Korean heritage 韓国 Kankoku 朝鮮 Chosen
Korean Impact On Japanese Culture
by Dr. Jon Carter Covell (Author), Alan Covell (Author)

This book probes into subjects still frowned upon in Tokyo; it explores a few "skeletons in the imperial closet."
A half century ago this subject brought authors to prison or death. Using tools such as archeology, stylistic analysis, Japan's sacred scriptures themselves, its imperial line is here traced back to Korean origins, its legitimacy established by an iron sword from Paekche kept inaccessible at Iso-no-Kami) with a gold inscription, which dates Japan's founding ruler from 369 A.D., rather than orthodoxy's 660 B.C.
"Japanese culture," up to the eighth century, derived primarily from Korea--whether it was music, landscape gardening, textiles, ceramics, or major masterpieces of architecture, sculpture, and painting.
Top "National Treasures" of Japan either came from Korea or were sponsored by Korean-descended aristocrats, such as the famed Shotoku Taishi, who imported artists and Buddhist priests to the islands.
- source : www.amazon.co
. Discussion of facebook .
. komainu, koma inu, koma-inu 狛犬 lit. "Korean Dog" . .
- quote -
Yamato people (大和民族 Yamato minzoku, also "Yamato race")
and Wajin (和人 Wajin, literally "Wa people")
are names for the dominant native ethnic group of Japan. It is a term that came to be used around the late 19th century to distinguish the settlers of mainland Japan from other minority ethnic groups who have settled the peripheral areas of Japan, such as the Ainu, Ryukyuans, Nivkh, Oroks, as well as Koreans, Taiwanese, and Taiwanese aborigines who were incorporated into the Empire of Japan in the early 20th century.
The name was applied to the Imperial House of Japan or "Yamato Court" that existed in Japan in the 4th century, and was originally the name of the region where the Yamato people first settled in Yamato Province (modern-day Nara Prefecture).[citation needed] Generations of Japanese historians, linguists, and archeologists have debated whether the word is related to the earlier Yamatai (邪馬台). The Yamato clan set up Japan's first and only dynasty.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Korea and Japan - The Origin of the Yamato Dynasty in the Japanese Islands
List of 11 PDF files, reference etc.
East Asian History
- source : www.wontackhong.com
Early Korea - Web Resources
- source : www.art-and-archaeology.com

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. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 3/12/2015 12:26:00 pm
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