. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
November - juuichigatsu 十一月
A lot of the goroawase combinations start with
ii いい 11 good, well

.................... 01 .................................................................................
. Day of classical literature 古典の日 .
. Sushi Day 寿司の日 Sushi no hi .
. Banseietsu 万聖節 All Saints' Day .
. Shareisai 諸霊祭 All Souls Day .
. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .
. Samhain Festival - Ireland .
koocha no hi 紅茶の日 day of black tea
since 1983. In 1791 on this day black tea was introduced for the first time in Japan.
wan wan wan ワンワンワン 11 1 - 犬の日 day of dogs
(the sound is like wan 1. goroawase)
.................... 03 .................................................................................
. Culture Day 文化の日 .
airing the treasures of the Shosoin 正倉院曝涼, kazeire 風入れ
. Meiji Shrine Festival 明治神宮祭 Tokyo .
ii osan no hi いいお産の日 day of a good birth
goroawase 11 03
.................... 05 .................................................................................
ii ringo no hi いいりんごの日 day of apples
since 2001 in Aomori. goroawase with い(1)い(1)りんご(5)
.................... 06 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .
temaki rooru keeki no hi 手巻きロールケーキの日
day of roll cake, every month on the 6th.
If the cake is cut, the surface looks like the number 6. goroawase with ro(ku) 6.
.................... 07 .................................................................................
. rittoo 立冬 Ritto. beginning of winter .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
.................... 08 .................................................................................
ii pakku no hi いいパックの日 day of good packing
goroawase with 11 8. Since 1991.
ii ha いい刃 - 刃物の日 day of knives (hamono)
goroawase 11 8.
.................... 09 .................................................................................
. Honorable tenth night ritual 十夜法要.
Prayers of the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism
kureepu no hi クレープの日 day of crepe pancaces
every day with a 9 is crepe day. goroawase with ku 9 九.
hyakujuukyuuban no hi 119番の日 - 119 day of the fire brigade
Call the number 119 in case of a fire. goroawase.
ii kuuki no hi いい空気 - 換気の日 day of good ventilation
goroawase 11 9
.................... 10 .................................................................................
. Memorial Rituals for Yuima Vimalakirti 維摩会 Yuima E .
Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara 興福寺
toire no hi" トイレの日 Toilet Day
goroawase 「いいト」イレ) to i 11 10+1
erebeeta no hi エレベーターの日 Elevator Day
since 1979. In 1890 on this day the first elevator was activated in Asakusa, Tokyo.
ii te いい手(ハンドクリーム)の日 day of hand cream
goroawase 11 10 (ten)
.................... 11 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .
. Armistice Day, Rememberance Day .
Veterans Day, Poppy Day
. Pocky no Hi - pocky sticks day .
ポッキー&プリッツの日. Since 1999. goroawase. four sticks look like 1111.
chiizu no hi チーズの日 day of cheese
since 1992.
denchi no hi 電池の日 day of electric batteries
goroawase (十一十一) plus minus plus minus
geta no hi 下駄の日 geta day
gorowasee. the footprints of geta look like 二 二.
hashi no hi 箸の日 day of chopsticks
goroawase. four look like 1111.
kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of mirrors
since 2006.
goroawase. 「11 11」や縦書きにした「十一 十一」が左右対称であること
kiritanpo no hi きりたんぽの日 day of kiritampo food.
goroawase. four look like 1111.
kutsushita no hi 靴下の日 socks day
since 1993.
goroawaes 11 11 looks like two pairs of socks. Lovers buy each other socks on this day.
moyashi no hi もやしの日 day of soy bean sprouts.
goroawase. four threads look like 1111.
piinatsu no hi ピーナッツの日 - peanuts day
since 1985.
goroawase. out of one sheath there come two pea nuts, like twice the same number 1.
(シーズンで数字が並んでいる) (11のぞろ目の日)
sake no hi 圭 → 鮭の日 salmon day
in Niigata since 1987.
goroawase. the old letter for 圭 looks like 十一十一 10+1 10+1
sakka no hi サッカーの日 sakka (soccer) day
goroawase 11 players vs 11 players
.................... 12 .................................................................................
ii hifu いい皮膚の日 day of nice skin
goroawase . 12 hitotsu futatsu
.................... 13 .................................................................................
