2 Jun 2015

MINGEI - Kumamoto shunnamejo


Hitoyoshi town 人吉市


shunnamejo しゅんなめじょ Shunnamejo

しゅん=春 shun is for spring
なめ=男女 name is for male and female
じょ=愛称の接尾語 jo is a pleasent word ending

decoration for the New Year, to pray for a good harvest and good luck.

Made from a stick of the paper mulberry tree (koozo 楮) in the simple form with a human face.

This simple doll is then decorated with paper robes for male and female forms.
A stand is made from a straw barrel with four legs.

The dolls and some flower imitations of mochi rice are stuck into the straw.
The more human figures a family decorated, the more hands there would be during the harvest time to help with the farm work.
This decoration was made by all farming families and put up in the tokonoma alcove for decoration during the New Year holidays.

- source : www.pe-toru.or.jp -

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