes in many varieties. The most common is white-, pale green-, or pale pink-colored mochi filled with anko. These come in two sizes, one approximately 3cm (1.2in) diameter, the other palm-sized.
Some versions contain whole pieces of fruit, mixtures of fruit and anko, or crushed melon paste. Nearly all daifuku are covered in a fine layer of corn or potato starch to keep them from sticking to each other, or to the fingers. Some are covered with confectioner's sugar or cocoa powder.
Though mochitsuki is the traditional method of making mochi and daifuku, they can also be cooked in the microwave.
Mochi and daifuku are very popular in Japan.
Daifuku was originally called habutai mochi (腹太餅) (belly thick rice cake) because of its filling nature. Later, the name was changed to Daifuku mochi (大腹餅) (big belly rice cake). Since the pronunciations of fuku (腹) (belly) and fuku (福) (luck) are the same in Japanese, the name was further changed to Daifuku mochi (大福餅) (great luck rice cake), a bringer of good luck. By the end of the 18th century, Daifuku were gaining popularity and people began eating them toasted. They were also used for gifts in ceremonial occasions.
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. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay .
Some food names come up in the wordplay, especially with numbers for the days of a month.
Some depend on the look, like a roll cake looks like number 6.
. All about MOCHI 餅 .

"yukimi daifuku petit three colour box" 雪見だいふくプチ3色 Yukimi Daifuku Puchi San-iro
Yukimi Daifuku (雪見だいふく)
"snow-viewing daifuku"
A brand of mochi ice cream made by the company Lotte.
It consists of a ball of vanilla ice cream wrapped in a thin layer of mochi, or rice cake. Lotte originally created Wataboshi (Japanese: わたぼうし "cotton hat or capped with snow"), a bite-size ice cream wrapped in a thin layer of marshmallow in 1980. Marshmallow was quickly replaced by mochi because it is more popular in Japan and the company perfected a technology to keep mochi soft at freezing temperature in 1981.
Yukimi is a seasonal activity in Japan, similar to hanami, consisting of watching snow falling. The name is a word play (goroawase) upon tsukimi daifuku (月見大福, "moon-viewing daifuku"), the sweets traditionally eaten while viewing the moon.
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November 18 - eleventh month eleventh day
yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet mochi
goroawase語呂合わせ for Nobember 18:
11 for ii (tastes good)
18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets and a pink stick on the side, looking like 18.
. anko 餡子 red bean paste .
Coffee daifuku (コーヒー大福)
Ichigo daifuku (イチゴ大福) with strawberries
. Kokubun-ji Daifuku 国分寺大福 Kokubunji-Dumpling .
Mochi made whith white anko and mochigome rice.
Mont Blanc daifuku (モンブラン大福) with sweet chestnut cream filling
. Oita .
daifuku mochi with banana and the cooked hirome seaweed
Purin daifuku (プリン大福) with caramel pudding filling
Shio daifuku (塩大福) with salt
Ume daifuku (梅大福) with Japanese plums
. wasabi daifuku わさび大福 .
with a bit of ground wasabi in the middle
Yomogi daifuku (蓬大福) with mugwort

Goroawase Days of sweets スイーツ図書室
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