. urushi no hi はうるしの日 day of laquer .
.................... 14 .................................................................................
. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Memorial Day - India .
pachinko no hi パチンコの日 day of pachinko
the permission for the first store was given in 1979
.................... 15 .................................................................................
. Shichigosan, Shichi Go San 七五三祝 .
hakamagi 袴着 Wearing the hakama for the first time.
. "Night of the tenth day 十日夜 (tookanya) .
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields.
okashi no hi お菓子の日 day of sweets
every month on the 15th. The first exhibition of sweets and cakes was in the past on April 15.
.................... 16 .................................................................................
. Leonid Meteor Shower .
. Opening the tea jar (kuchikiri 口切の茶事 ) .
ii iro 塗装の日
since 1998.
goroawase いい色 ii iro ichi roku 16.
jinensho no hi 自然薯の日 day of Dioscorea japonica.
goroawase, 6を「も」の字に見立て、「11(いい)16(いも)」
.................... 18 .................................................................................
doboku no hi 土木の日 day of civil engineering
since 1987.
goroawase. 「土木」を分解すると「十一」「十八」

yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns
goroawase. 11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets looking like 18.
.................... 19 .................................................................................
shuukuriimu no hi シュークリームの日 day of chou cream puff
- - - シューク - juu ku ジューク 10 9 goroawase
.................... 20 .................................................................................
. Universal Children's Day - UN .
bojuree nuuboo ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日 First day of Beaujolais nouveau wine
(or the third Thursday in November)
It used to be November 11.
ii fuaa no hi いいファーの日 day of good fur
goroawase. 20(ファー)
.................... 21 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .
Hakyoo Ki 波郷忌, Nintoo Ki 忍冬忌, Fuukaku Ki 風鶴忌, Shakumyoo Ki 惜命忌
.................... 22 .................................................................................
. shoosetsu 小雪 Shosetsu "small snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
. ii fuufu いい夫婦 day of good couples .
goroawase 11 22
.................... 23 .................................................................................
. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝の日 .
kinroo kansha no hi
- niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 official Harvest Festival
. Harvest Thanksgiving at Izumo Shrine 出雲大社新嘗祭
. Memorial Day for Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 .
. World Mother-in-Law's Day. Mother in Law .
ii fumi no hi いい文の日 day of a good letter
started by the post office. Every day on the 23 (fu mi) is "letter day".
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)み(3)」
ii fusai no hi いい夫妻の日 day of a good couple
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)さい(3)」
ii niisan no hi いい兄さんの日 day of the elder brother
goroawase. 11 23 「い(1)い(1)にい(2)さん(3)」
.................... 25 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Mishima Yukio 三島 由紀夫 .
haibijon no hi ハイビジョンの日 day of high vision
from 19 to 25 is High Vision Week. 1125本
.................... 28 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
Bashoo ki 芭蕉忌, Okina no hi 翁の日, Shigure ki 時雨忌, Toosei ki 桃青忌
The 12th day of the 10th lunar month of 1694.
.................... 29 .................................................................................
ii fuku no hi いい服の日 day of good cloths
goroawase. 「いい(11)ふく(29)」fu ku
ii niku no hi いい肉の日 day of good meat
goroawase. 「いい(11)にく(29)」ni ku
.................... 30 .................................................................................
. Bonifacio Day - Philippines .
. Independence Day - Yemen .
.................... end of November
. American Thanksgiving .
fourth Thursday of November
. Advent 待降節 .
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.
. Market on the Day of the Rooster 酉の市 .
. November - a month without Gods (kami no rusu 神無月) .
. WKD : November - a Haiku Month .
. WKD : World Days in November .
. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - November .
. Memorial Days of Famous People - November .
For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.
To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.
Study the details here, please:
. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.
. Seasons beginning .
. Seasons ending .
. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .
. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .

. Japanese Calendar Days .
