2 Jun 2015

MINGEI - Tanabata dolls



Tanabata ningyoo 七夕人形 dolls for the star festival

From Matsumoto town, Nagano
Tanabata is celebrated one month later, in August. Families where a child has been born in the year hang out these dolls and pray for the well-being of the baby.

- - - - - There are four types
(1)人がた形式 dolls like hitogata from Shrines, with various layers of white paper.
some ride a horse, some are placed under a small roof.
(2)着物掛け形式 simple wooden shapes that can be dressed as boys or girls with paper robes. The bad luck of the children is wrapped on the paper and then put on the dolls, to go away. Usually only with boy's features.
They are also called kaatari カータリ(川渡り)"crossing the river" (to the other world)
kawagoe カワゴエ(川越え)crossing the river
ashinaga アシナガ(足長)"long legs"

(3)紙雛形式 like hina-dolls from paper, with a thin wooden board inside.
The male wears a crown, the female a special ladie's headdress. Both wear a hakama long skirt, of the same color.
(4)流し雛形式 hina-dolls to wash away in a river.
Simple forms made only with paper. Even the hair is paper-shaped.

- Look at more samples:
- source : 松本市の歴史 -

. Nagano Folk Art - 長野県 .


Ooshio village 大塩町 "Big Salt" , Hyogo
(part of Himeji)

Oshio is a small hamlet close to Takasago town. The custom of these dolls is very old. Some are quite bit, about 38 cm long. In former times every household made them, but nowadays they are also sold, even as souvenirs.
On the 6th of August
two bamboo poles for Tanabata are set up in front of the home and these dolls hang there. They have a lot of different patterns of kimono and hakama trouser skirts. The more dolls a family hangs outside, the more kimono will the girl have when getting married.

. Hyogo Folk Art - 兵庫県  .

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp -


仙台の七夕人形こけし - kokeshi from Miyagi, Sendai

(あじさい・あやめ・かすり)as pattens named
ajisai - hydrangea // ayame - iris // kasuri - Ikat

- source : bizloop.jp-


山梨の七夕人形 - from Yamanashi

Cut from paper in various patterns.
Also used to protect the home from thieves.
泥棒除けになる / オルスイさん(お留守居さん)

- reference -


source : mingeijapan - furoshiki




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