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. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
November - juuichigatsu 十一月
A lot of the goroawase combinations start with
ii いい 11 good, well

.................... 01 .................................................................................
. Day of classical literature 古典の日 .
. Sushi Day 寿司の日 Sushi no hi .
. Banseietsu 万聖節 All Saints' Day .
. Shareisai 諸霊祭 All Souls Day .
. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .
. Samhain Festival - Ireland .
koocha no hi 紅茶の日 day of black tea
since 1983. In 1791 on this day black tea was introduced for the first time in Japan.
wan wan wan ワンワンワン 11 1 - 犬の日 day of dogs
(the sound is like wan 1. goroawase)
.................... 03 .................................................................................
. Culture Day 文化の日 .
airing the treasures of the Shosoin 正倉院曝涼, kazeire 風入れ
. Meiji Shrine Festival 明治神宮祭 Tokyo .
ii osan no hi いいお産の日 day of a good birth
goroawase 11 03
.................... 05 .................................................................................
ii ringo no hi いいりんごの日 day of apples
since 2001 in Aomori. goroawase with い(1)い(1)りんご(5)
.................... 06 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .
temaki rooru keeki no hi 手巻きロールケーキの日
day of roll cake, every month on the 6th.
If the cake is cut, the surface looks like the number 6. goroawase with ro(ku) 6.
.................... 07 .................................................................................
. rittoo 立冬 Ritto. beginning of winter .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
.................... 08 .................................................................................
ii pakku no hi いいパックの日 day of good packing
goroawase with 11 8. Since 1991.
ii ha いい刃 - 刃物の日 day of knives (hamono)
goroawase 11 8.
.................... 09 .................................................................................
. Honorable tenth night ritual 十夜法要.
Prayers of the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism
kureepu no hi クレープの日 day of crepe pancaces
every day with a 9 is crepe day. goroawase with ku 9 九.
hyakujuukyuuban no hi 119番の日 - 119 day of the fire brigade
Call the number 119 in case of a fire. goroawase.
ii kuuki no hi いい空気 - 換気の日 day of good ventilation
goroawase 11 9
.................... 10 .................................................................................
. Memorial Rituals for Yuima Vimalakirti 維摩会 Yuima E .
Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara 興福寺
toire no hi" トイレの日 Toilet Day
goroawase 「いいト」イレ) to i 11 10+1
erebeeta no hi エレベーターの日 Elevator Day
since 1979. In 1890 on this day the first elevator was activated in Asakusa, Tokyo.
ii te いい手(ハンドクリーム)の日 day of hand cream
goroawase 11 10 (ten)
.................... 11 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .
. Armistice Day, Rememberance Day .
Veterans Day, Poppy Day
. Pocky no Hi - pocky sticks day .
ポッキー&プリッツの日. Since 1999. goroawase. four sticks look like 1111.
chiizu no hi チーズの日 day of cheese
since 1992.
denchi no hi 電池の日 day of electric batteries
goroawase (十一十一) plus minus plus minus
geta no hi 下駄の日 geta day
gorowasee. the footprints of geta look like 二 二.
hashi no hi 箸の日 day of chopsticks
goroawase. four look like 1111.
kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of mirrors
since 2006.
goroawase. 「11 11」や縦書きにした「十一 十一」が左右対称であること
kiritanpo no hi きりたんぽの日 day of kiritampo food.
goroawase. four look like 1111.
kutsushita no hi 靴下の日 socks day
since 1993.
goroawaes 11 11 looks like two pairs of socks. Lovers buy each other socks on this day.
moyashi no hi もやしの日 day of soy bean sprouts.
goroawase. four threads look like 1111.
piinatsu no hi ピーナッツの日 - peanuts day
since 1985.
goroawase. out of one sheath there come two pea nuts, like twice the same number 1.
(シーズンで数字が並んでいる) (11のぞろ目の日)
sake no hi 圭 → 鮭の日 salmon day
in Niigata since 1987.
goroawase. the old letter for 圭 looks like 十一十一 10+1 10+1
sakka no hi サッカーの日 sakka (soccer) day
goroawase 11 players vs 11 players
.................... 12 .................................................................................
ii hifu いい皮膚の日 day of nice skin
goroawase . 12 hitotsu futatsu
.................... 13 .................................................................................
. urushi no hi はうるしの日 day of laquer .
.................... 14 .................................................................................
. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Memorial Day - India .
pachinko no hi パチンコの日 day of pachinko
the permission for the first store was given in 1979
.................... 15 .................................................................................
. Shichigosan, Shichi Go San 七五三祝 .
hakamagi 袴着 Wearing the hakama for the first time.
. "Night of the tenth day 十日夜 (tookanya) .
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields.
okashi no hi お菓子の日 day of sweets
every month on the 15th. The first exhibition of sweets and cakes was in the past on April 15.
.................... 16 .................................................................................
. Leonid Meteor Shower .
. Opening the tea jar (kuchikiri 口切の茶事 ) .
ii iro 塗装の日
since 1998.
goroawase いい色 ii iro ichi roku 16.
jinensho no hi 自然薯の日 day of Dioscorea japonica.
goroawase, 6を「も」の字に見立て、「11(いい)16(いも)」
.................... 18 .................................................................................
doboku no hi 土木の日 day of civil engineering
since 1987.
goroawase. 「土木」を分解すると「十一」「十八」

yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns
goroawase. 11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets looking like 18.
.................... 19 .................................................................................
shuukuriimu no hi シュークリームの日 day of chou cream puff
- - - シューク - juu ku ジューク 10 9 goroawase
.................... 20 .................................................................................
. Universal Children's Day - UN .
bojuree nuuboo ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日 First day of Beaujolais nouveau wine
(or the third Thursday in November)
It used to be November 11.
ii fuaa no hi いいファーの日 day of good fur
goroawase. 20(ファー)
.................... 21 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .
Hakyoo Ki 波郷忌, Nintoo Ki 忍冬忌, Fuukaku Ki 風鶴忌, Shakumyoo Ki 惜命忌
.................... 22 .................................................................................
. shoosetsu 小雪 Shosetsu "small snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
. ii fuufu いい夫婦 day of good couples .
goroawase 11 22
.................... 23 .................................................................................
. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝の日 .
kinroo kansha no hi
- niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 official Harvest Festival
. Harvest Thanksgiving at Izumo Shrine 出雲大社新嘗祭
. Memorial Day for Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 .
. World Mother-in-Law's Day. Mother in Law .
ii fumi no hi いい文の日 day of a good letter
started by the post office. Every day on the 23 (fu mi) is "letter day".
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)み(3)」
ii fusai no hi いい夫妻の日 day of a good couple
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)さい(3)」
ii niisan no hi いい兄さんの日 day of the elder brother
goroawase. 11 23 「い(1)い(1)にい(2)さん(3)」
.................... 25 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Mishima Yukio 三島 由紀夫 .
haibijon no hi ハイビジョンの日 day of high vision
from 19 to 25 is High Vision Week. 1125本
.................... 28 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
Bashoo ki 芭蕉忌, Okina no hi 翁の日, Shigure ki 時雨忌, Toosei ki 桃青忌
The 12th day of the 10th lunar month of 1694.
.................... 29 .................................................................................
ii fuku no hi いい服の日 day of good cloths
goroawase. 「いい(11)ふく(29)」fu ku
ii niku no hi いい肉の日 day of good meat
goroawase. 「いい(11)にく(29)」ni ku
.................... 30 .................................................................................
. Bonifacio Day - Philippines .
. Independence Day - Yemen .
.................... end of November
. American Thanksgiving .
fourth Thursday of November
. Advent 待降節 .
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.
. Market on the Day of the Rooster 酉の市 .
. November - a month without Gods (kami no rusu 神無月) .
. WKD : November - a Haiku Month .
. WKD : World Days in November .
. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - November .
. Memorial Days of Famous People - November .
For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.
To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.
Study the details here, please:
. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.
. Seasons beginning .
. Seasons ending .
. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .
. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .
. Japanese Calendar Days .
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